to catch a thief by Michael Elk he picked the wrong woman to rob I’d never thought of myself as a thief, so when I found myself cornered, caught in the act of burglarizing a house, it was not a position in which I’d ever expected to find myself. My troubles started during my first year of university, when I simply ran out of money. I’d calculated a budget at the first of the year and had been doing fine until suddenly (and mercilessly) calamity struck. Actually it was several calamities. My car, which I needed to get to classes, developed transmission problems and the quote was $800; texts for my 2nd term classes were significantly more than I’d expected; and the government took away the last payment of my student loan because I had under-reported my summer earnings. I was desperate. I’d tried to get a loan from two different banks; but with no income, I was not apparently a good risk. My parents had already lent me as much as they could afford, and weren’t in a financial position to help either. Then one evening, in an utter depressed funk, and having given up on any further thoughts of continuing university, I went to a bar and got drunk. To make a long story short, I wound up relating my sad tale to a total stranger, who put the idea of burglary into my head, gave me a contact number, and suggested that he could fence any jewelry I might chance upon. ******* For two days, I had cased a neighborhood that seemed reasonably affluent, never imagining that I would ever get up the nerve to actually break into a house. Then on the 2nd day, just after lunch, things just fell into place. It almost seemed beyond my control. I was parked across the street from a house that had caught my eye. It appeared affluent, and was relatively secluded from the rest. Suddenly the front door opened and a woman, with long, straight blond hair, emerged carrying a gym bag and tennis racket. She was tall, about 5' 10", perhaps 35 years old, and dressed in a white tank top and white shorts. With broad shoulders and a sturdy build, she looked athletic and was obviously heading for the courts. More important, she appeared classy enough to own real jewelry. She climbed into a small blue sports car, backed into the street and drove off. Suddenly I realized that the house was likely unoccupied. That in itself would not have been pivotal; but the woman’s appearance stirred up some pretty strong feelings in me - both of intrigue and of reprisal. She was rich and attractive, and I was no Don Juan. How many times had I met someone just as attractive, and been spurned, or more likely, lacked the courage to attempt a pursuit in the first place. I loved the female species, and found myself yearning to connect with this one. Sure I wanted her money, but I would have preferred her. A mood of retribution for past failures, colored my judgment. My heart began pounding with the excitement, and my criminal career began at that precise moment with an adrenalin induced high. Heart still pounding, I started my car, coaxed it into first gear, and moved it to a side street to get it well away from the crime scene. Then I concocted a plausible explanation for ringing the doorbell while I walked back to the woman’s house. But no fiction was necessary, because nobody answered when I pressed the buzzer. Luck appeared to be with me, and that was all it took. I slipped around to the back yard, picked up a brick from the flower bed, and rammed it through a small pane of glass in the back door. Then I ran around to the side of the house and peeked around the corner, watching the door lest the breaking glass arouse someone in the house or set off an alarm. When nothing happened for two full minutes, I cautiously went back, reached through the broken window, and released the lock on the door. Then I was inside. ****** For two years now, Ruth and I had been meeting for tennis every Wednesday afternoon. I’d been on the women’s interscholastic team in university and was well out of Ruth’s league; however we played for the exercise and I kept her interested by holding back a little. On this particular day, Ruth turned an ankle practically before we had begun. We iced it down, and then I drove her to her place. I was in a foul mood, having missed out on my tennis game, and then suffering the inconvenience of having to care for my tennis partner. I’ve never been much for social niceties. I had a beer with her, and that put me in a somewhat better humor. However I didn’t stay around any longer than necessary and headed for home a lot earlier than normal. ****** My life of crime would likely have had a smoother beginning had I been a seasoned criminal. I must have wasted half an hour fortifying my nerve and debating with my conscience over my nefarious new career. Then it took significant time and effort to locate the woman’s valuables which I eventually found in an upstairs bedroom. So when I finally emerged from the room with my plastic bag of loot, the burglary had taken considerably more time than recommended in most of the better manuals. Therefore, as I reached the top of the stairs, I shouldn’t have been surprised to look down and see the woman of the house, still in her tennis whites, at the base of the stairs and heading up toward me. We both saw each other at the same time, and we both froze in unison. I’m sure my heart stopped outright. Our eyes locked for what seemed like minutes, but was probably only seconds. I saw puzzlement on her face, then recognition, then anger, but no fear. Her eyes never left mine, and that should have given me warning. I was trapped and desperately needed to escape. My reactions were primitive and instinctive, but would have worked with most women. I quickly covered my face as best I could with my left hand (although it was likely already too late for anonymity), raised my fist in a threatening gesture with the other, and headed at top speed down the stairs. The woman was about three steps from the bottom, and I thought that my intimidation had worked as she swung sideways and pressed her body against the wall to let me pass. With my vision partly obscured by my own hand, I never saw her extend her foot and hook her ankle with mine. But I sure suffered the result, suddenly pitching forwards and down the stairs. I might still have saved myself or at least lessened the seriousness of the fall, but the woman didn’t simply trip me. She kept her ankle entangled with mine to keep my foot in the air and prevent me from regaining my balance. My shoulder crashed hard into the wall opposite the base of the stairs and my body crumpled heavily onto the floor, leaving me stunned. Suddenly the woman was on me, straddling my body and seizing my wrists, pinning them to the carpet. I immediately began to struggle, but didn’t make any headway. I was still groggy and there wasn’t much room to manoeuver between the base of the stairs and the wall. And she was strong. But so was I, and I never doubted that I would be able to throw her off once I recovered my bearings a little and could work at getting free from her grip. In fact I relaxed a bit with the certainty of my situation, perhaps enjoying the pulchritude of my captor and lulled by the two very white and very feminine mounds that dominated my view. To this young, strong male, her impertinence seemed absurd. But this woman was a lot more offensively minded that I had counted on. She suddenly raised her body a foot or two, still maintaining her death grip on my wrists, and drove both her knees hard into my biceps. I hollered aloud in pain. Both arms ached excruciatingly, but she also hit a nerve on my right one, and it went all numb and tingly. Her face, distorted with rage, was suddenly in mine, taunting and abusive. There was no feminine softness or sympathy in those eyes, only meanness and hatred. Any attraction I’d felt was crushed by her venom. Before I had a chance to recuperate, she went up on her toes once again. This time I knew what was coming and fought savagely to save my battered limbs from a repeat performance. However I found that there was little power in my arms and that I was now helpless in her grasp. Her first attack had been sudden and violent. But her cadence was now slower, almost leisurely, as if she was fully aware of my impotence, and wanted to allow me the opportunity to contemplate my folly along with the upcoming pain. Down came those pointed weapons once more, and once more hard into my defenseless arms. Those arms would be black, blue, sickly yellow, and sore for weeks afterwards. This time I screamed out my agony and found myself whimpering like a baby and begging my tormenter for mercy. ****** I instinctively knew something was wrong as soon as I unlocked the door and swung it open. I couldn’t tell you what twigged my senses, but instead of heading for the living room or kitchen, as I normally would have, I automatically focused my attention on the stairs and steered myself in that direction. Nevertheless, I was still surprised when a boy of about 19 or 20 emerged from my bedroom with a plastic bag clutched in his hand. He was my height, about 5' 11" with a slim, wiry build and short brown hair. He would have been reasonably handsome had his features not been distorted by the look of horrified panic on his face. I was slow to realize why this intruder was in my house, and that I was being robbed. The terror on his face gave me a pretty strong clue, but it also reassured me that I had little to fear. I could tell that he was scared, and the knowledge gave me confidence. And my lack of anxiety allowed a seething anger to germinate and fester over the violation of my property. That anger quickly took hold, overwhelmed all other emotions, and gave me the kind of courage that soldiers must experience in the heat of battle. The boy came down the stairs fast in an effort to get past me to safety. He tried to cover his face with one hand and threaten me with his other. However his attempt at intimidation failed because of my anger and because he looked too frightened to be a real threat. From then on everything I did was instinctive. I stuck out my foot and tripped him, sending him crashing to the bottom of the stairs. Then I jumped on him and pinned his wrists to the floor. I am athletic and can be mean. And though I have never been in a fight before, I inherently knew how to fight. I knew that there was little future in sitting there on my captive while he flailed about trying to free himself. For me it was natural to attack while he was down. Without real thought I drove my knees hard into his arms and had the satisfaction of hearing him holler out in pain. I had hurt him, and that gave me even more confidence. I leaned forward so that we were nose to nose. I was still so furious that I could have bitten him. "You worthless piece of trash." I hissed. "Try to steal from me, will you? I don’t suffer fools lightly." Then I raised my knees and drove them a second time into his arms as hard as I could. His scream of pain did little to lessen my fury. However he quit struggling and began whimpering and pleading for mercy. Suddenly I realized that I had this young punk under my control. What a magnificent feeling. The power was intoxicating. We are trained to think of the male as physically superior, and I had whipped him decisively. Even I, who’ve always had a high opinion of my abilities, was surprised by the ease of the victory. It had just happened. And now he was mine to do with as I wished. Up until that moment, I had assumed that if I caught this thief, I would turn him over to the authorities. But now I wanted this wonderful feeling of power to continue forever. Now I wanted this boy for my own. And all I needed was a way to secure him. "Get up!" I ordered. I have not monitored ‘extreme fighting’ on TV without knowing that it is suicide to turn one’s back on one’s opponent. So I partially lifted my body from his, giving him restrictive movement only; and I released one of his wrists only, so that he was forced to turn beneath me in order to try to rise. He cooperated beautifully and stupidly, and as soon as he reached his knees, I quickly wrapped my legs around his mid-section and hooked my forearm across his throat. Then I squeezed as tightly as I could. My opponent, suddenly robbed of oxygen, began thrashing frantically, but futilely in my grasp. "You pathetic excuse for a man." I snarled in his ear, as he struggled and choked., "How do you like a real woman?" Oh how I relished this strange, new, unfamiliar ride; the feel of this young, firm stallion flailing about so ineffectually between my thighs and in my arms. It was such a rush to dominate this puny male; such a sexual high that I was merciless, and felt only disappointment when his body finally stopped its wild gyrations and suddenly went limp in my arms. ****** I was sure that I was going to die; that this vicious bitch was going to kill me. She had her arm around my throat and was choking me; and my own damaged arms were too weak to break her grip. There is no feeling worse than not being able to breathe, and it was no doubt a blessing when I finally lost consciousness and sank into oblivion. When I eventually did begin to regain my senses, I realized that my hands were being tied together behind my back. "Lie still" the woman ordered menacingly. But it was unnecessary. I was far too weakened to even offer token resistance, and lay there passively as she secured my wrists and took my freedom. ****** Thank God I knew exactly where the duct tape was located. By the time I’d retrieved it and began securing my captive’s hands, he was already beginning to revive. "Lie still!" I warned in the nastiest, most authoritative voice I could muster. And surprisingly, he did. That no doubt saved me the effort, and him the pain, of my clipping him over the head with the frying pan that I’d grabbed from the kitchen in case of his premature recovery. I ran about 10 wrappings of the tape around his wrists, and then finished the job with another 5 between the wrists and perpendicular to the first. The latter wrappings tightened the bindings so much that there was no chance that he could ever work his hands free from the tape. However I did wonder if I had done such a good job that blood circulation might be cut off. I seized my prisoner by his bound arms and by his hair, and heaved him to his feet. He cried out his complaint, but I was still angry, and I made no effort to be gentle. I grabbed him by his bound wrists to steer him towards the stairs, discovering that any pressure at all on his arms caused him pain. That made him easy to control, and I drove him up the stairs by forcing his arms as high up his back as the tape would allow. His cooperation was real, because it lessened his agony. But he still went howling in pain and pleading for mercy all the way. I steered him into the guest room, not simply because I intended to make him my guest (which I did), but rather because it contained an iron frame bed with useful iron rungs at both the head and the foot. I pushed him down onto the bed stomach first, climbed onto the bed beside him, and then straddled his back. Once again I marveled at the feel of his firm young body between my legs. From my perch, I wrapped duct tape around his biceps and then over to the corner rungs of the headboard. Reluctantly I relinquished my human saddle in order to anchor his ankles to the foot of the bed in the same manner. It was probably overkill, but I also wrapped more tape around his neck and attached it to the headboard as well. That would cause him to choke if he tried to struggle too much. It would be necessary to leave him alone in the house for an hour or so while I did some shopping, and I didn’t want my gorgeous young trophy to escape before I had a chance to enjoy him. ****** My mind was racing nearly as fast as I drove, as I made mental notes of all the equipment I would need. My anger had been replaced by emotions that I’d never before experienced. I was enormously excited, and could hardly wait to get back. I was certain that my captive couldn’t free himself, but a couple hours seemed like months when all I wanted to do was get home and toy with my new playmate. Normally it took half an hour to get to the neighboring town of Sydney, but I annihilated several traffic laws on the way, and made it in 20 minutes. Sydney has one of those sex shops, though I had never been in it before. I’m not a prude, but I’d never needed its wares. At the moment, however, this store had exactly what I required in toys and restraints. The merchandise proved captivating, and I spent a full, fascinating hour, perusing the goods. Eventually I purchased most of what I had planned, as well as several other items that had caught my interest, but that I never would have thought of on my own. I also stopped at a clothing store and bought a couple pairs of boxer shorts. The thought of my subject partially naked was titillating. ****** Anticipation had made my absence from the house delightfully agonizing for me. But it must have been two hours of cramped uncertainty and discomfort for my guest. I hoped he didn’t have to use the washroom yet, because I wanted to work with him a little before allowing him any degree of freedom. I first clamped a leg iron around one of his ankles and attached its chain to the bed post. That gave me the assurance that he couldn’t escape while I manipulated his other restraints. "Did you miss me?" I sneered, as I took my favorite position, nestled comfortable into the small of his back. "Hope you’ve had time to contemplate the error of your ways. Are you sorry you tried to rob me?" "Yes" he said, so low and so weakly that I barely heard him. I freed his wrists by cutting the tape with sewing scissors, then one by one drew his arms up and re-taped them directly to the headboard. He didn’t resist, perhaps because his arms were still so weak and sore. Perhaps because my intimidation was working. Then I took the scissors to his clothes, literally cutting them from his body. That he didn’t like, struggling feebly to stop me and squealing out his protests. Of course he had no idea of why he was being stripped. I left only his boxer shorts untouched and pulled the remnants of his garments from beneath him. He had a nice, smooth, muscular back that I admired immensely, and could hardly wait to get my claws into. "Do you know what this is? " I asked, showing him the short cat-o-nine-tails that I had purchased. He didn’t answer. However I could only guess that he recognized the purpose of the whip, because he began pleading with me piteously. I loved it. If he had been brave and contemptuous, I would have derived little satisfaction from striking him. But to be so in control of the fate of a male, to be able to frighten him so, was narcotic. I was discovering that I was a natural dominatrix, and his pathetic pleas only served to seal his fate. "The first two strikes will be to convince you that your new mistress is serious, and that she can cause you as much pain as she chooses. Hopefully the punishment will persuade you that full cooperation is compulsory. Otherwise I will take pleasure in whipping your worthless flesh as hard and often as necessary until you learn to do exactly what I tell you. We shall see if you’re a fast learner or not." I stood where my prey could see me so he could fully contemplate the coming pain. Then I slowly drew back my arm and let him have the whip as hard as I could swing it. He screamed long before the leather reached him, and I imagine his pain was at least as much mental as it was physical. The clerk at the sex shop had assured me that the whips were designed for pain, but not to cut flesh; that they wouldn’t do much real damage unless severely overused. By the end of the second blow, my young captive was thoroughly demoralized, begging and pleading with me not to hit him again, with tears streaming down his cheeks. He was really a delightful little coward. "Now my friend, we are going to play 20 questions, and the answers better be exceedingly pleasing to my ears. First, I need to know your full name." "John Thiessen." he said with only slight hesitation - a hesitation that might have meant that he had decided to reveal his true identity, or a hesitation that meant he was lying. I hoped it was the latter. "Now John? Where do you live, and what’s your parents’ telephone number?" "Why do you want to know that?" he whined. "John. It’s not something you are allowed to ask. I just do. Now you can give me the fucking number, or you can have the whip again. What’ll it be, John?" "I’m staying in Bayfield, near the Exxon station. My mom’s number is 555- 2134." "Now that’s more like it John. I appreciate cooperation. But one warning, and only one. I don’t like having to repeat questions. I ask and you answer like a good boy. Understood?" "Yes." "Good. Now let’s see if you passed the first test." I placed duct tape over my captive’s mouth, more to exercise my dominance than for fear of him screaming out. And I liked doing it because he hated it so, squirming and fighting so desperately to stop me. First I dialed *67, to hide my own number from caller ID, and then dialed the number that John had given me. The woman who answered denied knowledge of any ‘John’, so I apologized sweetly for the ‘wrong number’ and hung up. The best part of discovering my prisoner’s lies was watching him squirm as I made the call. But I still had the pleasurable anticipation of delivering his punishment. "Well, ‘John’. It appears that your mother has denied your existence. And that would mean that you have been less than truthful with me. You will find that whenever you displease me like this, there will be consequences. I have no choice. It’s obvious that you need discipline, and I’m just the girl to apply it. Now I really don’t like to do this, because its going to hurt me as much as it will you." And I delivered five blows with the whip. Full strength. Of course I was wrong. The punishment hurt my captive far more than it did me. In fact it had just the opposite effect on me. I was glad that he had lied so that I could justify the additional correction. I’m a bit of a sadist at heart. ‘John’ did not enjoy his role in the drama in the least. He couldn’t even scream or beg properly with the tape covering his mouth. And by the time I finished punishing him, he was crying and sobbing with tears streaming down his face. For perhaps the first time, I really felt sorry for him, and wondered if I had gone too far. However, when I removed the tape from his mouth, he was more than ready to cooperate. ‘John’s’ real name was Chris Landers, and his parents lived in Lyons which is way across the state. Chris was in his first year of university, and rented a room in the upstairs part of a house on Mayberry Street. He had run into money problems, and had attempted to solve them by robbing me. That was about all the information I could garner from him between sobs, but all I needed for the moment. I had a lot to do, if I wanted to keep my new toy for a couple of weeks without the authorities searching for him. There was little time to waste. ****** The first thing I did was to retrieve Chris’ car and put it out of sight in my garage. I figured he must have had transportation, and he was more than eager to reveal its location under duress. It turned out to be a piece of junk. I couldn’t even get it into 2nd gear, and I wound up just shifting directly from 1st to 3rd . I retrieved it late at night to be safe, though my driveway was reasonably secluded from neighbors prying eyes. Early the next day, I played ‘University Secretary’ on the phone to Chris’s mom, telling her that Chris had volunteered for a study on Circadian rhythms, to see if complete 24 hour a day isolation would throw off the body’s natural time cycles. No outsiders could contact these volunteers during the experiment, not even for a phone call. I did give her a fake phone in the event of a real emergency, but explained that such an emergency would ruin the experiment. Chris’ landlord and the university were fed a story (by me as Chris’ mom) about an out of a state funeral for an uncle. And that he would be gone for a week or two. Then, with those dastardly, but necessary deeds completed, I went back to my prisoner, planning to make the most of our short time together. ****** This had turned out to be the worst day of my life. How I wished now that I had simply been arrested by the police. So far, I’d been tied face down on this bed for hours, then beaten and tortured by this mad, vicious woman, who seemed so merciless. I’d thought that I could lie to her to protect my real identity, but she had been clever enough to discover my prevarication. That had resulted in a whipping so brutal that I thought I might pass out. I’ve never been able to tolerate pain, and after that beating, I didn’t dare cross her again. I’d been in absolute terror of my captor, fearing that she was going to kill me. However once she had phoned my mother to verify my story and then again to explain my absence, I realized that she must be merely sadistic, and would probably eventually release me. Until such time, I was at her mercy. Now I was in absolute terror for fear of what she planned to do with me. ****** After I had broken ‘under the torture’ and ‘spilled my guts’, Erica - that was her name, or at least what she told me to call her - freed me from all restraints except for the leg iron about my ankle. That way I was free to roam the bed at will and could even get off and walk a few feet from it. I was dressed only in my boxer shorts, and my back was too sore to lie upon. "I’m going out for 10 minutes to get a pizza for supper." she said. "I wasn’t anticipating company this evening and don’t have much food in the house. Tomorrow, you will start earning your keep. I assume that cleaning a house and cooking isn’t beneath your dignity. And there’s the little matter of glass all over the kitchen floor from the window you broke. You can rectify that as well. In the meantime entertain yourself with those magazines on the night stand." "I have to use the facilities." I said meekly. I had no wish to aggravate her. "I expected that", she said with a hint of a smirk. "You appear to have marvelous kidneys for someone so pathetic and devoid of character. Put your hands behind your back." And she produced the handcuffs from the drawer of the end table. "No." I said, but without much conviction. "Do you really mean that, you stupid boy? Do you like this bed so well that you want to stay on it for the next three days? There isn’t a lot of water or food within reach of that chain, you know. But if you want, I can easily bring you a pail to go in. Now I’ll ask you once more and only once more. If you don’t cooperate, and right now, your next invitation will come in exactly 3 days. By then I guarantee that you’ll be in a more receptive mood. And I’ll also guarantee that I’ll use the whip again for your insubordination. Now, would you like to put your hands behind your back or not?" My wrists were handcuffed, and Erica disappeared somewhere to retrieve a key for the leg iron. I was led down the stairs to the washroom. Another leg iron, with a much longer chain, was attached to my ankle, and then to the water pipe under the sink. With my continued presence thus assured, my wrist cuffs were released, and I was given complete freedom of the washroom.. From then on, I would often be released from my bedroom prison, and given significant run of the house, but always with the chain secured to some convenient anchor. ****** My goal with Chris was to break his will, and to subjugate him to mine. I have never had much success with the opposite sex, and until I’d captured Chris, I really didn’t understand just how powerful my desire to dominate was, and that it had probably soured relationships. Strong, confident men simply didn’t attract me, and my natural aggression (and perhaps bad temper) drove the ones that did (the more pliable ones) away. Chris was just my type. Timid and ineffectual, a natural follower, and someone easily controlled. I found myself attracted to him in spite of his recent attempt to rob me. But unlike other men that I’d liked, who I’d apparently intimidated and lost, Chris didn’t have the means or the choice of escape. I’m far from a psychologist, but the general strategy for brainwashing a captive was well documented in the Patti Hurst kidnaping. Be brutal early, and later win over the subject through kindness and gratitude - almost the bad guy, good guy cop routine, except with me as the only performer. I’m a very aggressive, sexual person, and I found dominating Chris to be such an erotic high that I could easily have raped him. I could barely keep my hands off him. However my early role called for me to merely frighten and intimidate. Later I hoped to use sex to win him over. Of course if my plan didn’t work, I would have no qualms about taking him by force. For the first 3 days, I was positively bestial towards Chris. My early viciousness had been generated by anger. But now that I was beginning to care for him, I had to force myself to be cruel. Still I managed to do an adequate job. I made him crawl around on his hands and knees all morning on the pretext of teaching him obedience, made him clean and scrub in the afternoon, and then managed to find enough faults with his behavior to warrant tying him face down on the bed for a couple of hours in the evening so that he might reflect on his sins. And I kept my demeanor decided unpleasant. I was a real bitch, yelling and swearing at him; calling him useless, corrupt, disagreeable, inferior, sordid, unsavory, scum, a worthless piece of shit, and anything else that might humiliate him. Amazingly, the more I abused him, the harder he tried to please me. ****** Chris revolted on the sixth day of his captivity. It wasn’t really much of a revolt, but it did show that he was no longer terrified of me. I still made him do the house work, and I still made him grovel at my feet. But starting on the 4th day, I no longer yelled or verbally abused him. Instead, I talked to him; and in subtle ways, without being too obvious, extended the odd kindness. Mind you, nobody would have described me as nice, but then nobody would have at the best of times. We had enjoyed a wonderful morning on that 6th day- at least I had. For the first time Chris and I had wrestled. I admit that my rules made it a little one sided. I practiced putting holds on Chris and he practiced escaping from them. I also admit that the leg iron and chain attached to his right ankle could have restricted his movements a little. Still, that didn’t lessen my enjoyment. I found it enormous fun. Three times I managed to keep him in a hold from which he couldn’t escape. One was a full nelson, with body scissors. Then I found that I was a lot more flexible than he was and could keep him trapped in a grape vine. But the best was a combination chicken wing and hammer lock with him face down on the carpet, because he was so totally helpless. It was an awesome feeling because I could have kept him there beneath me all day had I so chosen. A couple of times I tried a cross-body pin, but wasn’t quite strong enough to hold him down for long; however I did manage to keep him imprisoned beneath me for a minute or two, and it was most enjoyable having his body writhing so deliciously against mine as he tried to free himself. There is nothing like wrestling to foster bonding between two individuals. If married couples would partake, I’m sure there would be fewer divorces. Chris had been growing on me ever since I’d taken him captive, but wrestling him greatly enhanced my infatuation. The skin on skin contact, the all out effort, and the domination and submission, were all akin to having sex, but with none of the insecurities or poor performances that tend to mar the latter. I’ve no doubt that Chris was also affected, and that he was somewhat susceptible to my charms; so I was a little surprised when he chose that afternoon for his rebellion. ****** Erica and I wrestled this morning. Or perhaps I should say we spent time with her beating me up. She didn’t allow me any real opportunity to compete. Her idea of wrestling was to put me in holds and then have me try to escape. She described it as ‘practicing her technique’. And, of course, I was secured with a leg iron and chain, that not only kept me prisoner, but limited my movements while we wrestled. But I kind of enjoyed the exercise. It was the first I’d had since my capture, and stretching cramped muscles felt good. And Erica wore a yellow cut off tank top and white shorts that displayed her robust physique to perfection. She was also in a marvelous mood, excited and enthusiastic about the wrestling just like a little kid. I liked her like that, and for the first time saw that she could be charming as well as mean. Erica was pretty strong for a woman - or perhaps they’re all that strong, because I’ve had no experience wrestling females. In a real match, without a chain on my leg, I’ve no doubt that I could have taken her. But she was a much tougher opponent than I expected, and put out an effort much closer to what I would have predicted from a guy. She was broad across the shoulders and had good upper body strength. Several times she put me in holds that, for me, were unbreakable. I had a real dichotomy of emotions while we fought. I sorely wanted to physically dominate this attractive and athletic woman. It would have been amazingly erotic to turn the tables on her, to take control, tie her up, and have my way with her. What a rush that would have been. However all I got that was amazing was my frustration; frustration at being tied up in knots by a mere female, and frustration with not being able (or rather allowed) to wrestle properly. But it was frustration of a very sexual nature. To be held immobile in her iron grip, unable to free myself in spite of my best efforts, proved to be so stimulating that I would find myself aroused and very erect. My captor would detect that arousal and use it to taunt me, thereby intensifying my carnal frustrations even more. I could tell that she was enjoying our little exercise immensely, and that my physical excitement was more than a little pleasing to her. Why did I let her abuse me in this manner? I’m not sure. I could have refused to wrestle and certainly refused to let her put me in holds. I was no longer really frightened of her. However in the past few days, although I was still subject to her domination, we had developed some degree of rapport, and I didn’t want to rile the monster. When she had first suggested a little combat, I had liked the idea of wrestling an attractive woman, and by the time I realized that the rules were all stacked against me, I was well into the process of being beaten up, and it was too late to retreat. I won’t say that I hadn’t enjoyed the physical contact, and perhaps even the domination, but my male pride had taken a beating as well as my body, and I was embarrassed to think that a woman had manhandled me in that manner. ****** I had wanted to play tennis with Ruth the afternoon after the wrestling. However that was before Chris decided to rebel. He simply refused to let me handcuff him after lunch, and that prevented me taking him back upstairs to the bedroom. I could have left him there in the kitchen. There would be no way, without tools, for him to dismantle the drain pipe under the sink to which he was chained . However his misbehavior was more exciting to me than the tennis game. It would give me the excuse I needed to ‘further his training’. So I left him sitting at the kitchen table to ponder his folly, closed the door to my study, and phoned Ruth to cancel. "So, you’ve decided not to obey your mistress." I said gently, upon my return. "I want you to let me go." he said. However, his head was down as he spoke, and there was no way he was brave enough to make eye contact. His body language spoke volumes. He was so unsure of himself, and so afraid of how I would react. His demeanor was massively subservient. It was gloriously obvious that he was too meek a personality ever to seriously defy me. I loved his reactions, and I loved him. "Well brave little Chris. You’ve decided that you’ll be making the decisions around here from now on, have you? Have you forgotten that you came here uninvited? Have you forgotten that you tried to steal from me? I’ve kept you here, Chris, to try to teach you a lesson, and I’ll be the one who decides when you’ve learned it. And I’ll be the one who decides when, or if, you’ll be set free. "I’ve warned you before about the consequences of disobedience. I’m not one to tolerate fools lightly. And you just can’t imagine how foolish this defiance is. You’ve hurt your mistress, Chris, and she is more than a little annoyed. It’s cost me an enjoyable afternoon of tennis with my friend. So let me assure you that you are about to pay big time." I kept my voice gentle, but firm, with a touch of anger just beneath the surface. However I was far from angry. I welcomed the confrontation. Chris reacted like a little kid being scolded, and I was enjoying his discomfort immensely. "Here is what is going to happen, Chris. Pay careful attention, because you will have a couple of options. At a minimum, you are going to receive two lashes for your disloyalty. And that’s if you give up your revolt right now. "If you decide to make a stand here in the kitchen, I will shut off the water to the house from downstairs, and remove all food items from the fridge. How long do you think this little rebellion of yours will last without food or water, Chris? Perhaps two days? And how will you enjoy sleeping here on the linoleum? But when you finally do see things my way, I will be super annoyed at the inconvenience you will have caused, and will deliver at least 10 lashes; perhaps more if my anger doesn’t dissipate with the exercise. "So what’s your decision, Chris? A little punishment right now, or heroic rebellion followed by massive pain?" ****** I shepherded my captive up the stairs, his hands behind his back just as I’d demanded. Chris’ capitulation had been quick. It had been too easy. I’d not expected his revolt so soon, and so hadn’t decided on what action to take even as we climbed. However I was excited, and could hardly wait to get at him. A climax was approaching, and I had no idea what course it would take. I chained Chris’ ankle to the bedpost, and then released his handcuffs. I made him lie face down on the bed, and tied his wrists to the rungs on the headboard. He was expecting the two lashes I’d promised, but didn’t resist for fear of the more severe beating. He was such a marvelous little coward, and that made him easy to control. I stood back to admire my captive, still dressed only in his boxers. That nice, smooth, muscular back had fully healed from my maltreatment a week earlier. I didn’t really want to use the whip again because it might negate any rapport that I’d built to that point. So I climbed on the bed and straddled him. Then I leaned forward and cooed seductively (I hoped) into his ear. "Did you refuse to obey my orders just so that I would beat you, Chris? Do you like being beaten by a strong, beautiful woman?" "No, mistress. Please don’t hit me, mistress. I’ll do anything you say" He had never called me mistress before, as I preferred him using my name. It sounded almost comical. Apparently he was trying to suck up to lessen his punishment. "Perhaps Chris is sorry for misbehaving. Perhaps if he was sorry enough, his mistress might relent and let him off with only a spanking. Are you sorry, Chris?" "Yes" he replied quickly, and I detected a hint of hope in his voice. "Well perhaps you are a good boy after all. Perhaps you deserve a reward and not punishment." I began to run my lips lightly over his shoulders and back, and was please to feel him squirm under my touch. God but I was horny. Here was this delectable young male under my body and under my control (and offering to do anything I might ask). I could have raped him anytime during the past six days, but had resisted temptation for a greater cause. I’d been a veritable saint, and that was certainly not my nature. Without relinquishing the position on top of my quarry, I sat up, removed my tank top and bra, and then worked my shorts and underpants down and off my feet. Then I leaned forward once more and unfastened the restraints on his hands. "Roll over." I said. ****** I had a struggle to roll over. The chain attached to my ankle was long enough not to restrict movement, but Erica was sitting on my back and kept most of her weight on me while I turned. As soon as I was face up, she seized my wrists and pinned them to the bed. Only then did I see the two firm, copper-colored breasts poised menacingly above my face, the nipples homing their target like nubile tire studs. I hadn’t realized that she was naked. I’d noticed her wriggling while she was astride my back, but was so focused on my coming punishment that I hadn’t guessed she was removing her clothes. It was embarrassing, but I couldn’t take my eyes off those erogenous delights. "Suck them." she said, and leaned forward to bring them nearer my lips. I know its hard to imagine, but I’d never done that before, only occasionally fondling a girl’s breasts through a blouse. I tentatively seized a nipple, and was amazed at its delightful rubbery texture. I sucked greedily, savoring the novel sensation, and was rewarded by a moan of contentment from above. But my hostess suddenly pulled back, disengaging my mouth and ending my oral gratification. Now it was my turn to moan, but with displeasure. Erica laughed, and then leaned forward and moved her mouth to mine, tracing my lips lightly with her tongue. Her long straight hair formed a curtain that framed my head and sealed off the outside world. For that moment, nothing existed except the two of us and that marvelous tongue. Tentatively I guided my own tongue out to touch and to greet hers, only to have it commandeered and drawn deep into her mouth, where it was immediately engulfed and orally assaulted. I’d never been kissed so erotically in my life, and returned her passion enthusiastically. I was rapidly stiffening below, and felt Erica shift her weight to accommodate my erection between our bodies. Then she began grinding her pelvis forcefully against the trapped member, and I let out a yelp of discomfort. "Wimp." she said softly, and laughed again. This time she raised her body, reached down to seized my penis and moved it between her legs. Then undulating her hips, she gradually worked me inside, her sex devouring mine like one snake swallowing another. The intensity of sensation made me gasp. I always assumed that my first sexual experience would be perfect. It never occurred to me that I would be so aroused as to be on the verge of climax practically before we had begun. I panicked and tried to get up, hoping that movement or activity would alleviate my predicament. But my wrists were still pinned to the bed in Erica’s strong grasp, and my sex totally controlled by hers. I could only wriggle helplessly beneath her. She suddenly smiled, then lowered her face to mine and forced her tongue aggressively into my mouth. I exploded with a violent orgasm, my body convulsing involuntarily against Erica’s smooth, sweaty skin. The physical pleasure was overwhelming, but I was so embarrassed that any enjoyment was erased ; and I couldn’t look my partner in the face. ****** God but that was the most wonderful moment I’ve ever experienced. Chris tried to get away from me right in the middle of coitus. But I held him down and forcefully brought him to climax. I know what his problem was, but I chose to fantasize that he was trying to escape, and that I was raping him. Perhaps he is intuitive and did it on purpose, knowing that it would maximize my pleasure. But not likely. I’m sure that he’s never been with a woman before. He came quickly, as would be expected from a virgin. I hope so; that I was his first. I didn’t climax myself. But I hardly needed that to reach fulfillment. My complete domination of Chris, and of the act, was better than 500 raging orgasms. And Chris was so delightfully embarrassed at having come so fast. It really was the icing on a perfect moment. ******* For the next week, I forced myself to keep Chris sexually sated. We slept together at night, and spent a reasonable part of each day in bed. We did nothing but eat, sleep and screw, and not necessarily in that order. Of course I always insisted on being the dominant partner, whether by taking the superior position or by performing oral sex. And twice I used a dildo on him so that he wouldn’t get too comfortable and forget who was boss. He didn’t much like that, but it was a measure of his submissiveness that he accepted the persecution. Chris liked sex and improved dramatically with practice. He was a typical youthful male with a great sex drive and hormones raging. It’s a weakness of the male species in general. I wanted Chris’ love; but more I wanted his lust. So I encouraged our lascivious pursuits and used sex shamelessly all that week on my prey. And with it I wove a web, and tied Chris with bonds far stronger than any mere chain about his leg. ****** I removed Chris’ leg iron on the morning of our 15th day together. After that he could have left anytime; but by then he was too much under my influence, and having too much fun, to think of effecting an escape. By the time he was handed his freedom, he was too weak to take it. Today he phoned his mother to inform her of his release from the Circadian experiment and to give her his new address. Then we went over to his old apartment to pick up his clothes and to give his landlord notice. One might suppose that I would prefer Chris to be naive and uneducated. However it takes someone with reasonable intelligence to properly appreciate the fantasy of submission. I have no fear of his scholarship; in fact I prefer it. What would be the challenge in dominating someone dull-witted? Therefore I will be financing Chris’ education while he stays with me. An added bonus will be his complete economic dependence on me for three full years. I’d more or less given up on the idea of finding a compatible partner in my lifetime, and suddenly one was delivered on my doorstep practically gift wrapped. Chris will be mine forever. He will never want for food, or clothing, or love. And in exchange he will return my love and obey me without question. He will never know another woman. Think of how I’ve managed his training and subjugation in only 2 weeks. Imagine what I will be able to accomplish over the next three years.