The Birth of the Gods By Musclebound CHAPTER FIVE, THE DESTRUCTION OF Scarborough - A GODDESS SHOWS HER POWER It was certainly was a bomb and the massive ship landed in the center of the central business district with a massive blast which toppled countless skyscrapers like a line of dominos falling down. The historic Capitol Building was blasted to pieces by the shock waves. The famous white dome was seen to collapse in a cloud of white dust. The carnage was simply horrific. The other goddesses are yelling with pleasure at the smashed city. Rebecca runs a loving hand over her lover's chest and starts caressing her swelling nipples. Rebecca says "Britt that was the most spectacular thing I have ever seen, I bet your little trick has those pathetic mortals running around like frighten mice". Brittany replied "That is nothing I want better than to grind their bones into the dust and destroy them all". Tracy, worried, wants to retain some males for the pleasure of dominating and humiliating them, tries to tame Brittany's extreme views by saying "Britt I want to keep some of these things as pets, life would not be as fun if there are none around for us to break and crush". The thought of crushing male bones and making fun of their pathetic attempts to be equal has made Brittany wet with pleasurable thoughts. Joanna breaks in at this stage by saying "This is nothing compared to what I have planned. The demonstration of our power is going to drive some of their kind insane". And with that comment the blonde queen walks to the aircraft carrier and with a slight sway of her hips sends the big ship crashing upside-down into the graving dock. Joanna jumps down with a thud into the dock and cracks the thick concrete with her feet, walking to the stern Joanna yells back "Watch this little trick, girls". The goddess starts to push the carrier against the reinforced concrete wall. With a fantastic groan the ship starts the crack and buckle as it is subjected to unbelievable pressure. Like a dying animal the ship is screeching in agony as its belly splits open and the internal organs such as boilers and turbines are squeezed out. The propeller shafts start to bend like bobby pins and they soon break and burst through the hull of the ship. The structural integrity of the ship is broken by the collapse of the main frames and the keel breaks and is bent at a crazy angle. The sight is too much for the girls and the two lovers start fingering each other's juicing cunts. Tracy is screeching in ecstasy "More power Jo, show me your strength". The ship has collapsed into jagged steel scrape by the relentless power of Joanna who continues to push the steel of what was once a mighty ship of war. The scrap is compacted to a small pile of broken metal which Joanna triumphantly squashes into pool of liquid which has the appearance of gravy. Back in Rochester the President and his advisors are stunned to learn about the destruction of the historic center of Scarborough. The President with his head in his hands says "Bombs, tanks, guns, planes, gas, nothing we have can even scratch them". Regaining some composure the President screams "Kill those fucking bitches General Howe; deploy every single plane you have at your disposal. I want a massed attack, hopefully there is still a chance we may overwhelm them". Adding "I also want a biological weapons attack", something, there must be something that will be effective against them". General Howe confidently states "We have twenty C-42 bombers waiting to take off, Mr. President. They are filled with the deadliest biological agent at your disposal. We have done countless experiments with this material and there is nothing that can withstand it. There are 1000 fighters and bombers which is ninety five per cent of the air fleet, are armed and waiting your orders to take off". "Get them up General" says the President whose confidence is lifted by the mistaken belief in technology and military might. "General Thomas" says the president "I want the entire army deployed between Scarborough and Rochester and I want the Island Bend Power Station and lasers brought on line". "But Mr. President they will know about Island Bend from that fucking treacherous bitch Rebecca Jones," rants General Thomas. "The lasers long range will be able to cover a section of the main highway and I am confident that these whores will not be able to resist the temptation to show off" says the President deluding himself. "Talking about Lieutenant Jones, I do not any women near those fucking sluts. The temptation of power was too much for Lieutenant Jones and it will be too tempting for any other woman. Any women attempting to make contact will those tramping whores will be exterminated" yelled the President. "As a final ace I want the Fusion Bomb ready for deployment, we may have to destroy some of our cities to stop them. Declare as desperate Commander in Chief. The goddesses are preparing to leave the base to watch Joanna's morale sapping display of power as she destroys the entire city when the approach of planes is detected by their super hearing. Tracy says "Here they come again girls, you'd' think they would have leant by now". The heavy bombers fly in to deliver their deadly cargo of biological agents. Soon they are covered in a yellow liquid, which Brittany scoops up with a finger places in her mouth to taste. "OOH, what is it", smirks Brittany. "If I am not mistaken it is a biological weapon attack. They are trying to kill us with germs" answers Rebecca. "Fat lot of good that is going do. This stuff tastes great. I could eat this stuff all day" smiles Joanna. Brittany interjects "Listen more planes". "Its time to leave girls" commands Joanna and with that the four goddesses fly to an altitude of several thousand. From her vantage point Joanna can see the approaching air armada with a broad grin on her face. "They will not there much longer" she thinks. And with that thought the blonde bombshell starts to inhale. Every thing imaginable is sucked into her mouth, the whole city, all the wrecked buildings, all the suburbs, the blazing factories, every thing in sight, all the impotent warships, the 200 atomic missiles they carry and all the approaching aircraft. Billions of tons of material are compressed to a piece of chewing gum in milliseconds. All the missiles, bombs and atomic weapons explode in Joanna's mouth and she is unaffected by any of these useless weapons. The two thousand megatons of weaponry produce a curl of smoke which comes out of her mouth. Fully aware of the immense explosion and heat generated in Joanna's mouth. Tracy jokes "Don't you know smoking is bad for you". Joanna pulls the little block of super dense matter out of her mouth and says "Here girls anybody here want to feel the weight of 5 billion tons". All the girls have a feel and are amazed and they shout excitably together "It has no weight; we can not feel any weight at all". Rebecca says "This is unbelievable our strength must be limitless". Rebecca flicks the little block to the other side of the universe and says "Bye useless scrape, bye mankind". The four super powered women dropped back to earth with a shuddering blast which shakes the ground for hundreds of miles. Both Brittany and Rebecca chase after the C-42 bombers fast disappearing to the west. Running fast over the ground the super girls were able to catch up to the jet bombers and with a mighty leap jump up into a plane by smashing through the bottom of the fuselage. The goddesses are still covered with the biological agent which kills the crew of the plane as soon as they entered it. Both women had gained a liking for the deadly substance and had come on board to search for more of the sweet tasting liquid. Busting open the containers the goddesses devoured the remaining agents until the plane crashes in a great fireball. Walking out of the burning wreckage Rebecca said to Brittany "Remind me to find that lab when we have crushed this country into submission". Walking back to join the others the goddesses are spreading the virus right through out the country side. The joint chiefs are in a state of deep shock. The destruction of the city, of the remaining ships and of the entire air force was beyond comprehension. Never before had they witnessed such sheer power. And now they were receiving reports that the biological agent had failed completely. The President said "That substance was supposed to be deadly and now I am receiving reports that two of these goddamm fucking wrecking machines are spreading it all around the remains of Scarborough. This substance is going to kill us all". The Chief Scientist interjected with the only good news her had "Mr. President the J453-B Biological Agent is only deadly for six hours and it then becomes benign. I believe it is time to evacuate the Capital, Mr. President, we will never hold them. We will have to get our people to a safe area before we explode the bomb" The President agrees "Preparations are under way". The President calls for causality list at which General Thomas speaks out "Our losses are horrific gentleman, fifty thousand personnel lost, the entire air force has been destroyed, 1200 aircraft losses, the army have lost 200 tanks and some four hundred 155 mm field guns. The navy has lost two aircraft carriers, one battleship, ten cruisers, fifteen destroyers and six submarines. For no loss or apparent damage to the enemy, I am sad to report". Admiral Andrew White sat in the war room on the brink of insanity; his eyes are glassy orbs, saliva is dropping out of his mouth like a dribbling baby. Everything he believed in, everything he had trained for was for nothing. All the weapons, ships and planes were on the day as useless as a snow flake in hell. Pride in their weapons and their technology has been misplaced as everything has failed and was basically good for nothing. Thousands of years of technology were totally useless against omnipotent biology. Crying like a madman the admiral said "We are nothing, nothing compared to them. They have power over life and death that we cannot comprehend. They have nothing but contempt for us, they have no use for us, and we will end up in one of their zoos or as their playthings, killing us at their pleasure". The President screams "Admiral get a grip on yourself we are not finished yet, we still a few weapons left that a far more powerful than them". The Chief Scientist thinks that maybe it is a good time to find a deserted island somewhere remote and maybe they may let him live in peace. Just then the crazed admiral pulls a gun out of his coat and shoots himself in the head. Tracy and Joanna have sighted a rail tunnel and decide they can cause some more mayhem by sitting in the middle of the tunnel waiting for a train to come through. While sitting on the tracks and licking the deadly biological weapon off each other's bodies a light can be seen at the far end of the tunnel. "This is going to be fun" smiles Tracy as sexual excitement builds up. The train hits them at 70 m.p.h. and stands no chance whatsoever. The all powerful goddesses are not moved one inch as the five diesel locomotives are split open and crushed like newspaper. The seventy wagons transporting army tanks plough into the locomotives and the two indestructible gods and are mangled into scrap. The whole train explodes in a fireball and brings down part of the tunnel. Joanna gleefully says "This is a great feeling of mangling and destroying these useless toys of men". Walking through the tunnel debris, choking flames and smoke the goddesses crush and push aside the remains of the flatcars and tanks. Crushing thick armor plate into syrup and mangled goo the triumphant females burst out of the tunnel. Walking away from the destruction without a second thought and down to the highway Tracy spies a place to spend the night. A large evacuated hotel appears in front of them. "What do you thing Jo? It looks good. Plenty of good food and wine for us to have a party, I'll bet". Whispers Tracy. "A night of partying and some sexual debauchery" says a beaming Joanna. Just then a tracking recon plane relays another shocking discovery of these females. Joanna lets out an ear piecing scream and in doing so melts every piece of matter for about three miles. Joanna could control the direction that the sound waves would travel thereby only destroying her intended target. When the Joint Chiefs and the President hear the news there is some pressure to pull out the entrenched troops from the Chief Scientist who states; "There is going to be a slaughter, Mr. President, with what we have seen them do the resisting and defensive power of our troops is totally useless. Maybe we should start negotiating an armistice ". "We have no bargaining terms sir. They want nothing from us except to enslave us, we cannot offer them anything" says General Howe. Agreeing the President says. "We must keep fighting to the end. If we do nothing it will destroy the morale of the people. I am still hoping for success with the lasers, for they were designed to defeat giant asteroids and comets". Chief Scientist points out "The troops will not slow them down for a second and I have fears about the bomb. The massive blast is going to heat up the atmosphere and will virtually burn everything". "Leave nothing left for them, eh, General" says the President. In desperation the old scientist says. "That is pointless Mr. President, they don't need any thing to survive and they are immortal they can build their own cities over hundreds of years". Brittany has a few things she wants to accomplish in the next few hours on her own so she says to Rebecca."I want to pay the President and his henchmen a visit and sort of remind them of their impending doom". "You evil little bitch!" Jokes Rebecca, "I'd would like to see their faces when they see you. Give them a little power show and tell them I said hi". To be continued