MUSCLEGURLZ ACTION SHOW by IRONMACK PART FOUR After another hour of savage,brutal fist-fight- ing,the tide of battle shifted. WILMA WAS SLOWING DOWN. Her punches had lost thier thunder. BETTY,on the other hand,WAS ACTUALLY GETTING STRONGER. CHARGED WITH ANGER,FUELED BY A HUNGER FOR REVENGE. She continued to pound away at WILMA,driving her backwards on stumbling feet. WILMA tried to punch back---but she was weakening. Suddenly,WILMA found herself pinned against the wall as BETTY continued to beat on her with rocketing fists.Driving piledriving blows to the face,the body,the tits,chopping down her once-powerful mother. WILMA had stopped punching.She was trying to cover up,to block BETTY'S punishing blows. She was whimpering now,actually begging. "P-PLEASE---"she pleaded."B-BETTY----- honey----please-----I-I---beg---m-m-mercy--- PLEASSSEEE!!!!!" BETTY ignored every word,continuing to bang away. A deep left hook to the tits made WILMA scream. A bombing uppercut stiffened her upright. WILMA'S arms dropped to her sides. She began to fall forward---- but BETTY stopped her fall,holding her up. "Oh,not just yet,momma",she said,smiling. "I AIN'T DONE YET!" BETTY propped her mother up against the wall---- AND CONTINUED TO POUND AWAY AT HER FACE AND BODY,CHOPPING HER INTO BLOODY,SQUISHING MEAT. WILMA WAS CRYING LIKE A BABY. Then,with her strong left arm,BETTY put WILMA in a headlck,holding her tight and close while punching away at her face and tits with her powerful right fist---ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON,chopping and tearing flesh. Again,BETTY tossed WILMA against the wall and resumed beating in her face with pummel- ing right jabs. WILMA had ceased her sobbing.SHE WAS OUT ON HER FEET. BETTY stopped the pounding and pulled WILMA away from the wall,standing her in the center of the bedroom. She smiled as she raised her mother's chin with her left hand to examine her work. WILMA WAS TOTALLY FUCKED UP! Her body tattooed with welts,bruises,and blood. Her face swollen and severely bruised. Her broken nose and torn mouth bleeding. Her blackened eyes swollen shut.Her blood- soaked hair a mess.She was sagging toward the floor on wobblY legs. BETTY continued to hold her up. "Looks like I'm th' one givin' out lessons in discipline."she said."LISTEN UP,BITCH.You got off easy this time.All I did was fuck you up.But th' next time I catch you fuckin' one of my boyfriends---I WILL BEAT YOU FUCKIN' DEAD!!!" WILMA stood helpless,whimpering as BETTY cocked back her right fist. THEN--KBOOOOMMM!! BETTY blasted her mother with a DYNAMITE- EXPLOSIVE UPPERCUT. WILMA flipped backwards into the air and crashed onto the bed next to the still worn- out BILLY DICKHARD. She,BILLY,and the bed smashed to the floor HARD. WILMA LAY ON HER BACK,COMPLETELY OUT---WHIPPED. DEAD! Blood trailed from her face onto the floor. BETTY spat on the floor where her mother once stood. She then walked over to the destroyed bed and picked up BILLY,throwing his tired un- conscious body across her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She looked down with contempt at her half dead mother. "AND THIS IS MINE!" she said... Erect and strong,BETTY left WILMA on the floor,carrying BILLY to her own bedroom. THE END