The Birth of the Gods By Musclebound CHAPTER ONE - THE MAKING OF A GODDESS Over the course of millions of years if a species is lucky enough to survive it will usually undergo some form of evolution. At some point one particular member or members of a species may develop a mutant gene which may give it an advantage in surviving a freak turn of events or it may make it better able to acquire food or reproduce. These advantages will ensure it survival usually at the expense of the less able members of the species which will die unable to compete with the members enhanced by their superior genes. One cold winter's morning on a planet far removed from our earth the evolutionary track of one particular species jumped billions of years in the space of a few hours. The rapid change in physiology produced a creature trillions of times stronger, faster, fitter and more intelligent than the other members of the same species. Indeed the change was so powerful that this creature was somehow stronger than the universe itself, processing unlimited strength. This life-force; it was found, was impossible to kill and was thus immortal. The planet in question was called Hibernia and was the parallel of the earth with several notable differences, it was a society which had the benefits of modern technology but politically and socially it seemed to be stuck in medieval times. The males on the planet held all the power with the females in complete servitude. There was no marriage as such the male could have as many women as he liked and could kill them if he so chose it without any consequences. The females were locked in chastity belts and were required to service their masters when demanded. There was no democracy on the planet as military dictatorships ruled all nations. Mighty arm forces continually fought each other through fortunately their nuclear weapons had yet to be used. The particular country at the center of this story had recently developed at new terror bomb which it was hoped would give it military supremacy and enable it to conquer at will. The new bomb was of extreme power and it was a journey in complete stupidity as if it had ever been used it would have decimated the planet, a fate that seemed to be lost on its leaders. Women could excel in only two areas of their society where they were useful propaganda instruments in the media and strong and resourceful soldiers. Most TV reporters were female as a beautiful face it was known could carry the regimes messages and could control the male population. The women had proven to be tough fighters in the armed forces and to encourage more recruits were given a measure of power and independence. The country was ruled by a dictator called the President and controlled through a military tribunal called the Congress. The national capital was a city called Rochester. Swelling with a population of some ten million people it was a fine city with many grand and historic buildings. The five states each had a state capital through which a general with the title Governor ruled the population under the orders from the President. Our story starts one winter morning where 22 year old tank Commander Sergeant Joanna Dean is ordered to report to the base's hospital for an injection. The army personnel were always being used to test various new drugs developed by Congress's scientific branch. This particular drug was supposed to increase the host's physical strength for a period of twelve hours to enable various short term missions to be carried out. Unbeknown to anyone including Joanna was that she processed a mutant gene for increased physical strength. Joanna was strong, as strong as any man and processed a fair deal of muscular development which she had developed naturally. Beautiful and six feet tall, Joanna shared these traits and mutant genes with her younger sister Brittany. The tall blonde left the base at 3.30pm that afternoon and drove the fifty miles to her father's place in the woods to celebrate Brittany's 18 th birthday. Joanna's arm was still aching from the injection when she arrived at the old brick house. Something about her body did not feel right; maybe it was a side effect from the injection. The tall and beautiful younger sister greeted Joanna on the front porch and was showing signs of a black eye her father had given her. Brittany was as strong as her father but she dared not hit him as the penalty for hitting a male was death. Joanna cried out "He didn't hit you again did he Britt?" The younger sister answered "I didn't cook his dinner right so he took it out on me. He also had his way with me last night". "Oh Britt! get away from him. Why don't you join the army?" said a concerned Joanna. "If I leave her will only get me back and if I join the army I am only trading one molester from another one". The depressed young women said turning to look away from her sister. Inside the house they decided to blow up some balloons for the party. Joanna was in the middle of blowing up a balloon when the telephone rang. Giving the half inflated balloon to Brittany, Joanna went to answer the phone. Brittany placed the balloon in her mouth at the same time she disturbed a spider which was on the floor alongside her. Screams from the bite brought Joanna back from answering the phone. Crushing the spider the older sister crouched down and commenced to suck the poison from her sister's hand and thereby transferring saliva into her sister's body. Joanna wanted to get help from Brittany's condition but her sister said no as she seemed to be feeling exceptionally well. Little did either of them think that tiny incident would change Brittany's life forever. The injection seems to have a major effect on the genes which are carried by the girls by developing an impervious wall around their cells. This wall it would appear is of infinite strength and able to withstand any substance or force that comes into contact with it. The cells could produce limitless energy thereby developing infinite strength and endurance. The girls could survive without sleep, food, water or air, although their bodies could still consume food, water and air if they chose to use those functions. They could still breath and the power and capacity of this function increased a trillion fold allowing them inhale and exhale countless trillions of cubic feet of air as effortlessly as blowing dust off a table. Because of their increased life force their sex drive had increased to incredible levels of desire and performance. The party finished about 10 PM and both women went to bed. The next morning Joanna awoke to a strange feeling. Her body seemed more energetic, her senses appeared more acute; she could hear strange traffic noises even through they were miles from any major roads. Looking around she was stunned to find the bed had collapsed and had gone through the wooden floor boards. Standing up appeared effortless and she didn't feel the cold despite the temperature being below freezing. Taking a step Joanna was surprised when her foot smashed through the wooden board. Each step crushed the floor boards to matchwood. The young women thought "How can I be so heavy. I didn't eat that much at the party". Hearing similar crunching noises from Brittany's bedroom Joanna yelled out "Brittany what's that noise I can hear?" The smashing of timber grew louder as Brittany crushed and smashed her way into Joanna's bedroom. Shocked, Brittany cried out "Jo what's happening to the floor?" "I don't know I'm smashing the floor as well. This is weird, either we a gained a great deal of weight or the house is infested with termites". Brittany placed her body against the wall to try and take the weight off the floor when she suddenly fell through the wall as the bricks crumble at her touch. Cursing Brittany stands up brushing the dust off her night dress "What in the hell is going on? I must be dreaming!" Joanna interjects "Hang on I'm here too remember and this feels awfully real to me". Picking up one of the bricks a startled Brittany cries "I can't feel any weight, the brick has no weight! Joanna picks up a brick and crushes it to powder "Wow how did that happen?" Brittany smashes her way to her father's gun cabinet and pulls out a gun. Surprised she says "I can't feel the weight of the gun. I wonder?" Placing her hands at the opposite ends of the barrel Brittany starts to bend the steel which protests with a loud groan. Excited, Joanna exclaims "Britt how can you bend that steel?" "I don't know sis but I can't feel any resistance. It's bending quite easily". Brittany says with an amazed expression on her face. Brittany keeps crushing the gun expecting to come to a halt when the pressure required to compact the metal any further will demand more strength than she processes. She is startled to find the metal offers no resistance at all. Under tremendous pressure the metal is heating up and becoming molten. Soon boiling drips of metal are striking and sizzling into the smashed floor boards. Open mouth Joanna says "My god Britt look at your strength it is unbelievable". Ecstatic Brittany says "What has happened to us Jo and why is every thing so soft". Joanna pulls another gun out of the cabinet and crushes it to a molten paste. Brittany looks down and sees the hot metal dripping onto Joanna's feet. "Jo can't you feel that red hot metal on your feet" says a concerned younger sister. Surprised Joanna looks down and sees the molten metal running off her feet. Joanna says "Britt do you know what this means? We are super strong and we are totally invulnerable". Taking the experiment further Joanna drops a brick on her foot and says she could not feel the impact. Brittany loads a pistol and says "There is only one way to find out once and for all". She rashly puts the barrel in her mouth and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens except for the sound of the gun firing. Joanna is dumbfounded. Brittany looks at the smoking gun and then at Joanna and says "I didn't feel a thing. Have we become some sort of super powered chicks?" Joanna's mind is leaping ahead and she says "Britt do you know what this means? We are super strong, guns can't kill us, people can't kill us, men are puny and weak compared to us, we have POWER!" Brittany, catching up to Joanna's thinking "Men can't hurt us, men can't control us. We can rule this world, Jo, Nobody CAN STOP US!" By this time both women can hear a car approaching from several miles down the road. "Sounds like dear father is returning do we have a surprise for him". Muses Brittany, who is enjoys immensely the great spectacle of seeing her older sister fire the pistol directly at her temple. The gun has absolutely no effect and the younger girl picks up the flattened slug from the floor. "How did this happen". Wonders Brittany as she squashes the slug into a liquid. As well as increasing their physical strength the mental functions have had a million fold increase in ability and Joanna quickly determines that the injection combined with her extraordinary physical qualities seemed to have combined to give her some sort of super powers which were transferred to Brittany when Joanna's saliva was accidentally transferred to her bloodstream when she attempted to suck out the poison. The girl's father is a bitter man for no one will buy his daughters for breading stock on account of their height and well developed muscles. The most favored women are small mousy types who would bend to their master's wishes. Stopping his car the man gets out and surveys his wrecked house and screams "What have you bitches done to my house". Brittany starts walking through the house towards the front wall smashing the floor as she moved. The wall poses no obstacle and she presses her large breasts against the bricks and starts to crack the wall. The girl's father watches open mouthed as the wall strains and cracks as Brittany's powerful chest moves inexorably forward. The wall surrenders in a loud crash of bricks as Brittany bursts triumphantly through such a pathetic barrier. Brittany continues to walk towards her father's car as she says "Father dear glad you are back. We have grown stronger and more powerful since you have been gone. Let me demonstrate". Sinking her fingers easily through the flimsy metal of the door Brittany rips off the door and sends in on a journey to a far galaxy. The man is standing there with a stunned expression on his face as she sits in the driver's seat. The seat instantly crushes into the floor which starts to sag. Brittany's super heavy weight is bending the car in the middle. Standing straight up, the women's god-like powers enable her to push her feet through the floor of the car and her head bursts through the roof of the car. "My god what has happened to you". Exclaims her father. In a dominant mood Brittany says "Good choice of words Father dear. Get down on your knees and worship me for I have become A GOD!" And with those words the young goddess walks through the engine compartment and rips the engine off its mounting. Using her unlimited strength Brittany crushes the engine to a boiling pool of gray liquid as her father drops to his knees. Brittany says "You cannot hurt me any more I have moved beyond your physical abilities". A gun shot reinforces Brittany's words as her father turns to see Joanna firing his pistol into her mouth. Turning to face her former home Joanna gives a little cough and blows the house into millions of pieces. "My god, did little ol' me do that, I just don't know my own god powers". Said Joanna just before she chewed her father's pistol into a dark blue colored syrup and dribbled it onto the ground. Both women walk off down the road to the screams of their father. "Go you fucking bitches, you have ruined me!" Walking down the thick and densely forested track the girls no longer have any fear on this lonely road. Brittany speaks up "That was quite a lot of fun. With our new powers we can do anything". Joanna's active mind is looking ahead and she says "With our strength and power we could destroy this male dominance and if we infect other women we could take over as the dominant life form". The thoughts of domination and power are exciting Brittany to no end and a wet stain is appearing around her crotch. As they stroll down the road they hear the sound of the engine starting on Joanna's car miles up the tract. "Sounds like dear father is coming after us". Muses Brittany. Joanna thinks of a fun demonstration of their powers. "Let him catch up with us and we will then start running and he will have to drive faster to keep pace". Soon the car approaches them and they start running and the half mad driver is driving furiously to keep pace with the young goddesses. Miles down the road the surface changes from dirt to a tarred surface and the girls increase their pace to 90 m.p.h. to which their father has trouble keeping pace with them. After forty miles of chasing the girls the little car is running low on fuel and the girls are getting bored with their game. The young women increase their speed to over five thousand miles per hour and disappear to the sound of a sonic boom. To be continued