Tam-Ra, Part 5 - Night Dreams By Jobber Joe Supergirl has some "issues" to deal with as she prepares to fight young Amazon, Tam-Ra All of this, the beatdown of Wonder Woman, the stunning defeat and emasculation of Superman, not to mention steamy details of their subsequent enslavements to the towering Teen Tyro, Tam-Ra, is vividly laid out for Kara Zor-el, Supergirl, when she receives a copy of a video shot by Tam-Ra's attendants during between and after both epic battles. At the end of the shocking hour long video, the strapping young redhead issues a personal challenge, derisively addressing Kara as Super Slut, and announcing she will come to America to complete her annihilation of the Justice League by, in her words, "destroying" the so-called Maiden of Might in the boxing ring. Supergirl, though she has held both her cousin, Superman, now called Slut Boy by his new Mistress, and Wonder Woman, or rather Wonder Slut, mostly in contempt this past year, upset some by their greater popularity with the masses, but more so by the complicated love quadrangle in which they have all been involved, has also pledged to the gravely weakened Justice League her commitment to fight great criminals and other threats to the free world. So she knows she has no choice but to lace up the gloves against the mysterious young redhead who threatens to take over the world if she should defeat Supergirl. There are more than a few issues for the tabloids to latch on to, and for Supergirl to fret about, in the weeks leading up to the much ballyhooed boxing match. Sensational stories and pictures have already appeared, some fabricated, some unfortunately all too real, in the smuttiest of the weekly "rags", scenes and descriptions of the lowly, slavish lives now ostensibly being led by the fallen Justice Leaguers, Wonder Woman and Superman. Woven into all of this, of course, is that LOVE QUADRANGLE, as complicated as it comes, but certainly all laid out here in recent weeks, sensationalized and exaggerated some by the tabloids, more discreetly presented in the main-line press; and, of course, still on the minds of at least two of its unwitting participants, namely current lovers, Kara Zor-El and Lois Lane. Yes, it is that Lois Lane whom Kara is presently involved with, the leggy, comely super reporter who for years was hopelessly devoted to Superman; until, that is, her unfortunate abduction by and subsequent brainwashing by master criminal, Lex Luthor last year. With Superman held at bay by a deadly ring of Kryptonite guarding Luthor's mountain fortress, the dark haired beauty, Lois, was re- programmed to shun and deceive her former lover upon her eventual release. And, indeed, an almost robot-like Lois Lane, with absolutely no amorous intentions, nearly killed Superman one night by luring the horny superhero into bed while wearing panties laced with traces of Kryptonite. As Superman first swooned and then feinted away completely, Lois stuffed the panties into his mouth and left him there, almost a vegetable by the time the landlady found him. But Superman, despite a difficult recovery, was still smitten by the leggy, curvy news reporter, and refused to file charges against Lois when he was once again strong enough and coherent enough to face the issue. So Lois, in detention for nearly a month, was freed by the Man of Steel she'd almost killed: but, still under Luthor's brainwashing spell, she spurned his further advances, until Superman's cousin, Kara Zor-el, worked with him on de- programming Lois. It took weeks, but Kara's therapy finally worked, re-igniting Lois Lane's affection for the big lug; but too late, as the Man of Steel, spurned one too many times by the beautiful, if volatile, news reporter, had already leapt into the welcoming arms of Wonder Woman; herself feeling shunned by onetime love, Kara's, time consuming, and, in Wonder Woman's judgment, excessively tender devotion to getting Lois Lane well. So, as Superman and Wonder Woman fell quickly in love, their recently discarded former mates, Lois Lane and Kara Zor-el/Supergirl, respectively, naturally fell, and fell hard, for each other, completing the strange quadrangle. It's the early morning hours the night before the big fight in New York City. In their luxurious hotel suite, it has been a restless night for both Kara and loving companion, Lois. Kara had been sullen, distracted, earlier in the evening when Lois had tried to be intimate, shrugging off the sexy news reporter's every advance; then had tossed and turned in fitful slumber most of the night. Now, Lois rolls over groggily, some small part of her unconscious mind ringing a mild alarm at the complete lack of movement or sound next to her. Dreamily she reaches an arm over to lay on the buxom blonde superheroines hip. It isn't there! Kara isn't there! Lois sits up with a start, looking around sleepily, trying to focus eyes in the murky darkness. Then she hears the low moan, weak, scared little cry from out in the main suite. With shivers of fright and uncertainty, she gets out of bed, hurriedly throws on her black silk "teddy", calling out, "Kara, oh gawd, Kara, are you alright?". She gets no intelligible answer, only another plaintive, weak little moan from beyond the closed door. She rushes into the suite, darkened save for the glare of the TV in one corner. The screen is solid blue, the tail-end of a video recording that has ended. silhouetted in the eery blue light at the foot of the TV/VCR stand is a crumpled figure with long disheveled blonde hair, kneeling, head bowed, shoulders slumped forward, still moaning, now mumbling "No, No, I'm Supergirl, can't beat me,. ungggghh!" Lois rushes to her moaning companion, exclaiming, "Kara, Kara, oh gawwwd, what's wrong?". The crumpled figure jerks suddenly, cries out, "Tam-Ra , stay away, no, no, please no. stop stop". Lois drops to her knees next to the pathetically pleading blonde, notices for the first time that Kara sometime in the night has pulled on her bared midriff blue top, her "shortie summer" top they'd selected together from among her assortment of seasonal Supergirl outfits, the one she and Lois decided she should wear in the ring. And she's slipped on the dark blue gloves, one, the right glove at the end of a seemingly limp arm, is laid over the edge of the TV cart, the other, left glove tucked down between her spread thighs. Her bare crotch is wet and steaming. Kara gently shakes her beautiful blonde companion by her rounded shoulders, comforting her, "Kara, Kara, its okay, this is Lois, I'm here now". The crumpled beauty begins to shake and tremble violently, raises her head up slightly, mumbles, "Lois, oh gawwwdd, she can't do this to me. She didn't knock me down; I slipped, I'm not hurt, I can get up. Why won't she let me get up, Lois?" Lois slaps her gently on one cheek, the other arm wrapped protectively around Kara's trembling body, coos soothingly, "Kara darling, wake up, you've been dreaming.. it's all a dream; nobody can hurt you my Supergirl!" The crumpled figure's trembling slowly stops, she slumps back in Lois's arms as the leggy brunette sits back, pulls the voluptuous superheroine into her lap, stroking her forehead, wiping the tears from her reddened eyes. Kara looks up plaintively at her sexy companion, finally mumbles, "only a dream?; didn't happen then?" "That's right dearie, only a dream", Lois coos to the younger blonde as she gently removes the gloves, which had not been laced up, were only hanging loosely on the Maiden of Might's hands, then adds, "come on, Kara, you gotta get some rest" She stands up, still holding Kara's one hand, starts to pull her up, noting with some alarm how Kara wobbles as she struggles stiffly up, leans heavily on her as they shuffle back to the bedroom. Lois thinks to herself, "my gawd, the kid's legs are buckling, she can barely walk". They stumble to the bedroom, the much bigger, usually stronger, Kara having to be propped up by the slender news reporter, as she wobbles and weaves along on clearly rubbery legs. Lois suspects Kryptonite, the one substance that can bring a Kryptonian being like Kara to her knees, but they'd taken the care to place sensors in several corners of each room, and none are flashing an alarm. Lois is puzzled and worried. But as she guides Kara to a shaky roost sitting on the edge of the bed, Kara, a little more in control now, softly intones, "don't worry, Lois, the legs were just a little numb from being in an awkward position for so long. I'm okay now, don't worry about me. I'm Supergirl after all, Heh heh." Lois is relieved that Kara has a bit of her wry sense of humor back at least, turns to go into the bathroom, looking for a damp washcloth to wipe Kara's face with. When she returns to the bed, Kara has sprawled out on her back on top of the covers, blue top still on. She appears to have dozed off, but no, her clear blue eyes are open, meeting Lois's green eyed gaze with unmistakable languorous longing. Her blue clad chest heaves up and down with her deep, gentle breathing. Lois can feel a telling wetness growing between her own legs at the sight of her luscious companion lying there so invitingly. She climbs with both knees on to the bed, reaches forward with the damp cloth, gently wiping down that beautiful youthful face. Kara sighs appreciatively, stays spread- eagled, but wiggles her voluptuous body expectantly. Lois takes the cue, drops the cloth, wraps the gorgeous crimefighter up in a big hug, laying back in full lip lock now. Though she can feel Kara's body melting into hers, the sexy news reporter senses a strange passivity in her loving companion. Kara is like a rag doll, letting Lois be the total aggressor. Lois rolls on top, instead of struggling against her as she oft-times does during their playful tussles, Kara's arms drop limply behind her head, unresisting. The blonde moans softly, mumbles, "no, no, not the cuffs, please not the rod, Lois no, no" even as her heated up, splayed body signals "yes, yes, do me!" Lois recognizes the telltale signals immediately, pulls back, reaches into the nightstand drawer, pulls out the ten inch plastic strap-on, and the leather cuffs. Ever the kinky one, Lois intrinsically knows this isn't right, isn't the time for this kind of frivolity; "Kara needs her beauty rest for gawd's sake"' but the over-sexed news reporter can't help herself. Wrists are swiftly cuffed, the leather straps attached to the cuffs wound tightly around and tied to the corner posts. Kara wiggles excitedly, struggling but feebly in her new bindings, but makes no serious attempt to work herself free. She could rip the bed post loose from its frame with just one hundredth-speed twist of her iron strong superbod, but instead chooses to play as helpless as a newborn lamb. Lois stands next to the bed, fairly panting as she fastens the dildo harness straps around her smooth hips and tight little butt. The tethered, spread-eagled Maiden of Might moans plaintively, seductively, hoarsely whispers, "no, no, Lois, not tonite, have to rest up, gads no!" But the words are spoken half-heartedly, and her well lubricated hips are undulating suggestively, betraying her true desires. Lois hesitates for just a moment of self-doubt, thinking, "no no, better to let her calm down and get as much sleep as she can; " but her raging hormones just as quickly take control, and with a low, lusty growl, she playfully teases her tethered prey, "tough luck, BITCH, you're mine!". The 2 words elicit an almost scared sounding cry from the fevered lips of the splayed blonde superheroine. In her dizzying minds eye, she has suddenly flashed back to the last few seconds of the tape that has just run out in the other room. There is Tam-Ra, the self-proclaimed Mistress of Humiliation, standing there in all her terrifying, if glorious, 6'3", flame-haired splendor, Wonder Slut's star spangled panties gripped in one hand, the tattered patch of blue with the shredded Red "S" torn from Slut Boys enormous chest in the other hand. She is glaring at the camera, has just issued the boxing challenge to the Maiden of Might, and finishes with, "SUPER SLUT, YOU'RE MINE!" Kara suddenly blurts out, "no, no, not a SLUT; gads, gotta get up!".. Lois, lost in her own lusty rage now, thinks this is all part of the game, snorting seductively as she moves in on the splayed beauty, "bitch, slut, SUPERGIRL, you're all the same to this Mama! " She moves up onto the bed to mount and enter Kara's sopping wet pussy, but suddenly Kara swings her untethered legs up, taking a half- hearted, weak kick at her dark haired mate. Lois growls with feigned displeasure, swats at the upraised legs after they plop softly, harmlessly, against her washboard abs. The beautiful, tanned legs drop heavily to one side. Lois grabs them roughly, pushes them back out to wide spread-eagles, getting no resistance from the still tethered blonde beauty save a meek little cry of "no, no, can't do this to me!" As she has grabbed Kara's gorgeous long legs at mid-thigh, Lois couldn't help noticing that Kara's superbly muscled thighs are trembling like warm Jell-O, soft and pliable, and steaming!. She gives the strange notion of a so-called Maiden of Might having jellied thigh muscles but scant thought as she takes the first plunge, the dildo sinking fast and deep into Kara's collapsing walls of warm, moist womanhood. In Kara's sex-clouded mind, she has had a sudden, vivid, and intensely troubling, vision of falling beneath a hail of flying leather, her legs buckling weakly as she crashes to her back on the canvas. Above her now, Lois grunts while taking a second lusty plunge into the musty depths of her lover's sopping wet love canal with the hard plastic dildo, the long shaft making a loud, wet "PLOP!" as it slowly withdraws from the writhing superheroine. Totally lost now in her own fleshful fantasies, Kara's sub-conscious mind flashes a vivid dark "2" across her dazed mind. She can't really comprehend whether it is a numeric figure or a voice, only knows it has hit her muddled senses like a runaway freight train. She mumbles thinly, "no, gotta get up, beat the count, gunnnnh!" If she hears the strange, mumbled words, Lois, lost in her own fleshful fantasies at the moment, pays it little heed. She thrusts again, a brilliant "3" flashes across Kara's hallucinating brain, she whimpers, "no, no, can't be on the canvas, I'm Superg___nnnngh", her faint words dying off into a guttural moan of exquisite torment as Lois takes a 4th plunge and Kara's plundered body shakes and trembles on the ragged edge of total surrender. Lois is like a woman possessed, slowly withdrawing the slicked down dildo after the 4th thrust, laughing wickedly at the loud wet plop it makes when its bulbous, ribbed head pulls away from Kara's sopping opening, then reaching forward to roughly shove the undulating sweat soaked blue top up and off Kara's heaving melon breasts. Grabbing one creamy white breast in each hand, she delights in mangling the soft breast tissue, tugging on the hard, distended, leathery nipples as she thrusts in and out four more times in rapid succession now, her gyrating hips slamming against the superheroine's quivering ass cheeks, taking Kara's gloriously impaled body along for the ride. Deep within her clouded brain, poor Kara is about to lose it entirely, a sense of giddy panic washing over her as an inner voice loudly tolls out, "5,6,7,8" with each lusty thrust of Lois Lane's plundering fake cock. She tells herself, "oh gawd no, can't be happening; it's too late, I can't get up, won't beat the count, gunhhhhh! " Panting from the exertion Lois pauses after the last of 4 rapid fire thrusts, sneers down at her luscious sex toy , "come on, ya horny SLUT. show me some life, fight back, if you can, SUPERGIRL! Hah, you ain't so SUPER now, are you, SLUT?" And then in she goes again, a dizzying "9" swirling across Kara's muddled senses as the plastic dildo penetrates deep! She has given up all hope of getting up off the "canvas". She cries out sharply "unggggh, you've BEATEN ME, gawwwd NOOOO!". Lois slowly pulls the dildo out this time, panting from her lusty exertions. In her sex-crazed frenzy she thinks she has heard her tethered mate say, "BEAT ME". She grins wickedly, thinks immediately of the black leather crop, but can't take the time to look for it now. So she improvises, the thick plastic rod strapped on to her hips dripping with Kara's sticky hot juices as she slides up Kara's splayed, fevered body, grabs the end of the dildo and roughly rubs it over and around Kara's jutting breasts, mashing the cum soaked fake cock down across the beautiful blonde superheroine's huge, rigid, twitching nipples. Kara writhes weakly, moaning heatedly, her whole body tingling in the throes of a massive onrushing orgasm about to consume her. Lois snarls huskily at her, "beat you, my comely little SUPER POWERED SLUT?; already have; but there's a little something for those big ripe titties of yours; and here's this!" With that, a woman more than possessed, indeed wild and untethered, out of control, Lois slides up further until her slick, hot, sensuous thighs are putting a steamy squeeze on Kara's mangled, battered breasts, while she slaps the big plastic pole back and forth across Kara's reddened face. Kara's blue eyes open wide. To her minds eye she sees above her not the slim, somewhat angular features of Lois Lane's mature, but still gorgeous, face with a strapped on battering ram plastic dildo whipping back and forth across her fevered cheeks, but rather the youthful, high cheekboned face of an amazon goddess with glorious red hair, and big, red , terrifying leather gloves beating a tattoo on her defenseless face. A thunderous "10" explodes on her senses as she cries out loudly, "gunnnnhhh, SUPER SLUT, BEATEN! Gawwwdd noooo, TAM-RAAAAAA!" just as the massive orgasm takes her, shakes her spread-eagled, tethered body so hard the leather cuffs are ripped away from their bindings. Above the sensually "KO'd" blonde beauty, Lois Lane, so lost in her own frenzy that Kara's final cry of "Tam-Ra" as she climaxed didn't even register on her sex-addled brain, rides the bucking superheroine like a practiced cowhand. then, as Kara's sexually spent body finally collapses in limp exhaustion, Lois, seeking desperate relief herself, rises up to a squatting position over the satiated blonde, whose now untethered arms are draped limply behind her head, and pushes down with the dildo, through Kara's parting lips, pumping the big plastic meat, making Kara deep throat the plastic phallus, which the rag doll beauty does dutifully, choking and gagging on her own juices, which are smeared all over the sex tool. With a loud gasp, Lois soon enough climaxes as well, her juices streaming down onto Kara's chin and neck as she pulls the dildo out from Kara's mouth and collapses, spent from her own sweet labors and dozes off, still draped over the unmoving blonde, her sticky wet, dark muff laying across Kara's chin. Beneath the slumbering brunette, Kara, dozing off herself, is dreaming of being rolled into a stretcher out in the boxing ring of her over-active imagination, her voluptuous body too battered, beaten and weak to leave the ring on its own accord. She is carried up the aisle, head laid over to one side, blood seeping from her mouth, one glassy blue eye fixed in a vacant stare, the other closed shut beneath an ugly, purplish welt. Her arms are dangling limply, fingers scraping across the concrete floor, long, lovely legs twitching spasmodically as they lie lifelessly stretched the length of the stretcher. The image is so sharp, so troubling, that the fitfully slumbering blonde beauty's stunningly developed body jerks sharply, the imagined ravages of the fearsome beating rippling through her even as she lies spread-eagled and wantonly wasted still beneath the draped body of her slinky, dark-haired, formerly sex- crazed, now blissfully slumbering, companion. The vivid dream/nightmare continues, the stretcher carrying the beaten, broken, blue clad superheroine laid now at the feet of the ravishing red-haired young Amazon Queen, her Conqueror! Eyes fluttering, then slowly closing again, splayed body giving one more fitful jerk, Supergirl whimpers dreamily, "My Goddess, My Mistress, I am yours as you've commanded, your SUPER SLUT!" The dreamy image fading out slowly, she finally drifts off into a deep, long slumber, barely moving a muscle, indeed mute and limp, for hours on end. She is awakened well into the late morning by a now visibly worried Lois Lane, who has been thinking, "gads, what have I done, I was a maniac last night. I could have killed poor Kara in my lust-crazed attack. I hope she can pull it together" When she indeed awakes, Kara has similar thoughts about her maniacal, sex- crazed partner, but forces herself to remember only the pleasurable parts of last evening, the numbing orgasm, of course, the warmth of her lover's body draped over hers in the early morning reverie. She tells herself, "get a grip girl, it was only a dream, a terrible nightmare. It can't happen to me in real life, I'm Supergirl, can't be beaten!" We shall see. Fight time is just 8 hours away. (to be continued)