The Flat (OR The Apartment (if you speak American)) by Ken Earl wherein cockney Ken finds the stairway to Muscle Heaven The Supermarket So here I am in the Supermarket looking for my favourite tipple, to which I am helplessly addicted (that's right - teabags) but they're not where they were last week. The Supermarket guys want you to hunt around and, in the process, buy stuff that you had no intention of buying when you went in - a cunning ploy, you have to admit. Now this should have been a quick in-and-out job (which,as it happens, is how one of my ex-girlfriends once described my sexual repertoire) for tonight is pub-quiz night and I don't want to be late. There's usually some free booze involved, and the occasional FEMALE even puts in an appearance. All such thoughts, however, evaporate into thin air as turning a corner I see a short, solidly built woman, late 30s, trying to reach a bottle of shampoo from the top shelf. She has her back to me, so I can't see her face, but her hair is dark brown and shoulder length and she is wearing a loose fitting sweater with a knee-length skirt. (Lady readers: I apologise for my lack of descriptive powers: feel free to pad out the details to your own style and taste. Please remember, though, that although she may very well have "eyes like liquid pools of gold",I haven't ,as yet, seen her face.) Gentlemen readers: sorry about that little digression-I can assure you that she will be getting her kit off in due course.) What catches my eye is that she is standing on tiptoe, and her calves are very muscular and high up on the legs, accentuating the slimness of her ankles and making her legs appear longer than they really are.As she strains upwards the muscles bunch deliciously into a tight ball and relax as she comes down. How I would love to get down on my hands and knees and feel them! I admire the view for half a minute, then with a swift "Allow me" I smoothly step beside her, retrieve the bottle of shampoo and hand it to her - I dare say George Clooney couldn't have done it better. And if I had been George Clooney she might have reacted differently.Unfortunatly for me I'm not, and she is distinctly underwhelmed. She flashes me a sarcastic smile. "You're too kind" she says "but it's not the brand I want after all. Put it back, please, and hand me of one those ..." and she points to a case stacked on top of the shelves. Its a kind-f backup supply - I know that if I look round I'll find the same product lower down, but I say "Sure" and try to reach it. Now it's my turn to stand on tiptoe but I'm at least two feet short. Before I can do or say anything further the woman says "Allow ME", grabs my hips from behind and starts to lift. I feel myself floating up into the air and I realise that she is lifting me as smoothly and effortlessly as if I were a small child, wheras I am 5ft 10 and 155 lbs of solid skeleton. Now on one level I am deeply embarrassed because I know that people are watching, but on another level my heart is pounding and I am visibly impressed - if you get my drift. I retrieve the bottle but for a moment she doesn't seem to have noticed and just holds me up there, but finally she snaps out of it and lowers me to the ground. As I turn round red faced to hand her the bottle she tilts her head on one side and says thoughtfully "150 to 160lb, is that about right?" . She is smirking like the cat that's got the cream, having proved to me just how much she needed my "help" and I'm going redder by the second because I don't know what to do or say. She is totally in control of our encounter.Her beautiful brown eyes are laughing but not, I sense, in an unkind way. She still says nothing but her eyes flicker ever so briefly down to my bulging trousers, then she catches my eye again and looks towards her trolley. When I do not take the hint she delicately takes hold of my wrist between her thumb and forefinger,leads me over to the trolley and places my hand on the handles. Now , I cannot pretend to be overjoyed at this development - what did her last servant die of? Also, if there was such a thing as a driving test for trolley users then I would fail miserably, so I try to casually take my hand away, but now her head has tilted to one side again and she looks at me quizically - kind of "are you sure you want me to do this ?" and she begins to gradually increase the pressure on my wrist, still just using two fingers. I try very casually to pull her hand away with my free hand but she gently shakes her head in disapproval, and ups the pressure. God, but she is unbelievably strong. I quickly place my other hand on the trolley, and try to disguise the grimace on my face as a smile. Only then does she let go, and not once glancing behind to see if I'm following, she leads the way to the checkout. There is no queue so she waltzes straight to the till, folds her arms and glances pointedly at the trolley and then the conveyor belt, which I duly load with her shopping. Happily for me she doesn't expect me to pay for it as well, but when I've finished packing, there are 3 very heavy bags AND a sack of spuds to carry. To my surprise she picks them up and sweeps out of the store , not giving me a second glance. The Stairway to Heaven ---------------------- I can't think of anything to do but rush after her calling out "Wait! Wait!" and when she turns round and says "Well?" I stammer lamely "I'm Ken Earl, I ...didn't catch your name?" "I'm Anne Malone but my friends call me Molly." There is an awkward silence while I'm summoning up the courage to ask for her phone number. She helps me out - "Were you going to offer to carry this heavy shopping for me?" - she asks, and she's smirking again. I should have seen this coming and I KNOW that she won't offer to help, but I say yes. "It's not far" she smiles, dumps the shopping and swans off up the High Street.I can barely keep the bags clear of the ground, and by the time we reach her flat, which is above a jewellery store, I am shattered.I put the bags down, expecting to be given the brush off ,but she says "Ken, you poor man, you look exhausted. Would you like to come in for a coffee?".What I really need is a brandy, but I acccept and we go in. To my dismay there are two steep flights of stairs to negotiate and I am so tired that I have to make two trips, by which time she has made the coffee. I sit down exhausted at her kitchen table while she prepares to put the shopping away, and she makes a point of lifting it all onto the table with one hand. "Show off!" I hear myself saying. She starts to giggle and go red.She appears to be proud of her strength but embarrassed by it at the same time. While she puts the groceries away she tells me how most men are either put off by her muscles straight away or cannot come to terms with a woman being stronger than them. "But I guessed you were different" she says "the moment I saw you ogling my legs, so I tested you out to see how much you ...appreciated... me." "But you had your back to me the whole time!" I protested. She shook her head in disbelief. "There are mirrors everywhere" she said "so the security guards can keep an eye on shifty looking customers." She chuckled, adding "There was one following you around!" Now that hurts!- Can I help it if I favour the "slept-in" look in casual clothing? The last tin goes into the cupboard. "Would you like to see the rest of me?" she says, taking off her baggy sweater "I think you've earned it." Underneath she is wearing a tee-shirt and sports bra. Her arms are amazingly thick, tight against the sleeves of her tee-shirt, her hips are narrow and although her shoulders are not what you would call wide, her chest is deep and her breasts look at least a "C" cup. As she breathes in her torso swells by several inches - I can almost feel the strength emanating from her. She briefly does a double-biceps for my benefit. "Wow" is my all I can think to say. "Are you a bodybuilder or a powerlifter or what?" She says nothing but goes over to the VCR and puts in a tape. She nods towards the couch and we sit down together to watch. Two acrobats come onto a stage. One is a tallish, slim man about 150 lbs, the other is a young Molly, slightly smaller and lighter. "This is me and my pratt-of-an-ex-husband" she explains. At first they do a ballet-like dance around the stage but, when he attempts to lift her, he makes a hash of it and they both fall.They bicker and when he pushes her she pushes him back with such force that he does a backward roll.He then races angrily towards her, but she controls his momentum and lifts him easily, circus-style, over her head. >>From then on she is always the under-partner, and her ability to lift a taller,heavier male with such ease is awesome. At one point she even manages to keep him overhead as she moves from lying flat on her back to a standing position! The act was much appreciated then, and is much appreciated now, especially inside my trousers where I have become painfully entangled in my underpants. I cry off to the bathroom and ,judging by her smirk, Molly has noticed my discomfort. Having carefully re-arranged my pants and the contents therof, I emerge to find that Molly has moved into the bedroom and is lying on the bed covered by a sheet. She playfully gives me a quick flash to show that she is naked, and pats the bed beside her.I need no second invitation, of course, and get my kit off in record time. I leap in beside her but as we close together and I am in reach of that fabulous body she wraps her legs around my middle and starts to squeeze. "Who said you could be on top?" she giggles. Her thighs are rock-hard, and so am I, but I am helpless in her grip as she playfully keeps my hands tantalisingly inches away from her breasts. She pulls her knees back, which lifts me forward and in reach of her arms. I find myself in a bear hug which smothers my face in her considerable bosom. Heaven. But then she rolls over, sits on my chest,and pins my arms. All that muscle is surprisingly heavy! I quickly realise there is no way I can free my arms or shake her off, but it sure is fun trying. "Can I try to pin you, Molly?" I ask, after a minute or so. "Be my guest" she says, rolling us over again. I sit high up on her chest, stretch her hands back behind her head and lean on her with all my strength. Just using her arms she pushes up and sits up, while I go tumbling off the bed. Fortunately for me, my head breaks my fall. Molly finds this hilarious. When she finally stops laughing Molly suggests that I try pinning one arm.I grab her right wrist with both arms and lean all my weight into it, but with just her one arm she easily pushes me up. The biceps of her right arm is now hugely swollen. She begins to flex it up and down, up and down. I am like a moth drawn to a flame, as I caress and kiss her arm. "I've never met anyone like you, Molly" I find myself saying in a pathetic whimper.(It didn't seem pathetic at the time.) She giggles with embarrassment. "You've no idea what a turn on this is for me" she whispers. "To know that I can control your body with my strength and to know that I can make you go weak at the knees just by flexing my arm." She crosses her arms under her breasts, which lifts them invitingly towards my face. Now ,in my humble opinion, you cannot say a pair of tits is truly BIG unless you can lick both nipples at the same time. Molly's tits are big, I am pleased to report, and eminently fondleable. It suddenly dawns on me that I am, maybe, in control for the first time since I met this adorable woman. As if reading my thoughts she rolls us over yet again. My poor old Member is standing rigidly to attention, aching for release. Molly's gaze briefly takes it in. "Don't worry, Ken" she smirks. "I'll let you come - eventually" and with that she straddles my chest and begins to inch slowly forward... Still no Tea for Ken ----------------------- So here I am ,in Molly's flat, in the twilight zone between sleep and wakefulness. Molly is lying in my arms and she is a perfect fit, oozing femininity, her feline body totally relaxed. Suddenly the alarm clock goes off and she's instantly awake and up. "I have to go to work, Ken. Would you fix us both some tea and toast, please." I mumble something along the lines of "Sure, in a minute" and turn over because, if the truth be known, Molly has worn me out. I have been, and am, shagged. She comes over and attempts to pull the quilt off me, and I attempt to hang on to it. Big mistake.She wraps me up in the quilt, flips me over her shoulder and takes me out to the kitchen, where I am dumped unceremoniously on the floor. "Please stop pissing about, Ken" she says, grinning mischievously. "You can go back to bed later. If I can get away at lunchtime - maybe I'll join you!" I fill the kettle and put the toast on, but there are no teabags. "You're out of teabags" I call out "It'll have to be coffee, I'm afraid. " "Sh -sugar!" she says. "Now I remember. I looked everywhere for them last night in the Supermarket, but they're forever moving stuff around. I'd be too embarrassed to ask where anything is." "Why's that?" I ask. "I work there!" ---------------- to be continued ---------------------