The Megan Kale Project – Part 3 By RipTite Megan reveals herself to housemate Suzi, discovering lesbian tendencies. ========================================================================== WARNING: Adult content! ========================================================================== It was midday, the light still poured through Megan's window, and she still hadn't heard any movement from John's bedroom since she shagged him, hard, about three hours earlier. Sitting on her bed, she was starting to worry whether she had really hurt him. From what she saw there was no blood, but she did remember thinking to herself that his manhood looked mighty red and sore after his ordeal. Just then, she heard one of the other doors open outside on the landing, and then who-ever-it-was walking into the bathroom. She got up and peeked through a gap in her door. It was Suzi's door that was open. Megan closed her door, took off John's braces, undid her shroud letting it drop to the floor, and picked up her duvet. Wrapping it round her shoulders, it covered her pretty much head to toe. The toilet was flushed, and Megan opened her door and walked into Suzi's room. The bathroom door re-opened and Suzi came walking, slowly and drowsily, back into her room wearing her plain red PJ's. She jumped seeing Megan huddled in the corner on her bed. "Christ Meg, don't do that." "Soz." Said Megan. Suzi closed her door and sat on the bed next to Megan. "What's wrong? And why does it look like you're wearing an American football kit under your duvet?" Asked Suzi, Megan smiled at her comparison. "I've got something to show you. It's probably going to freak you out, so don't shout." "It's okay, Dan didn't come back last night, ended up with some girl he met a month ago. And John's awake, I just heard him in the kitchen." Meg was relieved with the second part of Suzi's news. She got up off the bed, keeping the duvet wrapped tight around her and walked over to the door, turning to face Suzi. "Are you ready?" "I guess." Replied Suzi. Megan let go of the duvet as it dropped to the floor around her feet, leaving her standing there, naked. Megan had much the same reaction as John. Her mouth wide open in exclamation but no sound escaped. "I think I mixed one too many experimental medications." Megan tried to inject some humour, even though it was the truth. Suzi stood up. A clear three inches taller than Megan, Megan was the shortest in the house as Suzi slowly walked up to her. "Is it… real?" "Of course it's real. Look!" With that Megan flexed her right arm in front of her, her bicep bulging, pushing her right breast upwards a little. "Fuck!" Came the exclamation that Megan was starting to get bored of. She relaxed her arm and let it fall naturally to her side. "Can I…?" Suzi held out a finger. "Yeah." Suzi, instead of prodding, held out both hands and placed them on Megan's wrists. She slowly began to run them up her arms, gasping when she felt how solid Megan's arms were. She continued up to the huge shoulders, and then down to her breasts, giving them a little squeeze, to no avail. "Suzi, what are you doing?" Suzi removed her hands. "Sorry. I, er, was just curious." Said Suzi. Megan looked up into her eyes, noticing the gleam in them, and she looked restless. "Do you… like this?" Asked Megan. Suzi began to smile. "I don't know what it is, but it's just so sexy." Megan couldn't believe what she was hearing. She would half expect it from the boys, but she saw Suzi as the hardest one of the lot to accept it. Instead, it sounded by all accounts, she fancied her. Megan looked at Suzi, at her slim frame, her dark hair pinned up behind her head. She was a pretty girl, and Megan would never even think about her being a lesbian. "Do you fancy other girls?" Asked Megan. Suzi was a bit surprised by this, but after what had just occurred it was understandable. And now that she couldn't hide it, she may as well admit it. "Sometimes. Boys are still my favourite but sometimes, if the girl is really something special, then yeah, I like 'em. And believe me, you were something special before… this. Now, you're extra special." Suzi undid her PJ top and let it drop to the floor. "Woe there girl." Said Megan. "I'm not… like you." "Have you ever had another woman give you pleasure?" Asked Suzi as she undid her bra. "Surprisingly not, and I'm not going to start now." Megan began to leave. "Then how do you know it's no fun?" Suzi replied, taking down her PJ bottoms. "And that's all it is, fun." She said as she took off her knickers. Megan had stopped and partly turned, the door to her left, a naked Suzi to her right. Suzi stepped up to Megan and stroked her thigh with her left hand. Megan remained standing there. Suzi used her right hand to stroke Megan's left breast, running her fingers down to her stomach, over the bulges of her abdomen. "Oh, my…" Suzi was clearly getting excited. With Megan standing with her feet shoulder width apart, Suzi put her arms around her neck and straddled Megan's thigh. Suzi groaned, feeling the hard muscle between her legs, Megan could feel Suzi's naturally lubricated lips on her thigh. She looked up at Suzi. Suzi smiled. "How strong are you?" "Very." With that, Suzi stepped round to face Megan and jumped up, her legs going either side of Megan's waist, holding her shoulders to keep her from falling. Megan didn't even move, she stood there solid as a rock. With such a small waistline, Suzi wrapped her legs round the inside of Megan's legs and pushed her pelvis in, Megan's bulging abs rubbing against her pussy. Megan didn't know what to do, she felt stupid, out of place, and used. "I don't know Suzi." Suzi replied with a kiss. Stroking Megan's wide, muscle-bound back, Suzi started to explore Megan's mouth too. Her tongue slowly and sensually ran round Megan's mouth, stroking her tongue. It was the best kiss Megan had ever experienced. She reciprocated, and started to explore Suzi's mouth. As their faces moved away from each other, Suzi licked Megan's tongue with her lips, a strand of saliva briefly stretching between the two mouths. "I got an idea." Said Suzi, as she slid down from Megan and stood back up. "Can you lift me? Upside down?" "What do you mean?" Asked Megan. Suzi turned round so her back faced Megan, and then knelt down. Putting her head on the floor, her hands down flat on the floor, she did a headstand, and then did the splits. Megan took the cue, stepped forward, put her hands under Suzi's thighs, and lifted. She curled her until her mouth was in line with Suzi's pussy. Meanwhile, Suzi put her hands round the back of Megan's thighs and pulled herself in, and tried to enter Megan with her tongue. But she couldn't push her tongue inside her. Just then she felt Megan's tongue inside of her. She was lucky, Megan was a natural as she immediately began stimulating her. In ecstasy, Suzi felt guilty for not being able to do the same for Megan, so she entrusted her weight in Megan's hands and let go of her thighs. Megan didn't falter as she held Suzi still while exploring her love hole. Suzi put her thumb up against Megan's lips, and pushed as hard as she could. Her thumb slowly slipped in all the way, and Suzi began massaging inside Megan. It obviously did the trick as both girls started to moan. Just then Megan touched something, the right thing, in the right place at the right time as a wave of passion overcame Suzi. She stopped massaging Megan, trying to get her thumb out while she had an orgasm. She trembled a little and bit her lip as Megan carried on, hitting the same spot and sending Suzi into ecstasy once more. She sighed a heavy sigh and Megan stopped. Suzi's thumb was still inside Megan, even though she'd tried desperately to remove it. But now she continued her massaging and Megan began groaning again. Megan looked down at her arms, they were bulging once more, one thick vein running down each bicep. She curled Suzi a little, up, down, up, down, causing irregularities in the massaging, which made it better. Megan found herself approaching orgasm. "Take it out." Said Megan for Suzi's best interests. "I can't." Megan twitched, causing her to lift Suzi up higher, which caused her thumb to touch Megan in a wild spot. Though she tried not to, Megan climaxed and with it, she flexed uncontrollably, her body going tense. Suzi gasped as her thumb was gently crushed. Megan groaned. She relaxed her body as soon as she could, then lowered Suzi, laying her on the floor. "I'm going to do this quickly, alright?" Megan said to Suzi. Suzi nodded. Megan grasped Suzi's wrist and gave a short tug, her thumb slipping out from inside of her. Suzi sat up on the bed. "Is it alright?" Asked Megan. "Yeah, just a little sore." She looked up at Megan with a smile. "That was great. You're a natural." Megan blushed. "Uh, yeah. Look, it was good, but I'm not gonna go round shagging women now." "Good," replied Suzi. "I can have you all to myself." ========================================================================== ©RipTite 2003 Comments: