BENCHING FOR RECORDS By Anita Ramsey My Workout for the IPA Halloween Bench Press/Deadlift Championships Copyright Anita Ramsey You want to know what it means to be a hardcore female bodybuilder turned powerlifter? I’m a Hybrid of things to come. Something that the very industry I am part of fears and dislikes? We are always at battle with the very industry we are part of. Battle over what? Well, Mrs. Olympia Rachel McLish said it best, "As to the femininity -vs-muscularity controversy - I’m bored with the whole thing. If you understand what bodybuilding is, you shouldn’t have to worry about questions of that sort." What she said. Any questions? So, do you think you have what it takes to venture into my world? I don’t think so! You have to be mentally tuff to be a female muscle head. Don’t assume you are welcome in my realm either or you have my respect because you are in the gym - because most disrespect me, even though pound for pound I can out lift most men. Anyone can join a gym, and lift weight’s in-between talking to his or her friends. Don’t get me wrong. I know that sounds cocky, but I am very humble and respectful to those who exhibit the same dedication in the gym, to powerlifting, bodybuilding and other power sports. I will never "belittle" you. But, the moment you disrespect the fact that pound for pound I can out lift you then you’ve made a fool of yourself. Not everyone is dedicated to the iron and strength development. And, to be part of that realm, you need dedication, loyalty, respect for others and a little psycho serious attitude helps too. I am an "experienced" bodybuilder with over a decade worth of training and competitive performance behind me. I have won numerous titles, lost just as many, and placed top ten in all National events I’ve participated in. I am now in my mid-thirties and I am still improving on my previous best. You see women are like a fine wine. We get better with age. I do consider more things now than I used to. When I am in the gym now I have to do every movement with accuracy. Though, my joints aren't as flexible as they were, I can still pound the heavy iron. All those years of training and eating a sensible diet have paid off. The muscles on my frame now are mine, and I earned them the hard way. I train with a great partner: my husband. He and I have worked out together as a husband wife duo for half of the dozen years we’ve been together. But, we’ve added a new item to our workouts, another partner. Our new partner is Travis Rogers a 5’9" 295 pound one time WPO Bench Press champion and soon to be member of the 700-pound Bench Press Club. So, here I am training with a couple of baby Gorillas and little ol’ me in the middle. As Curtis (5’9" 270) was there for me when I did my bodybuilding competitions so was I there for his Powerlifting meets and I am here to tell you, bodybuilding has its thing but powerlifting has true camaraderie. Though, like bodybuilding, powerlifting too is an individual sport once you step onto the platform. But, the fellowship in powerlifting is uncommon. Ok, enough of that. Are you ready? Ready to become massive and strong? Let’s get rocking. When I train, I max out for 1 rep on certain lifts, once a week, sometimes every two weeks! My rep schemes are 1, 3, 5, 6 10, 12, 20, and 100. Yep, no set standards, and that’s the key to gaining strength and power. I do several different methods of training. I incorporate Westside techniques with power-bodybuilding (don’t tell Dave) along with many exercises geared toward gaining muscle balance and maximizing my work capacity. That is just my style! Everyone has his or her own way of training but this is mine. I am currently @ 147.5 and stronger then I was at the height of competitive bodybuilding career when I was pushing the scales at over 170 in the off season. I have been training like this for several months know, utilizing several Westside techniques and talking with Dave Tate of Elite Fitness Systems about certain exercises I need for my strength progression. So, needless to say, that all the big guys talked me into trying my first sanctioned Bench Press meet with Bench Shirt and all. I was a little reluctant at first. Why? Well, because of my bodybuilding mentality. I always had to train a certain way. But, after talking with Dave Tate who said I would be ready for a meet since I’ve been training for it anyway - I am taking the leap. ALL the extra movements that I was doing in my routine Tate also remarked this little comment: "Anita, look in the mirror and it’s all in the past!" I told Dave that was funny since Curtis has been telling me that same thing for weeks now. Well, sorry guys, I still need to look like a bodybuilder, too many years doing it - it’s in the blood. If anyone say’s bodybuilding is not addictive they’re not a bodybuilder. OK. I’m off to the Bench Press Wars. Hopefully to one day be in the same category with lifters like Lisa Aukland, Paula Suzuki, Persilla Rebic and Bench Press Barbi. I did my first meet and scratched! Got the weight up, but not "legally". Meaning I didn’t pause on the first attempt, and then lifted my ass off the bench on the second attempt. Yep, Red lights. Oh well, you got to start somewhere. I was so upset with myself that I couldn’t speak to anyone for hours. Well, that’s done, it’s time to move on and pick another challenge, must get my lifts in the books to be official. I’ve chosen the IPA Halloween Bench Press Championships slated for October 25th, 2003. Here is my nutritional program... 5:30 am - Wake, one "Kranker" with one aspirin and a pint of un-sweetened grapefruit juice. 40min Stationary bike. 6:30 am - Meal 1 MGF-2 (2 scoops) with 4oz. Heavy Cream One hour prior to going to the gym: Take (3) MGF- 1, and (3) MGF -3 9:30 am - Go to the gym. After workout: 2-scoops MGF-2, (3) Nitro-Surge 1 scoop IDS Creatine Titrate Crystal with water. 1 tabls Scavenger (Biohazard) or Glutamine Caps (Eclipse) Meal 2 1 cup Irish Oatmeal (uncooked) with 1 tblsp of Peanut Butter 2 cups Lana’s Egg Whites 6 UBX capsules (Biohazard) or Amino 2020 (Eclipse) Meal 3 MGF-2: 2 scoops with water Meal 4 1 Chicken Beast with ½ cup uncooked Rice 6 UBX capsules (Biohazard) or Amino 2020 (Eclipse) Meal 5 Either 2 chicken breast (breaded) or ½ pound ground chicken with some steamed vegetables 6 UBX capsules (Biohazad) or Amino 2020 (Eclipse) Meal 6 1 cup Irish Oatmeal with 1 tblsp peanut butter with 1 scoop MGF-2, and 1 tablet of MGF-1, 6 UBX capsules, 2 Higher Power Mag./Cal./Zinc capsules, an extra 2grams of Vit.C, a Saw Palmetto. I use extra supplements as follows: Antioxidants, and Extra vitamin C The following is my bench training workouts taken from my Journal. I do bench press work twice a week on Monday’s and Thursday’s. Week 1: Workout #1 Dynamic Effort Day (speed): Rotator work Bench Press: 9x95x3 with 1 set chain Darts (lying db tri ext): 4x35,40,45, 50x8 Dips w/weight belt: 2x45x6 OTHER EXERCISES INCLUDE: Bar row: 4x185x6 Hammer pulldowns: 2 sets of 10 Face pullthru: 5 sets of 15 Workout #2 Max Effort Day: Rotator work Bench Press (4 boards): 45x10, 95x3, 135x1, 170x1, 195x1, 215x1, 225x1 JM press: 2x70x6 OTHER EXERCISES INCLUDE: Seated bar press behind neck: 2x85x10 Front plate raise: 2x45x6 DB curls: 3x45x5 & Preacher mach: 2 sets of 20 Week 2: Workout #1 Dynamic Effort Day: Rotator work Bench Press: 9x95x3 with Chains Inc. Bar Press: 2 sets of 6 Pushdowns w/ band added to stack: 4 sets of 6 OTHER EXERCISES INCLUDE: Bar rows: 4 sets of 6 Face pullthru: 3 sets of 8 Workout #2 Max Effort Day: Rotator cuff work Bench Press (4 boards): 45x10, 95x3, 135x1, 170x1, 195x1, 215x1, 225x1, 230x1(failed) JM Press: 4x75,85,95,105x6 Seated single DB press delts: 3 sets of 10: Front plate raise: 2 sets of 6: Shrugs: DB curls pushdowns w/band added to stack: 3 sets of 12 Week 3:Workout #1 Dynamic Effort Day: MISSED Workout #2 Max Effort Day: Bench Press (2 board): 45x10, 95x3, 135x1, 155x1, 170x1, 180x1, 190x1, 200x1 Bench Press: 1 set to near failure 15 reps with 135 OTHER EXERCISES INCLUDE: Single arm DB delt press: 5x30x10 DB curls: 4 sets of 6 Preacher Machine curls: 2 sets of 15 Week 4:Workout#1 Dynamic Effort Day: Rotator work Bench Press 9x95x3 with chains Darts: 4x50x6 Pushdowns(rope): 3 sets of 20 reps OTHER EXERCISES INCLUDE: Bar rows: 3x185x8 Workout#2 Max Effort Day: (got sick with very bad cold) Rotator work Band chest pulls Bench Press (2 boards): 45x10, 95x3, 135x1, 155x1, 170x1, 180x1,190x1 (failed) After above was trashed and not felling well did not do anything else. Workout #1 Dynamic Effort Day Rotator work Band chest pulls Bench Press 9x 95 x3 with chains Triceps Ext. Elbows Out 4x35, 40, 45, 50x5 Workout #2 Max Effort Bench Day Rotator work Band chest pulls Close Grip Bench Press MAX Bar, 95, 115, 135, 160, 175, 185 Triceps Ext. T-Bar Rows worked up to 3 plates for 6 reps Workout #1 Dynamic effort Day Rotator work Band chest pulls Bench Press 9x95x3 with chains Triceps E.O. extensions 4x3 with bands T-Bar rows up to 3 plates again for 6 reps There will be more Dynamic Effort (DE) and Max Effort (ME) work ahead. It will get grueling. These work out are not for the week hearted. Intensity is the key. If you don’t have any, you’re done. Get ready, the best is yet to come. Anita is the Editor for Muscle Update a news, views and reviews column at Check it out for insights on the bodybuilding world.