My Life in a Gang - Another View by Agua The following story is "My Life in a Gang" in the view of an Arab boy. Please read "My Life in a Gang" at first for a better understanding. The chapter structure is also adapted to this original story. This story contains explicit sexual and violent material incl. rape, castration and torture and should only be read by adults. If ball-busting is a matter of offence, please DO NOT read. 2. The boys fight back 3. A new Strategy After this and some more awfully lost fights and cracked nuts, we realized that due to our vulnerable balls, we had no chance against the Amazons in a direct fight. Therefore, we decided to wear cups to protect our most sensitive parts. This was especially for me as an Arab very hard since we are very proud of our virility and mostly love to show off our well built packages in tight fitting jeans. Now, I had to hide and cover my family jewels for that they were not cracked. By accident, we had found that girls are easy to hurt between the legs, too: During a fight, one of our boys had driven his knee into the exposed pussy of an attacking Amazon. The effect on her was as destructive as on a boy. Yelling in pain, she cupped her aching slit with her hands and fell to ground, unable to fight! And her tits were even more vulnerable! From now on, we started to exploit the weak spots (tits and groin) of the girls. In the beginning, this tactic worked very well: The attacks of the Amazons failed and we could overwhelm, capture and screw many girls or even whole troops. Thus, we could recapture some male but also female jeans and underwear. After the Amazons had worn it for a certain time, it took a strong female (fish) smell, which made me and the other boys really horny. Therefore we proudly wore captured jeans or underwear and avoided to wash them, even if they had clear stains from the menstruation period: This was the proof that we had really captured them from girls! Another typical sign that a girl had worn the jeans before, is the worn out material right between the legs since - unlike boys - girls don't walk with spread legs. But quickly, the Amazons found a new strategy how to overcome our troops: They attacked us always in majority so that 2 girls fought against one boy. One girl kept his arms under control while the other stripped down his jeans and cup. As soon as his balls were "deliberated" from his protector, precise chops and kicks finished the boy! I was also involved in such a fight. At that time, instead of underwear I wore a solid metal cup which was fixed by means of cords similar to a thong slip. The cup was very strong at any kind of attack, so I felt very safe. But 2 girls attacked me, one sat on my belly for that I couldn't move and kept my arms occupied. I felt how the other stripped down my Lewis-jeans (corresponding to my rank of a soldier). Underneath, she just found my metal cup, no further underwear. She tried to open the cords, but this was not so easy. (In fact, it was always difficult to go to toilet with this cup!) The girl got angry and drove her hands from both sides underneath the cup, squeezing my balls! Thus, she forced me to tell her how to open the cords. After she had taken my cup, she even ordered me to help her to put it on! With her left hand, she pressed it like a shield against her Venus mound, while I had to fix the cords. Two cords went left and right around her hips from front to back. The third cord was pulled between her legs through pussy and ass crack. On the back, all 3 cords were fixed together. Honestly speaking, the metal shield looked great on her: Martial, strong and unbeatable, nicely highlighting her female body and her fighting ability! But at the same moment, it was the most humiliating thing to see her posing with my most private piece of equipment. Only some minutes ago, this cup had protected my now vulnerable balls, while it was now taking the fish smell of the slit of this slattern! Another boy was attacked from behind. I knew he wore a hockey cup underneath his jeans. These hockey cups have a jockstrap design so that they don't need a further supporter. The girl behind him choked him by pulling her left arm around his neck, while her right hand went down to his groin. Seems, the Amazons had some training on different cups, because she immediately recognized the kind of cup and knew what to do: She grabbed the cup through the thin jeans cloth and started to shake it intensively. Obviously, her intention was to loosen it, because at the same time, she pulled it rightwards. Some girls shouted "Yeah, take his egg-cup away and crack his eggs!" Finally, she succeeded and his left ball slipped out! As soon as she recognized this, she hit several times against his unprotected nut. The pain in the boy's package was excruciating. His whole body convulsed, finally, he broke down. Another couple fought on the ground. The Amazon succeeded to open the boy's zip and to slip her into his jeans underneath his cup-jockstrap-combination. It took her just some seconds to find his vulnerable balls. Squeezing them roughly, she forced him to surrender! My other mates were overcome similarly. The girls just needed to collect the uniforms and equipment of our fighters. Boys with jockstrap cups mostly didn't wear any further underwear since those cups had sufficient hold. Just that a jockstrap doesn't cover the ass so that their jeans often showed clear stains from the asshole. The girls collecting our equipment immediately recognized this and taunted the owners by proudly showing their jeans to the other Amazons. Since we sometimes fought successfully against the Amazons, we had already (re)captured a lot of uniforms. After overwhelming an enemy soldier, my rank had increased from recruit to soldier, so that I wore her Levis jeans and white nylon shorts underneath. But the Amazons had found another technique to crack our cups: Many girls were now equipped with staple guns by which they shot into the boys' cups. Even though the whole staple could not burst through to cup, the pointed edges penetrated through the plastic and further into the cock flesh underneath! The attacked boy was always only slightly hurt (practically two pin pricks in his cock or balls), but due to a boy's high sensitivity in this area, he was paralyzed with pain and could be easily overwhelmed by his enemy-girl. During a fight, I was able to get a girl down and to take away her staple gun. I slid it between her legs till it aimed like a revolver against her bush! "Do you give?!", I demanded. She did. "Lay down and spread your legs!" She did again. I bent over her and pressed the staple gun against her completely exposed pussy (which looked hot as the worn-out jeans fabric tightened around it!). While I was still considering whether or not I should shoot, I suddenly felt another staple gun at the soft part between my nut-sack and asshole, right where a girl has her pussy. (Of course I wore a cup, but it was to small to cover this area.) Suddenly, I felt an incredible, pungent pain: The other Amazon, who had approached me from behind, had fired her staple gun into my unprotected soft parts! Crazy with pain, I weltered on the ground, helplessly pressing my hands between my legs! Both girls stood around me, laughing and making fun of me. The girl whose staple gun I had taken, started to undress me. When she tugged down my jeans, the staple - that fixed the jeans to my crotch - was torn out too. Another wave of pain! After the Amazon had taken my jeans and egg cup, I regained full consciousness. Since the girls were in majority, not only me, but all my mates were under control of female fighters. Like my overwhelmed mates around me, I still wore my nylon shorts. The girls bound our arms on the back and brought us to some trees. Here, they tied the underwear of each boy to a rope and tugged him upwards so that finally, we all were suspended. Since my whole body-weight lasted on the nylon-cloth in my crotch, I quickly felt dizzy from the pain my privates were exposed to. My mates were in the same situation, but since the blood-circulation "down there" was hindered, some guys involuntarily got a hard-on. The Amazons giggled as the sight of helplessly hanging male fighters made them proud of their work! Collecting our jeans and cups from the lawn and making stupid jokes, they left us. I was already about to pass out, when another troop of our boys finally came and freed us. Thus, the Amazons did not only wear our captured jeans and briefs but even our cups (at least, if they had an extended shape and reached between the legs to cover a girl's slit)! Surely, I don't need to explain how humiliating it feels for every boy to see a female fighter wearing his most intimate gear! The other problem was that due to this protection, we had even more difficulties to fight against the Amazons: Often, our soldiers had no cups themselves but had to fight against "cupped" girls! In a close fight on the ground, a girl often abused her male cup as nutcracker, squeezing her opponent's nuts by pressing her hard-cupped abdomen against his unprotected package! And even worse: Nowadays many Amazons wore especially designed female protective gear like breast and groin guards. Since this equipment was perfectly adapted to the female body, it protected them even better. The first time we captured such stuff was after a won fight when a whole Amazon company had surrendered to our superior troops. We took the cloths of our enemies and were astonished to find tit and slit protectors underneath. It was the first time, I saw such gear. In Arabia, women are not allowed to go out of the house alone, not to mention making sports! Therefore, there is no female sports equipment. But here, these dirty bitches had professional gear which they successfully used against us! Of course, captured slit protectors were useless for us since they don't offer any cavity for a boy's package. The only thing they could be used for was making us horny since they took the female smell of the Amazon wearers.