Stimulus By StrangeAtaru ( A strange little tale about a boy, a girl, and the wildest night of their lives I've got a strange little story to tell you. It's probably similar to some stuff you've probably heard before, but then again I think you may like it. It all started one dull, boring Friday night in the city. It was probably not dull and boring for me, but that's because there were some things I probably wanted to do on a night like this. Stuff such as go to a video store and watching a movie, reading a nice book or listen to the commentary of a political show my mom likes watching. But then again, when I got a phone call from one of my friends to go out and maybe try and talk to some ladies at a club, it wasn't like I couldn't say no. Being young and single may be relaxing in some ways (mostly because it frees up a lot of time and money on my part), but it sure is the pits to never have the love and admiration of someone while watching every other person of my gender get someone of the opposite (or same in some cases, not mine) sex. And trust me, its not just about sex either (even though I was a virgin by this point)...its more about getting to know the girl, to know how she feels about you the same way you feel about her...but then again if she's cute and the hormone level is on the same frequency than maybe something more could happen. So getting myself together (OK, I didn't really need to, considering I was already in a snazzy T-shirt, jeans and a nice pair of shades when the phone call came in anyway), I waited about 15 minutes after that call before my friend showed up to get me out of another weekend night in dullsville. The place we ended up in may or may not have been one of the best night spots in town, but at least it gives us more of a setting for the story. It was called the "Groove Train", a nice little dance hall that was popular with the 18-21 crowd that I, and my friend, were interested in. Of course, it was actually the people that was my sort of thing there, considering that the music at the place is some of the most atrocious stuff one can find on the radio! If it weren't for the goal at hand, I probably would have gone to a nice little jazz spot or maybe a place where rock ruled, but someone said that girls really dig those stupid songs with the extremely loud bass and the lyrics involving getting down and, um, well its probably about sex and guns and stuff, but I don't really want to get into it. The actual surroundings within the club didn't really catch my fancy either: the entire place was dank except for all of these strobe lights flashing color all over the various people getting their "groove" on in the place. As for the people already out on the floor, they reminded me of why I never really liked these sort of places in the first place. Every girl looked like the latest trends as found in those teen magazines, with their hair all dolled up in crazy styles that wanted to be innocent, yet subvertedly took on a very skanky nature. Not only that, but they all seemed to have at least two piercings or tattoos all over their body, looking just like how the media portrayal of the modern teenager/pre-adult is supposed to look. The males came in all shapes in sizes and colors, and yet each and every one of them seemed to easily compliment the girl by which they were with at that very moment. As for what they considered "dancing"...well lets just say that it probably had a lot less movement and style than some of the stuff I've seen monkeys do. If it weren't for myself and my "friend" (and even he had a profanity-ladened T-shirt on), I highly doubt there would have been any "normal" people in the entire least that's what I thought. Feeling extremely confused about what to do at this moment, I decided to wait it out for a couple minutes until something cool came on over the speakers. (while I can't stand a lot of hip-hop and rap, there are plenty of great songs out there that I still like) As I waited, I went over to the nearby bar and ordered myself a nice little glass of cola to at least get something out of this experience, even if it was a potential bathroom break. I was close to finishing up the drink over ten minutes after I first went to the bar that something really cool finally came on. It was this cool song I had heard passing through the pop-stations on my way to the rock part of the dial this one time, so I knew the place wasn't that vapid to taste. Quickly, I found myself a little corner of the dance floor and started getting down with the music. Unlike many of the people who barely even moved to what they called "dance", I showed off all of the stuff that I had out there on that dance floor, making stuff up and pretending like I was Travolta at a disco club. Lets just say that in the end, what I considered cool is what everyone else in the place considered "geeky", "weird" or other such stuff. After a few minutes and grooving to that song, I found myself completely exhausted and completely estranged from every man and woman in the place. I guess with all the sedated ness of the "Groove Train", they didn't really know what to do with someone who wanted to liven the place. Feeling dejected by all, I slowly headed back to the bar to see if I could finish off my soda before the bartender took it away. But as I approached the place, I saw in the corner of my eye that I was not alone in my dejection. Sitting in a corner on the other side of the dance floor was a cute, normal looking girl that was somehow nothing like all the other females in the place. She was average in height, about 5' 5" I presumed, thin in length and seemed as if she was swimming in a combination of a loose pair of blue-jeans and a black T-shirt that wasn't quite loose, but didn't show any definition of her having any sort of curves. She had short brown hair that flowed straight, yet seemed like she was wearing a cap that covered the top of her head as well as her ears. Her eyes, which I presumed were blue from this distance, were nicely complimented by a pair of oval-shaped glasses that were similar to the kind I usually wear when I'm not trying to look cool. The girl looked sad, as if she was dragged here beyond her control as well, and was tapping her fingers onto the round little table while watching the ice in a glass of water she had by her melt away with the time. I don't know what I saw in her, but she did look cuter than a lot of the weird girls that frequented this place, not to mention she had the same sad feeling that I felt about being here. I just had to talk to her...but that was about to turn out to be the strangest mistake in my young life. Circumnavigating around the floor of the club, passed the strobe lights, perfume-esque smells and wild tribal rituals that were going on by the other patrons, I finally found myself a few meters away from the sad girl. She was still stirring around the ice cubes, hoping that their transformation into liquid would be a bit more interesting than the stuff going on elsewhere. I really didn't know if I wanted to awaken her from her trance, but I at least wanted to try to talk once before returning to my own miserable time. So I quietly said the first thing that came to my mind at the moment: "Having fun?" The words seemed to knock the girl out of the trance and into a strange defensive position! She turned towards me, a bit flustered from my quick word and said with a weird urgency, "Get away from me! I don't want to be troubled by anything tonight! Besides, it was Gayle who pretty much forced me to do this!" This took me back a little. Sure I was a bit upset over how the night had gone, but I really didn't need to be yelled at by a total stranger about how she didn't want to go to the "Groove Train". (then again, I probably didn't want to go back here after tonight either) I just wanted to be nice to her, that was all. But I figured that if this girl didn't want to be bothered, I would let her be and go back to the bar until it was time to go home. So I stepped a few steps away and said pretty much how I felt: "All right, I'll let you be. But it is a shame that the cutest girl in this place is the one dragged here beyond her control. See you around." And with that, I returned to my own oblivion on the other side of the floor. But as I went away, I turned around one last time to see her for what I thought would be the last time. The girl was still looking upwards towards me, her blue eyes seeming to show a bit more tenderness than how they were when I approached her just seconds earlier. At the time, I thought it was just a little bit of pity for getting rid of me so rudely. About fifteen minutes passed since my dumb little incident on the other side of the club. The raucousness and the frivalry continued to cause an unearthly din throughout the club. I tried to ignore it by watching a TV turned to some documentary put on by the bartender as well as by ordering another cola. While I didn't know if the caffeine’s effect would help cure me of my boredom with the place, it would at least get me buzzed long enough to get me out of here in a couple hour's time. The stuff that the place seemed to call music continued to play at its unearthly volume, making me think that if these people get anything out of this, its becoming hard of hearing at an early age. As I was about half-way through the soda and trying to watch a mantis attack a cricket on the tube, a familiar voice crept up from behind and spooked me to turn around. "Hey. Sorry about earlier but I guess I wasn't really into any of this stuff either." It was the same girl from the corner table on the other side of the club. Her upset tone from before seemed to have calmed down a little, revealing a cute little voice to accompany this cute girl. As she stood, I noticed that her jeans really were a bit baggy for her, making it seem like they wanted to fall down if it didn't have a belt holding it up along her petite waist. The T-shirt was now tucked inside the pants, which while it didn't show anything off, did at least flow nicely on her. "I guess it was partially my own fault too," I responded back. I looked her right into the eye with this one, only being blocked by those glasses hanging onto her face. "We're both in the same boat, you and I. I can't stand this dumb club and neither can you. You were dragged here by your friends and so was I. If misery is the only thing we have in common, then so be it." "I guess," the brown-haired girl responded. As she was saying this, she took a seat on a barstool right by my own. Her expression seemed friendlier by the moment. She then continued with, "But I can't believe that you were the first person to call me cute in this entire club. I hardly ever get that compliment, seeing how plain-jane I am compared with my friends with their ripped up jeans and their flowing hair and their nipple piercings sealing off chests that seem like silicone." "Guess I know when to say the right things at the right time," I commented to myself. As the night went on, the two of us struck up a strange little alliance in this messed-up world. The girl, who turned out to be named Lily, had just turned 18 years old and just about to end her senior year of high school, hopefully going off to the main campus of the state school in August or September..whenever it started. (I really should pay attention to these things, but considering that I just completed a few years at another school, I have to worry about my own schedule) Lily loved a little of every kind of music, but her favorite stuff was classic jazz from legends such as Armstrong, Fitzgerald and even a little Davis and Coltraine thrown in as well. I tried to ask her why she was at this club and told me it was mostly peer pressure from her friends who wanted one last fling before the senior prom and their final walk as high-school students. While she did say that she didn't like the music or the ridiculous manner of the dancers there, she never quite told me why she was sitting out there all alone earlier. But I guess sometimes you don't really need to know that sort of stuff. I told Lily a little about myself...leaving out a lot of detail since I highly doubted at the time I would ever see her again after that night. I wasn't too sure if she took it all in though, because while she claimed she was listening to every word I was saying, her eyes continually looked at mine dreamily. A little sweat seemed to appear on her brow as we continued to spend the next hour or two talking or just staring at anyplace outside the idiots elsewhere. At sometime around 11:30, even amidst the continuing pandemonium of everyone on the floor (Lily's friends and my buddy included), I finally decided it was time to turn it in and maybe head home for the night. I was tired and Saturday meant getting up to watch a few cartoons on the TV. (yes, I am a college student, yet continue to watch cartoons...guess I never grew up, huh) But as I was saying my sweet goodbyes to her, Lily ended up changing my plans when she said, "Well I guess you could go home, but do you think you could take me with you tonight?" "What are you saying," I asked the cute girl as I stood up to get ready to go back out. Lily logically responded: "Well Gayle is probably going to want to stay here for a few hours with the others before crashing at someone's house. I highly doubt they would miss me if I left early with you. But since I am starting to like you..." Lily became a bit nervous when she got to this part.."And...and since I doubt you will ever see me again...after tonight...I want to show you something special before we part ways..." This peaked my curiosity. This cute little girl had a secret she wanted to share with me? Me, the unluckiest guy in the history of relationships sharing something with a cute girl that she's never shown anyone? Well, it wasn't like anyone was going to miss two people who didn't really fit in the "Groove Train" anyway. It was lucky that Lily and myself were ready to go at that moment anyway, since the friend that brought me here in the first place wasn't really satisfied with his results tonight either. Turned out that while he did try to make the move with a few of the freakish ladies, all of them weren't really that interested in him, his pick-up lines or the fact that he was a pimple-faced geek that was just a bit more sociable than myself. He did turn and stare a couple seconds at Lily, who promptly waved a couple fingers at him like a little hello, before he told me that if it weren't for me directing her away from that single little table, he would have tried to talk to her as well...that is if he wasn't already busy with the other girls. Thus with him and myself in the front of the car and my brown-haired cutie in the back, we headed off to my house to get me where I belonged. I turned around every few seconds to check up on Lily, and she stared back at me through her oval frames just as dreamily as they had become in the club. She was still sweating a bit like she was in the club, tensing up a bit like she was nervous or something. Whatever that surprise she wanted to show me was, it probably was driving her out of her mind. Maybe she didn't want to show it after all, but was going through with it for her own sake, and possibly mine. When we finally were dropped off at my house, I escorted Lily to my front door as if we were long-time lovers or something. While she was a few inches smaller than myself, I was able to lower my arm to comfort her...but the weird thing was that she was taking it rather easily. She stared at me with she knew something amazing was about to happen to both of us. I unlocked the door into a deathly quiet house...too quiet for a Friday night at least. Both mom and dad were already asleep in their room upstairs, which meant that they didn't hear the both of us come through the door as my other friend zoomed off into the night. (then again, those two can sleep through anything) I was about to turn on a light to get myself comfortable, but Lily then shook her head in disagreement. "I really don't want anyone but you to know what's about to happen," the girl said at that moment. She seemed to be a strange combination of tensed and relaxed over this whole situation. "Well we have to be quiet, OK," I advised to Lily, taking off my prescription sunglasses so I could better see in the dark. "My parents are sound sleepers, but if we make anything more than a whisper they will probably start questioning me. Shouldn't we get a hotel..." "I highly doubt either of us can afford one," she said, "and besides, its much more fun in a comfortable environment like this." "Wait a minute," I quickly asked, standing near the delirious soundings of a girl a couple years my younger. I needed to know what was going on before anything started. "Does this have to do with that surprise? What exactly is going on?" "Just sit on the couch and be prepared," Lily cooed in her cute voice. "The show will begin any moment now." "Don't tell me that you are a closet stripper and have to take it out on me. Or that you are actually a girl with a...wiener." Now I was getting nervous. I was under the control of a girl I just met that night all because I acted nice to her in that hellhole of a club! Was the surprise really going to be worth any of this? "No, I am sure I am 100% female," Lily responded back from my inquiry. "And...well, I guess the clothes will come off, but not in a way you expect." "Let me guess," I began to comment sarcastically. "You are a telepath and are going to remove both of our clothes with your mind. Or an alien whose clothes really is your skin so you can't take them off without removing your costume." (sure her jeans had been loose all night, but at that moment anything was possible, even aliens with human suits that easily simulated the effect of really huge jeans) "Or maybe..." But my stupid inane comments came to a halt as Lily prompted to close her eyes and stand there, still as a brick, a few feet in front of me. This was probably the most still she had been since the moment I first saw her across that room. I stared at her for a moment, partially with the sarcasm still in me going on about how this mysterious girl was really an alien who was estranged from the youth culture. She probably got all of her knowledge of jazz from the first book she found on Earth, I thought going along that tangent. As I continued watching her stand there, I continued thinking about how I couldn't take her home because it, as well as any potential parents, didn't exist. Home for her could just be some spaceship that's locked away in Area 51 for all I cared. Then, just as my head drifted down as I started drifting away towards the stars, some weird sounds began to emerge from Lily's mouth. The moanings felt like a weird combination between immense pain and pure pleasure, like the feelings a girl could get when she is forcefully assaulted by a rapist while pinned down and with several wounds already over her body. But from my position at the time, it looked like all she was doing was standing there. "You know this reminds me of some scene in a movie, cutie," I commented snidely at that moment to the girl. I turned my head up, "If I knew you liked Meg Ry..." But my foolishness was cut short from what my eyes saw at that moment. The first thing I saw was that her brown hair, which had been in a stylish short cut when I first saw her, was starting to get a little longer as she made her strange moaning sound. Its length was about up to the middle of her neck now while it looked like it was starting to get a bit fuller. As I turned down, I then noticed that this wasn't the only thing that was changing. The loosely flat T-shirt she had been wearing all night seemed to begin to emerging a bit outward from the chest area as if she was developing puberty at that very moment! This little girl was developing boobs in front of my eyes! And that wasn't all that was developing: her arms had this strange tenseness to them as they emerged from the shirt, growing both definition as well as a little bit of length. I wouldn't say she had muscles up there, but it did like a little more development than the toothpicks she had for arms. But the most interesting developments for the moment were down below: the loose jeans that had hung on her all night were beginning to fit nice and cutely into them. Lily still needed the belt, but it looked more and more like a fashion accessory than a device to hold up her pants. Further down, the cuffs of the jeans were going upwards, revealing a nice pair of white socks that complimented a pair of sneakers she had worn for the night. I assumed that Lily was now about one or two inches taller than she was when I met her, explaining why I saw her socks for the first time tonight. It was pretty much then that I realized what her moaning was about, which by this time had increased a little in both volume and intensity. "Lily," I exclaimed as I saw her starting to transform right in front of me. "This is amazing and all, but my parents may start suspecting something with all this noise. Can't you please turn it down?" It didn't seem like she heard me, though. Once she got started with this weird metamorphosis, it felt like Lily had entered into her own little world without any cares except getting the job done. And boy was she getting it done! Her hair had completely overcome the back of her neck and was now preparing to take assault on her back as it grew in volume as as well as downwards. Meanwhile, her shirt was growing out in dimension as well as her breasts had reached what looked like a B-cup, maybe a smaller C by that point. I also noticed that the shirt was starting to fuse with the top of her body, like the rest of her midsection and her back was getting broader as well as bustier. The shoulders were especially demonstrating this, as they moved out to what had the potential to be a strong back. Her arms were gaining some mass too, with both her biceps and triceps growing bigger and adding to the fusion the shirt was now making to her body. It was here that I also noticed that her fingers were getting longer, perhaps in proportion to the new length and mass of her arms. Her legs and butt were also making fast development, as that loose pair of jeans was fusing directly with her body similarly to her shirt was joining up with her top. I was sure that her calves and thighs were growing as quickly as the rest of her muscles. More and more of her legs were also being revealed as the jeans rode higher and higher with Lily's increased height. I even saw what could have been discomfort from her sneakers at this point, as if her feet were keeping up with the rest of her body. But while all that could have been happening at this moment could have just been a blossoming of Lily from a girl into a woman, some other things were starting to emerge that made it clear that this wasn't her only intention. For starters, as I had stared at my metamorphic maiden's rapidly developing arms, I had caught the glint of what seemed to be hair emerging from the pores of her body. While I could have passed it off as perhaps a reaction to any testosterone that was making her hairy along with her muscle growth, it was the color of the fuzz that caught my attention. Her normal hair color was brown, while most of this new growth was orange in color! I had caught a few strands of black in their as well, spacing themselves out in patterns similar to those in stripes. Was there more to this transformation than met the eye at first? I looked around her body from where I sat to see if there were any other weird peculiarities at this moment. I slightly noticed a little movement amidst the mass that was her hair, as if something was developing and needed to migrate in order to gain completion. The only other thing I noticed at this time was a strange lump that was emerging around Lily's butt, around where her spinal column would meet her gluteus maximus. The lump seemed like it wanted freedom from the jeans that now were confining it...whether it had existed before or not. "Lily," I then asked, with both enthusiasm going through my body, but with a huge confusion steaming through my brain. "Who exactly are you? WHAT exactly are you?" But Lily continued to ignore any of my question. The strange thoughts and feelings that were causing all of this had completely gained control of her, and they were really about to go into overdrive! Just after I asked her the question, the girl had fallen onto her knees. Filled with her continual orgasmic pains, Lily placed her hands on the ground to try and grope with them, continuing her amazing moanings as she did so! She was so into all of this that she dropped her oval glasses on the floor beside her without even noticing they were gone! Seeing the other side for the first time, I noticed that, as my hunch had thought earlier, Lily's shoulders and back was growing and broadening out along with the rest of her body, explaining how her shirt had fused with her body so easily. The black fabric wasn't going to last for much longer though: I noticed that several small holes were starting to develop along the seams on the side of Lily's shirt, like it couldn't take all of the pressure of the changes. I was assuming the same was happening above at the top of the shirt, but with the hair beginning its creep down her back I couldn't quite verify anything yet. Similarly, another hole, small in size but growing rapidly, made itself relevant around the middle of the spinal column area. The orange and black "fuzz" that I had seen on her arms were starting to poke out from any place where the seams were giving way. An idea behind what Lily was becoming started to flow through my head about this time, but I was too captivated by what I was seeing to really say anything outside of the gapingly open mouth I held at the time. It was here that something finally gave way on the rapidly changing frame of the girl. As I noted earlier without much backup, Lily's sneakers seemed to be one of the areas that had shown very little signs over what was happening. While I was predicting that her feet were growing at the same rate as the rest of her body, nothing really displayed what was really going on down there outside of the fusing of the athletic socks to her body. put it bluntly, about the same time I first noticed the growing holes in the shirt, her sneakers exploded! It was one of those things that distracted me from everything else in particular because a maelstrom of leather and cotton (from the socks she was wearing) flew all over the living room like a bottle of soda that can't handle all the carbon-dioxide gas locked inside. And to make matters worse, one of the rubber soles of her shoes flew so high and had so much velocity that it smashed me right in the forehead! If this was what a rubber bullet felt like, I doubt I ever want to get shot by one...though it probably wouldn't smell like sweat such as in this moment. Staring back downwards after getting some sole, I did finally confirm that her shoe size, not to mention the nails at the end of her toes, were growing at about the same rate as the rest of her, with the only thing remaining of this part of her was a cottony ring adorned with threads around the top of her thickening ankle..some of which were starting to be covered by the growing orange fuzz creeping over her. Moving upwards from the zone of her now extinct shoes, I saw that Lily's lower half was also still going through some amazing changes that were now making themselves prevalent as she clung to the floor in her motions. The loose jeans she was wearing were still somehow clinging to her body, but it did seem like they were in the midst of a losing battle. For one thing, her legs were continuing to rise upwards around both her thighs and calves, making me believe that if she was standing up, she would at least be 6 feet tall (around where I usually stand) if not larger. The jeans were now about at the middle, if not the top half of her calves as if they were long shorts instead of jeans. To make matters worse, the muscular growth of both Lily's thighs and calves further fused the clothing to her body, so much so that threads were starting to appear around the seams at a similar rate as holes were emerging on her black T-shirt. Her glutes (well, it is her butt but I rather use this name for the situation) were also becoming more shapely as well, just like those annoying girls back at the "Groove Train" only without the need of buying a pair of jeans too small just to show it off. And to make matters weirder, that lump I had first saw earlier had grown in size as well to the point that it was a pimple preparing to burst around the lower half of her body! The belt she had worn before wasn't even on her by this time, having seemed to fall off unnoticed about the same time Lily dropped her glasses in her crouched up formation. Skipping over the torso for a moment, I went to look at Lily's face to see if it was still doing alright. But as my eyes were distracted by other events, I hadn't noticed that her hair wasn't the only thing changing on her head. As Lily continued to moan over her enjoyable excruciations, the lower half of her face including her nose and mouth had started to extend outwards as if it were a weird, sadistic orthodontic procedure. Instead of the usual flat face that was accentuated by her cute nose, it had taken a weird formation that was similar to a muzzle...though it probably looked more feline than canine. Her nose seemed to fusing with the formation, with both nostrils remaining but existing as part of a larger nasal passage. The fuzzy epidemic that had struck the rest of her body was now making it to the face as well, growing in orange and black stripes around her forehead and human-like eyes, as well as a white growth around the lower part of her muzzle, as it were more of a light dusting of fur than a mustache or beard. At the top of her still-growing head of hair, the movement of those two mounds seemed to be nearing completion as they placed themselves around the sides of her forehead, waiting to burst just as the lump on her behind. I needed to say something...anything to try and get Lily's attention. I didn't know if she was anywhere near completing her transformation, but if I didn't say something she probably would have never spoken to me again! She was going through all this pain, all this torment, just because I spoke to her at a club? So I opened my mouth and just said "Well...thanks for this and all, but" Unfortunately, I really didn't have the words to say. Deep inside, I didn't want this to stop and wanted to see this through to the end, not because I was a pervert (which I sort of am), but because Lily offered this to me and was giving her heart and soul just for this moment. So I kept my mouth shut for the time being. It was about the time of my cowardly comment that Lily, still going through the motions and the painful pleasures, got a grip of herself and started standing back upwards as she was before...even though she was more beautiful now than she was when she fell down! As she headed upwards, the black T that hung over her when I met her finally gave way to all of her new mass, destroying itself in the motion and falling flat on the floor as cottony rags opposed to something to wear. As they tore, I first noticed that the fur (I really didn't want to call it just fuzz anymore) had been slowly covering the rest of her body as well as what was seen. The orange with black-stripe pattern was covering the top half (well, what I saw of her at the moment) of her body similarly as it was covering her back and legs. But in a strange twist, her abdomen area, which I saw for the first time, was covered in a white furry coating as her "muzzle" had been, similar to the underbelly of a tiger. Looking at this portion of the body, I also noticed that her abs were going through the similar developments to the rest of her, already showing off their chiseled nature that went on as I wasn't able to look. The shirt's removal also showed off Lily's cotton sports bra for the first time that night, which were already being strained in holding in her at least DD..perhaps E, and still growing, juggs. Her arms had also shown great development since my last sight of them: the combinations of her shoulders, biceps and triceps were already larger than a female bodybuilders and were easily more like the male counterpart. (then again, I only know from books and magazines, considering I rather just be a scrawny thin guy) Her brown hair had also picked up more length and dimension, falling more than two-thirds down her back easily! And to make matters even more remarkable, Lily's height was easily over 6 feet by this point and heading upwards, making the mass she had acquired in comparison even more impressive. I could have spent forever watching Lily's upper body continue to change in its remarkable battle with the navy-blue bra (so sue me, I am a breast guy at heart...) if it weren't for the actions going on below at that very moment didn't throw me back downstairs. That immense lump around the area of the behind where the spinal cord met her butt was wriggling around as if it were a butterfly trying to emerge from its chrysalis. The jeans were so stuck on her by this point that any hole would have finally had the material give way to the body's demands. It was then that the breaking point was finally made: like a spring releasing its energy after being scrunched down, a long, thick, beautiful orange and black tail sprung its way through the back of Lily's blue jeans, easily boring its way out of the threads and fibers like a bullet through glass. The feline tail, making its new rounds of its new body, swishes and shimmied itself around through the air like grass. With this new hole coming through, the rest of the blue jeans, which had put up a fight all night, finally surrendered to the body's demands as the hole quickly split the fabric in half and fell, piece by piece, onto the gray carpeting below. The jeans surrender allowed for a greater view of the tense, yet powerful fur-covered thighs that showed off both the work of the increased musculature as well as the growth in Lily's height: immense like a football player's, yet sturdy and powerful like a runner or cycler and tall like a basketballer. The calves also revealed more definition once the jeans left the battle, but since they were partially shown as Lily got taller, it really didn't have anything new to reveal outside further definition. Finally, the end of this battleground revealed another battle already in progress: a pair of white cotton panties that were luckily below the bursting tail, but were in the midst of trying to keep the thighs from getting them off. With the tail finally out in the open, I knew Lily's transformation was almost complete. Her moaning was definitely heading towards a climax, as if her experiences were about to fully reveal her rewards. But outside of any more potential growth, not to mention the bra and panties futile battle with my changing compadre, the only real mystery that remained were those lumps that had moved into position around her forehead. I sort of knew where they were heading from the moment I started seeing the other signs such as the fur growth, the feline muzzle and the long tail. But I still wanted to see something happen up there to finally confirm my doubts, mostly to quell my great curiosity towards them. Luckily my suspicions were confirmed after I finished checking out her lower end. Like a whoosh of a dandelion emerging from the placid grass, two feline ears, slightly pointed yet curved around the top, emerged from the bundles and bundles of hair that now existed on her Alpine peak. As they appeared, the ears twitched around similar to how a cat's, or should I say tiger's, would in sensing out the world with its hearing. The orange and black stripes that had appeared over the rest of her body showed up on the flaps surrounding her new ears, easily matching practically everything else that had happened. With nearly everything she wanted to show completely out in the open, I assumed that Lily was ready for one final push to complete what she wanted to become. As impressive as she was, I sensed in her mind that the sports bra and possibly the panties were the final obstacle to reaching her true perfection. It was at this that she started her final set of moaning, which were the slowest and most intense ones by far! This girl was really giving her all if she really wanted to make me happy. (Heck I would have been happy if she had finished with the early growths...) As these greatest of sounds emerged from her voice, Lily's growing seemed to slow down in a few areas. Her height, which was now about 7 feet and nearing the ceiling of the living room (which was about 8 feet I believed...guess its pretty low but we're used to it), slowed down as did the growth of her shoulders, back and her extremely amazing biceps and triceps, which while I couldn't quite calculate were probably bigger than nearly all weightlifters I've ever seen. Her hair seemed to crawl down a bit more until finally making its end about the juncture with her tail. (maybe she could have made it a bit more Rapunzel-like, but I guess she wanted some swishing area for her other half) Most of the main growth now occurred around the seemingly overflowing navy-blue sports bra as more and more striped cleavage emerged to push it further and further to its limits. Finally, it happened: just as her shoes had done earlier on, the bra finally exploded in a massive array of cotton and rubbery spandex, giving way to a titanic, but proportionate pair of boobs I had only dreamed about! Both juggs, which I guessed were about at least a G cup when they were through, were extremely full and large with the mammary fat that allowed for squishy comfort, yet were firm and stable enough to prevent any sagging such as comes with aging. The orange and black fur covered both breasts, with a little bit of pink nipply skin poking its way through. They were the most perfect pair I had ever seen...and to think they belonged to someone who wore a huge T-shirt earlier with no definition. Lily pretty much stopped her moaning about a couple seconds later, but not before the fabric of the white panties snapped as easily as the sports bra, flying off to show off what had yet to be revealed...even though most of it was covered up by fur and leg anyway. With her transformation complete, Lily finally stared back at me with her little blue eyes for the first time since she was human. I knew I had to stare back, but I really didn't know what was going to happen then and there. I was now staring down the most beautifully incredible creature I had ever seen before in my entire life. The curving feline ears, the brown flowing hair, the dominating muzzle with that petite nose, those massive, yet longly feminine arms, the titanic boobs, the chiseled abs, the firm butt, the devilishly long swishy tail, the long sculpted legs...I really didn't know what to say or where to start with her! But those eyes...those sweet blue eyes that stared back at me at the "Groove Train" when no one else would give her half the chance...they seemed exactly the same as they were before the changes. Was there more similar to the shy little Lily now than I saw on the outside, I thought to myself. Whatever I needed to do, I had to figure it out...or else maybe that little surprise will turn out to rip me apart! It was actually Lily that made the first move this time around. The massive "amazon tigress" (as I wanted to refer to her at this moment, considering both the feline and physical transformation she had taken) who could have intimidated me all night if she wanted to, bent over her entire body on the floor in search of something that she had dropped along the way. Her ears turned a little hear, a little there as she searched around for what she was looking for. Her tail swished and seemed to want to press against one of her breasts, touching it gently as if it were trying to turn me on while also trying to get out of her way. Then, about a couple of minutes after crouching down, a sweet, yet a little more seductive voice emerged from Lily's mouth saying "Well at least I've got them and they didn't break from all that. You would think that with all these changes I could at least have 20/20 vision!" I knew at this moment that she was talking about her oval-shaped glasses that had fallen off when she fell in her metamorphosis. As she emerged from the floor, her immense body still seemed a beautifully intimidating, but the sight of a tigress putting on her glasses around the middle of her muzzle seemed a bit more reassuring to me. Heck, they made her seem to improve already physical perfection! "Strange, huh," I said, getting over my initial shyness to Lily's new form. "You can pump yourself up into a beast, but you can't eliminate your own nearsightedness. That's what the world can give you." "Yeah I guess it is silly, huh," Lily responded back. "But seriously, what do you think. Of my...surprise." "It's incredible," I told her with my heart and hormones taking full control of my body. "I never knew you had inside of you. And I thought it was all internal." "You really like this?" she said turning to me. Her tail continued to swish outwards, turning towards my head as if her own physical urges wanted to do something. Lily continued, "I mean, this is the first time I've ever done it for anyone...not even my parents know! I just thought that if you liked me as my ordinary self you would turn away from my other one." "Well..." I started my next sentence, knowing that I wanted to try and make this as genuine as I could without my hormones getting too far in control of me. "If the normal girl in the T-shirt who loved jazz and couldn't stand going to overextravegant nightclubs is you...and this, um, amazon tigress-thing you've become is also you...then...I like you just the way you were..and I also like you the way you are now. You're still you no matter who you are." Lily's eyes brightened up with joy as I said one of the few sincere things I have ever seen in my life at this time....well I hoped it was sincere. She was so excited that she jumped slightly in the air with her amazing legs, but not so high that she would cause any more of a ruckus than she was. Lily's long brown hair flowed with the updrift, as did her tail which wanted to swish in every direction from this comment. Her boobs bounced around slightly with the jump, immediately hypnotizing my eyes such as similar motions would take in its audience. I knew then that the tigress was merely a cute little cub in a body she didn't know how to quite handle. My notions were improved when her left foot landed in a slightly awkward position, forcing her to slightly lose her balance and fall onto the couch...and on top of me! While the fall made Lily a bit flustered for a couple of seconds, it did allow me to touch her body for the first time since her transformation. For starters, there was the matter of the mass she had gained and how its pressure built up on top of myself. Before, she was a small little girl...maybe not a waif like the fashion sluts at the club but definitely showed a lightness to her. If she had tripped in her old form I probably would have caught her in my arms with ease...that is if I were a gentleman. But the addition of at least a foot and a half of height, not to mention hundreds of pounds of muscle, made her fall on top of me like a ton of bricks smashing right into bamboo! As I felt the new textures, I saw how the change showed an easy contrast between the soft, fine feeling of Lily's new fur and the hardness of her immense mass, especially felt as her massive bicep smashed right into my face in her fall. While the muscle caused a temporary pain that could be alleviated with nerve distribution over time, the orange and black fur tickled at the end of my nose, making me give out a tiny little sneeze the moment after she had straightened herself out. While my face was forced to put up with the feeling of Lily's muscle, my upper body experienced the sensation of being right in the path of her new huge breasts. It turned out to be one of the greatest moments of the entire situation: a perfect combination of a great size, a rounded distribution, firmness to the rest of the body, the fur accentuating the softness, as well as the general "squishy" feeling one gets from feeling them. While I knew they were pretty much the evolution of fat at the top half of the woman's body, it felt as if I was feeling the heart of Lily's power at that very moment. And watching over all of this in its playful manner was that was the most free spirited entity I had ever seen on a body, swishing and swirling around like it was another set of eyes at the end of her spinal path. If I had a better look at the situation, I probably would have thought the thing liked me just as much as Lily did. After her collapse, the amazon tigress didn't get back up on the floor as she had since she arrived in my house. She instead straightened herself up and sat right next to me on the other side of the couch. Lily straightened out her hair and let it flow downwards behind her seat, letting the Nile-like path go down towards the ground. Her colossal frame accentuated itself in the light coming in from the house, mostly from the shadows and the potential moonlight that was flowed through. Something inside of me kept telling me that it wasn't quite over..that she wanted to do something outside of just show off. It was then that she finally made her move: she seemed to straighten her seat out, but was actually inching closer and closer to me once again, as if she liked feeling my body as I liked doing so with hers. Then, as she sat there right next to me, fur fusing with flesh, she said in her mischievous manner like she had started all this earlier in the night: "So, how do you feel about helping me explore what this baby can do?" Her ears twitched as she said this latest comment, knowing exactly how she was feeling, and probably sensing what I was feeling, at that very moment. Her tail continued to swish around, the tip of it exploring the contours of her body as if she wanted to see what she was as well as trying to turn me on...and doing so successfully. The tail flowed downwards towards her ripped abs, teasing them as the orange touched the white underbelly of the area. I was confused. All sorts of thoughts started going through my mind: sure I wouldn't mind doing it with someone like her, but there was just too much at risk over all this....what if she had been sleeping around in this many STDs would she be carrying without my was probably the first guy she ever fell for and she did say I was the first to see this side of her...but then again she could have been sleeping around and just recently got this beastly form...maybe it was some new form of disease that turned you into something beautiful, yet would shorten your life in the has proven weirder things so it was possible...then again why risk it if your life was at stake...maybe she just wanted to become this and didn't care about how much longer she had...wait, I had a rubber stashed away in case something like this happened...sure I was a virgin but I was always kept one just in case...but they did say somewhere that HIV could still go through so maybe this was smaller still....and she was by herself earlier, probably out of shame for this disease so she didn't want to interact in case it would activate... My mind spun around just as much as it had before this whole weird affair began. But Lily seemed to ease everything with one quick motion. Edging closer to me as she had before, she brought her tigress' muzzle really close to the side of my cheek. Then, in a very feline fashion, she licked it in a slow and sensual manner. It felt like a mother cat licking one of her kittens with a weird feeling that felt like a fusion of glass and saw paper. The fur on the muzzle tingled my senses just as the feeling of her fallen body had just moments before. Then, in a soft, yet sensual whisper, Lily approached my ear and simply just said: "Please be is my first time and all..." That was all the motivation I needed. All I said then and there was: "I might as well get my shield out: this will be my first as well...though at least you are humanoid enough that it isn't bestiality." What happened next...well I really don't want to get into it right here and now. There may be younger people reading this and I think my perverted details for the other stuff is enough for this audience. Let's just say "it went well" and leave it at that. I woke up that Saturday morning in a very peculiar situation to say the least. My dad, who is usually one who sleeps in early and wakes up early even on weekends, was walking through the living room in order to get to the kitchen and begin a preparation for coffee for mom and him. As he walked through the room in a robe wearing nothing more than a pair of underwear, I got myself conscious from hearing his feet step down onto the carpet and tried to get myself up. As I awoke, it was as if I had come from a strange stupor. Temporarily without the memories of the amazing night, I was expecting to be in my bed in my room getting up to watch a few cartoons and relax on a typical Saturday. My eyes were still closed since I wanted to see if I could get more sleep. But dad quickly chuckled as he saw me on the couch and said simply: "Why are you lying around naked?" My eyes opened, and I turned my head to check what he was saying. I noticed that my entire thin frame was lying there on most of the couch, naked facing downwards with my legs propped up by the armrest trying to get comfortable! I knew something was up again, so I decided to ask dad. "Um, I guess sometimes I do stuff like that," I quickly responded back, even if I knew it was sort of a lie. "I was so tired after the Groove Train that I just plopped down on the couch and called it a night here." "Well you must have had quite a night down there," my dad continued, "because it sounded like you kept the TV to get to sleep! Were you watching monster movies or something?" "Monster movies," I asked dad. I sort of knew where this was leading but was blocking it from my mind to prevent it from coming up. "All that was as if there was something unearthly echoing around the house," my dad continued. He scratched himself for a second, then continued: "Was it some new anime or something? Maybe you should turn down the volume next time." My head couldn't take blocking it anymore! I knew what those sounds were, but I didn't want to tell him in case he would ground me or something. Then fear starting coming through me: what happened to Lily? Was she still an amazon tigress and was dad going to mistake her for a new rug? I turned my head frantically as my dad continued his journey into the kitchen, mumbling something that sounded like: "My son is just too loud at night." I could only turn my head that moment considering that I didn't really want to run around the house naked, especially with the dawn rising and people potentially seeing me. I turned and twisted what I could before staring down at the obvious: on the carpeting right next to the couch, a small, slender little girl with rounded short brown hair was sleeping naked in the fetal position, comforted only around her top by the rags of a large black T-shirt that she had worn the previous night. Her oval-shaped glasses laid nearby on top of a former pair of blue jeans she had also worn. Her pale pink skin showed no impression of any of the fur or muscle that she had held several hours before. Lily seemed to be still sleeping even as my dad and I were making this early-morning conversation, but it did seem like her head was stirring from what we were saying at this time. As I stared at the normal female, the events of the previous night finally rushed through my head at the speed of light: the club, the other girls, the meeting, the talk, the promise...and of course everything that happened from the moment we stepped into my house! It was as if everything was some drug I had taken from the moment I entered the club and I was now getting over the morning after. Did everything really happen the way I thought it did, or was it just me freaking out? The naked girl and the torn up clothing seemed to be all the proof I needed to prove I was some weirdo date-raper! Maybe it was me who had the alternate persona- a Mr. Hyde to my own Dr. Jeckyll. Dad didn't know or care: he thought it was all some movie I watched going to sleep. Then again, he was so into his coffee that he didn't notice the torn shreds of clothing, not to mention the naked girl! As I started planning out my next 100 years in prison, a cute little voice started to emerge from the floor nearby. "Oh no...oh no what have I done?" It was the same sweet little voice I had heard in the club when I first approached Lily..of course that was a lot louder and much more frantic. This sounded a bit more resigned and sorrowful. "Oh no...I went too far." Lily started turning upwards, holding the black rags over her body with one over her top and another around her bottom. "I told Gayle I didn't want to go and this is what happened." The voice started to sob a little more..."I'm went too far! I went too far!" "Hey, who's that in there?" My dad turned around from his grinds and finally noticed Lily at that moment. His face turned a bit redder. "Son, did anything happen last night we didn't know about?" I started to try to talk but Lily cut me off. "Yes it did...everything happened and its all my fault!" she sobbed. "No one was supposed to know and now he does! Why did this have to be like this!?" "Um, what happened to her last night, son?" my dad said. I just sighed and said: "Whatever it was, I guess I'm sorry for it." "I guess you want an explanation for all this, don't you?" "I suppose so." It was a little later in the morning up in my room when I finally had a heart-to-heart with Lily about the aftermath of the previous night. She was wearing an extra-large T-shirt and a pair of jeans that I would usually wear that seemed a bit big for her...probably longer than the ones she had on last night. Her belt, which was an accessory before, really came in handy this time around. Her glasses were fit easily around her blue eyes and her rounded brown hair looked a bit neater and more combed. I was pretty much wearing the same thing I wore the previous night, only with my own set of glasses that I usually wear when I'm not making a fool of myself. Lily sighed for a moment, then began: "Do you know why I was sitting alone last night at the Groove Train? Do you know why I didn't want to talk to you, even if you were just trying to be nicer than anyone else there?" She stared down in a saddened stated and continued "It was because...of her. The 'amazon tigress', as you eloquently put it, that you saw me become last night. It had happened only once before...many months ago, perhaps even a year now. I don't know what started this whole thing in the first place...all I know is that when I got so stimulated with excitement and joy, my heart started beating faster and faster until I transformed into her for the first time. I was alone in my house when it happened the first time so no one luckily saw me. However, she caused a complete uproar in the place...that I didn't want it to happen again. My parents found me alone and naked when I got home...they got suspicious but I was able to cover my tracks a little. Since then I've been trying to prevent any stimulus from coming into my life to prevent it from happening again. I've worn large clothing and a sports bra around everywhere to try and contain my modesty...although you saw how it never works last night. I also try to be as unsociable as I can to keep it in...though no one really cares about a mousy bookworm anyway. The only reason I went to that dumb club last night anyway was due to everyone forcing me, claiming this was our last time together and that if I didn't show up I was against the class." Lily chuckled for a moment as tears started flowing from her eyes. "Then again, why care about someone now that you've never even noticed?" "So I...was your stimulus?" I asked her as she finished that statement. "I tried to keep you away," Lily responded. "Sure you were better than everyone else there, but I knew that if someone even noticed me and said something, she would try to take over. It was when you said I was cute that started breaking down that wall. I tried to keep her in, but something made her slowly take control throughout the night, leading up to...well, those other things." I contemplated everything I was taking in at that moment. Sure I got that the "amazon tigress" seemed to Lily like an alternate self: another personality she was fighting to control. But was it that tigress who started that conversation with me? Was it the tigress that had the interest in Satchmo? Did the tigress really bring over the intelligent cute package that just so happened to have that incredible beauty inside? Sure I figured that from the moment she had that "surprise" it probably was the other self. But we carried on a conversation for a couple of hours in a club where you couldn't hear yourself think! It couldn't completely be the amazon tigress that came up to me at the club. Lily had to be controlling a little of it too. But then that meant Lily... Lily continued to look down, like she was the worst person in the world. She sighed and said "Well, I guess it was bound to happen to someone. I just didn't expect it to go as far as it did. And you probably love her more than you love me now anyway...she's just more wild and carnal, flaunting what she's got. Guess that's what makes her a tiger." "Well...yes, I do like the tigress..." I started to say. I tapped her on the shoulder in a way to try and console her. "She's incredible, strong and beautiful...but she's also a part of you. And I think...well..." I gulped for a moment, considering that this was just too quick after all that had happened, not just that night, but the 19 years before this moment. "...well...I like you for being yourself...tigress and mouse. If anything, the girls in the club are more like that carnal tigress than you were." Lily turned her head up with tears still streaming from behind her glasses. She started to chuckle a little from the comment I had just said to her. She responded back: "I guess being furry and having a tail is nothing compared to dying your hair and putting holes everywhere you can. If anyone were freaks, they probably were." Lily and I spent the next several minutes talking about the freaks at the club just as we had spent those two hours earlier. Sure we had both lost a little something from the whole experience, but we probably gained something as well. Well that's about it for now. Lily's still in school a couple more weeks and is already talking about taking me with her to the senior prom...mostly since she has an excuse to now. She still has to get it by her parents first, but I'm not too sure if they really want a guy like me. My dad sort of forgave me for having Lily naked on the floor in the living room, but my mom took away part of my allowance for the incident...more for keeping her up that late at night. For some reason, Lily is also trying to change which college she wants to go to now: while I know a long-distance relation can or cannot work she wants to make sure she is there with me for at least the three years we will be in school together. Since it is still a scholarly school its not like its because she has a boyfriend there. As for the whole "amazon tigress" incident, both Lily and myself have kept hush-hush over it since then, like anyone would want to know. The people at the high school would probably use it against her somehow so close to graduation (like she needs a Carrie incident) and my friend would probably find what I did wrong as well...or would be extremely jealous. All I can say is I guess my dull life may not be so bad, but could be heading for interesting directions.