The World is Shocked. JPC900 For weeks the World of Professional Wrestling had waited expectantly for the championship challenge to Bob Simms the undisputed Heavyweight Champion who was the mysterious challenger? The day arrived , the 6ft 4ins , 245lbs champion waited patiently in his corner acknowledging the support from thousands of his fans. The lights went out , then silence for a minute no fuss no fanfares but the challenger had arrived. The lights went up the arena was stunned , standing alone was a petite teenaged girl she was no more than 95lbs and 5ft 2ins dressed in a sexy blouse and short pleated skirt. She waved to the crowd and then winked cheekily at the champion. "Is this a joke?"Bob challenged " l will not fight a little girl!" ."Whets the problem Champion afraid I will beat you" she was taunting him. "Where are your seconds , you have no medical back up "? "."Look behind you " she replied I have lent them to you I think you will need them more when I have done with you!" He looked around to see three schoolgirls waving to him. The Champion was puzzled is this some publicity stunt,how could this tiny girl be so confident ?the whole scene was getting to him ,especially now as the girl was leaning sexily on the ropes and smiling as if she was giving him the come on. The crowd were really getting into the whole scene ,but still thought it was part of the show not the main event . The young girl moved to the centre of the ring and beckoned the champ to join her. " Are you going to wrestle me , or shall I just take the belt and go home" she teased. He did not know what to do and stayed in his corner. "Chicken chicken , he is scared of you Jenny !"her school friends chanted. "Chicken chicken" the fans began to join in. Now he had no choice he had to get this charade over and quickly and decisively. They met in the middle of the ring he dwarfed her but she fixed her deep brown eyes on his glare. "Don't expect me to go easy on you because you are a little girl" he snarled."Tell you what " she answered "how about I knock you out in less than five minutes , that will be less humiliating for you " then she blew him a kiss. He was fuming and charged back to his corner, Jenny stood calmly waiting for his attack. The bell rang and he charged out of his corner Jenny dodged his early attempts to grab her, but then he caught her , span her around and snaked his massive arms around her slender neck, she was in a hopeless position surely he would finish her quickly. "Give up now" he whispered "before I squeeze the life out of you.""No way " she answered , as she spoke with her free hand she reached behind her and gently ran her hand along the shape of his cock, "I haven't started yet " "What...what are you up to stop that" he stammered as his cock began to respond and stiffen. Distracted by his arousal he failed to press his advantage. Jenny was quick to seize the opportunity, she slipped her hand into the top of his trunks wrapped her tiny hand around his erection and started to jerk him off, at the same time she grabbed his muscular forearm and slowly started to prise it away from her neck. The crowd were going wild what was happening from being in a helpless position the little girl seemed to be fighting back."Does that feel good big man" she whispered as she stroked him don't seem quite so strong to me" she teased. His eyes were glazing over , his breathing was more rapid , he looked confused and distant. She had released his strangle hold and escaped his clutches, she grabbed his wrist and was twisting his Herculean arm up his back suddenly she was in control, he was beginning to struggle, he stumbled as if his strength had drained away."Oh what has happened...I feel so weak!"he gasped as the tiny girl began to overpower him."Come on champion fight your fans want a contest" she smiled. In the crowd all sorts of reactions were taking place the women were cheering but the men were quiet. Many fans found the spectacle of this tiny girl weakening and defeating a larger male to be arousing and erotic, most of the males had a hard on, some of their girlfriends had unzipped their pants and were jerking them off, already some were slumped in their seats as if they too were being weakened like their champion. Back in the ring the situation had completely reversed, Jenny had the champion draped over the top rope like a rag doll , she pulled his trunks down to his knees exposing a raging erection , now she was slowly and sensuously running fingers along its entire length. He made a feeble effort to stop her, she simply stroked him a little faster, his hand fell away his knees buckled and his head fell forward."This is so easy "she said said as she threw his trunks into the crowd. He sank to his knees too weak to stay upright , Jenny stopped wanking him , placed her palm under his chin and lifted his head so he could see who had made him so weak and stripped him naked."Please...stop I feel so weak" he pleaded."Not quite yet" she answered"we need to show the world how females are soon to be the stronger sex!" She dragged him to the centre of the ring , propped him up on his knees and le ft him to recover enough strength to support himself. She grabbed a microphone to address the crowd. "As you can see I have made him as weak as a kitten , all those huge muscles they are useless against us girls just watch" she hauled him to his feet paraded him around the ring , although he seemed to have recovered much of his strength she seemed in complete control. "See I have allowed him to restore his strength but any time I wish I can easily weaken him again...... would you like to show you ?" she asked. "Show us ..Show "us the girls demanded the girls in the crowd. Many of the men were quiet , others were struggling to stand to see , some could not get up their girlfriends had already made them weak , but they dragged them to their feet and held them up to watch."Finish him...destroy him show him the new order" they shouted. There was a commotion in the Champion's corner three male heavyweight wrestlers had come to save the champion from humiliation , but as they tried to climb into the ring, Jenny's three schoolfriends had grabbed each of the around the waist and skillfully forced their hands into the wrestlers waistbands and were frantically stroking their cocks. The result was amazing the instant each wrestler was aroused all the fight went from them it took less than thirty seconds for each of the girls to render the wrestlers too weak to resist them, the girls stripped them pushed them into the ring where they fell about like helpless babies each girl pushed them to the edge of the ring pulled them back over the top rope stood behind them holding them up and occasionally stroked their enormous erections. In a desperate attempt to save some dignity the champion aimed a swinging forearm at Jenny, but with her dancers training she ducked and skipped out of range, Bob had recovered most of his strength and was a dangerous opponent once more, but the calm Jenny seemed confident, she knew he was naked and vunerable. The next two minutes were the most erotic and significant moments in the history of sport and the battle of the sexes.Word had got to the television companies and the bout was now on live television. In homes all over the country viewers were glued to the spectacle and as in the crowd females were experimenting to see if they could also subdue their male partners and friends , in city centre pubs girls attacked men by seducing and arousing them.But most eyes watched as Jenny and Bob squared up to each other for the second time . Jenny circled around him keeping out of reach occasionally teasing and taunting him.She pointed to his fellow wrestlers who were dangling helpless from the top rope,"in two minutes I will have made you even weaker than your friends "she boasted as she cupped her hand and made a mock wanking gesture with her hand, the girls in the crowd cheered to encourage her, then she darted under his arms grabbed his penis gave it a few rapid strokes and quickly escaped , he looked down to see his cock start to stiffen , a strange feeling started in his stomach a mixture of pleasure and arousal Once again she ducked under his arms and with a few rapid strokes made him really erect , then the tale tale signs he stumbled , his eyes went glassy . Jenny knew she had him now and closed in to finish him , he managed to grab her but she was prepared for this and locked hands with him in a trial of strength but with her other hand slowly continued to jerk him off in seconds his strength drained away, his arms fell to his sides and legs wobbled as he stumbled" you have no clue what is happening or where you are do you" she teased. "Oh so weak can't stand finished" he stammered as he fell onto Jenny.A major network TV commentator summed it up as millions watched...... "Startling events are taking place at the City Arena , four young schoolgirls have challenged four male heavyweight wrestlers including the national champion, as you can see they have stripped them , sexually abused and weakened them , I can't believe what I am watching these four tiny girls have humiliated the men who are completely I look around the arena there are girls .... well masturbating men and boys who seem unable to stop them.......reports are coming in from all over the city of similar scenes some sort of revolution is taking place ." Jenny and her three friends continued to wank the wrestlers they just got weaker and weaker then they collapsed unconscious at the same spurting masses of cum. The girls then left the ring, a very attractive woman dressed in the sexiest outfit climbed into the ring and picked up the microphone to speak to the audience and the TV cameras......."Ladies today is the new beginning, from now on we are the superior sex , for the last six years we have researched startling changes in male physiology we think this is both environmental and evolutionary, but the results have been a significant the fall in sperm count but an increase in libido. Two things have resulted from this , men find it almost impossible to resist the temptation of sexual gratification but now when they are aroused the effect drains all energy from their muscles leaving them too weak to lift a finger. Even more interesting is that the fittest and strongest men are effected more than the average man. Yesterday we conducted several experiments that show that they even grow weak by seeing sexily dressed women or from erotic suggestions, this means we can condition and control them. We also know that it does not physically harm them , but we are not sure of the psychological effect........Girls go and enjoy your new power. Story of the New World to follow comments