R'Quel vs Lyndsy by R'Quel My first night at an underground fight club I was thrilled when I heard about "The Blast Palace". It sounded like a great place to work out my aggressions. The fact that there was some cash available when I'd win didn't hurt. I am unconcerned that my opponent tonight is a Palace veteran. I have been fighting since I was a kid and I look forward to a chance to bend some "pretty doll" to my will. The "doll" in question is a puffed up blonde in a pink bikini named Lyndsy. At 5'8", she is the same height as me, and at 130, is lighter than I am at 135. A very fit 34D-24-32, she is the same as me on top, close to my 26 waist, and narrower that my fully packed 36 hips. I am quite a sight in my shimmering silver bikini accenting my long red hear. My solid base and fuller, firmer thighs will allow me to generate more punching power. She doesn't have a six-pack like mine, but she has that line running down her midsection through a deep innie that I know will make a great target. As we approach each other in the middle of the ring, I smile inwardly at her haughty "I'm the queen" look. The referee is explaining the different pins that will bring about a 3-count and victory, and that submissions are not part of the deal. That is fine fine by me, as I know just how I want to finish this doll off. As we head back to our corners, I hear her mutter, "Yeah, fresh meat." When the bell rings, we rush toward each other. She starts off with two quick right jabs to my bellybutton. There is obvious strength behind those stinging blows, but I take them well. I block her next right with my left and drill my own right just above her bellybutton. I can feel the firmness of her flesh and the tightening of her muscles underneath, but the expression on her face tells me that I have given her an unpleasant surprise. After those preliminaries, we start exchanging shots to abs and bellies with our right hands. Loud smacks and thuds mixed with grunts and gasps fill the air. After several minutes, I can see desparation starting to show in her face. She has obviously considered me an easy "first-time" mark and is unable to dominate me. We briefly break off, size each other up and prepare to go at it again. As I plan my next series of punches, she slips to her left and drives a right uppercut into my right breast and a left hook to my obliques. Gasping with pain and temporarily frozen, I am open as she bends forward and begins a two-fisted assault on my belly. I begin backing up to try and take some of the sting out of her blows. When my back hits the ropes, I slide a little to the left and time a soft left jab to her bellybutton to match the next left she throws. As her right comes forward, I torque a throw a hard right to the top of her left breast. With a loud shout of pain, her own right falls short and she curls her shoulders forward. Trying to take advantage, I leap to the right and drill two right hooks into her left kidney. Groaning in pain, she backs into the corner to her right. I follow her in, but she surprises my by kicking up her right leg and catching me in the gut. I double over, angry and in pain. When she goes to kick me again, I grab her leg with my left hand and drive my right shoulder into her ribs. There is a wooshing sound as the air leaves her lungs and she staggers back into the corner, arms hanging over the ropes. Coming in low, I torque a right uppercut into her liver. Lyndsy lets out a long, painful cry as her knees buckle. With her haughty look now gone, I begin pounding that line up and down the middle of her abs with lefts and rights. Each punch pushes in deeper and her head begins jerking from side to side. When she finally brings her arms down to cover her midsection, I start a two-fisted attack on her breasts. I feel my own nipples begin to harden as my fists connect with her full, round mounds. When she brings up her left hand to try and cover her battered boobs, I strike her guts again, this time with my right knee. She doubles over with a loud grunt and staggers forward. I press down on her back and use my left leg to give her two knee lifts to her right breast. The second one causes her knees to buckle and she staggers to her left to the ropes. I circle behind her and start throwing left and right hooks to her kidneys. She stiffens and gasps with pain after each blow. To try and escape, Lyndsy rolls along the ropes to her left. Her right arm is across her midsection, and her left is across her bruised boobs. I reach down and grab her right hand with both of mine, pull her off the ropes, spin and throw her across the ring. She turns as she staggers across the ring, hits the ropes with her back and then bounces back toward me. I step forward and drive my right fist up into her solar plexus. With a loud shout of pain, she drops to the mat on her left side, curled up in pain. I pick her up and once again throw her into the ropes. This time, when she bounces off, I hold up my right knee and catch her right in the bellybutton. The shout of pain is even louder this time as she hangs there suspended on my knee. When I bring my leg back, she collapses in a heap on the mat. Looking down at her, I openly smile in pleasure. I use my foot to roll her onto her back. I sit down over her thighs, grab her arms and trap them between my knees and her hips. As I get comfortable, I feel my pussy getting moist from being so close to hers, but business before pleasure. I begin a two-fisted attack all over her midsection, back and forth from right hand to left. Unable to defend herself, her body jerks in pain. Each blow meets less and less resistance as it plows in. After a few minutes, I go after those full, round mounds, giving upppercuts to each one with both fists and then punching them from the sides. Somehow, her bikini top has managed to contain her battered melons. As a finishing run, I clasp my hands together and begin chopping down on that ab line. After several blows, I notice her reactions are now minimal. I sit back to survey my handiwork. That tight midsection of hers is now pink and swollen and those breasts are even more puffed up. Time to finish in style. I take off my bikini top freeing my own mounds, now heavy with pleasure. I reach behind her neck and undo the string for her bikini top. As I slowly pull down that top, I let my fingers slide over my prizes. Semi-conscious, she moans as my fingers caress and tease her nipples and squeezed her luscious orbs. Filled with exhiliration, I lower my breasts onto hers and start messaging. I feel my nipples grow even more as they trace circular patterns around hers. The movement of her body under mine tells me she is coming around. I feel my own body crying for release. I get up and crawl forward and pin her shoulders under my feet. I slowly, almost teasingly drop my pussy on her face and begin to rub. Seeing her shoulders pinned, the ref drops down to the mat and slaps it as he yells, "ONE!" With victory near, I start to rub harder on her face. I can feel her lips and nose through my bikini bottoms rubbing against my juicy pussy. Now alert enough to realize what is happening, that movement increases as she seeks a means of escape. "TWO!" As she struggles by moving her head from side to side, I begin sliding back and forth to increase the sensations. Knowing that she can't escape although she desparately trying causes me to press and rub even harder. What little air she manages to breathe in and out excites me even more. Just when I think I can't take anymore, I hear, "THREE!" Flush with victory and pleasure, I let go and cream in her face. I feel my bikini bottoms fill and overflow onto her face. My body shudders as I celebrate my first Palace triumph, of which I'm sure there will be many more.