Diner Duke out Give you a bit of a background about this particular setting.  Its in a diner in a world similar to ours, but unlike our world it is not considered undignified for a woman to throw down to protect her honor.       Danielle a very dignified business woman sits impatiently at her booth.  She's all decked out in her business clothes.  Black dress coat matching black skirt and a purple button up blouse.  Her 3" high heeled shoes are black as well.     She thinks Kirsta her waitress is a ditsy airhead, and imcompetent at her job.  What she doesn't realize nor appreciates how hard of a job waitressing really is.  Just like any stereotypical person with a silver spoon born in their mouth?     Danielle a 6'2" 230 pound outrageously busty and big all around brunette with shoulder length hair.  She has a 31" waist 14" biceps and breast that have to have bras specially made.  Her legs are outrageously long and big round firm tree trunks.  She's not a muscle bound woman nor a fat woman.  Danielle is also 42 years old.     Kirsta a college aged short haired blonde.  5'7" 108 pounds.  About half the width and thickness of Danielle.  Danielle starts giving her a hard time about her service.  Nitpicks and nitpicks about every little thing she sees.  The food, the glass, Kirsta not paying enough attention.      Kirsta finally has had enough and she dumps a bowl of soup in Danielle's lap.  Danielle springs up and says she's going to tell the manager while she points her finger at Kirsta.  Kirsta smacks Danielle's finger away and Danielle decides that she'd rather fight little Kirsta than tell on her.  She gives Kirsta a shove.     The crown of Kirsta's head comes up to Danielle's throat.  Normally it would come up to Danielle's mouth but since Danielle is wearing 3" heels and Kirsta is wearing flats she looks 10" shorter rather than the actual 7".  Despite being threatened by the much taller woman and being completely dwarfed in every way Kirsta decides to stand her ground.     "I'll be more than glad to tangle with you."     Sitting in a booth behind Danielle and Krista are two guys that are looking to make a wager.     "I bet that waitress kicks that big woman's ass."     "No way dude.  Ten to one says that big woman puts a stomping on that skinny waitress."     "You're definitely on.  The waitress maybe a lot smaller but she seems very feisty."         Danielle nor Kirsta was paying attention to the 2 guys that were betting, nor anyone else for that matter.  No one was going to lift a finger to break this up.  Not even the manager.  Truthfully Danielle having never been in a fight was counting on that.  She just didn't want to appear to be backing down.  Let alone to some colleged-aged girl that she outweighed by 122 pounds.     Both combatants began taking off accessories while eyeing the other.  Danielle took her coat of to unbutton and fold up her sleeves.  Kirsta was no dummy.  Even though she bare knuckled boxed, which Danielle didn't know, she saw Danielle rolling up her sleeves as an opprotunity to strike first.     Kirsta had never fought anyone the size of Danielle before, so she wasn't taking any chances.  An uppercutt to Danielle's chin was quite the surprise for the stalwart brunette.  She not only didn't expect to get hit, but didn't expect it to hurt like it did.     Despite being caught off guard Danielle retaliated with a heaving swipe of a punch, but Kirsta quickly ducked under it.  Even though Kirsta was use to getting hit with bare knuckles she didn't want to take any chance with getting hit by a woman like Danielle.  She quickly pelted her big foe in the gut with a straight jab, and she quickly followed with an uppercutt to the same spot.     The punch landed perfectly and knocked the wind out of Danielle.  She let out a big "oooommmpphh!" and dropped her arms to her sides.  Kirsta socked Danielle in the jaw.  She kept on the attack with a 1-2 jabs to Danielle's mouth.      Being in 3" heels Danielle stumbled backward, tripped over a booth, and fell onto the seat.    Kirsta didn't waste anytime and pounced on Danielle.  She started tearing at the business woman's button-up  blouse until all the buttons were undone and the blouse was open.     Danielle didn't notice at first because she was more interested in clocking Kirsta upside the head with a stainless steel napkin holder.  Getting clocked knocked Kirsta for a loop.  She staggered around and wouldn't have time to recover, but once Danielle stood up straight she noticed her blouse was open.  Hearing the guys making cat calls and women even commenting about how large her breast were Danielle's modesty got the better of her.     She put the napkin holder down and tried buttoning her blouse back up.  Even though she was wearing a purple bra Danielle wanted to maintain her modesty.  Had Danielle kept going after Kirsta with the napkin holder she might have knocked the little blonde out, but instead of being knocked out Kirsta was able to go on the attack.     Danielle was most of the way to being buttoned up when she was staggered by a punch to a jaw.  Kirsta clawed at Danielle's blouse and popped off a couple of buttons.  Danielle clutched her blouse with one hand to try an keep it closed.  She made the mistake of trying to box with just one fist.  Truthfully two fists wouldn't have been sufficient because Kirsta was just too quick and too good at boxing for her large foe to get the better of her.     Danielle missed another swipe and even stumbled around trying to maintain her balance.  Her lips became split down the middle with 1-2 jabs from Kirsta.  This time Danielle didn't just stagger backward, but she could taste the blood.  She checked her lip and for the first time in her life she saw her own blood.     To her credit Danielle didn't freak out.  She got so angry that she decided to forget all about her modesty and started fighting with both fists.  The upper half of her blouse was open but her breasts were still covered by a purple bra.      Seeing the upper half  unveiled Kirsta saw two more targets to hit.  These two targets looked to sweet and obvious to pass on.  When Danielle came charging in Kirsta blocked and overhand right.  She gave on of the enormous boobs a real hard slug.     Getting punched like that made Danielle back up.  There was a brief pause as both combatants looked at each other.  Suddenly Danielle became infuriated, and Kirsta decided to become agressive.  Using her arm length advantage Danielle reached out and grabbed Kirsta by the throat.      Danielle cocked her fist back and was ready to fire.  Knowing that she was out of arm reach Kirsta optioned for kicking.  She kicked Danielle in the crotch.  The kick made the big brunette loosen her grip on the skinny blonde's throat, and it also caused Danielle to drop her fist.     Kirsta wasn't satisfied so she kicked Danielle in the crotch a second time.  This time Danielle let out a yelp of pain and her eyes briefly crossed.  She covered the kicked are with her hands.  She left herself wide open for an attack.     Kirsta optioned to step behind Danielle and strip her of her blouse.  Once Danielle's blouse was off there was a hush in the diner.  The blouse not only covered the size but how impressive Danielle's body was.      A big and thick boned woman that possesed a physique that was in great shape at any age.  Danielle was on the rowing team at the ivy league college she graduated from.  Despite being in her fourties Danielle was still pretty athletic, or at least her body looked that way.     "Damn!  I thought you were just some big frumpy bitch."     Kirsta commented in a mixture of taunt and disbelief.  Danielle wasn't flattered by Kirsta's remarks.  Not only because Kirsta had stripped her of her top, but because the competitor in her realized that the skinny young blonde viewed her as a potential trophy.  There was no way she was going to let that happen.  Danielle's a woman of ambition and wouldn't allow some man treat her like a piece of coveted hardware, and she likes men, so needless to say she found Kirsta's remarks more demeaning and alarming.     Danielle spun around and smacked a hypnotized Kirsta back to reality.     "I'll take that!"     Danielle stated as she snatched her blouse from Kirsta's hand.  She made the mistake of trying to put the blouse back on.  She would find out that was a stupid thing to do because Kirsta went on an agressive attack.  She battered Danielle's full and firm body with punches.  After several punches the strong body began to get softer and weaker.     The more Kirsta's punches sank in the more enthralled the little blonde was with battering this big beefy brunette.  She never experienced a rush like this before in all of her bare knuckle boxing matches.  Of course none of her opponents had the size and build that Danielle had.  Not only that but Danielle was quite pretty and dignified.  For some trailer park gal that was use to tangling with other trailer park women this was quite the treat.     Kind of like growing up eating beans and macaroni and cheese, but one day you get a taste of prime rib.  Are you hungry yet?        Anyway while Kirsta was pummeling Danielle's solid built to last body into clayish rubble with her fist the towering brunette was having another problem.  She couldn't defend herself because she halfway had her blouse on when Kirsta went on the attack.  In frantic Danielle tried to get the blouse on, but when that didn't work she tried getting it off, but only managed to bind her arms in a tussled knot with the blouse.     It wasn't before too long that Kirsta actually managed to chop the towering woman down to her knees.  Then with much relishment Kirsta grabbed a handful of Danielle's hair and punched Danielle in the face until she knocked her flat on her back and out cold.  Kirsta asked the cook to bring her a wooden spoon.  The biggest and thickest one he could find.  While Danielle was out cold Kirsta took the liberty of stripping her naked.     She started with the skirt.  It wasn't the lacy purple panties that caught her attention, but Danielle's legs.  They were every bit as impressive as the rest of her body.  Kirsta couldn't get over how long, well tanned, and silky smooth they were.     "Wow.  I thought she was wearing nylons."     The cook returned with the wooden spoon and handed it to Kirsta.  She put it on a table with chairs.  It was obvious she had specific plans.  Then she went back to looking Danielle over and noticed her pussy.  Nice trim v-shaped hairs surrounded the lips.     Kirsta then proceeded to strip Danielle of her blouse and bra.  The bra seemed constrictive because once it was removed Danielle's breasts looked even bigger.  In fact being stark naked Danielle looked bigger than she was while dressed.     Once Danielle woke up the normally poised business woman became hysterical that she was naked in a public place.  Kirsta had to smack her a couple of times to get her to calm down.  That didn't work.  She tried tugging on Danielle's hair, but that didn't work either.     Even after Danielle shoved Kirsta and strands of her hair were pulled out of her scalp Danielle stood up, hopped around and screamed hysterically.  Kirsta pulled on Danielle's pussy lips with a pinching twist.  That brought Danielle up to her tip toes and a high pitch "woooot!"  escaped through Danielle's lips.     Her eyes shut tightly and she seered oxygen through gritted teeth.  Her big body trembled, but the pussy clutch that Kirsta had on her subdued her.  Once she settled down she still shook and seered through gritted teeth.     Kirsta then walked her over to a chair while still holding a clutch on Danielle's pussy lips.  Danielle stumbled more than she walked.  She was really shook up over the events that had transpired.  Their audience chuckled and snickered at the sight of the little blonde waitress leading the big beefy brunette around by her pussy.     Kirsta sat down and looked up at a shuddering Danielle.       "What's the matter with you.  Its not cold in here."       Kirsta said with sarcasm.        "What are you going to do to me?"     Danielle's voice quivered.  Kirsta told her that she was going to lay Danielle down across her lap and give her a paddling with the big wooden spoon.  Their audience laughed as they all imagined the scene and Danielle looked at her in disbelief.     Kirsta was quick to make a believer out of Danielle by twisting on not only Danielle's pussy but some of her nicely trimmed pussy hair as well.  Needless to say Danielle became so submissive that she wouldn't need any further instructions but she submissively laid down across Kirsta's lap.  Once in position Danielle's big round rump got a pummeling with a wooden spoon.       "I have an idea for tomorrow's special.  How about rump roast."       Kirsta joked once she was done reddening Danielle's behind.    Pygmalion rswf@pcis.net  Bet you were expecting something a little longer, but I'm feeling lazy.       Kirsta kept Danielle's close as trophies and Danielle went home naked instead of going back to the office.  Needless to say she attracted a lot of attention.