When the Cat's Away Office Politics II Makeba's trip back home was filled with biting her lip and holding back bitter tears; she had found and lost the single greatest treasure of her life, her daughter Lynette. She finally concluded that worrying about what could have been should be reserved for the wee hours of the night when other respectable insomniacs wandered about. For now she would concentrate on work and all of its intricacies. Monday morning mercifully rolled around and she hurried into the office to start her typical 12-hour day. Once arriving she was met with fond hellos, 100 personal questions and pretty much anticipated business as usual except when she noticed a member of the staff missing. "Where is Ms. Rancor?" They glanced at each other momentarily then they all looked in different directions the floor, the ceiling, and the windows. Makeba knew something was wrong, but what? "Is she all right, speak up?!" The answers were simultaneous but varied ranging from, "Humph! I guess and If that's what you wanna' call it to, Nah that b!%@#! Is all wrong if you ask me" Makeba decided then she would talk to only one of them and have that one report her reaction to whatever this was back to them. "Never mind, everybody to your stations, Philip come with me". Makeba led him into her office and instructed him to close the door behind them and to have a seat. Makeba sat in her large black leather Lazy-Boy behind her desk folded her hands and said "Ok Philip what's up with Ms. Rancor?" Philip exhaled dropped his head then raised it quickly and said "Double R has lost her d@^^! Mind" "How so?" inquired Makeba calmly. "The b!%@#! Went to" "Mr. Keen! If you insult one black woman you insult us all" advised Makeba. "Aight then but when you hear what she did you may decide to revoke her "Ghetto License" "Ok Quanel X proceed please". "First she tried to take over the office and change ever policy you have implemented since day one saying that your procedures were dated and inefficient. "I see" "At the same time she indicated that you were immature and inexperienced." "Oh?" "Yeah Ms. Chestnut after everything you have done for her!" "Debra and Selena wanted to jump her in the parking lot even Miss Bessie wanted to catch her in the Ladies Room. Makeba bowed her head and chuckled at the thought of Miss Bessie in a catfight considering she was a 60 something church lady. "To be honest with you Ms. Chestnut if I wasn't a dude I would have dropped her myself". "Well, I'm glad you all restrained yourself" "That ain't all Ms. Chestnut, right now she is in the president's office doggin' you out and tellin' him that she needs to be in charge!" Ms. Chestnut you gave her a job when she could not find one you told us to help her when she could not catch on and you covered for her during the audit!" "Look Ms. Chestnut I got this thug girl cousin on the West Side, she runs with the LAW clique.." "Stop, if I were so inclined remember I'm from the street and Makeba does her own dirt but I am not so inclined." "The Man would like nothing better that to see us fighting among ourselves" Hence I want you to instruct the rest of the staff to say nothing to about or against her, let her to appear to be an anomaly a fluke among dignified black people. Do you understand my instructions Philip?" "Yes ma'am" he answered disappointed. "Now go tell the other and get back to work". He left the room and when the door closed Makeba pounded her fist on the desk and shrieked, "disloyal b!%@#!". If Makeba had her druthers' she would drag Tamika Rancor by what little hair she had down to the room where she took care of the Russian heifer to give her a good old fashioned ghetto @$$! Whoopin'. However she meant every word she spoke to Philip so she only fantasized about beating her down, every day, three times a day and once in the middle of the night. Tamika Rancor was totally and completely obsessed with and jealous of Makeba. Makeba was young, smart, accomplished, respected, beautiful and sexy. All these things and more were too much for Tamika to bare so in her mind everything had to come to a head. Now what was troubling Tamika the most was the fact that her plans were blowing up in her face; though she left Makeba's department, complained about Makeba to the president, tried for another position equal to Makeba's nothing panned out for Tamika. Audits of Makeba's department were exemplary, Makeba received several accommodations and salary increases, and to add insult to injury Tamika was laid off and found her self working as a low level customer service employee in a local department store. Old folks say "misery loves company" and in the case of Tamika Rancor "misery finds company. After Tamika's departure she decided it would be in her best interests to continue her education at the college along with a CO- worker and friend Johnetta Mackentire who swallowed Tamika's version of events hook line and sinker. Johnetta developed an attitude with Makeba and her staff when she came to seek information about enrollment for the coming summer semester. Johnetta reported what she reported to Tamika as slights immediately. Tamika took the position that Makeba's staff had seen them together knew they were friends and hence ill-treated the gullible ill- tempered young lady because of her relationship with her. Not only did Makeba and her staff not know about the relationship between Tamika and Johnetta they no longer discussed or even thought about Tamika and her treachery any longer. However Tamika could not be convinced of this reality and so she stormed into the office demanding an audience with Makeba, Slamming the door behind her Tamika shouted "Look b!%@#! I tired of your petty little s#!%!" "I beg your pardon Makeba replied calmly as she carefully place her ample curvaceous posterior on her desk and her hands on her shapely thighs. "Don't play with me Makeba I ain't that Russian b!%@#! I will put some s#!%! on yo' @$$! It's one thing for you to f()@%! me but then you gonna f()@%! over my friend too!? Oh H#!! No!" "I knew you were unstable but it seems you have taken complete leave of your senses. No who is your friend and what am I allegedly doing to you two?" inquired Makeba in a very sarcastic tone. Upon hearing this Tamika stepped quickly toward Makeba as if to strike. Makeba's cat like reflex caused her to move at the same time bringing them nose to nose like to boxers just before the fight. For almost a minute not a word was spoken between them but as the slow danced in a circle and with their stares communicated untold hatred. Suddenly Makeba stepped back "Scared B!%@#?" taunted Tamika. "I'm not going to let you goat me into loosing my job Heifer, tell you what if you really want to do this we can meet in the same room I handed that Russian b!%@#! Her @$$! to her in. Bring your little friend and Officer Benson to pull me off you lil' ugly @$$! I mean to referee", she said smiling. By her friend she meant Johnetta and mentioning Officer Benson was a real sore spot because he flirted with both of them and that really got to her. "What time B!%@#!?" "Eight when the building closes. Bye the bye Love any rules, knives, brass knucks, combination lock?" "Nah B!%@#! I was to destroy yo' @$$! With my bare hands!" "Good that way when you get out of the hospital you won't have any excuses" Tamika left slamming the door behind her. Only a select few were to view this battle; Makeba's staff except Miss Bessie, Johnetta and Officer Benson who was to pull them apart if it got too dangerous for one of them. The time came and everything was set, Officer Benson secured the room, Philip was collecting the bets and Makeba and Tamika were dressed for action. Tamika was a brown delight with short natural hair sprinkled with premature gray no doubt from worrying herself over petty little issues. She wore dark cerulean sports bra and black spandex shorts revealing her flat abs, Junoesque hips, savory posterior and lithe symmetrical gams. Then there was the exceptional Makeba, a flawless rich chocolate imbued princess, large doe-like eyes, elevated cheek bones, full shapely lips, thick dark. Shoulder length hair, a soft swan-like neck, broad yet feminine shoulders, perky mango sized breasts, dynamic six pack, explosive African butt, hips and thighs set majestically upon her extensive and well proportioned legs. They both paced back and forth spitting fire like two pits awaiting release from their leashes. Officer Benson went to the center of the room and signaled for them to come to the middle. Now Officer Benson was trying to keep the event as professional as possible but the ladies made it difficult by trying to get at each other; Come on b!%@#! I been waitin' for this! "Waitin' to get yo' @$$! Whooped h@#!" "Ladies please!" cried Benson barely holding them at bay. "Get out of my way fool Makeba's gonna' heat ya' lil' piece of meat up and serve her to ya'" "F()@%! You Mekeba, kept him out of it this is between me and yo' lard "Lard @$$?! "B!%@#! Let me tell you somethin' I'm gonna' beat you for being disloyal I'm gonna' break you for goin' to the Big D!@%! And tellin' him your P()$$%! is tighter than mine and I'm gonna' strip your stank @$$! Just to give Benson here a thrill and to show everyone here that you ain't s#!%!" "Come on then B!%@#!", She screeched climbing up Benson's back and swinging wildly. Tamika was so very jealous of Makeba that se had determined in her heart that she would die trying to kill her with her bare hands. The only problem was that Makeba was not just going to lie down for it. Exasperated from the all the Tyson-like prefight ruckus Officer Benson just backed away from them and exclaimed,"OK fight D@^^! It!" Only one description is apt for the first part of the action; it was like semiautomatic weapon fire, short bursts of knuckles and flesh colliding with grunting and growling as the echoed response. Seldom when two men fight do more than half the punches and kicks thrown land but remarkably almost everything these ladies dished out they took as well. Because of their toe-to-toe styles blood, bruises and swelling occurred early on as the two Nubian princess warriors tested each other's resolve. Their exchange was so very intense that the onlookers ceased to scream instructions to their chosen gladiatrix and only responded to the fighting with cave dweller-like grunts, Ooo's and screams from the women. Tamika and Makeba were all over the room wearing each other out for an amazing uninterrupted five minutes or so. Officer Benson could not hide his delight as he smirked ringing his hands while observing the two sensual combatants dance the dance of death. After some time the clenched but this did not cause a lull in the action; Makeba had a good grip on Tamika's ears and Tamika had two hands full of Makeba's beautiful tress, now the grappling was on! They spun round and round spitting cursing and spitting blood at one another. Makeba launched a knee attack on Tamika's thighs and Tamika struggled to counter with her legs. Suddenly Tamika moved in close and locked her legs about Makeba's torso while simultaneously pulling Makeba's head into guard position toppling them to the floor. Tamika's guard was superb she had Makeba's head in a front face lock; her neck in the folds of Tamika's forearms and the back of her head just beyond Tamika's underarm. Tamika also secured her position by wrapping her thighs tightly about Makeba between her lower rib cage and her upper stomach. Each time Makeba took a breath like a boa constrictor Tamika increased the pressure. Though in firmly within Tamika's and loosing air by the second Makeba did not panic or give in. Makeba almost immediately went to work on her little assailant; with her legs elevated into a triangulated bridge putting pressure on Tamika's head and neck. Her left hand formed a claw hold with her four fingers creating a bloody part in Tamika's scalp and her thumb hooked in Tamika's right eye. Makeba worked Tamika's left rib cage with her knuckles concentrating on one spot to soften her. Slowly but surely Makeba pushed her foe into a corner of the room and began to shove Tamika's head into the wall. While they were swirled in their cruel embrace they cursed and taunted each other with vigorous trash talk such as, "Now b!%@#! How does it feel!" "Can't feel S#!%! B!%@#! Nothin' but me kickin' y'@$$!" "You ain't got nothin' comin' h@#!" "F()@%! You B!%@#!" "F()@%! You C()^%! " Eventually Mekeba's ramming of Tamika's head into the corner coupled with her other assaults won out. Tamika was loosing consciousness and consequently her grip; first her arms hence Makeba's head was released from the front face lock yet as if by instinct she held tight to her body scissors. Makeba took immediate advantage and began hammering Tamika's breasts and face with a series of punishing head butts that echoed across the room. Devastating was an understatement for Makeba's onslaught as she adjusted her attached attack resuming her clutch on Tamika's ears and initiating bouncing the back of Tamika's head on the floor. Inevitably this resulted in Tamika's sweat glazed legs unraveling but before they could drop to the ground Makeba mounted Tamika thigh to thigh. Now Tamika's toes were touching the sides of her head, her butt was in they air, her arms were pinned by Makeba's well-manicured feet and her womanhood was pressed hard below Makeba's. This was a position Makeba wanted Tamika to be fully aware of so she began to slap Tamika back to consciences. Tamika was awakened to her worst nightmare she was laying in a puddle of her own blood and sweat, Makeba was on top of her and she could not move. Tears were welling up in the beaten girl's eyes for the first time during this fierce conflict and she began to express the closest thing we would ever here to a submission from her, "Get off me H@#! Get off me!" "Nah B!%@#! This is only part 1! Part 2 is yet to come then part 3 of Makeba whoopin' yo' nasty lil' @$$! If you will remember Makeba promised to whoop yo' @$$! on three different levels and Heifer Makeba always keeps her promises" she taunted in a half growl half whisper. Makeba dismounted her foe dragged her a foot or so out of the corner then performed a perfect somersault booty drop maneuver landing with her mighty glutei in the center of Tamika's chest. Air rushed out of Tamika like a suddenly deflated balloon, Makeba then turned her over ripped Tamika's sports bra upward exposing her heaving battle hard nipples. Makeba intertwined her arms with the bra in such a way that she choked Tamika with it applied a backbreaking Boston Crab chin lock simultaneously. Tamika's back gave with a pop quickly so Makeba dropped her hold sending Tamika's face bouncing to the floor. It was amazing to us that Tamika was still conscious evident from her blood curdling screams it was awful she sounded like a wounded puppy. Officer Benson ran to her aid followed by an angry and teary eyed Johnetta but Makeba was not having it; "Stop muthaf()0@%@$! Makeba ain't done yet! Officer Benson stopped in her tracks also preventing Johnetta because he realized that this was to be a stripfight and Tamika was not completely stripped yet. Makeba wasted no time in ripping off Tamika's top and spandex shorts. Because Tamika didn't have enough hair for Makeba to drag her around the room in the traditional spectacle of the vanquished she innovated in the most humiliating fashion. Makeba locked on an inverted schoolgirl Brazilian figure four headlock that not only locked Tamika up completely but also caused excruciating pain and exposed her gaping womanly parts to the entire room. We were not sure if Tamika lost consciousness this last time from the pain or from the embarrassment. "Look at this nasty heifer, look at her she ain't s#!%!" exclaimed Makeba, then she released Tamika who was a convulsing heap on the floor. Officer Benson proved chivalry was not completely dead by covering the fallen combatant with his shirt then carrying her out. Makeba's staff collected their money and hers from the bets then surrounded her toweling her off attending to her wounds and congratulating her. Even the men were in awe of Makeba's skills as a fighter in fact the battle cause several to developed secret crushes on one they considered a total package. Makeba was beautiful, talented, intelligent, personable and she could kick butt if need be. Postfight congratulations came to a sudden halt when Johnetta broke through the small crowd and challenged Makeba, " Well now B!%@#! I see you got some skills with the hands ya' think you can try that s#!%! with me sometime?!" "Be glad to show yo' country Bama @$$! A thing or two, so let's do it right now!" Philip snatched Makeba by the arm and pulled her a safe distance from the big country beauty. "Makeba are you out of you mind? You can't fight her after fighting Tamika I mean you won and all but Boo you are spent!" warned Philip. "Why Philip I did not know you cared?" said Makeba in a coquettish tone. "Makeba I work out at the same gym with that girl she curls 100lbs, benches 200lbs and squats 420lbs; you would be fighting a bull with tits!" Whispered Philip forcefully. "Look Philip I appreciate you concern Boo but Makeba knows what she is doing; that B!%@#! is pissed so she will show me everything she has in strength and skill. Even if I loose I will beat her the next time and trust me Boo if Makeba looses there will be a next time". He old B1%@#! Does it take an act of congress for you to get your @$$! Whooped?" Nah B!%@#! Come on snapped Makeba walking toward the big girl quickly. "WAP!" Makeba stunned Johnetta with a devastating over hand right. In most cases the fight would have ended right then and there but Makeba was not just fighting any woman in fact not just any human being she was fighting the Mighty Johnetta. 5'10" 185lbs of feminine muscle, Johnetta was truly built like a super hero. Johnetta's back was in perfect tree formation, her shoulders broad like a football player's, her neck was strong but not thick, her breasts set atop her massive chest like small twin watermelons. Her arms hung like two lady pythons; 20" biceps and 12 1/2 " forearms. Some people are proud to have six packs but this girl had an eight pack that cascaded into an unparalleled set of hips and thighs, which were stacked atop perfect diamond shaped calves. Paradoxically she had a face like an angel and skin as smooth and unblemished as a new born baby. Johnetta unlike many girls was wearing her own hair, which was braided and fell to the middle of her back; of course she had pulled it into a ball for this occasion. New bets were being placed as the action ensued. Johnetta staggered backward trying to regain her balance and composure but Makeba gave the big girl no time to recover peppering her with punches. Johnetta looked as if she was going down when suddenly she rose up and snatched Makeba by the neck lifting her off her feet the with terrible force choke slamming her to the floor. The crowd could only say one thing,"Ooooooo! The air from Makeba's body could be heard leaving her upon impact a few folk were speculating if she were alive or not. Johnetta grew bored with slamming Makeba all over the place so she hoisted her up on her shoulder then charged the nearest wall like a NFL lineman leaving a body print on impact. Johnetta then tossed Makeba into the corner that Makeba finished her friend in and began to viciously pimp slap Makeba into consciousness. Makeba quickly clamped on a limited guard locking Johnetta's head into a fixed position and because on Johnetta's awkward mount she could only tie up her left thigh with her legs. Johnetta was surprised that she could not just break free from her beaten foe but she did not panic she merely went to work banging Makeba's abs until Makeba simply passed out from the pain. Finally she arose from her work with Makeba down and out below her, Makeba's fists were clenched each containing a blood tipped braid Johnetta did not even notice at first elated no doubt over the fact that she had just defeated "Bad @$$! Makeba" Makeba knew this fight was lost but she had gathered the information she needed: one, Johnetta was as strong as she was alleged to be or stronger, two she was quick but not as quick as Makeba, three she was not a skilled fighter just a strong one and lastly her @$$! Belong to Ms. Makeba the next time. Later that week Makeba sent Johnetta a note congratulating her on her win and challenging her to a rematch the same time same place 30 days later. Johnetta responded promptly, "Hey old B!%@#! Good of you to admit who the better woman is. But since you a dumb enough to fight me again I will have to make your @$$! Call me Mama. If you thought you got your @$$! whooped the last time, well just do yourself a favor and look into Medi-Cade. Makeba was neither angered or unnerved by Johnetta's little note in fact she was delighted at the younger woman's over confidence; it made her easier to beat. The time came for the rematch there were a few more people attending the match than before, Johnetta had a few friends and a knew boyfriend from Houston she wanted to show off for. When Makeba saw him she could not believe her eyes, "Low life son of a b!%@#!" she thought to herself. It was Lee aka O'l Deacon the former lover of her daughter Lynette and her ex- one night stand. Though she would never say it out loud he was also the best lover she ever had. This was perfect she had Johnetta right where she wanted her over confident, ignorant of her true skill as a fighter and now she was going to pull a Braxton on the little wench. Walking boldly up to Deacon who was horrified when he realized who his new girl was fighting she said, "Lee baby how are you " Makeba was gifted she simultaneously grabbed his belt at the buckle pulling him into her, caressed his right butt cheek and planted a quick kiss on him; as she backed away she traced his lips with the tip of her tough. Lee almost fainted at the force of her sex appeal. When Johnetta saw this spectacle she tore after them screaming, "What the F()@%! Is This?!" Officer Benson caught her just as she sprung at them and pulled her away. Makeba was smiling and said "@$$! Whoopin' all in do time my dear all in do time" "What the f()@%! Were you doin' with my N!&&@! B!%@#!?" " Don't hate the playa' lil' girl hate the game I the words of Ms. Toni Braxton "I already had your man" said Makeba then tilting her head to the side with a "now what b!%@#! Smirk on her face. "No preliminaries mothuf()@%@! Let's just do the d@^^ thang! demanded Johnetta. "Ok fight!" said Officer Benson. Makeba was wearing the same outfit that she wore for the last battle however Johnetta was wearing a shear full length cat suit kinda' like Serena Williams. "Nice suit B!%@#! Too bad you won't be wearing it when it's all over, snapped Makeba. The sexy fighters flew at each other like sprinters, Johnetta was sure of the outcome of them colliding with Makeba, she would mow her down. Or so everyone thought; Makeba slide under the her brown Amazonian opponent and drove her speared foot into Johnetta's vulva. Makeba simultaneously pulled Johnetta's feet out from under her causing her to drop to the floor bruising her tailbone and locking her into the dreaded Kama Sutra Spearlock. Johnetta's eyes were filled with tears and she bellowed like a dinosaur caught in the tar pits. "Oh sorry love I forgot your man don't like dis-functional P()$$%!" teased Makeba as she changed from the spearlock to a tight leglock. Though she was in more pain than she had ever known in her life Johnetta had the wherewithal to begin rolling to free herself from this dangerous hold. Johnetta had no idea what a tactician Makeba was; anticipating Johnetta's counter Makeba held on to her leg and rolled with her then suddenly shift her mighty gluteus and thighs in the opposite direction causing Johnetta's knee to pop out of socket. Now with a painful pulsating vagina and a throbbing knee the real screaming began. Before any of this happened Lee put his hand over his eyes and shook his head knowing what was coming; his experience as a fight trainer gave him a heads up. So he knew he would spend the rest of the evening in the emergency room. Makeba set Johnetta up for a pile driver but at some point mid-way she decided not to execute. Instead she displayed her power by holding the big girl suspend upside down crushing Johnetta's head between her mighty thighs while clawing her lower stomach with one hand and stretching Johnetta's left tit with her the other hand. The experience of having ones blood rush toward ones head and having it cut off at the same time, having a busted knee cap, having a pap smear and severe abdominal cramps at one time was a bit much. After hearing a horrible gagging sound Makeba release Johnetta dropping her head first to the floor, she knew Johnetta was finished. Placing the blade of her foot in the back of the country beauties head Makeba began ripping the cat suit from Johnetta's sweat soaked nubile body whose only sign of life were a deep gagging cough and the involuntary humping of her perfectly rounded rump. Once her fallen enemy was completely striped Makeba carved her initials, MC, in the big girls breasts and rump then leaned over and whispered in her ear "Just so whether you are comin' or goin' people will know that Makeba is yo' Mama, B!%@#!" Both Johnetta and Tamika hung their heads in shame for the rest of the semester knowing that they were being pointed at and giggled at by students and faculty alike. Makeba continued as if nothing was different but everyone at the Community College knew who the badest B!@#! On the Block was. G-Man