STRONG TO THE FINISH by IRONMACK The MIGHTY SAILOR MAN reached the tropical island after swimming over a hundred miles in the pacific ocean. Modern-day pirates had attacked his ship in their specially-built submarine. THE SAILOR KILLED THEM ALL,BEATING MANY TO DEATH WITH HIS BARE FISTS OR SNAPPING SPINES WITH HIS MIGHTY ARMS. HE RIPPED THE SUB APART WITH HIS BARE HANDS,SENDING IT AND THE REST OF IT'S EVIL CREW TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA. BUT NOT BEFORE HE FORCED THE CAPTAIN TO TELL HIM WHERE HE COULD FIND THE PIRATES' BOSS. THE CAPTAIN GAVE UP THE LOCATION OF THE ISLAND WHERE HE AND HIS MEN HAD COME FROM. THEN THE SAILOR SNAPPED HIS NECK! THE SAILOR would find this island. His own ship had been torpedoed,so he would have to swim. Fortunately,his super-human strength and stamina were NEAR LIMITLESS. Reaching the island,THE SAILOR stripped away his soaked clothes,drying his naked iron-muscled body in the sun. Suddenly,a quartet of huge,thickly-muscled guards arrived on the island beach.They were dressed only in tight khaki shorts,carrying sub- machine guns.Their faces were mean and un- friendly. They didn't know what to make of the short 5 foot 5 inch sailor-man with the navy crew- cut,battleship tattoo on his chest,and naval anchor tattoo on each of his thick,massive forearms. THEY ATTACKED,FIRING THEIR WEAPONS. THE SAILOR BEAT THEM ALL TO A BLOODY PULP,LEAVING THEM DEAD ON THE BEACH. IT DIDN'T TAKE LONG. He followed their trail to find out where they came from.He made his way from the beach, through lush,green jungle,and onto another beach area on another side of the island. There,he found a large,beautiful two-story beach-house a short distance from the ocean. As he got closer to the house,he heard music. Jazz. He followed the sound to a large patio area fac- ing the beach. On the patio,lying on a blanket next to a radio- CD player where the music came from was a woman. BUT WHAT A WOMAN! She was naked except for a pair of sunglasses,tanning in the sun,enjoying the music. AND WHAT A BODY. SHE WAS AN AMAZON OF AWESOME PROPORTIONS.ALL MUSCLE. Round,boulder-like shoulders,big,bulging biceps,huge 44 DDD tits,a steel six-pack of abs,strong,solid hips,thick,sinewy,thighs, and diamond-shaped calves. She had flowing jet-black hair,a strikingly beautiful face with full sensual lips.Her tan skin displayed her muscularity to startling effect. THE SAILOR'S cock started to harden. The woman suddenly looked up from her relaxed position and faced him.She removed her sunglasses. She had beautiful soulful brown eyes. She evaluated his thick schlong and smiled. "MMMMM",she said in a soft velvet voice. "New talent." THE SAILOR expanded his mighty chest, making his battleship tattoo GROW INTO A MONSTROUS JUGGERNAUT. "WHAT'S GOIN' ON HERE?" he demanded. "Hey",replied the amazon,looking closer."I re- cognize you.You're that super-human sailor man,P--" "That's right.And who th' hell are you?An' why did you attack my ship?" "Your ship?" "Your men in their sub---they sunk my ship!" "Oh. I see.Well---boys will be boys." "WAITAMINNIT! I KNOW YOU! YOU'RE QUEEN THUNDRA. THE AMAZON SUPER- HEROINE,EXOTIC DANCER,AND MOVIE STAR! YOU RETIRED YEARS AGO!" THUNDRA smiled."Yes, that's right.This is my private island retreat.My lovers and I live here. I bought a lot of toys for them to play with.Motor cycles,airships,speed-boats---and a submarine. They get carried away sometimes.Like to play bad-ass.By th' way,where are my boys?" "DEAD! AT TH' BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN!" THUNDRA'S expression became unpleasant. "WHAT??" "I KILLED 'EM! I also wasted your beefcake boys with th' sub-machine guns on the other side of the island.Buncha' PUSSIES if yo' ask me." THUNDRA tossed aside her glasses and stood up. AND UP. AND UP! THE SAILOR-MAN GULPED. SHE HAD TO BE AT LEAST SEVEN FEET TALL! SHE WAS AN IRON-MUSCLED GODDESS! Looking down sternly at THE SAILOR,she said, "You realize,of course,that I'm going to have to FUCK YOU UP!" THE SAILOR cracked his knuckles. "OH YEAH?? JUST TRY IT,SISTER!!" THINDRA CHARGED FORWARD LIKE A BULLET-TRAIN. THE MIGHTY SAILOR AND THE BIG BREASTED AMAZON COLLIDED HEAD-ON, NAKED,TOE-TO-TOE IN A LONG,BRUTAL, BLOODY BARE-KNUCKLED BRAWL! THEY EXCHANGED ATOMIC-POWERED BLOWS. BRUISED AND BLOODIED ONE ANOTHER. THE SAILOR FIGHTING WITH ALL HIS MIGHT!!! And, of course---THUNDRA FUCKED HIM UP! SHE BEAT THE SAILOR TO A BLOODY PULP! She stood above him,regal and strong,with only a few bruises. THE SAILOR crawled from the patio,weakened and whipped.BOTH EYES BLACKENED AND HALF-SWOLLEN SHUT.HIS BODY BATTER- ED AND BROKEN. He made it to his feet and staggered into the beach-house in retreat. QUEEN THUNDRA calmly followed him. He rushed into the kitchen and opened one of the cabinets.Fumbling inside,he found what he was looking for.A CAN OF SPINACH! With trembling fingers, he squeezed the can, popping the lid open.He gulped down the mus- cle-building vegetable contents in one swallow. INSTANTLY---HIS BODY BEGAN TO THROB AND SHAKE.HIS MUSCLES BEGAN TO BULGE AND GROW! HIS COCK THICKENED AND HARDENED EVEN MORE! THUNDRA arched an eyebrow. "OH, I DON'T THINK SO!" she said. Swifter than lightning,the amazon superwoman rushed over to THE SAILOR and POWER-DRILLED A VICIOUS RIGHT HOOK DEEP INTO HIS GUT,RIGHT UNDER THE HEART! THE SAILOR SQUEALED LIKE A GIRL--- DOUBLED OVER IN PAIN---- AND VOMITED OUT ALL OF HIS SPINACH!! THE BATTLESHIP TATTOO ON HIS CHEST EXPLODED AND SANK FROM SIGHT! HIS COCK WENT LIMP! THUNDRA smiled down at him. "Looks like I'M th' one who's STRONG TO TH' FINISH!" THE SAILOR MERELY WHIMPERED. THUNDRA FOLLOWED UP WITH AN EXPLO- SIVE RIGHT UPPERCUT FROM THE FLOOR, LIFTING THE SAILOR INTO THE AIR,FLIPP- ING LIKE A COIN.HE SMASHED INTO A KITCHEN TABLE ON HIS BACK. AND MOVED NO MORE. HE WAS OUT! THE AMAZON QUEEN HAD DESTROYED THE MIGHTY SAILOR MAN! DAYS LATER---THE SAILOR MAN FINALLY CAME BACK TO LIFE. He was in a large comfortable bed in one of the bedrooms of the beach-house.He ached all over as he tried to sit up. His head and body were bandaged. He was still sore and weak. He was astonished. HE'D BEEN WHIPPED---BY A WOMAN! "Good morning", said a cheery voice in the doorway. It was THUNDRA,naked except for an open red silk robe,carrying a tray with a plate of food and a cup of coffee. She placed the tray in front of THE SAILOR. On the plate were steak,eggs---AND AN OPEN CAN OF SPINACH! "EAT UP,STUD!" said THUNDRA,smiling."You need to build up your strength." THE SAILOR tried reaching for a fork,but could barely raise his arm. "Here.Let MOMMA help." THUNDRA sat on the edge of the bed and fed THE SAILOR like a little boy. After the steak and eggs were finished, THUNDRA picked up the can of spinach. "And now, for DESSERT." She forked the spinach into THE SAILOR'S mouth. SUDDENLY,HIS BODY BEGAN TO BULGE AND TWITCH. THUNDRA removd the tray and set it aside. THE SAILOR'S BODY GREW AND THICKEN- ED WITH SINEWY MUSCLE. THE BANDAGES RIPPED AWAY! THE BATTLESHIP ON HIS CHEST FIRED IT'S CANNONS! THE BED COVERS SLIPPED ASIDE,REVEAL- ING THE SAILOR'S THICK,ERECT PHALLUS! "OOOOO", squealed THUNDRA."GOOD BOY!" She took off her robe and leaped on top of THE SAILOR,inserting his massive cock into her hot, wet vagina. Her pussy muscles gripped it tight,like a vise. THE SAILOR MAN grunted,half-blinded by THUNDRA'S huge tits in his face.She was holding his shoulders down. "NOW,SAILOR BOY,since you've gone and killed all my studs,YOU'LL have to TAKE THEIR PLACE.And believe me,you have got your work cut out for you.'CUZ THIS GIRL LIKES TO FUCK A LOT!" THE SAILOR tried to throw her off---BUT FAILED! THUNDRA WAS LIKE A GIANT UNMOVABLE BOULDER. "OH NO,SWEETIE! Even with your spinach, YOU'RE NO MATCH FOR ME. I gave you th' green stuff to give you th' strength you need to satisfy MOMMA'S needs.You should last a few years,until I can get some replacements. Then,when you finally WEAR OUT---I'll bury you at sea.Also,there's workto be done on the island.Plus,you can keep me in fightng shape by beng my SPARRING PARTNER. Don't worry. I won't beat you TOO badly." THE SAILOR grunted more,wincing from the tight milking of THUNDRA'S pussy. Whimpering as he failed to push her iron body off. "OH,C'MON,JUNIOR.Don't cry.It'll be fun.AT LEAST WHILE YOU LAST.NOW START FUCKIN', CHAMP!" THUNDRA'S PUSSY SQUEEZED TIGHTER! THE SAILOR gave in and started pumping. THUNDRA FUCKED BACK! THE BED AND THE ENTIRE BEACH-HOUSE BEGAN TO SHAKE! THE END