A reunion of sorts By Alamsci, alamsci@lycos.com A fictional story "Hey, it's that wimpy looking guy again." "He's been checking us out all summer. I noticed him from the first day." Said Agatha. "Look at those little arms, bet ya my forearms are thicker." Julia mockingly added. "What about that gut, and a pair of tits too, HA!" "He's always laying their reading, well, probably looking are way more than reading. You'd think that farmer's tan would've faded away by now." "Hey, look over there, its Bonnie coming our way, haven't seen her in a few years. Damn she's changed." "Looks like she's been hittin' the gym really hard." At the sight of her friends, a warm smile appeared on Bonnie's face. She'd been away for some time and was extremely happy to see her two friends. They sat in the Jacuzzi for a while reminiscing and simply enjoying each other's company. A silence came about, one that is common between friends who haven't see each other for a while. Then Agatha broke the silence for the sake of breaking it, by pointing over to wimpy guy and saying. "Bonnie, look over there, see that dough boy, he's been checking us out all summer. Does he really think he has a chance?" "Whoa, I know that dude, he used to come to our house a lot, an old friend of my brother's. You don't need to worry about him he's harmless. Don't tell me he's been bothering you two?" said Julia "Not really, but it's a bit annoying to see him here all the time checking us out." Agatha chimed in. "Besides, Bonnie, if he did bother us you know that either one of us can put him in his place." "Annoying you, ha" Bonnie said, with a mischievous smile on her face. "Let me tell you to a little story about our little friend." Like I said he used to come to our house a lot, so I did get to know him a bit. He hasn't noticed me yet, but I'm sure when he does he'll get a bit nervous. Anyway I'll tell you two the story then I'll bring him over here and teach him a lesson. By the way, Julie, you know he's had a crush on you for the longest time, but he's been way to scared to approach you. I heard him talking to my brother about it. I think my bro is one of the only guys he confides in. Think about it, if he went out and told all his friends that he had a crush on one of the top rowers in the state, well, they'd laugh at him, mainly because he's not an athlete and secondly because they don't understand how a guy could have a thing for a girl that can woop his butt, it's definitely insecurity, but what can you do?" Julia looked surprised. "Don't worry I'll get him to admit it today." Bonnie said. "Well, let's get to the story… I remember Todd was having a few friends over. This was my first year of college and Todd was in his last, so about three years ago. I came home about 11:30pm. Pretty much all had left except for Tim (wimp) and Jake. All three of them were watching a movie. I said hi to them and then went upstairs to hit the shower. Once I finished up I went to my room to get dressed so I could go hangout with the boys for a bit. As I was looking at myself in the mirror, I noticed someone peeping at me. The door was cracked open just a bit (I could see that it was Tim, by the reflection in the mirror). I decided to play it cool. I made sure he couldn't see me when I was changing, but kept walking back and forth pretending to clean up, after I got dressed. When it was clear that I was getting ready to leave the room, Tim left and headed down stairs. When I made my way to the living room. I noticed that Todd was lying down on the couch, half asleep and probably stoned. Tim and Jake were sitting on the love seat, Jake completely out, and Tim pretending to watch the movie. Instead of telling my bro to move over I decided to squeeze in between Tim and Jake. Jake is a bit of big guy so I sat close to Tim and slowly began pushing him more and more. He looked at me, and asked why I was pushing. I told him that Jake was out and taking too much of the couch. Then I got up to get a drink. As I was coming back to take my seat I remember putting my hand through my hair, with this, my bicep popped out. It's nothing that I would give much thought to on any other occasion, but this time it was a bit different. Tim had his eyes squarely fixed on my arm. So I bounced it up and down a few times and sat down next to him, even closer this time, but without looking at him. At this point he was tightly squeezed between the side of the couch and I. It felt funny sitting next to him. He felt soft and the size difference between my legs and his wasn't even funny. I knew he was looking at my arms and legs with little side-glances that were more than obvious so I started turning my right wrist constantly. He was no longer glancing, but staring at my forearm. I looked over at him and said, 'So Tim, enjoying the movie!' He bashfully turned away from me and began gazing at the TV set. I then slowly put my arm around him and began turning my wrist. I'm sure he was enjoying my arm muscles dancing across his back. My brother suddenly got up and started yelling out Jake's name. 'Let's go, let me take you home before I pass out to. Oh, Tim I'll be right back' You see Tim lived a few houses down from us. I looked at him and asked him to shake my hand. He gave me a stunned look, but decided to oblige. I clasped his hand tightly and said, 'Didn't your momma teach you to shake hands firmly?' Without waiting for an answer I poured on the pressure. His hand felt like pudding. He began to squirm and tried to pull away, but I instantly wrapped my left arm around his head and began squeezing. "Don't ever let me catch you peeping at me you little shit. So how do these babies feel? How do you like my muscles now, HA?" II was pissed to say the least. I kept grinding his neck and squeezing his hand for a while. Then I yanked him up while maintaining my hold. Next, I shoved his head between my thighs in a standing head scissors. I looked down and saw his boxers sticking out a bit. So I decided to give him a wedgie he'd never forget. I yanked his boxer shorts with both of my hands until his feet were off the ground. I let go before tearing them off completely. After that I pulled his head out from between my thighs, grabbed him by the collar with both hands and roughly slammed him against the wall. This was followed by a knee to his flabby gut. I was enjoying myself and wasn't even close to stopping. Then cam an excruciating bear hug. I bounced him around a bit until I felt him getting limp then I dropped him to the ground. Then I roughly picked him up again by the collar and couldn't resist kneeing him in the stomach again. Now, I had him by the collar and was ready to smash his face in with a powerful right, but out of nowhere I heard, 'Bonnie that's enough, I don't want to have to explain this to Tim's parents. You can let him go now!" Bonnie's father said. "Well, I was just teaching Tim a few moves Dad…. so he could learn how to protect himself." I bashfully replied. "I said let him go!" I did as I was told and Tim went crashing to the ground. I looked at my parents and did not know what to say or do. Both of them were staring at me in astonishment, but my dad managed to break the silence. "Tim, I think it's best if you go home now." Tim tried to get up, but he was in too much pain. All we could hear were his whimpers. "All right, Bonnie, why don't you take Tim home and make sure you don't mess him up anymore than you already have." My parents made their way up to their bedroom and I grabbed Tim by his hair, opened the front door and pushed him out. He had trouble walking him so I decided it would be a good idea for him to crawl home. In the meantime I entertained myself by riding him from time to time or slapping him across that little flabby bum of his. When we got to his front door. I yanked him up, put my arms underneath his armpits and clasped my hands behind his neck in a full nelson. I slowly and painfully brought his head down to the asphalt and dragged it a bit. Then I let go of him, kicked him in the gut and grinded his face into the asphalt with my foot. I left him their humiliated and crying like a little boy. I didn't see him that much after that. I mean I was getting ready to get back to college and as far as I knew he was gonna go up north to look for a job. The few times I saw him I felt a bit sorry for him and was content with seeing a defeated and obedient look on his face. I teased him a bit, but never really pushed him around." "Girl, that is some story, so you wanna get him over here and show us what you can do?" Julia asked. "Why not, besides that's what I was planning on doing anyway. If he's been staring at you two, well, I think it's time for another lesson. I'm itching for some physical activity anyway." Bonnie said with a smirk on her face. " I don't know how much physical excursion your going to need to turn and twist those jelly roles!" They all laughed. Bonnie walked towards Tim. As she approached him she put both her hands through her long blonde hair and flexed her hard biceps. "Hey Timmy remember me!" She domineeringly said. He looked up from his book with a petrified expression and his entire body jerked in fear. "Don't even try and run away, you know I'll catch you. I just came over here to invite you to sit with me and my two friends. They've been talking about you all day." Tim slowly got up. Bonnie extended her hand to him. At first he didn't accept, but she grabbed it and held it as they walked towards the Jacuzzi. "Damn, look at those two, they make a nice couple. I can't notice the little guy next to her. He looks like a ghost and she looks like a blonde Amazon in training." "Well, take a seat here." "Thanks, you girls look great!" Tim timidly said. Tim slipped into the Jacuzzi, but instead of sitting beside him Bonnie slipped in behind him, wrapping her massive thighs around his midsection. "Timmy how does it feel hanging out with three strong young ladies? You feel great don't ya? Well, we're happy to be hanging out with you too, but my friends tell me that you've been staring at them all summer, is that true?" "No.. I've just been laying in the sun." "Don't lie to me! I don't think you've forgotten our last encounter." Tim looked at her with a red face. "Oh don't worry I've already told the girls about our little wrestling match." She mockingly said as she started squeezing his mid section. He tried to get loose, but there was no escape. "Today is lesson number two for you little man. Every time you wrong a woman or act like a pervert I'm gonna teach you some respect. I have a few questions for you? Do you have a crush on Julia here? I know you do. You like her big muscles, don't ya?" Tim couldn't really answer, he was trying to escape from Bonnie's grip. She then put her arms underneath his armpits and clasped her hands behind his neck in another full nelson. She kept him there for a while. Agatha and Julia were really enjoying the show. "When are we gonna get a chance!" They excitedly said. "Not now girls, but tonight both of you will have a go, Timmy is coming over, isn't that right?" Bonnie let go of Timmy and stepped out of the Jacuzzi. She then pulled him out by his hair and threw him across her shoulders. Everyone was watching this mountain of a woman as she easily woman handled this man. She came close to the pool and simply tossed him in. Then pulled him up by his hair and threw him in again. She did this a few times and then she carried him to his seat, told him to take all his belongings and theirs back to her car and get back quickly. When he came back she ordered him to get on all fours. She then proceeded to get on top of him. She grabbed his hair with one hand and slapped him continuously on the bum with the other until they got to her car. After the two girls got in the car, Bonnie popped the trunk and threw little Timmy in. She then got in the car and the three ladies drove off. "Girls, the fun is just beginning!" Bonnie huskily bellowed.