My Life in a Gang - Another View by Agua The following story is "My Life in a Gang" in the view of an Arab boy. Please read "My Life in a Gang" at first for a better understanding. The chapter structure is also adapted to this original story. This story contains explicit sexual and violent material incl. rape, castration and torture and should only be read by adults. If ball-busting is a matter of offence, please DO NOT read. 7. Some new Experiences After both sides had lost many fighters in the last months of cruel fights, the Amazons started to recruit more and younger girls from the schools. These 14- to 16-year-old chicks were completely inexperienced and therefore an easy prey for us! They were neither tall nor strong so that we could them easily overwhelm. Thus many of our boys could make their wish come true to screw a virgin. I know that at that time, the Amazons planned to turn these young rookie troops into elite units, you know: young girls rule the world! But this was just wishful thinking, the reality was completely vice versa: We captured a lot of "childish" recruit stretch jeans and underwear, which were often too slim and too short for us, as well as other useless pieces of equipment (especially tit and slit guards). Often, this equipment was brand-new, because this was the first fight of these chicks. And immediately, they were kept as prisoners in our HQ! Often, we were able to overwhelm whole troops or companies. As not only the Amazons, but also our troops had lost a lot of boys due archers, we decided to use the same strategy and to hire young boys (from 15 to 18) in the schools. My younger brothers (15 and 17) had also joined our gang. Often, these guys were slim enough to wear the captured girly stretch jeans. This way, our army could not only save much money on equipment, but the young rookies really liked to show off their captured female jeans pretending they had overwhelmed the former owners themselves. Therefore they also liked to wear captured female underwear with it. But quickly it turned out that not only the young girlies but also our youngsters were poor fighters, but always horny: They were easily impressed by the female allures of the Amazons and quickly got a boner inside their cups. Some hard kicks to their groin was then enough to finish them off. And most rookies refused to wear a cup, anyway, because they considered it more male to feel the contact of their naked cock and the tight stretch fabric of captured jeans or spandex thongs. Of course, this nice feeling made them quickly hard, too! Anyway, for the adult Amazons it was a harmless fun to attack our rookie troops: They were quickly overwhelmed, undressed, milked (even though they often didn't have much cream to offer!) and violated with a huge carrot or cucumber. Their assholes didn't stay virgin very long! And even for the Amazon rookie troops, our teenagers seemed to be the favorite enemies. When they were able to overwhelm one of our teenage troops, they cracked the left egg of each young boy! This never happened after a fight between adult opponents! Their aim was to frighten the teenage boys and thus to prevent us from recruiting junior staff. Partly, they succeeded: Many youngsters left our army because after they got one ball smashed, they were afraid to lose their virility completely. Because of their poor fighting abilities, our rookie troops got the nickname "kiddy brigades". Finally, we decided to use them against other boy gangs, while we adult jeansers would care about the Amazons. But fighting against other boys, our inexperienced kiddies suffered the same problems. Their unprotected nuts were attacked and they lost their uniforms and virginity, just that this time real cocks bumped and ground their assholes! Therefore it was decided that the rookies should not fight in independent rookie teams but were spread among the other troops, so that each team was mixed-aged and had some rookies to train. Meanwhile, I was a corporal and had to run a team of 10 recruits. My rookies were of different ages and races: Everything from a 16-year-old Thai with a tiny package to a well-hung 25-year-old black. We already had had some successful fights against enemy boy-troops. The overwhelmed boys had to undress and were bond to trees. Since we hardly succeeded to overcome and screw girls, we had bumped and ground the overwhelmed enemy boys. Afterwards we left the naked guys tied to the trees till someone found them. Now, we were looking for a further encounter, but suddenly, we were surrounded by approximately 40 Amazons. Because of their clear majority, we decided to surrender and to loose our uniforms and honor instead of our virility. The girls ordered us to put off our shoes, T-shirts, jeans and cups, but still left us our underwear. Most older guys wore tight-fitting white nylon shorts (my shorts were light-blue, according to my rank), some kids had captured female silk slips. Some girls undressed as well and stood just in thong slips or captured male shorts in front of us. They really looked sexy, and especially our youngsters quickly had a hard-on. "OK, boys, I see you are already in the mood, so wank yourselves off into your underwear!", ordered the Amazon team leader, a sexy blond lieutenant. Of course, we had to follow her order. Our young kids were the first to cum (after 30 sec or so). The older and the more "equipped", the longer my boys needed. After 2 min, the shorts of everyone were wet. There were only some stains in the shorts or female slips of the kids and Thais, while the white shorts of the Arabs and Blacks were completely soaked and practically transparent with cream. Now, the Amazon lieutenant ordered us to exchange the underwear between us. Our young boys had to exchange their underwear with the Blacks, and the Thais with the Arabs. The Blacks and Arabs were happy to receive some nearly dry thong slips or shorts, while the kids and Thais were disgusted as they had to put on the over and over creamy shorts of the well hung Blacks. Since I had no partner of the same rank to swap my shorts with, I was ordered to turn my shorts inside out and to out it on again so that everyone could see my cream running down on the outside, now. "Because, you were so kind to surrender immediately, we restrain from cracking your eggs this time. You are allowed to go home.", explained the Amazon lieutenant gracefully. "For your own comfort and safety, we keep your equipment except your underwear!" One day - still I was a corporal - I was roving with a some 24 - 28 years old guys through the quarter on the chase for some girls to screw or other boy gangs. Because of the heat, we just wore nylon shorts and of course jockstrap + cup underneath. According to my rank, I wore light-blue nylon shorts, while my 4 soldiers had white shorts. I already told that these rookie Amazons were poor fighters, and therefore, they nowadays attacked us always in majority. Suddenly, each of us was attacked by 3 Amazon kiddies, thrown down and kept under control. These dirty bitches wore captured nylon shorts which they had taken from some of our former kiddy brigades, i.e. practically the same clothing as we! I couldn't recognize whether they had protectors underneath, but anyway, I was not in the position to defend: One of these chicks sat on my breast and held my arms, another cared about my legs. And the third stripped down my shorts and cup! She commented that these are her first light-blue shorts to capture. The other boys were treated the same way like me. Many of these Amazon kids - being 10 years younger than their overwhelmed victims! - surely saw the first time an adult man naked. Nevertheless, these dirty bitches knew very well how to treat a man's nut-sack! The girl holding my arms, sat now with spread legs on my face so that I had to smell her cunt. Despite her young age, she had a strong female smell (maybe she hadn't change the shorts for several days) so that I became horny and hard! The girl who had stripped down my shorts caressed my cock to full hardness. I couldn't see much, but I was sure that my soldiers were in the same situation. The girls discussed whether they should break my boner! I was in panic and tried to break out, but in vain! I pledged them that they couldn't do this. But the girl sitting on my face slipped somewhat back, so that she sat now on my breast again and explained: "Do you see the cream stains here on my shorts? The kid boy from whom I have taken the shorts left them when I cracked his left egg! I simply popped his ball and the cream drooled from his cock and soaked the shorts! And just look, the shorts of my mates have similar stains! We never wash them for that every jeanser can see these stains as cry of these once proud but now castrated male fighters!" The girls giggled evilly, and the one who had my nut-sack under control added: "Yeah, my stains are made by an Arab rookie. His name is still written on the label: Ahmed Abdulla. He and his package looked similar to you(rs), and he had a very goofy expression when I popped his egg!" Again, everyone giggled. This was the dirty bitch who cracked the left egg of my youngest (15) brother! For luck, the chicks decided not to castrate us immediately but to take us with them to present us to the other Amazons. Before they brought us to the girls' HQ, they took our shorts and jocks. Then, they played "Spin the Bottle" with our hard cocks and rang our bells brutally! I could hardly walk after that chops against my naked package, not to mention refuge or defense! In their HQ, we had to serve as training partners for the kiddies for that these could train their fetal kicks on fully developed adult balls! Soon after, I had the "honor" to fight a training lesson against a 16-year-old chick. The referee - an adult Amazon - explained to her class how to overwhelm and crack a boy in a close fight: "Both fighters - boys and girls - are very sensitive in the crotch, at the 'lust-center'. Especially the male package can be easily hurt by precise kicks or hits. Therefore, both sexes normally protect their abdomen by groin guards! One of you will demonstrate the female superiority since an Amazon can easily crack even a protected boy!" Then, she ordered that both opponents get the same equipment. This dirty bitch! She really handed my out stretch jeans, nylon shorts and - a pussy guard! Such a female groin protector (a so-called pelvic guard) is a narrow foam-rubber strip which goes from the stomach down between the legs. Even though it is light and flexible, it adsorbs direct hits against the cunt nicely. On the backside it is fixed with two rubber strips going from the pussy right and left side over the butt back to the front. Thus it is similarly fixed like a jockstrap. The one I was given had been worn by a girl before as I could see from the stains. And its' strong female smell had the well-known effect to make me hard and horny. And now, I was ordered to put it on for my "protection"! It didn't have any cavities for my nut sack, so that my hard cock and my left ball was underneath the guard, while my right ball lay beside it. My opponent wore exactly the same equipment, just that for her, it offered good protection! The fight started, and we encircled each other for a while, till we finally locked in a collar and elbow. I used the chance to give her titties a work over. She moaned, broke out and moved her abdomen backwards so that her groin was free for a direct shot of my foot. My kick, though, was completely absorbed by her groin guard! I was still distracted when I had to face her response. Fortunately, I could block her kick, but somehow she managed to grab and squeeze my unprotected right ball. I could brake out, but her sudden knee stomp between my legs caught me off-guard. It trapped both of my nuts: The right ball which was out of the guard was hit anyway, and the other was crushed between the guard and my pelvic bone! I was severely weakened. Before I could slip to the ground, this dirty slut shot two further knees against my groin! I was only dead meat when she finally let me fall down! Helplessly, I lay in front of her on the ground, but she didn't feel satisfied. She reached inside my female jeans and grabbed the pussy guard. Violently, she tugged it upwards, giving me a major wedgie by squeezing my left ball underneath the guard even more! I couldn't do anything but shriek in pain! My cock wasn't hard at all anymore! The fight was over! The Amazon kid took my jeans and nylon shorts. She left me my pussy guard and pushed me over a table, so that my breast was on the table while my feet still touched the ground. She undressed herself and pushed a sex toy into her pussy: It was a double-sided plastic cock in boomerang-shape. One side was now in her slit while she rammed the other side into my asshole! She didn't even waste time to strip down my slit guard since it left my asshole free. Even though I had been "raped" several times during our fights against the Amazons but also against boy gangs, it was every time in the same extent painful and humiliating. Driving in and out my asshole, her clit was stimulated by the plastic cock. Not only this dirty bitch was about to cum, but many of the girls in the audience were masturbating while my ass was bumped and ground! Finally she reached her climax, roughly squeezing my sore balls in pleasure! She pulled the plastic cock out of my asshole, and I just broke down. My nuts were aching and my asshole burning like hell! This young chick had finished me off by dry-fucking!