Neon Muscle Genesis Evangelion Part 2 By Rashianu-Debido Asuka and Rei start training!! NOTES: Second Chapter, and I've been asked to include Rei getting stronger and more muscular too. I figure what the heck, I might as well right? Last Chapter was a bit too serious even for my tastes, and I'm still working on a writing style...but anyways this chapter is the start of the training and such...On with the story!! Any suggestions and comments are gladly accepted through email! Chapter 2: There's a first time for everything.... Asuka as well as Rei had been asked to train themselves physically so they would be able to use their EVAs manually. This is a difficult task, because it means using the "ancient" lever and pulley systems to be able to move the arms and legs. There is a new "18th" angel making it's descent to earth, but it wouldn't arive until about 3-4 days from then....Hardly enough time for these girls to get ready...but it would be the first test for the manual system... "IF Kaji thinks it's all right, then I guess a little muscle wouldn't hurt..." said Asuka, reassuring herself about the reason she was even going into the gym. She thought she was pretty much perfect already, but it was her duty to do whatever Commander Ikari said, and Kaji had already approved of it.. "But hey,if I'm gonna get strong and muscular from all this, then why don't I take some measurements first?" Asuka was definently no slouch when it came to staying in shape. She did basic things to keep her figure, like jogging and crunches, so she had a good jump start. Besides that,though, she didn't do anything to build strength or muscular development. "Hmm, I'll have some fun with this first...Shinji, could you come here please?" Asuka was gonna do her best to make Shinji feel nervous. She didn't exactly hate him but she did like seeing him sweat. "Huh, what's up Asuka?" Shinji was used to being bossed around but it seemed somehow different this time. Shinji's nose was about to start bleeding but he knew what kind of trouble that would get him into. She was dressed in a red spandex workout outfit, exposing her stomach and wrapping tightly around her chest area and thighs. "As you know Shinji, your dad asked me to start working out, and I need your help to get some measurements taken!" "But why me, Asuka? Can't you get Ms. Misato or...Pen-Pen to do it?" Shinji was already starting to get soon.... "Well if you didn't notice, Pen-Pen is a freakin' Penguin, and Misato just left out! Would you just help me out!?" "OK OK, so what do I have to measure then?" Shinji wasn't that much of a pervert, but he did have something of a crush on Asuka. "Oh,you know, the vitals, my height and weight (although I shouldn't let you know my weight...) and then we'll have to get some of the bodybuilder kind of stuff, like biceps and thighs..." "Ok then, here we go." Shinji grabbed the measuring tape and his notepad and he was off to work! "First the vitals... In order of breast-waist-hips in inches....30"-24"-27" Shinji wasn't nosebleeding right now, he was just doing what was told... "Wow, I thought I was more busty than that...but the other two seem about right. You sure you measured them right?" "Yeah yeah Asuka, I'm sure. Now for your height and weight...You stand 5'3" and according to the scale it says 102 pounds..." "WHAT! one-hundred and TWO pounds? Whats up with the extra two,Shinji?" "Heh, don't worry Asuka, if you have to work out you'll be taking care of that anyways, besides what's two pounds? Your still kinda pretty..."Shinji was a big time suck-up, and he didn't wanna make her angry in any way... "You don't understand do you? I have to get muscular and that means I'll get fatter!" She didn't quite understand herself... "Haha! Calm down Asuka, you'll get heavier, not fatter! It's your figure that counts, not whats on the scale!" Shinji knew that would cheer her up some, and it made sense too. "You know, for once your lamebrain is right, now for the advanced stuff!" "Ok, flex a bicep for me..." She flexed her right and left one, since (pretend with me, alright? n_n;;) she was ambidextrous. Her arms were equal in size. "Hmm, 10" on both of them. Now I'm not sure if you can do this but flex your thighs..." She tried her best, which made Shinji laugh some since she looked so funny doing it, but she managed to do it... "Ok, 17" thighs. Now for the last major measurement, your calves. Just stand on your tip-toes for this one..." Asuka did what Shinji said, since he obviously knew what he was doing, and stood on her tippy-toes with the grace of a ballerina. "Ok, 13" calves...You wanna know these measurments Asuka?" Shinji took all of this info down but only mumbled it out loud. He didn't actually tell her any of the muscle measurements. "No thanks, Shinji. You were very helpful but I'd rather not know so I don't go in anticipation for results. I'll just work out and have you measure me once in a while, ok?" Asuka knew how to set goals, she did that all the time, but she was extremely new to bodybuilding. "Yeah, sure. Anything else you need?" "Umm, I dunno, if I have to work out with weights is there anything else I need?" "If I remember right, people working out should have partners or something, I think they are called spotters...They're there if you need help because working out can be dangerous, y'know." "Oh, well then are you trying to ask to be my spotter?" Asuka was a little curious, and she always thought of Shinji as a pervert. "Not really, but if you need me too then I don't mind, nothing to do anyways..." Shinji really didn't care this time, whether she needed him or not. "Ok then," Asuka started walking out the door to the gym. "Let's get started!" "Hmm, which should I start with?" The pretty girl asked herself."Why not my biceps?" As Asuka went over to the bench press machine, Shinji spoke up. "Asuka, you wanted to do your biceps, right? The things on your arms right?" Shinji was refraining from a laugh, but it was an easily made and common mistake. "Yeah, why?" She really didn't know what was wrong. "The bench press machine is for your Pecs, the muscles in your chest... The arm curls and free weights over there are for biceps." "Oh ok, so then tell me this, would I need my "pecs" to pilot my EVA manually?" Asuka was suprised by Shinji's knowledge of bodybuilding. "Well, If piloting an EVA that way is like moving a huge extension of your body, then yeah, you'll need strong pectoral muscles to bring the EVA's arms together." Shinji indeed knew what he was talking about. "Alrighty then! so what kinds of exercises should I use to build these things up!?" Asuka was patting and feeling on her boobs while she said all that. Shinji was beginning to blush, but he said his bit anyways. "Well, for one the bench press, so you can push your arms out easier, and if you feel like doing something like this at home then push-ups would do too...And the make it easier to bring your arms together easier you should try dumbell flies, which is holding two dumbells out to your side and bringing your arms together." "Wow, thats a lot of talk...I'll do the bench press first!" She walked up to the barbell part and noticed that it weighed 45 pounds it self, and that each side had 25 pounds, bringing the total to 95 pounds on the machine already. "Is that all? I'll add ten pounds to each side!" After she did this the total was boosted to 115 pounds. "Umm, Asuka, I don't think---" Shinji was cut off. "Don't worry Shinji, I'm probably stronger than you anyways, besides thats what your here for, to help me out right?" "Ok then, go ahead...I'll be here to---whoa...."Shinji was suprised. Asuka was doing reps, struggling slightly but she was doing them...period. "See *grunt* I can do it *grunt*!" She was on her 6th rep already! "Jeez Asuka, you are pretty strong for a beginner!" Shinji was amazed, but he noticed something...He could easily see right the the middle of her cleavage, but there was a line that went right down the middle of that...her pectoral line... "What!" he thought..."I know she's never really worked out before,but there's already definition, and this is just her 10th rep now...and for someone thats never worked out to gain stregnth, she's already pretty damn strong! Shinji was right, there was definently something odd about that. But as Shinji turned around to think about it he noticed something else, Rei was in the gym too! and it seemed like she was at the arm curls... "Asuka, it seems like you have this under control..." Hell yeah she did, she was going on her 24th rep and still going strong...and that pectoral line seemed to be getting a rising canyon."So I'm gonna use the restroom, Ok?" "Your right Shinji, I'm ok so you can go ahead!" "Kay, right back." Shinji was heading towards the bathroom, which was in Rei's direction, which was what he really wanted to see. He didn't want Rei to notice him so he walked by swiftly, just slow enough, though, to see what she was curling. "Holy..."Shinji thought to himself. "She's lifting a 25 pound dumbell, and if I'm right this is her first day working out too...but wait!" Shinji noticed a long, slender yet muscular arm...she had a golf ball sized bicep that rose everytime she curled the dumbell. Shinji was almost too astounded to keep going, but he continued on to the restroom to avoid being noticed. "Jeezus, whats going on here? I know neither of those two have been working out much before now, but they are both lifting like they are amateur bodybuilders, and the parts they are working out have incredible definition...for just starting out anyways..." Shinji splashed some water on his face, thinking this could have been a dream..."I mean from what I saw, if I'm not hallucinating, Rei has a bigger right bicep than me, and Asuka is growing pecs that would take at least two months for me to build on just her first bench press set...ever!" Shinji wasn't upset or jealous, but he was really curious. He walked out after refreshing himself, breezing right past Rei, but noticing that Asuka had a weight in her hand. "What's wrong? Is it too heavy now?"Shinji wanted to know, although he was already expecting what was to come. Asuka turned around and replied to Shinji..."Not at all, I'm putting more weight on it, that was pretty light after my 20th repetition! But hey this weightlifting stuff is pretty fun, you should try it!" Shinji noticed that Asuka's already pretty big breasts were farther away from her chest, by about a half an inch. That was a big improvement for such a small amount of time. "Asuka, no more on the bench press, you wanna keep a symetry, so move on to something else for now." Shinji wanted to see if the same thing would happen to another body part. "Ok, since you know what you're talking about. Lets go to the leg machines ok?" Asuka led the way, skipping to the leg extension machines. Shinji lagged behind a little, to see what she put on the bench press. "Whoa, she had it up to 175 pounds....thats great! I wonder how many she did since she was about to add even more...Last time I saw her do reps it was at 115...Damn!" TO BE CONTINUED! In the Next Chapter, I'll go into Asuka's leg workout and a little more on Rei's workout. I'll also explain why they developed so fast! Sorry if this chapter was too long for your tastes but if you don't like the length then please email me and let me know! Thank you!