Revenge at Aeor by Viac am Malacar PO Box 505 1407 D. Josephine St. © Copyright Waukesha, WI 53186 WGAW #874682 262-542-6377 1998 - 2002 Viac am Malacar Waukesha, Wi. "REVENGE AT AEOR" Author's notes, from Viac am Mal... This is a two part story, taken from Corps records, Chronicler Lady Kia's presentation, my own notes, and what I witnessed.. It is the story of the 910th VKC as much as it is the 150th. This opens with the 910th's last stand. The 910th's actions were later confirmed, and written in the Lore of the Corps. Lady Kia did "rejoin" her command by killing herself at Commander Malacar's Fort, about a month after she returned. I have purposely left Chronicler Lady Kia's suicide out due to the graphic nature of what I saw. To their memory, this is dedicated. Mal, in his usual manner, ran this raid in the way he always does. Well planned and thought out. I have included a small part of the "Ring" rites, but due to privacy reasons, have not shown the entire thing. All Rings bond in this manner, and we of the 150th Command Ring are no different. "AEOR" in Quipoleth, means "DEATH" Enjoy this master work of Revenge, as our Corps blows out an old foe, and settles an old score. On to our story.... ACT 1 - THE CAUSE The year is 1350, The Middle Kingdom of the Realm has been under attack from the neighboring Quippli - "The Black" Kingdom for many years. The equality of the sexes, and their devotion to each other, and their peaceful ways, annoys the Warlords of the Black Kingdom. The Quippli's lust for land, women, and power has driven their raids. The 910th Valkyrie has been sent to the Valley of Aeor, to deal with, a Black raider - Major Duroc, and the Black Forces 210th. 2. They are camped just over the border with the Realm at Melcher's Ford. EXT. VKC CAMP AT MELCHER'S FORD. Field uniforms - all. FADE IN: THE SUN HAS JUST COME UP. The camp is stirring. Early mess, and the "Boots and Saddles" bugle calls are heard in the distance. The troops form up for the half day march to the Valley of Aeor. As the troops start out, Lord John (JOHANESON) is marching near the first troops with VIREKI and KIA. Alicon (ALI) is near the middle, by the second Battalion. Usual battle formations, troops in squads, companies, and battalions. About six abreast, as they march along. Lord John turns to Vireki- JOHANESON Looks like a nice day today, not too hot, and it is very clear out. No mud to slow us up.. VIREKI Yes John, it looks like a good day to fight. I only hope we are not out numbered. I as well told Alicon last night, that I too felt something was wrong, but I just can't put my mind to what it is. Something about Duroc leading a raid - that would be Dunstan's job, it just doesn't add up... JOHANESON (thinking out loud) Well unless he is still trying to prove himself after the last time we met... 3. JOHANESON Well in a few hours we will know for sure what is going on. John turns to Kia JOHANESON Kia,- Today I want you to keep your dispatch case someplace near you, when you are engaged.. KIA Oh Lord John, I still feel that this will come out all right, but I will obey your orders. JOHANESON Kia, just don't lose that case, remember - if this goes down wrong, I need you to get out of there - one way or the other.. KIA (resignedly) Yes, Lord John.. (The Chronicler dispatch case, contains the Corps Records, maps of the action, and battle plans. If the Corps is totally destroyed, the Chronicler, by treaty, is not to be killed, but sent back under guard, and in chains, to report the Corp's demise. - Viac) They march along, the landscape is turning more hilly, The road goes thru a couple of hills.. John turns to Vireki, He says quietly so Kia won't hear him JOHANESON Vireki - young and bold Valkyrie officers like Kia, always have faith in their leaders, but they do not know death when it faces them... VIREKI (quietly to John, so Kia won't hear) Yes I know, but she will know in time. Let us both hope that our fears are groundless, and we get out of this scrap in one piece. 4. JOHANESON Let's not talk about this anymore, and concentrate on the up coming fight. EXT. VALLEY OF AEOR - JUST BEFORE NOON AS THEY COME OVER A RISE - BELOW THEM IS THE VALLEY OF AEOR. Troops are seen milling about. It is also an army field camp very much like the Valkyrie corps. A Black footman acting as forward guard, sings out their presence. FOOTMAN (Calling back into the Valley) VKC ON THE RISE !!! Bugle calls in the distant Valley confirm the call. THE BATTLE IS ABOUT TO BE JOINED. Immediately the camp in the Valley is marshaled for action. Lines form, Defensive shield walls start going up. Officers can be seen directing men. As the 910th starts down into the Valley - A small skirmish starts to their right, As a distraction. Lord John orders the first and last company of the First Battalion into the scrap. JOHANESON (Ordering loudly) Company's "A" and "G" first Battalion - into the skirmish As this is going on, and the officer's attention is directed at this small scrap, 5. A large force pours out of a small canyon from an unseen position, into the left flank. Lord John turns, Recognizes what is going on. The Black 214th, pours out of a small canyon. Into Lord John's remaining columns. JOHANESON (Ordering in a shout) 910th First Battalion, form a shield wall, stand by for incoming FOOTMEN!! The on rushing Black 214th runs over Company "B" Company "B" is wiped out in the first push of the Black footmen. Companies "C" and "D" form a hurried shield wall as their officers direct them locally. Company's "C" and "D" take the brunt of the fight, giving as well as they are getting. This part of the field is now holding. Company "A" and "G" survivors now rejoin the Battalion, after finishing off the original scrap. They will act as the reserves for the rest of the first Battalion for this part of the fight. Lord John, seeing that this is not the main body, but a diversionary force, and First is holding all right - John decides to take the fight to the Black 210th - JOHANESON (Ordering again in a shout) Second Battalion - to the FRONT - PUSH into their main body!!! As the Second starts up the Valley floor, with Lady Alicon leading it. The First finishes off the original surprise attack. Then the survivors join the Second in their push. The Third is standing just behind the action in reserve. 6. Standing well to the rear of all which is going on are Lord John, Vireki, and Kia. Suddenly out of nowhere, a Black squad of footmen race into their unprotected position... VIREKI (Excitedly - and directing) John behind YOU!! SAPPERS!! Lord John turns, See three footmen charging at him. He swings into them. Cutting down the first, Then pushes off the center man. The center man causes the third to veer into Vireki. Vireki swings into him, She cuts him down handily. Vireki turns again to her left, She sees two more charging. VIREKI (excitedly - directing) Kia - On your right!! Kia swings into them Cutting one down, The other is deflected by her dispatch case, which is still around her neck. The man deflected, goes off in John's direction. John cuts him down handily as well. The last man is seen running off towards his own lines. JOHANESON Good Lord!! That was close - JOHANESON (turning to Vireki) Where did they come from? 7. VIREKI I don't know John, my guess is they were or are of the original line... VIREKI (Pausing to think, and look around) Maybe a sapper position, to come up on us as we left our last position. The officers move closer to the fighting, so as to cover themselves better. EXT. ON THE VALLEY FLOOR - ABOUT TWO PM. THE SCENE NOW SHIFTS TO THE DARK SIDE. Duroc has walked out of the hidden canyon to talk with his field commander Dunstan, to check on the fight. DUROC All right, Duns, how is the fight going? DUNSTAN They are walking into the trap Lord Duroc - I had the 214th reserves pour out of that small canyon as they came up, and part of them start a diversion skirmish.. it almost worked... DUNSTAN (gleefully adding) I tied up their forces so we could buy some time, and get our shield walls up. AND the sappers almost got Johaneson!!! Duroc looks surprised at this turn, Which he did not order. He grabs Dunstan by the front of his uniform, He shakes him as he yells- DUROC (Thundering at Dunstan) ""IDIOT!!!""" I don't want you to finish off Johaneson, I want to do it. Stay with my plan or I will launch one against you when this is over!!! - - 8. DUROC GOT ITTT?????? Dunstan now shaking at Duroc's threat- DUNSTAN (sheepishly) YES SIR!!! - No more surprises, I promise! DUROC That is more like it. The only surprise I want to see is when Johaneson gets flattened when we pour out the canyon. Now go and start pulling the troops and the walls back like we talked about, and keep the fight hot, so they spend their troops. DUNSTAN As you wish Sir! Dunstan now walks back over to his command group. DUNSTAN (in a resigned order) Call "FALL BACK RETREAT" - The bugle call is heard to pull back. The walls start moving back up the Valley floor like they are making a fighting retreat. MEANWHILE ON THE FIELD IN FRONT OF THE BLACK FORCES - John see the walls up ahead of him starting to fall back, He figures that maybe this will be all right after all. They are falling back. He decides to try to break thru the walls. The First and Second are taking heavy losses at the odd number of fresh men coming on line. Third has been feeding men into the fight as needed. What is left of the Third Battalion, which are not engaged, are now used to breach the shield wall. 9. JOHANESON (Ordering loudly - and forcefully over the battlefield din) Third Battalion, 910th Valkyrie - Valkyrie Line Barge!!! As he is watching the Second and others working into the black lines, He spots the opening. JOHANESON (again like before) Into the "C" and "D" (Between "C" and "D" Company) ""BARGE - - TWO"" Three hundred men, at first in twos then three abreast barge into the gap formed by the force of "C" and "D"'s push. Almost at once, as fast as they are disappearing into the Black lines, They are swallowed up. They are not seen fighting "back out, into the shield wall lines". JOHANESON Vireki - What just happened? That isn't supposed to happen - where did the troops go? VIREKI Unless something else is going on, I can not say - VIREKI Our troops should have fought in and back out by now - The troops barged into a blind canyon. Behind Duroc's waiting shield wall... They were cut down by fresh troops waiting there. THEN from the other side of the shield wall Duroc is heard- DUROC (In a loud command yell) BLACK 210th - INTO THEM!!! 10. The fresh Black footmen burst into view from behind the shield wall. This was a very large, about three thousand troopers. (Kia's guess). They are now pouring into the remaining 910th. John turns and screams at the troops the following the action. JOHANESON Ali - form a defensive ring!! - all officers to a defensive line - stand by for incoming footmen!!! John turns to Vireki- JOHANESON (bewildered) Vireki - where is he getting all these men from? They should have been miles away at the Bellix raid yet - - JOHANESON These seem to be fresh men - all rested and ready to go . . JOHANESON As we cut through one line, they seem to be getting a new one up behind it!! VIREKI John, I really don't know, this is a complete surprise to me... VIREKI If you ask me, these are not all Duroc's men. Some of these look like Force 214 judging from the flashes. The rest have the Force 210 flashes. JOHANESON YOU mean to tell me, he has violated the PACT?? JOHANESON (taking it all in) I think he has over five thousand troops on the line right now!! 11. VIREKI It does look like it. He seems to have two entire armies out here facing us, and judging from what I can see, this is one we are not going to win. JOHANESON (determined) Vireki, - fight for all you are worth, and maybe we can somehow last till sundown, and this ends, and get whatever we have left, and get out of here. - - Lord John, looks around, surveys the scene before him.. JOHANESON RETREAT is now impossible as we are now surrounded. Ali now runs over to John's position to help bolster the protection around Lord John ALI Kia - go and cover my place in the second ring. KIA Right away! - Good luck Alicon! John, Vireki, and Ali, along with the other officers of the First and some of the Second form one "ring". The remaining Second, and Third, along with Kia, form a second "ring". The hour is now very late. The remaining troops try to form defensive rings. They hope that this will hold until sun down, When the fight will be over. Lady Kia now sets her case down to fight more efficiently. She is with the second ring, and doing well, Cutting down a lot of Black footmen as they come up. 12. AS ONE BLACK FOOTMAN FALLS, ANOTHER FRESH MAN TAKES HIS PLACE. THERE SEEMS NO END TO THEM. By now, most of the 910th is down. The rings start to collapse. DUROC KNOWS FROM INTELLIGENCE, AND SPIES, THAT LORD JOHN HAS FEMALE CHRONICLER. HE STARTS TO LOOK FOR HER. DUROC WALKING THRU THE BATTLE, NOTICES THAT KIA IS NOT WITH JOHANESON. SHE MUST BE IN THE SECOND RING. HE STARTS TO SEARCH FOR HER. DUROC (Hollering over the action and din) HAVE YOU FOUND HER YET?? - DUROC NOBODY IS TO KILL ANY OFFICER TILL I HAVE CHECKED THEM!! Duroc now walks down the whirling line of fight, Peering into one of them, Spots a glint of gold. Duroc thinks he has spotted his prize. Shoving Captain Jans back, and just out of range as he swings his sword down. Jans sword cuts thru the officer's tunic, on the left side. Opening a wound on the left breast. KIA (Cringing at the pain) Arrgggg - - DAMN THING Duroc, now reaches into the fray, Grabs Kia's face, full on the front, with his greasy dirty gloved hand. He forces her head back like he was going to cut her throat. He is looking for the collar insignias which would tell him who this was. 13. DUROC AHHH - HAAA!!! - The three plumes of the Scribe on the right collar, and more importantly, the four stars of the command on the left!!!... DUROC (Turning to Jans) I've got MY PRIZE!!! Directing his men- DUROC Kill them all,leave this one to me!! Duroc now grabs her by the front of her tunic, just below where it is cut through, Pulls her out of the line of battle. THE BATTLE IS STARTING TO WIND DOWN IN THIS PART OF THE FIELD, BEHIND DUROC AND KIA. BEHIND THEM LOTS OF DOWN TROOPS OF BOTH SIDES. Duroc now holds Kia tightly in his grip. A red stain is starting to show thru Kia's tunic where her breast was cut. The stain is forming on the lower side of the cut. Duroc turns left - yells at Jans- DUROC Jans - COME HERE!! Jans approaches. DUROC Jans, I want you to find her dispatch should be around here somewhere. FIND THAT DISPATCH CASE. Be sure it has her log books, Corps roster, maps, and everything else. AND BRING IT TO ME AT ONCE - DUROC The sun is getting low. Jans salutes and goes off stage right to look for it. Duroc now removes Kia's helmet, 14. Drops it on the ground, And pulls down her long golden auburn hair down from it's pin up. As it falls, Duroc starts stroking it, And it is getting very dirty. DUROC Mmmm my Lady would make a nice prize for my BED!! (he growls at her) Kia glares at him, Then spits down at his feet - The blood patch under her left arm is growing bigger, and is now starting to flow into her tunic front. Duroc now grabs her sword, Forcing it out of her weakened left hand, Breaks it over his knee like a stick, Throwing the "pointy end" away, And sticking the other end into the ground temporarily. Jans returns with Kia's dispatch case. JANS Lord Duroc, your package SIR! DUROC Very good Jans, now help me check thru them, and then we can restuff the case... FIOR - hold the prisoner!! Fior, standing near Jans, grabs Kia roughly. Duroc and Jans quickly find the needed items. Now that they have Johaneson's chronicler, They can finish off the job. Kia, alone can be sent back to tell the tale. Duroc and Jans quickly stuff the items back into Kia's case, 15. And start to cinch the straps down. Duroc then slips Kia's broken sword under the flap And finishes the job, By cinching it down tight. DUROC NOW my Lady, we will finally have Johaneson's end in sight! Turning to a footman stand nearby - DUROC CHAINS!!! Chains and fetters are now brought. Duroc throws the dispatch case's strap over Kia's head, around her neck, And setting on the left side, Which has a growing blood stain. He has her hands bound. Then the feet with a short length of chain between the ankle fetters. EXT. SMALL AREA OF REMAINING BATTLE FIELD - FOUR PM MEANWHILE, IN THE OTHER RING IT IS ALSO GROWING DARK. MOST OF THE TROOPS ARE NOW DOWN. The circle around Lord John, Vireki, and Ali is growing smaller.. The sun in now very low. Time is running out for the 910th. ALI (In pain and anguish) John!! Agghhh - - John turns to look, Just as a Black footman runs Ali thru the right side, His sword goes deep into her chest. Ali falls away from Lord John 16. John,turns, Swings his sword. A head is seen rolling away, As a black footman's body falls at his feet. The Black footmen, now close the ring. Then the Black Cry of Victory is heard. FOOTMAN """ GIASH !!! """ Duroc then shoves his prize in the direction of the shout. As they walk along, and small stream is crossed. Just up ahead, a medium ring of Black footmen is seen THE WHOLE SCENE OF BATTLE IS NOW WINDING DOWN, THE DIN AND FIGHTING ARE WANING. Duroc wades thru his men, Pulling Kia along behind. Jans follows close behind, also pushing Kia. As they finally enter the ring, Duroc stands just in front of his his men. He pulls Kia forcefully around in front of him. Before him are the last two command officers of the 910th. Panting out of breath from the action, Their swords up in a defensive position, Back to back in the middle of the ring. Down Valkyries, and Black footmen are seen strewn all around the center of the ring, and the area. Lying where they fell. Duroc, taking it all in, calls to Johaneson 17. DUROC (shouting loudly) JOHANESON - SURRENDER OR DIE - I HAVE YOUR CHRONICLER!! The two Valkyrie officers then turn and look at each other, Survey the scene around them, Lower their swords, Then glare at Duroc. Kia now looks down at the ground in front of her, - She just can not watch what she knows is coming. Duroc notices that she has looked away from the scene, Grabs Kia's head at the back by her hair, And holds it there so she can not look away. DUROC (sneering) Now my Lady, you can watch your two close friends die - either at their hand or mine!! (At the sad end of a Corps Command, like this, you have two choices. You can either kill yourself, or the Black Command will do it. The Black death will be slow and painful. Death by one's own hand in honorable. Death by the enemy is a disgrace. - Viac) John turns directly at Duroc - He spots Kia in his tight grip. Across the ring their eyes meet, and lock. Kia's eyes begin to fill with tears - slowly. John then turns once again back to Vireki, They exchange deep glances, Sadness can be seen in their eyes, - Then they both nod, Their plan is acted on. John is steeling himself for what he knows is now coming. 18. John steps back just enough to get some room between himself and his TAC. He then drops to his knees before her, Spreads his knees to take weight on both of them evenly. Taking two deep breaths, He holds the last, He nods to Vireki. Vireki, raises her sword, Turns it flat to his chest,(so it would go thru the ribs sideways) And start to plunge it deep within, Over his left breast. Kia flinches as the sword goes through Lord John. A tear starts to roll down her face. The sword has now passed thru his heart, He grimaces at the pain within. Outside of the initial "UNNHH" when it went in, he doesn't make a sound. He just hangs onto Vireki's sword - And dies. Vireki then places her knee on John's chest to get some "purchase" to pull the thing out, As the sword comes free of John. John falls back rather dead. A small stain shows thru the front of the tunic at the cut. Vireki now opens her tunic, Showing just a bit of skin, Her navel just above the pant front closure. Pulling her dagger out of her left sleeve, 19. She cuts through the front flap of the pant, Down to her mound, Leaving the closure to hold her pant up. She replaces the dagger in her sleeve. She then flips her sword around, Places the hilt on the ground near John's body. Placing the tip of the blade in the now exposed part of her lower belly, Just above the mound, and Taking the point in her own hand, Sets it deeply into her underbelly. Angling it towards her heart. VIREKI (Shouting to Duroc) DUROC YOU BASTARD!!!... VIREKI (Taking another breath) I HOPE YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH YOUR VICTORY!!! Vireki, then takes one more breath, Holds it, Closes her eyes. Bracing for what she knows will come next - Starts to sink to her knees, Driving the sword deep within her belly. Kia is now openly weeping as she hears the "UNNHH", She watches as Vireki skewers herself on her sword. The "Sun Down" bugle call is now heard on the field. EXT. SAME AS LAST - SUNDOWN The day and the battle are over. 20. The 910th died in the last waning moments of the day. Kia alone now - is the last survivor of the 910th VKC. Kia takes one last look at the scene in front of her... Vireki has taken most of the thirty-six inches of cold steel within. After a few moments on her knees, Vireki falls back dead. The sword hilt is seen set deeply within her belly. Blood and body fluids are now flowing out of the wound, and into her vaginal area, and onto her leg. She then urinates, as a last spasm. Kia, is now weeping openly. Her wound is finally starting to stop flowing blood. It is congealing to the tunic. The tears are now leaving tracks in the battle field dirt caked face. You can see she is unsteady as she starts to weave back and forth - Reeling from loss of blood, And the scene she has just been forced to watch. Duroc then gives Kia's chains to Jans, who has followed his leader into the ring. Duroc then goes over to inspect the two dead Valkyries, Kicking Johaneson, then Vireki, Finding them quite dead. Reaches for Vireki's sword. He smiles as he pulls the bloody sword out of her. Vireki's wound still draining on her and into the ground. 21. DUROC (calling to a footman near) Get Johaneson's sword and bring it to me - (turning to another) and find me a wrapper as well!! Duroc can not claim their swords as a prize of war. He must send them back to Realm Command, As a sign he was not responsible for their deaths. (By treaty, Duroc could have claimed the swords as a prize, if he himself had killed the last of the officers, but he only was responsible for the defeat of the Corps, not the officers who lead it. Therefore he must send the swords back as a sign that he cannot be held responsible for the loss of the Corps, but it was the bad planning of the Command which lead to this unfortunate end.- Viac) Two of the footmen then pry the sword from Lord John's hand, Another pair is seen stripping a tunic off a dead nearby Valkyrie. The four now return to Duroc with the requested items. Duroc pulls Kia broken sword out of her dispatch case. Then laying the two officer swords on the tunic, Pointing to the rear, Kia's on top pointing to the front, Closes the tunic, Rolls it into a bundle. With Johaneson's sword hilt on the top. Duroc then opens the case on Kia's side, Slips the package under the case flap, With Johaneson's sword hilt visible on top, He then cinches the straps down tight. As he pulls on the straps to bring them home, Kia almost falls over from the force of this action. 22. Grabbing Kia by the chains, He pulls her out, forceably, in front of him - DUROC (Growling at her) Now get moving towards the Keleb transfer point! Kia staggers along under her own weight in front of Duroc As they start out on the road to Keleb. FADE OUT. End of Act 1. ACT 2 - AT FORT JENNACON Back at Fort Jennacon, nobody knows anything about what is happening at Aeor. The 150th Valkyrie Binah Corps, is at home, after another skirmish last month. Two years have passed since the last major raid at Braxton, and they have been doing roving Corps patrols, against the Black and Dernge forces. INT. OFFICER'S LOUNGE, COMMAND RING QUARTERS Barracks uniforms all. FADE IN: It is late afternoon, and Vironica (VIRON) is relaxing after another long day. TESS enters... TESS Long day partner? VIRON Hi Tess, yes it has been - a few things to go over, and things to sort out - how are things in Quartermaster? 23. TESS The new Mark Five packs came in, and they now hold fifty to one hundred arrows, instead of the twenty five we had before.. VIRON Oh! That's good! - Last few times we were afield, we almost ran out of them in the hit and runs we have been doing. Malacar (MAL) enters MAL Hi Tess, Viron, - - Boy it sure is good to have you have from Caer Anne Tess, those new stars look good on you! Tess comes over and embraces Mal... VIRON Hi Skipper! TESS Thanks for having this open for me Mal, I now feel that I am finally pulling my weight as a Ring officer now that I am the full Quartermaster... MAL So what's new down in your area Tess? TESS Like I was telling Viron, we got those new Mark Five packs in.. MAL Oh? The ones with the new increased arrow supply? TESS Yes! - it also has a provision for an external strap on additional supply. MAL So - - now we carry - - TESS Fifty to one hundred arrows per man. MAL Oh! That's excellent. 24. TESS Also the additional ring shirt leggings came in, along with the under slips for them. MAL Very good Tess. Now our troops will really be cut proof thru most of their body. TESS And with the under slips, no more binding and pinching.. VIRON Erica will be glad to hear that - she has been complaining about her breasts being jammed into the thing. MAL Viron, did the requisitions for the additional troops come in yet? VIRON Yes Mal, now we are almost up to three thousand... and Ellie is working with Camp Erection to expand this place. MAL Any ideas on the location of the new walls? VIRON Ellie was saying that they will push the North and West walls out another forty acres, and then pull part of the existing down, and make a large gate between them. - - (looking up) Well here comes Ellie herself - ask her... Ellison (ELLIE) enters ELLIE Afternoon all... ALL Hi El - Hi Ellie - - Afternoon El.. MAL So Ellie - tell me how the camp expansion is coming? 25. ELLIE Very good Mal - the new barrracks are going up on our old drill fields, the mess hall has been expanded, and the new drill fields will have part of the forest enclosed, so we can work with a real life situation. MAL How much forest we enclosing? ELLIE Camp erection says we can have about ten acres of it, if we move that North wall just a bit further, so I authorized that... then they will clear about two hundred feet out from our perimeter wall, and then make the double wall there. MAL Excellent! - Realistic training! ELLIE Also we are building a "small village" near the West wall for more training area. MAL Very good! - Glad to see that we are finally getting some real training grounds, not just drill fields. VIRON Ellie - what about the officer's Bailey? ELLIE We are leaving that as it is, seeing how we are using that for our own burial grounds.. Camp Erection is doing some landscaping in that area to make it more serene, and peaceful. MAL Tess? - Is anything else coming our way you know of in the line of new equipment? 26. TESS Not right now Skipper - just the usual replacement and up grades... OH MAL - I forgot - - Binah Guard Command has sent down a new sword for us to test... MAL New sword? TESS Yes, unlike our old "hand and a half" monsters we have been carrying - this thing is about twenty eight inches long. MAL Tell me about it Tess.. TESS Well if you remember, we are using the sparaxes and archery equipment more and more, and they felt that a shorter and faster sword would be in order. ALSO this is easier to carry - and use in battle. MAL Anybody test it or been using it in battle? TESS Command says that the BG 357th and BG 460th have been using these for the past six months, and have been getting good feed back and results with it. MAL So how many did they send down here? TESS We should be getting about one hundred next week. MAL Arming belts and frogs? TESS Same ones we have been using. This new one fits into some kind of holder which shields the blade, and makes carrying it safer. 27. MAL Tess you get a sample yet? TESS From what I hear - maybe in the next shipment from the BG - QM... MAL Good! Let me know when it comes in. Mal looks out the window - MAL (continuing) Sun getting low - anybody for evening mess? ALL I am, Let's go! - Right with you Skipper! The group leaves for evening mess.... FADE OUT. The following week, late, Malacar is back at his office, usual command routines, paper work, and posts to go through.. INT. MALACAR'S OFFICE Barracks uniforms all. FADE IN: Mal is seated behind his desk. Tess enters with the new sword... Mal looks up.. MAL Hi Tess! - SO that's it? Tess walks over to Mal.. TESS Yes Skipper! - (pulling it out of the scabbard) Try this one! Hands it to Mal - Mal takes the new sword - 28. Tries a few cuts and swipes... MAL Ohhh!! Very nice Tess! - light weight, easy to move about, and easy to control. This will be easier on the arms as well... TESS Yes, I know - I tried it out this morning on the training dummies, and it is just a breeze cutting through, and this one doesn't get stuck as easy as the old ones do. MAL So how many did we get? TESS Well, for right now, we have one hundred. BG - QM will issue more in the future, but for now they want the officer's to try them out. MAL How soon until we can get more? Mal hands it back to Tess. Tess stuffs it back into the scabbard. TESS They want us to try them on the next few raids, and sorties, then get back to them. MAL All right! - issue them to the officer's for right now. TESS Will do Skipper - after evening mess in the Corps Club. MAL Good Tess! - Tess leaves, with the new sword. Ellie passes Tess as she leaves. Ellie enters... Mal looks up 29. MAL (continuing) Hi Ellie! How are tricks in your world? ELLIE Hi Mal! - Things are going well! MAL Good! - How is Camp Erection doing these days? ELLIE The new walls are up, the forest is ready, and the village should be completed by the end of next week. MAL How soon can we start using them? ELLIE The forest scenes any day now, the village I would give a few more days. MAL Good! - I'll pass the word to Viron and Erica that they can start planning new exercises, and drills. Valerie (VAL) sticks her head in the door.. VAL Mal - a messenger from Command... MAL Send him in.. The messenger enters - Salutes.. Mal returns it... Hands him a sealed packet. Salutes - leaves. Mal opens the packet... VAL So what does Command have to say for itself? Mal reads through the missive.... 30. MAL Hmmm - - seems one of the Corps, the 910th out of the 18th area got blown out by a Major Duroc... VAL Duroc? Where do I know that from? MAL OH you remember - we ran into him at the Nestike Forest thing, when we were with the old 510th, then when we came back from the Braxton Foray, we ran into him at Melcher's Ford.... VAL Wasn't he the one who usually has two Black Forces with him? MAL Yes - he has the 210th Black, and usually has the 214th someplace in his backpocket for reinforcements. VAL So what does Command say? MAL Hmmm (reading through again) Says here - they flattened Johaneson at the Valley of Aeor... and we should be on the lookout for him, if he comes this way. VAL Anybody get out of there? MAL Yes, their Chronicler, a Lady Kia, and that was about all. Seems they died just at sundown, and Command feels they should have been let go, as it was, the hour was so late... VAL So what do they want us to do? 31. MAL Nothing for now I guess. No marching orders in this missive... (reading further) Hmmm - at the bottom it says, Kerri will be coming down here late next week to talk to us about this incident. VAL That could be our marching orders... MAL Could be - here - (Handing the missive to Val) Pass this around the Ring, and have them get any information they can about this, and information on the Valley of Aeor, and all that. If we are going after this bird, I want to be ready. VAL Right skipper! Val leaves with the post. Mal goes back to paper work. FADE OUT. End of Act 2 ACT 3 - THE BUILD UP Late the following week, after a long week of new drills and other things, the Ring is relaxing in the Officer's Lounge... INT. OFFICER'S LOUNGE VIRON Well, Kerri should be in soon. 32. MAL Yes, he said last time, late in the week, so I guess maybe tonight, or tomorrow. Tess? You have the rooms ready for him and his staff? TESS Yes Mal.. we are putting them up on the first floor in your old rooms. How is your new accommodations? MAL I like being on the second floor now, I can see most of the camp from my quarters now. VIRON I was a bit leery of the new construction, but Mal and I have a lot more room now, it is nicer. ERICA Ellie and I like having the room on the end, just above us.. so spacious, and airy.. VIAC For me, I like being down here. Vion is happy that we almost have this whole floor to ourselves.. and your new office Mal, finally looks like an office, and not a cubby hole. MAL Yes, that was a plus, although we now have to share the office with most of you, at least we don't have to live in the store any more. ERICA Hey! - four desks, in one room with out the beds is very nice. MAL Not to mention they made one big room out of two. Now we looks like we have a Command, not just camp office. A guard enters with KERRI . . GUARD Commander? - Command is here! 33. MAL Very good! All rise as Kerri enters.. KERRI As you were! - AHH! Mal - good to see you again! MAL Minister Kerri! - And what brings you down to our corner of the Realm? Kerri sits in the corner chair... Mal walks over to the bar... MAL (continuing) Care for some refreshments sir? KERRI That would be nice! Mal draws two tankards of Ale... Passes one to Kerri Takes the other for himself... MAL Ladies - help yourself! Val and Viron now come over and draw theirs... Tess does a bit later on. MAL (continuing) So Kerri - what is this all about - I THINK - I know - but tell us! KERRI Well to come right to the point, as it was, Yes I did come down here to see your new construction, and your new barracks, but I want to talk to you about this Duroc problem. MAL We can tour the camp tomorrow - you will like it! - Lots of new things to do around here! 34. KERRI You remember Duroc? MAL Unfortunately I do - we have run into him several times... KERRI Well Crown wants him dead. To be blunt. And they want you to do the job. MAL I see... and just when and how? KERRI Well, Mal, we are working on that right now. Due to the fact that this bird has the annoying habit of having strong reinforcements hiding someplace near him, we are working out a plan to finally do something about him, and his troops. MAL Well, just give us the word... KERRI Not so fast Mal...I know the your Binah Corps can handle five times your number, as you did at Vernon Creek against the Dernge, by the way - nice job, quick and fast - they never saw it coming... , but this bird has a nasty habit of springing them into action. MAL We did pull the maps for Aeor, I know what you mean.... KERRI Anyway - I want you to work out a battle plan, and send it up to me. AND I want you to figure using TWO Binah Corps for this job.. MAL You mean you finally got another one going? KERRI Yes Mal, we finally forged another one over at the 15th area. Commander Bergon is running that camp. 35. MAL Bergon?... Hmmm - where do I know... KERRI He was in the class behind you at Caer Anne, and is also like you, an innovator. You two should get along fine. MAL Good! When do I get to meet him and his Ring? KERRI In about a month or so, I will send him down here to see you. His camp is not like yours, it is just basic. MAL Will we have to train any of his men? KERRI No! - They are all seasoned like your Corps, and just as hard. MAL Swell! - KERRI You will find working with Bergon is like working with your own. He has studied your methods, and is eager to work with you, and meet your Ring. MAL All right! - DONE! We will get something worked up on Aeor, and send it to you... Ready for another one? KERRI Fine - Handing Mal his tankard.. Mal draws two more... Small talk, and Kerri is shown to his rooms... FADE OUT. A month has passed. The new training grounds are proving out to be very realistic. 36. INT. MALACAR'S OFFICE Barracks uniforms - 150th.. Field uniforms - 190th FADE IN: Late in the afternoon - Mal and Viron are seated at their own desks... Val walks in with visitors... Mal looks up.. MAL Val? - VAL Mal - I would like you to meet Commander Bergon...15th, 190th VKC.. Mal rises, extends his arm.. BERGON clasps it in the Knight's Salute... MAL Commander - nice meeting you! BERGON Commander Malacar! - At last! MAL Call me Mal - - VAL And this is his First - Sarah - and his TAC - Genoa... Mal shakes hands around.. MAL Nice to meet you all! - BERGON Nice place you have here Mal! - MAL Thanks - I take it you will be staying for a bit, so, we prepared rooms for you, and when you get settled in, we can show you around... 37. BERGON That would be nice! MAL You can meet the Ring after evening mess, - Executive officer Valerie, you have met, and this (showing the officers) Is my First - Vironica... Viron rises and comes over... ALL All 190th shake hands VIRON Nice to meet you all - So tell us Commander Bergon, how are things over at 15? BERGON Call me Berg, things are going well, we have had a few minor scraps, but nothing like you have been through. MAL OH? Kerri told us you were all battle hardened vets... BERGON What Kerri did not tell you is, this is not VKC, like you we are a Binah Guard Corps, but the difference is this - THIS was made out of three Binah Guard Battalions. MAL OH I see - - well, let's get you settled in... VIRON I'll have Commander Quartermaster Tess come over and show you your rooms them. Viron has the messenger find Tess... In a bit Tess shows up.. MAL Tess, this is Commander Bergon of the 15th 190th VKC, he will be staying with us for a few days... 38. Tess shares the welcoming pleasantries with the incoming Ring... TESS I have the rooms ready in the new visitors barracks... Tess leaves with the 190th's Ring.... After they have left the Command Ring Quarters.. MAL I hope this works out... VIRON Why Mal? MAL This Corps was formed out of an old unit, not rammed together by Command, and hoping that it will work... VIRON We will see over the next few days... MAL Did you notice their insignia? VIRON No why? MAL It is not RING markings.... VIRON No I did not notice that . . MAL None the less keep your eyes open, and let the Ring know that I have reservations about this..and keep it to ourselves for now... VIRON All right Mal - - MAL Val - you got a back door into Command? VAL Yes I do Mal - why? 39. MAL Check those three out - something smells. FADE OUT. The next day the Ring takes the 190th's ring out for an inspection tour of the Fort. The 190th does not figure that Val is missing... EXT. FORT JENNACON FADE IN: Barracks uniforms, all. As they walk through the Barracks section, They come to the new gate... MAL Now Berg, this is where we have been working lately... BERGON I see - I take it we are outside the Fort now? VIRON No Berg, this is still inside our walls. BERGON You have a forest inside your walls? MAL Yes we do. It is a training area just for attacking and defending within a confinement like this. VIRON Also it gives our men a chance to shoot arrows out of here - and practice doing so.. BERGON Your men shoot arrows? You don't have a separate archery section? Mal and Viron exchange knowing glances... Mal puts his finger to his nose 40. Viron nods... MAL And moving right along - this way please.. As they move around an obstacle course... BERGON Mal what is this bunch of things for??? VIRON It is for physical training of our troops.. why? Don't you have one? A small crossroads village comes into view... BERGON You have a village in here? - Where are the peasants? MAL Berg, just what type of camp do you have anyway? BERGON Well, it's like this - it's a training camp.. MAL I see . . go on . . BERGON Basically a training camp - you know how they are Mal... MAL No I don't - I once served in a Binah Guard camp, and yours doesn't sound like one..... TESS Berg, do you have the new field packs? You came in here with the usual old style packs... BERGON Ummm - no we didn't get them issued to us yet.... 41. MAL All right! (Getting worked up) JUST WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY? - LET me see your Realm identification coins.... BERGON I don't know if I . . MAL Either you produce them NOW or you will be spending time in our GUARD HOUSE until I can sort this OUT!! Bergon and his crew sheepishly pull out the coins... Mal has a long look.. Shows them to Viron, Then Erica, Then Tess All agree.. VIRON Bergon, these show us that you are all Binah Guard officers - Commanding officers at that . . Please explain.. BERGON Well, it was not my idea... MAL Bergon - out with it! BERGON Kerri thought that we could form a new unit by combining three Guard Battalions, and all that - into a new Guard Corps... MAL I see - - and your story about being a Ring? - YOU are not a Ring - - I can see that.. BERGON Well Kerri thought that if we came down here and observed your Ring, we could forge one ourselves, by watching yours in action... 42. MAL Sara and Genoa? SARA Mal we are sorry if..... MAL If you wish to become a Ring.... VIRON Look ladies, I don't know if you know what a Ring is - do you? SARA Well you work together - and fight together - - VIRON We also bed each other.. GENOA Oh! WE didn't know that - Kerri didn't say... TESS And we are bound by the Fire and Sword oath.... BERGON Kerri didn't say that either... MAL Are you ready to commit your minds, breath, blood and bodies to each other? SARA Can we think about it? VIRON THINK? YOU came into here - our Fort, and wanted us to think you were like us - ready to fight to the death for each other... ARE you ready for that? BERGON We are ready to fight for the Realm... VIRON In this group - you fight for each other - the Realm part takes care of itself. 43. GENOA Explain please.. MAL When you fight for your bunkmates, you are fighting for the Realm, because each of you have made a commitment to the Realm, and to each other.. Erica has been watching this from a stand off . . Now she moves over into the discussion... ERICA Mal, let's show them the Officer's Bailey, and maybe then they can understand.. The group now troops back across the Fort - To out behind the CRQ to the Bailey.. EXT. OFFICER'S BAILEY As they turn the corner - SARA Oh what a nice park you have back here! GENOA Do the enlisted get to come in here? ERICA This way please - - Erica now takes them to the North East corner of the Bailey... Mal is seething under all this . . As they walk up.. the 190th's command suddenly stops... BERGON Mal? What is this? Mal is holding his tongue - he is about to explode.... Erica steps in before Mal kills somebody... ERICA This is what a RING IS - we care about our own. These six graves, are our own people we brought back from the field... 44. BERGON You brought your dead back? Erica is working to keep it in... ERICA (icily) We care enough about our own, and love our own, and think enough about our own, that we did this. WE DON"T MAKE A MEAL FOR THE BUZZARDS OUT OF THEM!!! The 190th group shies at this..... ERICA (continuing) And this isn't a park - it's the Officer's Bailey - and everyone can come into here. WE don't have "enlisted" or any other thing like that - THEY are the men and women of the 150th VKC - our friends and extended family. The 190th group now starts backing up just a bit. Tess suddenly steps in... TESS If you are going to be a ring, you will have to change your thinking about everything you have learned... Caer Anne does not teach this - this way. YOU have to learn it from the field. I was an ADC before I was asked to join this Ring, they cared enough about me to make me one of them before I was an officer... The group looks stunned.... VIAC Tess was a sargent a few years ago, since she has finished her course at Caer Anne earlier this year, she was promoted, and has a permanent position with us. The 190th is gagging this down... SARA You mean Tess went from a Sargent - to - a - full - two - star - Commander? 45. VIAC Yes! - GENOA How? VIAC She is part of the 150th Ring, and as such.. she wears our "combined" rank as Malacar's Ring should... SHE is a full member of our family, our extended family of officers. BERGON You can't do that - make a Sargent a full commander... MAL STUFF it Commander Bergon - THIS IS A RING - WE do things our way - and our way works. Val suddenly appears into the heat of the argument... Signals to Mal - Mal comes over... Hand him a post dispatch.. MAL (continuing) (to Val quietly) Where did you get this? VAL I had a runner go last night and await for the reply... Mal looks at the paperwork.. Across the way - The 190th look on wondering what is up... MAL Colonel Bergon, Colonel Sara, and Colonel Genoa... The 190th looks very stunned at Mal's address... MAL (continuing) I WANT TO KNOW RIGHT NOW - - 46. BERGON Mal...UMM MAL Commander Malacar... SARA Commander - we didn't mean to... VAL You are all impersonating officers of a higher rank. We would like you to tell us why and how and more importantly who sent you. GENOA Damn it Bergon, go and tell them.. they seem to have the wind on us.. BERGON Well, Commander - it is like this - Kerri tried to make us into a fighting unit, but it isn't working. He gave us the rank so the men would follow us better, and thought we could make a ring so they would . . . Erica cuts him off....... ERICA Enough! - So - you want to learn how it works? - YOU three ready to become what you pretend to be? MAL I don't know about this Erica... ERICA Mal let me be...all right??! - I want you three - IN THE OFFICER"S LOUNGE tonite - after evening mess.... and we will make you into a RING - if you can pull it off with your men, that is up to you, BUT I WILL MAKE YOU INTO A RING!! Erica indicates towards the Visitor's barracks.. The three from the 190th move out. After they have left... 47. MAL Ummm Erica, what are you going to do? ERICA What do you think I am going to do Mal? MAL You are not going to... ERICA Yes I am - but with each other...come dressed for the occasion. MAL All right - it's your show . . Val what else did Kerri say in that post? VAL We got it all - now is the hard part - making them a ring... DISSOLVE TO: Late night after evening mess, same day. (Ring rites shown below, are how a command staff becomes a full working unit, as one person, in several bodies. It is common for working "Rings" to go through this rite. Not all of it is shown for privacy reasons. - Viac) INT. OFFICER'S LOUNGE Erica and Tess have decorated the Officer's Lounge in Black draping. A table has been set up - A bowl of water, a sword, and cords are on it. The rest of the furniture has been moved to the side, A mat now sits off to one side. 150th - field uniforms 190th - barracks uniforms.. FADE IN: The 150th Ring is standing around the room.. Forming a circle... The 190th's three walk into the scene. 48. Erica stops them when they reach the center of the room. She indicates they are to be silent - Until she addresses them. Erica is standing center - holding a book. ERICA Good evening all! ALL Good evening your Dark Lordship! ERICA Who so cometh into my Realm? TESS I bring you three visitors from the light! ERICA What do they want from this Dark and Mystical Place? VIRON They seek the answer to what is death... ERICA And how do they hope to find this? VION By dying, and being reborn, and dying again - from darkness to light and back to darkness. ERICA How will they make this journey? VAL By crossing the timeless barriers of life. ERICA Are they properly prepared? MAL Yes, your Dark Lordship! ERICA They are not properly dressed for the journey! - - MAKE them SO!! 49. The ring now comes together, Strips all three naked. The 190th members try to stop this . . MAL If you wish to be a ring... The resistance stops. ERICA Bring them forward! The 150th Ring, now pushes them before Erica.. Turning to each and asks them the question.. ERICA (continuing) Do you wish to become a RING? SARA I do.. GENOA I do BERGON I do ERICA Then wash them in the sea of life.. The Ring then takes the bowl of water, Pours some on each member.... ERICA (continuing) Bind them into one group The Ring takes the cords, and ties their hands together.. ERICA (continuing) Now cut their arms... Vion, takes the sword, makes a gash in each of the 190th's arms, and then spreads the blood on the sword... 50. ERICA (continuing) Now you who seek the answers - grasp the instrument of death - The 190th's people so do... They take it from Vion... ERICA (continuing) Repeat after me.... I (your name) Do solemnly swear that I will defend and give myself, for the other members of this ring . . THAT I am now . of one MIND, - one BLOOD - one BREATH - and one BODY - with this Ring...That this oath will not be broken - until I pass. Erica indicates that they are to let go of the sword. She now takes one of the candles lighting the room.. They repeat as above... ERICA (continuing) That through fire - and death - I will find my redemption - and I will see - the light - of Ain Soph Aur . . Erica now takes the candle and burns through the cords binding the three... Erica now indicates the mat - The three look at it . . ERICA (continuing) Now you must consummate this RING - with each other... They look aghast - - MAL Do it damn it! SARA In front of all of you? 51. MAL NOW ! ! The 190th now does it. Bergon, doing both Sara, and Genoa.... (The idea is to mix their most personal bodily fluids, into one solution, signifying their now becoming one person. - Viac) ERICA You have done well! - NOW remember what you mean to each other - THIS is the bond of RING - you are an extended family now - go and live like wise with your troops! Suddenly the drapery comes down - The lights come up, And the three 190th are buck naked in front of the dressed 150th ring. BERGON So now we are a ring? MAL Not yet - but close - now you have to live your life like you have just pledged - and did - and care for others like you should for each of your own. GENOA Can we get dressed now? ERICA You may - but remember - the Dark Lord will be watching your movements. You can never escape the Dark Lord of all time, and places. The 190th gets dresses. Mal goes over to the bar, Draws tankards of Ale.. Passes them out to the 150th ring, Then the new 190th ring. FADE OUT. 52. End of Act 3 ACT 4 - INTO THE FRAY Two days after the 190th has left, the Ring is back in the lounge after evening mess... INT. OFFICER'S LOUNGE ERICA I really don't know gang.. they didn't look much different than when they came in here... VIRON Yes, did you hear the gas bag Bergon ask if they were a Ring yet? I don't think they knew what they were doing. MAL I agree, Kerri has come up with some funny plans over the years, but this has to be the worst. VAL I hope that the Ring Rites take, because we will be going into battle with them - - MAL Val? VAL That is the group Kerri said we were to plan with. When we sent our plans up to Command, we had included a second Binah Guard Corps - they are it. MAL OH! I forgot - good night! - Let's revise our plans so we can get out of there in one piece. ERICA You want us to do the whole fight? 53. MAL Well yes and no. Plan for it that way, but - figure on the field using them for part of it, and hope that if it blows out, we can still recover our troops. ERICA Got it! - - Will do Skipper! TESS I for one, am glad you took me in. I really love this group, and you mean so much to me now - more than ever before.. VIRON Thanks Tess, you are always welcome here! - - MAL I wish you had told us Kerri was your father however... TESS Would it have made any difference? MAL Probably not...just curious.. anybody else have somebody in Command? VIAC Ummm - I don't know if I should... MAL (surprised) VIAC?? YOU TOO - Kerri is your FATHER? VIAC No Mal, Kerri isn't my father... (pull her Realm identity coin out) If you look at my coin, it says - "VIAC DAT SHERIDAN" - "VIAC AM MAL" Mal comes over, Takes the coin, and has a good look... MAL VIIAACC - you are Sheridan's daughter? 54. VIAC Yes Mal, I have been using my mother's name because I did not want nor did father want his position to influence anybody as I came up through the Corps.. VIRON Mal - just curious, who is your father? MAL Why is it important? VIRON All right my dear Knight - let me see your coin... Mal pulls it out, Tosses it to Vironica - Vironica examines Mal's coin..... It says - "MAL SN CERNIN" VIRON (continuing) CERNIN? AS is Commander Cernin? MAL (embarrassed) Yes my Lady, I am an army brat as well. Mother was killed in a Dernge raid when we were posted out at the 27th area, I was sent to my uncle, in 15 just before the raid went down...When I grew up I was going to just have avenge her death some how, so, I guess I have in my own way, as a Corps Commander like dad was.. VIRON I am sure he is now very proud of his son... MAL Dad was killed in the Fire Storm Battle, when I was just a young Sargent, and I have been moving on ever since them. 55. ERICA We lost many a good officer and footman during that fight, I was just a kid when that went down - but I remember the big battles running all over the Realm and the Black and Dernge - that was a mess. MAL Yes, long time ago. Well, we are the next generation, so, let's not let our fore fathers down. The group now compares their own coins, and makes remembrances about their parentage. FADE OUT. Two weeks pass. The morning of the twelfth day, a messenger arrives at the 150th. INT. MALACAR'S OFFICE The Ring officers are busy at their desks... FADE IN: Val comes in.. VAL Mal - messenger from Kerri.. Crown messenger comes in. Salutes, hands Mal a package. Mal returns it.. Messenger salutes, leaves. Mal walks over to the desk, Opens the package.... MAL (looking at the contents) Ladies, it seems the time for action is now. ERICA Mal? What did Kerri send? 56. MAL Maps - and our battle plans back. It has Sheridan's and Kerri's approval on them. ERICA What does the missive say? MAL Hang on a bit - let me read this first... Mal reads through the letter which came with it. MAL (continuing) Here's the important part...He thanks you for trying to make a ring out of the 190th - It may take - it may not. Ummm - follow your own judgment when you get onto the field....Plan on moving mid- week, next week - //ss// Kerricar VIRON I'll alert the troops - Jerod has the new fourth Battalion? MAL Yes Viron, make them the standing reserve, and our valley coverage. ERICA Mal, is our plan good? I like it as it is.. MAL Right down to the part where the 190th has to push into the Valley - but we will see. FADE OUT. End of Act 4 ACT 5 - ENTRE ACTE - "REVENGE AT AEOR" Early the following week, the 190th troops into Fort Jennacon, so they can march out together. 57. EXT. FORT JENNACON FADE IN: The Ring greet the incoming 190th... As they troop in.. BERGON Commander? Where do you want us? MAL On the drill fields - you can bivouac there for the next night! BERGON Very well Sir! The 190th troops past the Ring... TESS Mal - they don't have the new packs - (Looking further at them) They don't have the new weapons either.. MAL Ut - oh! - Ladies we have a small problem. VIRON This looks like an old Guard unit . What are we going to do? ERICA Do? It is a bit late to try to figure that one out. It would take weeks to outfit this group, not to mention train them - (shaking her head) Let's just go with the plan - you were right Mal, they are not ready. MAL I hate to do this, but - duty bound, we have to go. Let's just hope we can pull this off basically by ourselves. ERICA Mal, our plan calls for them to be the bait anyway - so let's just use them, and hope they can fight. 58. VIRON I hate to lose so many, but we do not have the time..... MAL Let's just go with this - and let it be. - Get the 190th officers over here and we will fill them in on part of this.. ERICA How much do you wish to tell them? MAL Just their part - we will provide the "coverage" and let it go at that. DISSOLVE TO: Two hours later, in the Corps Club.. INT. CORPS CLUB FADE IN: The stage has been turned into a briefing room. Maps are up.. et al.. Mal has the 190th assembled for a briefing. MAL Good Morning ALL! - You know why we are here, so let's just do this, and get back in one piece. - - Commander TAC Erica? ERICA As you know - the Black 210th and 214th are base camped out in the Valley of Aeor. Their leader, Major Duroc, is at the Castle Beron, about two miles west of there. We are to go and destroy as much of this force as we can, and get Duroc if we have the luck to. - Your position (indicating on the map) Is here - ON the RISE - just where Johaneson went when they were wiped out. (MORE) 59. ERICA (CONT'D) WE - the 150th will be covering your back door - and the Valley Wall above you (indicating) When you push into the Black forces, you will pursue them into the canyons, and finish as many off as you can. If Duroc is not in the camp, we will form up a smaller group, and storm Beron - here (Indicating) And finish him off. Intelligence tells us that there are about fifty elite Black Guards covering that location. - The call to move out from there will be Recall followed by Boots and Saddles. When you hear that, form up into Battalions, and we will move out from there. -- ANY QUESTIONS? The group is silent. MAL We move out before dawn. It is about a half days good march to Aeor, and we should be there before mid-afternoon. I expect that this should only take a few hours to finish off. We will bivouac out that night, and return to Fort Jennacon the next day for debriefing. VIRON Get a good night's sleep, eat well, and be sure your men are all ready to fight when we move out. - ANY QUESTIONS??? MAL Let's do it! The group arises, salutes, leaves. VIRON You really think we can Mal? MAL The 150th could by itself - we will see how this goes. DISSOLVE TO: 60. EXT. FORT JENNACON All - full field uniforms - 150th - new style - 190th old style. FADE IN: Before dawn, the 150th forms up - the 190th follows. Boots and saddles sounds! MAL 150th VKC - - FORWARD MARCH!! The whole group troops out. MAL (continuing) Tess, how many arrows the men have? TESS Full Mal - one hundred each. MAL Good! - Jerod ready to go? ERICA He has been training to shoot out of the forest, and his men are keen to make a good job of it. MAL Excellent! - just keep your eyes open - watch for things to break down with the 190th - and let's just do it. EXT. VALLEY OF AEOR FADE IN: Just before the Valley, the 150th breaks off, and swings wide to the North. The 190th follows the path that Johaneson took. Mal's troops swing into position just as... BLACK FOOTMAN - VKC ON THE RISE!!! The call has stirred the camp into action. Bugle calls in the distance tell the tale. 61. The lines start to form. 190th starts down into the Valley. First contact is made with the 190th. Black 210 and 214 footmen throw up a quick shield wall. The 190th start to attack this... Then an ugly surprise.. >>From high on the Valley wall - JEROD ARROW VOLLEY FOURTH!!! It rains arrows - Lots of Arrows - Jerod's men are putting their back into this - Black footmen and officers are being cut down by a force they can not attack.. Mal watching from the rear - MAL Erica - signal Jerod to cease fire for awhile! ERICA Signalman! He comes forward - ERICA (continuing) Signal Jerod on the wall - "CEASE FIRE FOR NOW! He does Gets the reply - "understood" The arrows stop flying.. Now a second ugly surprise - MAL Helcor - - FIRST INTO THEM!! Helcor attacks from their rear. The Black Forces now see another Battalion charging into them. 62. They throw up another shield wall to the rear.. Another arrow volley - this time from the attacking VKC Helcor's men barge, then start hacking into this with the sparaxes. The Black forces are being pushed in two directions - And ground up by the arrows Now coming in from all sides - and above The Valley floor is trapping them between the two groups. Some Black forces start to run up the side canyons. The 190th starts to follow - Helcor's men are now really cutting through the Black - Sparaxes and the new swords, are doing the job. The 190th is fast disappearing up the canyons, Mal orders Hernin's men into the fight. MAL Hernin - THIRD INTO THEM!! More VKC's - eight hundred now screaming Valkyrie's pour into this scene. The Third now starts to attack anything Black which still moves. Arrows fly from the Valley floor - Above Jerod sees another opportunity to shoot down into the fleeing Black forces, and orders them to do so. Black Officers are cut down by this as fast as they can try to rally their troops. More Black troops pour out of a canyon - Hernin's men and Helcor's now pour a Volley of arrows into them. They are dropping fast... Then they also attack up a canyon... What is left of the 210th and 214th are finished off. 63. During all of this, Jerod's fourth has been providing both a rear guard from the Valley wall, and arrow coverage. EXT. VALLEY OF AEOR - VALLEY FLOOR. Mal now walks down into the valley floor... Around him is carnage never seen before - - Dead Black, some with arrows, some cut up, and some in pieces... MAL All report! Viron does a quick canvass of the 150th - VIRON We are all safe, no wounds, or down. That double armor really works Mal.. BERGON Mal.. um.. we have lost about thirty percent of our troops .. MAL THIRTY PERCENT? You said they were ready! BERGON I thought they were - - MAL That is not a good sign . VIRON I'll have our Corps see if Duroc is someplace in the camp.. MAL Very good! Viron has the 150th's officers and men have a look at the dead Black's - - After a through search, they determine That Duroc is not on the field. VIRON Mal - we got Dunstan, his second, but no sign of Duroc. 64. MAL Very well - Val - I want you to stay here with the rest of the Corps, and cover our rear... - BELOR!! BELOR Mal? - MAL Ready to go? BELOR Say the word Skipper... MAL Ring and Second - Forward.. BERGON Can we come? MAL No - stay here and attend to your men! - 150th Special Detail - Move out! The 150th Second Battalion, and the rest of the Ring now move out for the Castle Beron. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CASTLE BERON The Castle sits on an island in a small lake. It is a short jaunt through the forest to the Castle. Just inside the trees - MAL BELOR, I want twenty volunteers to go with the Ring inside... BELOR Hang on - I'll just grab some.. Belor finds he has more than enough volunteers.. Returns shortly with twenty. MAL Here is what we do.. Belor, you and I will make a dash for the drawbridge. Then secure the portcullis. 65. BELOR Got it Mal.. MAL Viron, you and the rest of the Ring follow us when we get that far. I want the Second detail to follow you, and cover the Castle Bailey, and our rear. BELOR Will pass the word.. VIRON Will do Skipper! MAL Now let's MOVE! The group forms up... Belor and Mal watch the guards... Then make their move. They rush the gate, Killing both guards, Securing the portcullis. Mal walks back, Waves his hands - The group rushes the Castle. More guards suddenly pour into the scene An arrow volley - Seven go down.. Then just into them. The Ring and the detail hacking their way through them. Twenty Black guards gone... MAL Belor - stay here unless we need you.. 66. ERICA Listen for my whistle - going up - come - going down - let's get out of here. BELOR Right! INT. BERON CASTLE - INTO THE GREAT ROOM. Mal and the Ring Barge into the Castle. More guards.. Mal cuts through one with a sparaxe.. Another takes a swipe at Tess - it bounces off Tess look evilly at him, Cuts him nearly in two with the sparaxe... VIRON Mal - this way! Viron leads the charge into the Great Room... Inside - are ten guards and Duroc.. MAL Arrow Volley - into them! Arrows fly - Six are downed by this - Duroc is hit in the arm by one of the arrows... ERICA Charge!!!! The Ring charges - sparaxes leading the way - They make quick work of the remaining guards... Duroc is surrounded by the Ring... Duroc tries to fight off the ring - He now realizes that he is finished. Mal comes over - 67. MAL All right - it's pay back time.. DUROC Who the hell are you anyway? MAL Your worst nightmare! DUROC You will never get out of here alive - - GUARDS!!! Six more guards pour in Viron and Tess pour arrows into them. Three down - Erica, Vion and Viac charge into them - Finishing them all off. Mal turns to Duroc - MAL That's it ass hole! - Mal fakes a barge at Duroc - Duroc swings his sword at Mal - Mal ducks, shoots a foot deeply into his belly - Duroc folds up - Mal kicks him in the face, forcing him on his back - Mal now dives into Duroc with the Sparaxe.. Pinning him to the floor. MAL (continuing) Ladies - let's get - grab his sword... Viac grabs Duroc's sword - Tosses it to Viron.. Viron stuffs it in her arming belt.. Mal pulls back and forth and finally frees his sparaxe from Duroc.. 68. Duroc groans.. Ellie comes over, And swings her sparaxe - Duroc's head rolls away.. Ellie goes over, Picks up Duroc's helmet Pull the chin strap, Duroc's head falls out. She then attaches the helmet to her arming belt.. MAL Nice souvenir! ELLIE It will look nice in our trophy case.. Mal looks around the Great Room - MAL Grab his flag over there! Tess grabs it, and stuffs it in Vion's pack.. Mal now looking for more booty- Spies a jeweled sword in a case on the wall.. Mal goes over...looks Then swings his sparaxe into the case. He grabs this prize... Then spots another nearby. Grabbing this one too... MAL (continuing) Viac - Erica - take these - The ladies stuff them into their arming belts.. MAL (continuing) Let's go !! I hear footsteps coming! 69. ERICA Ready Mal? - - Mal nods. ERICA (gives out a LONG SHRILL WHISTLE going down) The group heads for the door... Into the court yard.. EXT. CASTLE BERON MAL Belor - let's get out of here! BELOR Second - Detail move out! Belor and Mal count heads as they pass... MAL I count six ring and me. That's it. BELOR I have all twenty - As they start for the drawbridge - Mal grabs a burning torch nearby, and sets it on the ropes which hold up the portcullis. Ellie and Mal cut the ropes which pull up the draw bridge. MAL Let's get - - The detail charges back out of the Castle Crossing the draw bridge - Mal and Ellie start hacking away at the lashing which holds the log upon which the bridge is resting. Black Guards are approaching from the Castle Tess, Erica, Vion and Viac now pour a volley of arrows into the open bridgeway. A couple are hit by this - 70. The guards retreat behind the gatehouse. The log finally gives way - The bridge drops into the lake.. The Guards try to return - The firebrand has finally burnt through the portcullis's cables. It drops on several guards - Skewering one with it's lance like bottom grates. MAL Let's go - - BELOR Detail move out! They move back to the Valley of Aeor.. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. VALLEY OF AEOR - VALLEY FLOOR Mal and the Second Battalion return... MAL Val - Report! VAL Mal it is quiet, the men have been attending to the 190th's wounded, and we have started a burial detail MAL Where are the Officers? Where is Bergon, Sara, and Genoa? VAL They left in a hurry with most of the Officers - said something about worrying about a counter attack.. Mal looks around.. The buzzards are gathering.. MAL Fools! - They will be cut down if they meet a Black Force! - - Val? What burial detail? 71. VAL I had our men start two grave ditches, they did well, those digging tools really came in handy.. MAL Val? I did not order a burial detail.. VAL After our last, when we brought ours home, I thought that it would be a nice gesture to the fallen Valkyries if we did so here for them. There is too many for us to take back... Mal thinks this over - - MAL All right Val - just get on with it - how long will it take? Val puts her hand up to the sky, Measuring the sun to the horizon. VAL We have plenty of time - I'd say about three hours till sundown. MAL Who's doing the bearing? VAL The 190th's remaining men - MAL Very good then - they can finish the job.. The 190th's place their fallen into the two burial trenches.. The 150th's men now fill them both in.. Mal and the Ring watch as all this goes on.. As they finish - MAL (continuing) Ready to go now? ALL Yes! 72. MAL Sound reform - sound Boots and Saddles. Both are heard - The 150th now forms up. The bulk of the Corps walking back out over the rise, Jerod and the fourth, coming back around from the other way. The 190th's men fall in behind the 150th. MAL (continuing) How many of the 190th are still with us? VAL I would say about a third.. MAL So where is the rest? VAL Not sure - about a third went down, and another third just disappeared. MAL Good! - Field discipline is a problem I see. VAL Mal, that is standard Binah Guard policy - hit and get - MAL Let's just keep on moving - we will bivouac at Melcher's Ford - on our side. VIRON Let's look out for Black forces this time, I don't want another ambush. MAL Good thought - - Belor! Belor now moves forward to the ring - 73. MAL (continuing) Belor - I want a scouting party out - ahead of us. Look for Black anything near Melcher's Ford! BELOR Right away Mal... Belor gets a detail forward, and has them on guard. The detail double time marches to get out ahead of the Corps. The 150th trudges along... EXT. MELCHER'S FORD. As the 150th approaches - Belor's men signal - ALL IS WELL Mal and the 150th Ford the Barque River Move inland about a mile.. MAL Halt!! - We will bivouac here...Val - VAL Mal? MAL Have your grave diggers make another ditch - I want a trench around this camp towards the black side - about five feet wide, and about five feet deep - LEAVE a "hole" of about fifty feet if we have to run.. VAL Will do Mal As the camp concentrates in bivouac, Val has them also dig a trench around the frontal of the camp. MAL Erica - get Helcor to stand the watch - have the men armed with arrows - and be ready to fight if we are attacked... 74. ERICA You expecting something Mal? MAL No - but we just blew out a major Black force - it would not be them if they did not pursue us... ERICA Right away Mal... The night passes quietly - - Just before dawn - - Helcor's men sound the attack Mal, who has just gotten up - Suddenly finds his camp under attack. The Black 330th Home Guard swings into the VKC.. MAL 150th - DEFEND - ARROW VOLLEY!! The 330th charges at the camp - They do not see the trench - Bodies start piling up as they fall into it, Mal's men shoot them down, And into them as they lie in the ditch. The light grows stronger - The Black Commander sees now what is happening. He makes a quick retreat back across Melcher's Ford... ERICA Nice move Mal! MAL Thanks! - Got the idea when one of Belor's men fell into a latrine - one night.... ALL Have a good laugh over this... 75. MAL Well - let's finish the job.. VAL Mal? MAL Valerie - have the men push the dirt back into the ditch, and let's get on home. VAL There are men still alive down there.. MAL So? Finish them off - bury them. VAL Will do Skipper! Val directs the Corps to push the dirt back into the trenches. Some screaming can be heard as the Black forces are buried alive.... MAL Ready to go? - - ALL All nod - MAL 150th Valkyrie - - FORWARD!! The Corps troops home... As they near Zareb - - ERICA Mal - smoke in the distance... Mal has a good look, Then looks around him... VIRON Could it be the Fort? MAL No the Fort is over there (indicating) This is in the Zaric Forest - near us - it could be an ambush.... 76. ERICA It would be their style - - MAL Form up in battle array, and let's move quietly through the trees towards it - be ready to fight. VIRON I'll pass the word... The 150th now spreads itself out in a wide line - sparaxes out - ready for action. The 190th people troops along behind . EXT. ZARIC FOREST - Nearing the clearing - Creeping in slowly - - Mal can now see what is ahead of him.... MAL Damn - it's the missing 190th people... The 150th ring and the Second Battalion walk into the clearing.. MAL (continuing) WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING??? SHELLOK Commander - can we join you? MAL Who are you? SHELLOK I am Sargent Major Shellok, of the 450th Binah Guard... MAL Where are your officers? 77. SHELLOK Most ran off somewhere - we didn't know where - our Command took off from the Aeor fight, and we haven't seen them for a day or so..We stayed with our officers until we got this far, and then they just abandoned us, saying the Black would finish us off if we stayed here...they left.. we stayed... VIRON Why did you stay Shellok? SHELLOK This band feels that the 150th wouldn't abandon us... you stayed on the field longer than we ever did - and we were hoping that your Command Company would take us in, but nobody wished to try to get into the Fort without you being back. MAL You can't stay with us, we have a full house already. BUT you are welcome to bivouac on our drill fields until we can find someone to come and get your groups.. SHELLOK Groups? VAL We have the other remaining third of the 190th with us - just behind us.. MAL All right Shellok, get your people up and ready to march . . Shellok gets the rest of his part to break camp.. ERICA Shellok - fall in behind the Corps.. The remaining Binah group now fall in behind the 150th. Rounding the final bend in the road from town - EXT. FORT JENNACON The Fort comes into view - 78. MAL Break out COLORS! Mal's command flag is brought forward - - The guards seeing Mal's flag - Open the gate The Corps trudges the last few steps home. The gate closes. MAL (continuing) All right - dismiss the troops to quarters - and let's go home. Viron passes the word - All troops disperse to their quarters. The Ring finally enters the CRQ. MAL (continuing) On your way to your quarters,drop those swords in our case, and Duroc's helmet as well - WE will deal with this later.. FADE OUT. After a hot bath, and evening mess.. the Ring now gathers at home.. Ring - "Townie type clothes" INT. OFFICER'S LOUNGE FADE IN: A couple rounds of ales has already been downed, The conversation is just flowing over the raid. VIRON You should have seen their eyes! - WIDE as dinner plates when those swords bounced off us! 79. TESS My guts still hurt from all the blows, I should be in six pieces now! - Vion? VION Tess? TESS Could you look at my belly? Vion looks at Tess's belly as she raises her top... Vion now probes and prods Tess... VION Bruised, but it feels all right Tess, give it a few days.. TESS All right! ERICA Well Mal another raid! - and a good one too! - ELLIE They were sure surprised when that bridge fell! MAL I'll say - that was pure genius Ellie! VIAC Mal I got most of this down in the logs, now what do you want to say about those two swords you brought back? MAL Say nothing, a prize of war - where and whose they are I do not know - but they look good in our case.. ERICA I liked the ditch at Melcher's - those fools didn't know what hit them! MAL As I said, with the digging tools there had to be another reason - so I made one up - and you people came through! 80. ERICA I will add that to our list of tactics and surprises. VIRON Mal what about the 190th people? MAL Hmm - do I have to think about them? Let's just get someone down here from command, and let them take them over.. VIRON What about Bergon, Sara, and Genoa? MAL They are not our problem. THEY ran off someplace, damned if I am going to worry - Let Kerri figure out what he is going to do.. Viac sets her pen down, Looks at Mal, VIAC Mal - the contact report? MAL How soon do you want it Viac? VIAC Should go out in tomorrow's post.. ERICA Send it out by runner tomorrow - and have them await for reply - we will have them take the 190th's men out of our camp, then we can get back to routines. Mal drains his ale, draws another - Sits back Thinks - 81. MAL All right Viac - send this - (lets out a long breath) "Have returned home, 150th VKC all safe, 190th VKC questionable. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! We have 190th bivouacked on our drill field - send someone to pick them up." VIRON And add that we wish for this - the pick up soonest. VIAC Got it all Mal - The group now sits for a bit, Then drifts off to quarters for the night. FADE OUT. End of Act 5 ACT 6 - EPILOG The runner from Command brought back a note stating Kerri would be coming by, was delivered. A week has passed. EXT. FORT JENNACON Barracks uniforms - all Kerri - field uniform. FADE IN: Late the in the week the Ring is just out inspecting the happenings of the Corps. Belor's men are attacking the village - and doing well. They are learning how to fight from house to house. Jerod's men are out on the obstacle course, getting toughened up. 82. Helcor and Hernin are working their troops in the forest and out on the field, bumping into the 190th.. A guard comes looking for the Ring.. GUARD Commanders? - - Command is here to see you - MAL Very good! We will meet him at the gate.. The Ring now walks across the Fort to the gate.. As Kerri approaches, They all salute - Kerri returns it. VIRON Kerri! - Nice to see you! KERRI Glad you all got back safely! - The reports coming back sound fierce! WHAT DID YOU DO OUT THERE? MAL Problem sir? KERRI You just blew out two Black Forces, and demolished a Castle, then blew out another one... MAL So? What did you expect from us? KERRI I did not expect you to do most of it yourself! ERICA Sorry sir!, the 190th did not do so well...SO WE had a go at it ourselves. 83. KERRI The Black Ambassador is screaming about violating the PACT! - HE says we had FIVE ARMIES out there! I had to tell the Emperor we had only one..The Ambassador does not believe me. MAL So tell him to stuff it! KERRI We can't - if I did he would start another Firestorm War.. MAL So what are you going to do sir? KERRI We may just as well tell him the truth - we have this new formation, which is more powerful than anything they can muster - but I don't know if he'd buy that. MAL So bring him down here under a flag of truce, and let him see for himself.. KERRI Even IF we did that I still don't believe he'd buy it. MAL Kerri - this was YOUR IDEA - NOW you figure a way out of it. SPEAKING of your idea - what about the 190th? I want them out of my FORT! KERRI And that's another problem! We can't find Bergon, Sara, or Genoa. I don't know where they went. - What happened to the men? MAL We picked up most of the surviving members of the Corps, where did the rest of the officers go? 84. KERRI Oh! Them - they showed up back on 15, and we have them under arrest for desertion of duty before the enemy.. I don't know what to do about them yet. . How many of the men do you have? VIRON Well sir, we have about two-thirds of them here, and the rest we buried at Aeor.. KERRI You WHAT? VAL We buried them at Aeor - they deserved a better fate than a buzzards meal... KERRI So that is why the Ambassador is screaming... they had a scouting patrol do a reconnaissance on Aeor after the battle looking for a way to hit back - umm - the group which attacked you on your way home...and they saw a large formation just doing that - performing a burial detail, and they figured it was that large, umm - five armies - that they could take the time for something like that. MAL So? Just then Shellok walks up... SHELLOK Minister Kerricar? KERRI Who are you? SHELLOK Sargent Major Shellok of the 450th Binah guard - - the men have been talking, can we join this Corps? KERRI Why? 85. SHELLOK The guys coming back from Aeor told all about the burial detail, and we felt that it was a sincere touch by the 150th to do something like that for our fallen.. KERRI Mal - - your disease is spreading.. MAL Disease? KERRI You are too kind and good for your own good. You are a tough and nasty fighter - but also one of the best... (turning to Shellok) Shellok - you have to go back to the 15th area. We are sending Binah Officers to pick you up. AND if you remember what you have seen here, and act like Commander Malacar, and his Ring, - you may make the core of a new Binah Guard Corps some day.. SHELLOK Thank you sir! - but we would rather.. KERRI LOOK SARGENT - this camp is full, and right now I don't know what I am going to do with this killing machine. VAL Kerri - let's not discuss this in front of the men - let's go to the Officer's Lounge and we can continue this in private.. Kerry glowers at the ring, then dismisses Shellok. Kerri indicates "inside" and the Ring and Kerri troop into the CRQ.. INT. CRQ JUST INSIDE THE DOOR - THE TROPHY ROOM As they walk in, and their eyes start to adjust to the light... Kerry's eyes pop wide open.. The sunlight streaming in dazzles off the bejeweled sword... 86. Kerry walks over - - Looks deeply KERRI If I never..... MAL - WHERE DID YOU GET THIS? MAL Sir? KERRI This sword - this highly decorated one with the jewels? MAL Oh that! - We pulled it from a case at Castle Beron - Duroc had it on display - - ummm WHY? Kerry looks like he may explode or something - he is getting very emotional and worked up. KERRI MAL - THAT IS EMPEROR BERNON'S SWORD!!!! It disappeared when the Firestorm Battle was raging the highest, and he went out to try to rally the troops. ERICA I remember something about that... KERRI When the Emperor was killed - this was lost, and nobody would tell anyone who, where or what happened to it...can I handle it? Tess pulls it out of the case.. Hands it to Kerri.. Kerri examines it carefully... KERRI (continuing) This is it! - MAL you just found a prize for the Realm greater than any battle you could have won! MAL So now what Kerri? 87. KERRI Well for starters - the Black Ambassador has some explaining to do. Emperor Berskin has asked them for this, and about this for years, and they denied knowing anything about it. It also points to who killed Emperor Bernon... ERICA You may have it Sir - if you take it back to the Emperor... KERRI Take it back? I am sending right away for a special detail from Crown to come and pick this up! Emperor Berskin will be so pleased that it has returned home! VAL And please tell him that we brought it back, and from where... KERRI Tell him? I will shout your glory to all who will listen! - THIS is the greatest thing since the Firestorm War ended! MAL Now Kerri please settle down - we are still a secret operation down here - - Kerri's eyes fixed on the sword.... Seem almost in a daze.. Turning it over and over in his hands.. The jewels glistening in the sunlight.. KERRI Mal you do know that there has been a reward out for this sword for twenty five years? MAL No I didn't . . A guard now enters the CRQ... 88. GUARD Commander Malacar? MAL Yes?