Planet of misery By Rory Transported to an alien planet to provide food for its giant female inhabitants. About a year after my beloved Earth was lain waste by the Xenon and the population transported like cattle to the planet Quillum. I and millions like me have been in transit for months aboard a giant spacecraft for a lunch date we all wish we could give a rain check to. We are all prisoners of the Xenon, mechanical fiends who capture entire planets to provide food for their mistresses the Quill. The Quill are a race of woman, human in appearance but a thousand times bigger and whose diet it seems consists of live flesh. The spacecraft is being unloaded of its human cargo and I have been waiting my turn for months to disembark from this hell hole. Their must be fifty million souls aboard this ship. The Quill supervise the unloading of the human cargo; they sort us out into age and sex. The spaceship which to them is the size of a car is the size of a town to its prisoners. Four spaceships are unloaded at a time with one woman supervising the unloading of each craft. They are young and blonde and tanned with bodies like athletes. Wearing skin tight black leather one piece suits, finished off with a pair of sheer soft black leather gloves and black knee length platform soled boots they perform the task of unloading us with cruel distain. The worst time to be unloaded is at break time because the young beautiful woman select handfuls of humans from the unloading ramp and devour them like sweets, I've seen people fall from their leather grasp only to be crushed like bugs under boot rather than waste any time retrieving the fleeing snack. Some of the woman try to eat as many as they can in one go, I saw an assortment of about twenty humans disappear into one young wet sticky mouth, as she chewed on her human meal she worked at her task, casually chatting to her co-workers occasionally selecting additions from the descending prisoners making their exit from the craft, slipping them between her soft red lips as room became available in her mouth of hell. Old men and woman are separated and disposed of immediately; they are chosen and plucked as they emerge from the craft. After selection by the cruel leather fingers of their giant mistresses they are dispatched with a single pinch to the head and neck and their lifeless bodies dropped into a waiting bucket without even a second glance. The bucket is checked over in case anyone survives their execution; if still alive they are re executed immediately and without mercy. The bucket is taken away to be processed into things like lipsticks and pet food. The Quill woman eats their pray alive so as soon as you're unloaded you can expect to be processed that day and available for sale in the shops immediately. This is my last transmission on my makeshift radio to anyone who is listening as I am just going down the ramp of death, and it's nearly break time, AHHHHHHH. The end Of us