The Muscular Mrs. Jones What happens when a young boy meets his new friends bodybuilding soccer mom? As eighth grade was beginning I was full of excitement about many things. The new school year, starting soccer practice again and most of all making some new friends. Not that I was unpopular by any means, but fall brought a flock of new kids to hang out with. The soccer team gave me an excellent way to make new friends. I was not a natural athlete, but I was a strong competitor and definitely a team player. There where a few cool kids that I liked hanging out with after practice. This year about 5 new kids joined the team. This was how I met Sebastian. Sebastian was one of those kids that even at the age of 13 seems to have it all going on. From the first day of class it was obvious that he was as popular with the girls as he was with the boys. He had moved over from the next town over and his parents purchased a large house a few miles up the road from mine. Sebastian was a natural on the soccer team. Coach Paulson loved him and he was a natural fit for the rest of the team. Over the course of the first few weeks of soccer practice we became pretty cool together. Sebastian was even able to give me a few tips to improve my own game. So it was natural that we would want to hang out after practice. Normally after Friday afternoon practice I would go over to my friend Chris' house, but I needed a little change. We had played most of the video games at Chris' and bothered his older sister to the point of exhaustion. When Sebastian asked if I wanted to hang out after practice I agreed of course. Little did I know that how much it would rock my little world? Practice was winding down and I was resting against the bench at the end of the park sipping some Gatorade. Coach waddled over to me. Coach was always giving us shit for drinking too much liquid during the game. 'You guys are spoiled. When I was your age, I would practice for three hours without a sip of water,' Coach barked at me. 'You got big plans this weekend Lawrence?' 'Just going to have a sleep over at Sebastian's house.' As soon as I said that a huge smiled crossed Coaches face. I have never seemed Coach look like that; it was as if he was in a dream. 'Have fun ... .' Was all that came out of his lips? I didn't have time to ask Coach what was going on because Sebastian was beconing me from across the field.. I could see him standing by a large Mercedes SUV, with an older blonde woman in the driver's seat, which I assumed was his mother. I quickly grabbed my bags and began to hustle across the field. Before I could take off Coach grab my arm and looked me square in the eye. He still had the dazed look; he opened his mouth and stared across the field 'Remember every detail Lawrence ... you lucky bastard.' 'Okay Coach.' I managed to shake free of Coaches grasp and began to hustle towards Sebastian. 'Come on slow poke,' Sebastian yelled as he climbed into the back seat of the SUV. I threw my bags inside and hoped in after him. I climbed up into the back seat and was sitting directly behind Sebastian's Mom in the driver's seat. 'Hi! I am Sebastian's mother. Sebastian has told us so much about you.' Her voice was silky smooth with a just a touch of a southern drawl it made me feel immediately comfortable. 'Nice to meet you Mrs. Jones.' She giggled 'Just call me Jinni!" As I situated myself in the car I was able to get a better grasp of Jinni. I couldn't fully see her because of seat back in front of me, but by sneaking glances in the rear view mirror I could get a good idea of her face. She had shoulder length blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail as well as strikingly pretty features, she had a few wrinkles, but she wore them elegantly and had a fresh youthful feeling about her. The most defining characteristic about her I noticed sitting in the back seat of that car was her amazingly tanned skin. A dark mocha brown. Darker then any Caucasian woman I had seen in our small Connecticut town. As we drove towards the Jones' house I was having a blast. Jinni was so fun and full of energy, much different then any mother I had met before. She was so comfortable with herself that she immediately made you feel great just to be around her. Sebastian would regal her with stories of soccer practice telling her how I had made a few good saves in our last games. Jinni slide off her sunglasses and smiled at me in the rearview mirror 'I bet you did Timmy. You look like a natural athlete, what a build. If I was a few years younger.' She smiled, her eyes crinkled a little as she winked her amazing blue eyes at me. 'Awe, mom cut it out,' Sebastian squealed. I blushed. Finally we pulled up the Jones' place. It was really big, a huge old Victorian which had just been renovated, it had a real inviting feel to it. It felt like home even though I had never been there before. Jinni pulled the car onto the driveway. Sebastian quickly hoped out followed by Jinni. I fumbled with my bags and finally got them out of the car. As I got my bags out of the car ... then it hit me ... everything coach was saying ... I got a full view of Miss Jones as she made her way into the house. Growing up in a small Connecticut town I had never been exposed to anything like her before. I had seen athletic woman ... I had seen woman who kept in good shape ... In fact my Aunt was very into working out, and managed to keep herself in decent shape. but what stood before me was from another world. Miss Jones wasn't just in shape ... she was in shape like a super hero. She was cut out of marble. The woman wasn't tall (maybe only 5'3") but every square inch of that body was covered in enormous, rock hard muscle. She was wearing a pair of skintight workout pants and a spaghetti strap tank top. She gave me a quick smile as she headed inside. 'Do you need a hand with that soccer bag sweetie,' she asked. I couldn't open my mouth to talk. As I walked behind her clutching my soccer bag I was in another world. Her shoulders where huge, bigger then my dads (and he's no small dude.) But unlike dads they where solid, stacked deep with pulsating, rock hard shredded muscle which continued up to her thick neck, around which sat a dainty gold necklace. It was so feminine, almost mocking her absurdly huge traps. Miss Jones grabbed two shopping bags out the front seat of the car. Oh my god ... every muscle in her upper body sprang to life. I walked a few feet behind her, trying to take in every detail. The shopping bags put a slight strain on her upper body. Her back muscles tensed and flexed in a beautiful rhythm as the bags swung at her side. Her triceps popped with thick striated muscles. One of the bags appeared to be slipping out of her muscular gripped, so she readjusted her position on it, causing her bicep to flex, thick veins streaked across the top of her humungous bicep. My eyes traveled down her hugs back to her waist. It was almost as if I was looking at an optical illusion. The waist was too tiny to belong to on that body. As Miss Jones walked her skintight shirt began to hike up slightly giving me a slight peak at her lower back muscles. I knew that people could lift weights to make their biceps bigger, but I had no idea that people, especially women, could develop their lower back muscles. It was so absurd, why would someone put so much detail into such a seemingly meaningless part of their body. Whatever reason she did it was turning me on. Finally after what seemed like hours, my eyes made their way down to her lower body. Although it was wrapped in skintight spandex, I could get a great idea of the shape ... and what a shape it was. From her tiny, little waist sprang a butt like none I had ever seen before. Every girls behind I had seen always had a little sag, a little softness ... Not Miss Jones. First of all it sat high, with no sag and each step caused it to bunch and flex, not bounce. Maybe it was my imagination, but I swear I could see little striations through the spandex. Her hamstrings and thighs pushed out from her little waist and severe angles, it was almost uncomfortable to look at them, they where so 'in your face huge.' The mammoth thighs disappeared into tiny knee joints, then sprang out in wonderfully full calves. In the supper market I had always snuck glances at some women's calves. Always impressed with women with thick full calves, but those women had been bigger women, who needed the extra size to support their girth. Not here, not on Miss Jones. The calves where works of art, carved out of endless repetitions in the gym. They popped and flexed as she headed up the flight of stairs to the house. 'Come on slow poke.' She called out as I lagged behind, dragging my soccer bag. She gave me coy wink as I headed inside the house. The house was nice and I quickly headed upstairs to Sebastian's room. As I headed up the flight of stairs I noticed some photos on the wall. The first two where from some vacation the family had taken. It showed Miss Jones, Sebastian and I guy I guessed was Sebastian's dad. Funny thing, the guy almost seemed to be out of shape, how could he be getting a piece like Mrs. Jones? My eyes lingered on the photo. This was obviously some sort of family getaway at a Caribbean resort, but what Mrs. Jones was wearing would have stopped traffic anywhere. When my family went on vacation my dad wore a t-shirt and some sort of dorky Bermuda shorts and my mom wore a bathing suite that looked like it was out of a silent film and a huge hat and slathered her pale body in SPF 390 suntan lotion. But not Mrs. Jones, and why should she? In the photo Mrs. Jones, wore a microscopic string bikini that stretched tight over her chocolaty tanned full muscular bosom. Mister Jones had his hand around her tight rippling abdomen and Mrs. Jones had her enormously, freakishly huge arm strung across Sebastian's shoulder. Her whole body was slathered in tanning oil that highlighted every one of her muscular curves. I was mad, I couldn't explain it. I wanted Miss Jones as my mother; I wanted to be that close to perfection. To have someone so special in my life. What was wrong with my mom? Shoving hamburgers down her throat, she should take a hint from Miss Jones and put some work in at the gym. As I continued up the stairs, more pictures of Mrs. Jones' perfection taunted me. I passed photos of her on stage in a posing bikini. My mind was reeling, this woman was unbelievable. I stopped at a photo of her standing above a golden trophy, her golden tan highlighted by a gold posing bikini. I stared at her stomach there where eight prominent bricks of muscle, clearly visible. A feeling of insignificance crept across me. I touched my flabby, pale belly and looked back at Mrs. Jones' ideal form. It wasn't fair ... but goddamn was it hot. 'Down here.' Sebastian called as he popped his head out of his bedroom. I pulled my eyes away from Mrs. Jones' pictures. 'What took you so long?' He asked. 'Your Mother seems pretty cool.' I managed to stammer out. 'Yeah, she's funny.' He said nonchalantly as he plunked on his bed. 'She looks ... like really strong.' I said nervously. 'Yeah, dude she is hardcore. She used to be pretty chunky. Then she started going to the gym all the time. Now she works out like three hours a day, six days awake and eats this stuff that's like mush, but I guess it's really good for you.' Sebastian said as he bounced a ball off the wall. 'Cool.' 'She's a super good athlete. She is amazing at soccer and could kick anybody's ass at volleyball. Here.' He shoots off his bed and disappeared down the hall. He came back with a thick photo album. 'Check it out.' Sebastian flipped open the album. The first few pages contained photos of a younger Sebastian, maybe four of five years ago. Low and behold, Mrs. Jones was pretty chunky and frumpy. A photo showed Mrs. Jones at the beach playing with Sebastian. She wore an unflattering set of shorts and a baggy t-shirt, she was pale. Her thighs where thick and not with the kind of muscle I had seen down stairs, they where chunky with fat. Her belly pushed out her shirt and her breasts where large and saggy. In the next photo she posed next to her husband who seemed to be exactly the same as the photo I had seen on the stairs. 'My mom was always uncomfortable with her body. After my father started making a lot of money at his company she had a lot of time on her hands so she joined a gym.' As Sebastian told the story he began to flip pictures in the album. Something amazing began to happen. 'She lost a lot of weight at first.' The next few photos Mrs. Jones had definitely slimmed down. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans and looked very cute for a mom. 'But she slowly moved on from the aerobics to the heavy weights. My dad said he thought she looked great and encourage her to continue. He got her a personal trainer and the rest ... ' As Sebastian continue to flip. Something truly amazing happened. Mrs. Jones slimmed down physique began to fill up again, with curves in all the right places. A photo showed Mrs. Jones at a bodybuilding contest in a bikini. Her musculature was more prominent. As the photos proceeded, she seemed to sprout muscle all over her body. Sebastian made his way to the end of the album. The last photo depicted Mrs. Jones on stage over a large trophy. Her head was held high as she stared confidently out toward the camera, her huge veiny arms where flexed at her side, her striated abs glistened through her dark tan. Her legs popped with thick cords of muscular. She looked amazing, indestructible, ready to take on the world and so full of sexy confidence that it was almost like she was looking out past the photo, starring straight at you. Daring you to take her on. I flipped back to the beginning of the album, to the photo of the frumpy Mrs. Jones ... just the change in the demeanor was amazing, her was a women who just a few years ago was ashamed of her body, and seemed to lack self confidence ... turned into a complete muscle goddess. 'Dinners ready!!' This is my first time writing one of these stories ... so if you want to hear more about Mrs. Jones and her fantastic physique please shot me an email with comments, suguestions or encouragement to