My Life In A Gang part 10 By Agua The story is about tough fights between a girls' and a boy gang. Exploiting a boy's "weak spot" often helps the girls. This story contains explicit sexual and violent material incl. rape, castration and torture and should only be read by adults. If ballbusting is a matter of offence, please DO NOT read 10. An unpleasant surprise In the long run it turned out to be a mistake that we had taken the prisoners to our HQ because they were now well informed about our defense system. Anyway, our HQ was not as well protected as the jeansers' HQ: While theirs was like a bunker without windows and built of reinforced concrete, our HQ was a normal one-story building with many glass windows. Normally, our HQ was guarded by about 20 soldiers, while the other girls were at home or having fights with boy troops. But now, we were more alert, having at least 60 guards in a three-shift-system in our HQ: 20 girls were out of service (e.g. sleeping), 20 stood ready for fight in full equipment, another 20 were in alert (i.e. they were out of service but had to be in uniform and all equipment ready). Additionally, the air in our HQ was always filled with agent, so that any boy entering would quickly get a hard-on. Meanwhile, the jeansers had new equipment and a lot of new fighters, and one day they started a great attack against our HQ. Both, older experienced guys and teen rookies burst through the front door. Of course, the agent worked perfectly: After a short time only, some boys - especially youngsters - cupped their aching privates with their hands: Seems to be very unpleasant to get a hard-on in a tight-fitting protective cup! Some of these guys even dropped to their knees and opened their jeans and cups releasing their cocks to full extent! These guys were easily overpowered by our girls by simple groin kicks as soon as the cup was down. The other boys that were still able to fight despite their hard-on, were brought down by several girls. Mostly, one girl sat down on his chest or face looking at his groin. Her hands were free to open and strip down his jeans and supporter (silk shorts, briefs or jockstrap) and with 2 or 3 experienced and precise hits against his cock and balls she made him unconscious. Afterwards he was quickly bond. This was effective, but time-consuming. Each minute, more boys entered our HQ than we could overwhelm and disarm. Thus, we controlled the fight only in the beginning, but since more and more boys entered the HQ (not only through the door but also through the windows), they were finally everywhere. Some boys attacked the sleeping girls in the dormitory: They were pulled out of the bed and overwhelmed by the jeansers. One boy stood over a girl who was laying on the ground just dressed with a silver spandex thong. He held her legs spread apart and stomped again and again into her bush. She was shrieking in pain and finally just rolled on the ground. To help her, I rushed from behind against this guy throwing him down. He laid on his breast while I sat on his buttocks. Of course, he had a hard-on in his jockey cup. I put my arms around his neck and pulled his chest upwards. Now all his and my bodyweight was concentrated on his cup, i.e. on his cock and balls. I started to move my abdomen forth and back, thus causing his groin to make little circles on the ground. Because his cock was hard and had slightly lifted his cup, he had to take all pressure caused by our both bodyweights and this motions! His cock was squashed by his cup like by a lemon-squeezer! Even though this technique didn't look very dangerous and spectacular from afar, it was effective enough to make the boy pass out after some 20 seconds. But there was no time to take the boy's uniform and equipment, since we were endangered from all sides. Even though the boys got hard due to our agent, so that we could kick down many of them despite their cups, they were simply too many! Step by step our girls were overpowered. Their cups and pussy-guards could not take hundreds of kicks and hits, and only very few of them had breast protection. And especially the tits were nowadays the favorite target of the jeansers. Girls who had slept by now, mostly had no protection at all, just their panties or captured nylon shorts. They were easy victims for the aggressive boys. And if a girl had well-working protectors, she was simply overwhelmed by two or three boys, who brought her down, stripped off her clothes and pussy guards and finally attacked her slit and tits till she broke down. All overwhelmed girls were bond and brought into one room, then the boys entered the next room. Despite the well-working agent, the jeansers acted well trained and experienced. Finally, most girls were under control of the jeansers. Even our commissioned officers were their prisoners! The fight was lost! Me and some more girls decided to refuge through the last free window. We run to the bushes. For luck, the boys didn't notice us in this chaos so that we could observe what happened now: The bond girls were brought out just dressed in panties and bras. All other uniforms (including T-shirts and shoes) and equipment (especially slit and titty protectors) had been taken away from them. The jeansers took the panties and thongs of our captured girls as personal souvenir so that the girls had only their bras as clothes and sign of their rank. Afterwards, they pillaged all our equipment they found in our storage: (female and male) jeans and underwear, cups and groin guards (pussy protectors) as well as bows, arrows and knives from former fights. All material we had was in this storage room! Now, we had only that we wore on our bodies! They took what they needed. As they had no use for the female groin guards, they started to burn them. Formerly, the jeansers had stored captured pussy-guards in their HQ, but after we had attacked even their HQ, the jeansers were obviously afraid that we could recapture these slit-protectors. The prisoner girls had to go down to doggy position so that their pussies were fully exposed for that they could be screwed by the boys who still were horny and hard from the agent. The jeansers were very careful: Only some boys were allowed to bump and grind the captured girls while the others had to stand sentry against possible attacks of still free girls but maybe also other boy gangs. Our captured mates really had to suffer: The boys rammed their plugs merciless into their sockets! And still, the boys seemed to be afraid of our captured girls: While taking them, they forced the girls into a position for that the could hardly move and that any attack was impossible. Whenever a jeanser ordered a girl to give him a blow job, he asked a comrade to take control of this girl. Additionally, he self had one hand on her cunt and the other on her tits, to squeeze them in case the girl tried to bite him! To humiliate us even more, even the young rookies were allowed to screw our much older commissioned officers! We had lost practically all our fighters and all our equipment! How should we go on? Was this the end of our girl gang? To be continued ...