MUSCLEGURLZ FIGHT THEATER PART TWO by IRONMACK HELGA charged forward like a freight train. L'RETHA tried to block her attack-----but failed. HELGA burst through L'RETHA'S defenses and began hammering away at her face with lefts and rights. L'RETHA tried a right cross,which HELGA knocked aside while driving a crushing right jab to the face,snapping her head back. HELGA continued to pound away again and again and again AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN! She bent L'RETHA in half with a left hook,followed by a powerful uppercut. HELGA returned to battering away at L'RETHA'S face and body,chopping her into meat.L'RETHA seemed helpless. HELGA was smiling in victory as she worked toward destroying L'RETHA once and for all. SUDDENLY---out of nowhere---with an unexpected burst of strength,L'RETHA'S left hand shot up and grabbed HELGA'S driving right fist,squeezing HARD. HELGA winced in pain. L'RETHA then used her right fist to drive an amazingly strong and powerful hook DEEP into HELGA'S gut.HELGA crumbled and bent forward with pain and astonishment. "W-WHA-WHA??" she cried. Staggering,bleeding,with eyes blackened and swollen half-shut,L'RETHA looked half-dead, but somehow had summoned renewed strength. She lifted HELGA'S chin with her left hand while cocking back her right fist. "EAT THIS,BITCH!!" she shouted. KTHOOOM!!! A TRIPLE-EXPLOSIVE RIGHT UPPERCUT FROM THE FLOOR,PACKING INCRED- IBLE POWER,BLASTS HELGA'S FACE, LAUNCHING HER SKYWARD ALL THE WAY TO THE BASEMENT CEILING,WHICH SHE SMASHES INTO,CRACKING IT. SHE HURTLES BACK TO THE FLOOR, BOUNCES HARD ONCE,THEN DROPS ONTO HER BACK WITH A FINAL DEAD THUD! The effects of L'RETHA'S blow were incredible. HELGA'S brain seemed to cave in. Her face suffered increased damage. More bruises and swelling appeared,combined with spasms of pain. HELGA LAY DEAD FOR A MINUTE AND A HALF. L'RETHA stood above her,legs still wobbling, smiling even though it hurt to do so. She massaged her sore stomach and tits, waiting. Finally---HELGA slowly raised her head and glared up at L'RETHA in shock. "MOTHA'FUCK!" she said in a quivering voice. "I-I didn't think you had anything left." "Got plenty,bitch," replied L'RETHA." 'Less you wanna call it QUITS." HELGA rolled onto her side,spat blood,then struggled to get up."N-Not just yet,dear,I-I'm still---' She staggered and fell---then finally stood up. "--I'm still gonna KNOCK YOU TH' FUCK OUT!" HELGA raised her fists. "C'MON,CUNT! LET'S FINISH THIS!" L'RETHA raised her fists in response. "Oh,I WILL finish it,girlfrien'---FOR SURE!" END OF PART TWO