Kman - Wrestling at the country house by Kman Mixed wrestling and boxing with some very big women at an exclusive private event Notes: This is part of a series of stories and any feedback, comments, suggestions, encouragements are very welcome! I really enjoy the theme of these types of stories, where a male goes up against a much bigger/stronger female in a wrestling/ boxing/extreme fight match in an arena/club/private event etc. setting. I decided to start writing my own because I have found very few examples elsewhere. I would love to read more stories on this theme so if anyone else has written any, or knows of any, please let me know! I hope you enjoy… Previous stories in the Kman series: Kman - My first match Kman - The Amazon club in Hamburg - I get to watch ******************************************************************* INTRODUCTION If you haven’t read about me already please let me introduce myself – I am the Kman. Well obviously that’s not my real name but my ring name. I am a male wrestler, reasonably good-looking in my thirties just under 6ft tall and weigh about 165lbs. I am medium build, in good shape but not especially muscular – hardly what you might think of as an obvious wrestler when you compare me to some of those hugely muscled guys you see on TV or at the Olympics. But then I don’t fight other guys – I wrestle women in the underground scene all around the world… …and that’s how I make my living – I’m hired to go up against some very big women - and I mean big. I get paid by clubs or private clients to wrestle these Amazons for the entertainment of others – and of course I enjoy it myself. Not many other guys are willing to try and when you meet some of my opponents you can see why. Oh I always try damn hard to win – don’t get me wrong! – but these ladies are some of the biggest and the best. I’ve been doing this for a few years now so I’ve wrestled against a number of women in various venues and situations around the world. I want to tell you about some of them so if you’re interested read on… STORY 3 - WRESTLING AT THE COUNTRY HOUSE After my initial wrestling experiences, practicing and watching, at The Amazon club in Hamburg I thought that this would be where my first match in front of an audience would take place. But no, a rich English client at the club had contacted the club’s promoter Frank looking for a male wrestler to go over to England and wrestle there. Well I was English so Frank suggested me – it meant I could combine the trip with a visit back home to visit friends and family. And for Frank it also meant that I could get a bit more experience under my belt before wrestling properly at the Amazon. A win-win situation – or so I thought… I didn’t know much about the event - I just knew that it was going to be an exclusive private event held in a large country house in Hertfordshire just outside London. Apparently they were held every so often to cater to the whims, tastes and fetishes of a rich, upper class crowd. It was going to be a very up market event held in stately beautiful surroundings. An opportunity not to be missed. And so it was that I found myself being driven in the back of a Rolls-Royce through the lovely English countryside on a sunny Sunday afternoon, heading towards Beaverbrook House. I had flown in from Germany the day before and Lord Haverstock had arranged for me to be picked up at my hotel – no expense spared. I felt like a King! The car purred slowly through winding country lanes until eventually we reached some imposing gates in front of a long drive. The chauffeur spoke in to an intercom at the gates and they slowly opened. After a few minutes we pulled up on the gravel in front of a large, imposing Georgian house – it was gorgeous. As we did so a servant rushed up the car to open the door and help me with my bags. I followed him inside to the large entrance hall. “This way Sir” and he showed me down a long corridor to a room at the end. It was my changing room but no ordinary one – it was a big room with windows looking out on to formal gardens, a large crystal chandelier in the centre of the ceiling and an ornate large 18th century mirror on one wall. “These are your quarters Sir. Please get changed here. Lady Haverstock will be along in ten minutes.” Better hurry up then I thought – I don’t want to disappoint the Lady. I put my sports bag down and pulled out my favourite ring gear – I had been told to dress in black and so I put on my best black trunks, black pro-wrestling boots and my plain mid-length black ring jacket. It fell just to my waist so I turned to face the mirror to admire my manhood straining at my trunks. I did a few warm-up and limbering exercises - all the time looking at myself in the mirror and mentally preparing myself for whatever lay ahead this afternoon. It was a beautiful summer’s day outside and I felt good. After about twenty minutes there was a polite knock at the door. “Come in” I shouted and the door slowly opened. A very smartly dressed, middle–aged woman entered. Her hair was tied up and she was wearing expensive jewelry - she definitely looked like the lady of the house. “Hello” she said in a voice that could cut glass “I am Lady Haverstock. I hope you had a good journey here”. “Yes thanks – excellent” I replied breezily. “Good. Well I won’t keep you waiting as I’m sure you are wondering who you will fight and what happens at our little events”. I nodded, keen for her to explain. “Well we’ve been holding these events for several years now. They are very exclusive and you have to be especially invited to attend. Most of them are held here at Beaverbrook House but sometimes they are held at other member’s homes. Basically we celebrate beauty and the strong woman – this can take many forms but this afternoon we are putting on a series of wrestling and boxing matches. Yours will be the final match and you will be facing my daughter Lady Caroline – she is very skilled. Good luck. James the butler will be along to show you to the main hall when it is time to start in about one hour. Any questions?” Her manner was very business like and superior so I just said no, that’s fine. And with that she quickly turned around and left the room. Better wait then I thought. So I sat there and waited – and waited - and waited. After about half an hour of waiting I was bored. I could hear faint sounds outside down the corridor so I decided to explore – I still had some time left before I was on so what the heck. So, still in my gear, I walked down this grand empty corridor, watched only by the portraits on the wall. The sounds were getting louder and louder until I reached some large, grand double doors about 10 feet high. This must be the main hall I thought, so I slowly opened one of the doors a few inches. I poked my head around - this was the grandest, most ornate room I had seen so far. It was a large double height room adorned by dozens of mirrors, old paintings, classical sculptures and more – the decor was mainly silver gilt and white stucco and the daylight was pouring through huge sash windows at one side giving a floating, airy feeling. There were dozens of very well dressed people seated at tables drinking wine and being waited on by the servants of the house. The women wore long gowns whilst the man all wore dinner jackets and black tie. No-one noticed me though as they were all intently focused on the centre of the room sometimes clapping, sometimes cheering or sometimes shouting out. And what a sight they were watching. In the centre of the room were two boxers fighting inside a large, roped, raised ring. One of the boxers was a slim but athletic guy about 21 years old, 5ft 8in tall and140lbs – he looked like he had been well trained and had very good technique – probably a very good amateur boxer who had come up through the ranks. But he was totally on the defensive, ducking and diving with his gloves raised to his face trying to fend off the blows of his opponent. And you could understand why when you saw his opponent. She was a huge female fighter about 6ft 3in tall and 230lbs. She was extremely well muscled like a champion heavyweight bodybuilder - very athletically built. Wearing a tight, white sports bra, slightly grubby and spattered with some small drops of blood, she had broad, powerful shoulders and a strongly muscled chest tapering in a classic V-shape down to an incredibly defined six-pack stomach. Under her small scarlet red boxers shorts were thick, muscled legs and I could also make out large bulging calves underneath the black leather of her boxing boots . Her body was glistening with sweat and her shoulder length, blonde hair, which was tied back, swayed around as she threw each hammer blow at her small male opponent. You could see he had no real choice but to defend and was just struggling to keep out of her way and stay on his feet for as long as he could. Each time he backed away from her though, and on to the ropes, some young female helpers (presumably some of the staff) got behind him and pushed him back in to the ring in to the path of this fighting she-hulk. Every time he was bounced back like this she connected with another big blow to his head. He blocked them with his raised gloves but you could see from his expression how much they hurt, and his strength was slowly disappearing. It could only be a matter of time... And so the outcome was inevitable - although he was putting up a brave and strong defence no-one could sustain the ferocity of those blows for long - each one must have felt like a battering ram against his hands. In the end it was all too much and his arms started to slowly wilt and give way. Eventually he dropped his guard just enough so that a significant gap appeared between his gloves. This was all she needed – the split second opening she had been waiting for - and she duly delivered a huge right-hander that smashed against his face. A loud oooomphh and crunch rang out around the room. The pain must have been excruciating and I could see his nose bleeding profusely and blood starting to drip slowly down on to his bare chest. She followed up with a massive left jab that must have felt like a brick to the face. He was still on his feet but only just, and he staggered back to lean against the ropes. This time the helpers didn't push him back - he could hardly move anyway. Instead they just let him sag on the ropes, as they watched this powerful female fighting machine came in for the final kill. He was barely aware of what was going on as she made her final approach. The crowd cheered and screamed at her to “kill him” and “finish the bastard”, baying for blood. He must have thought the whole world was against him as he sank there. As for me I was hugely aroused by the sight of this giant female terminator going in for the kill, and my cock was straining to get out of my tight trunks. She paused slightly as she moved in, and just watched him as he lay back helplessly on the ropes, prolonging his agony. She smiled cruelly to herself pleased with her afternoon's work. Then she drew her big right-hand slowly back to tease the crowd, her huge bicep hardening and glistening as she did so - everyone knew what was coming next. She had saved the biggest to last and I watched in excited horror as her mighty fist crashed in to his face - the power and strength behind it was something to behold and the crowd gasped in awe, fear and admiration. No ordinary man could survive such a blow and he just collapsed in a crumpled heap to the canvas - blood spraying off in all directions from his battered face. He would survive to fight another day, but for now his body was limp and lifeless - completely out cold. She stood over him menacingly for a few moments just to make sure he was totally finished, her big fist pulled back ready for another shot just in case he showed signs of getting up. But there was no way he was coming back and the referee rushed in between them and signaled that the fight was over. She again advanced forward slightly to look down dismissively at her beaten opponent but the referee pushed her back gently and gestured firmly with his arms to say no more, that was it. The ladies and gentleman of the crowd were on their feet clapping and cheering wildly for the winner. She just stood in the centre of the ring with those huge arms flexed in a double biceps pose, turning to face each side of the ring with a superior, arrogant smile across her face. I could just about make out small drops of blood falling on to the canvas from her raised gloves. She looked an awesome sight – 6ft 3in and over 16 stone of raw female muscle and fighting power. Then the ring announcer stepped in and took the mike “Ladies and Gentleman, our winner today, and still unbeaten in 18 fights, Lady Emma Powers.” More cheers went up and she flexed once more. The ring announcer continued “Lady Emma is open to any challenges for our next event so if any gentlemen in the audience would like to volunteer..” All the men in the audience went silent and looked nervously at the floor or at each other, to see if any would raise their hand. But none did – and after what they had just witnessed who could blame them, She was a magnificent but frightening woman and only a fool, or someone who really needed the money, would willingly volunteer to step through the ropes against her. After a few moments silence and no volunteers the announcer continued. “Well thank you gentleman – if anyone does decide they want to try then please see me or Lady Haverstock afterwards. Before our final contest of the afternoon we will have a fifteen minute break. We will see you soon.” And with that Lady Emma left the ring and started to stride my way, presumably back to her changing room. Many of the audience got up from their seats to stretch, go to the bathroom or simply to chat amongst themselves before the final match – my fight against Lady Caroline. I decided to also to return to my changing room to make final preparations and loosen up properly. If this fight was anything to go by I would need all the luck in the world. Back in my changing room I went to the bathroom one final time and started to do my breathing and warm-up exercises. This would be my first public fight and I was now getting very nervous – not only at the thought of appearing before an audience but also at the thought of my potential fate this afternoon. Would I be carried out of the ring stone cold too? Eventually I heard a knock at the door and James calling out “ready sir?” “Ready as I’ll ever be” I replied with a quiver in my voice. I took one last look at myself in the mirror and flexed my muscles to try and bolster my confidence – but they looked so puny in comparison to those of the boxer Lady Emma. Who was I kidding? I could never win – these women were just too big and strong. They were born to this and I was not. Anyway too late now, and so I followed James back down the corridor… We stopped outside the large doors to the main hall - I could hear the hub-hub of the crowd and the ring announcer “ And in the blue corner weighing 165lbs and 5 ft 11 inches tall, from England the KMAN”. Cue my entrance – James opened the door and I made my way between the packed tables up to the ring., the audience cheering and clapping me. God this felt good and I felt just a bit more confident. I looked around and everyone had turned to face me, keen to see if I was physically up to the challenge ahead. I smiled back especially at some of the women who looked haughtily beautiful in their elegant dresses and fine jewelry. I let my jacket open a bit more to show off my manhood – I must admit I was very excited and I’m sure that everyone could see this. Eventually I got to the wooden steps that led up to the ring. I climbed up and through the ropes and went straight to my corner, where I limbered up some more. I was facing my corner both hands on the top ropes, sometimes looking down at my feet and sometimes looking in to the expensively dressed audience, wondering what they were thinking. Then the ring announcer again. “And in the red corner at 6 feet 4inches tall, weighing 245lbs, LADY “THE MAGNIFICENT” CAROLINE”. The Magnificent? I instantly turned around to get a view of my opponent. Striding purposefully up to the ring was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. She was dressed in a black one-piece swimsuit cut low to reveal magnificent large, firm, rounded breasts. She was built like a very shapely discus thrower – muscled but not overly so – voluptuous, curvaceous and strong. She had silky jet black, long straight hair that fell down her almost to her waist over strong, broad shoulders. Her thighs were just awesome – full, powerful and rounded with just a hint of muscle. She was wearing medium length black ring boots and her skin was smooth and unblemished. And god what a face - she had the looks of a model – perfect dark features and ruby red lips. I was temporarily in heaven. She walked through the audience with just a half-smile on her face, concentrating on the task ahead. She never looked round at the crowd but just stepped up to the ring and bent down to go through the ropes. As she did so her full, curvaceous behind faced invitingly into my direction, framed by her tight black swimsuit. Her long sturdy legs looked tremendous and I couldn’t help but could get a huge hard-on. I just couldn’t take my eyes off her lush, powerful body and my member was straining at the leash. She faced her corner gently shaking the ropes with both hands, bent over slightly so that her behind was in my full view. I just wanted to take her there and then but we were here to wrestle so I tried to force myself to focus on the mammoth task ahead. The referee called to bring us both to the centre of the ring to explain the rules. I watched her turn around and saw that her eyes were concentrating on me, her stare burning straight through me. We stood only inches apart as the referee calmly explained to us that the match would be over when only one of could leave the ring without assistance. I was level with her chest, and intoxicated by her beautiful musty perfume, but all the time I could feel her eyes burying down in to me. God she had the most fantastic breasts and I just wanted to bury my face in to them. Resist, resist I was telling myself… After the formalities were over we both went back to our corners and came out again on the sound of the bell – this was it – no going back – I was on full public view for the first time! I put both my hands up in a ready position and we slowly circled each other watching each other intently to see who would make the first move. Suddenly she leapt forward and put her big arms round my head and forced me in to a side headlock, so that my head was mashed against the side of her breasts. She started to apply full force and there was really nothing I could do to resist, as she slowly walked me around the edges of the ring so that I was displayed to the crowd. It wasn’t too painful but I couldn’t escape. Then, still applying the headlock, she dragged me down to the canvas so that now her weight was upon me and she could get more leverage. She started to really turn on the power now and I desperately tried to break free as the pressure and pain started to increase. I tried to break open her arms, wriggling my body around in an attempt to escape. But it was useless – she was far too strong and her almost her full weight was upon me making my task useless. I frantically tapped her arm several times in order to signal a submission so she would break the hold but she just ignored me and applied even more force. I could feel her powerful muscles harden even more and my cries and tapping became ever more desperate. Then she suddenly let go but before I could get up she leapt on top of me for a schoolboy pin hold. She put both of her huge legs on my upper arms and rested her crotch on my chest so that my head was wedged between those huge magnificent thighs. She sat back slightly so that I could feel her full weight on my upper body. She pushed down even more with her weight so that it started to crush the air out of me. Try as I might I was trapped and I had no idea what to do against this big amazon. She had the power to play with me as she wanted, and that was exactly what she was doing – playing. It looked like this match wasn’t going to be a brutal beating like the one I had seen earlier in the afternoon, but something slower and more sensual. After a few minutes in this position she shifted position down slightly, clasped her hands behind my neck and brought my head up in to those firm, full, milky breasts. I could hardly breathe and it was a true mixture of both heaven and hell. Buried in that powerful chest I could feel myself get rock hard and she was obviously aware of that fact too, because she let go one of her hands and reached down to stroke my member through my trunks. She let her fingers glide softly up and down my shaft and I felt like I wanted to explode. “You like that don’t you” she said and I just grunted in reply, as I was still buried in her chest. “As it’s your first time I think you deserve some more”. And with that she let my head fall back to the canvas and turned round 180 degrees so that her full rear was now firmly on my face, but allowing me enough room to breathe - thank God. She was now in full view of my trunks with my member straining to get out. She slowly peeled down my trunks, gently grasped my member and let her head fall down for a blow job. Her luscious lips engulfed my shaft and I could feel her steady slow movement upon my member. I had no idea what was going on outside the ring, but by the little that I could hear, I guessed the crowd was fully engrossed on the ‘action’ inside. Eventually her movements grew quicker and I could hold on no longer. I let out little gasps and then one huge one as I shuddered uncontrollably and climaxed. I felt totally spent and I just lay there totally prostrate under this beautiful goddess. I didn’t want to move but stay there forever in this blissful state. I started to float off… But then my peace was rudely shattered. She got up from me abruptly leaving me lying flat out on the canvas. I could hear a chant coming up from the crowd “Lights out! Lights out! Lights out!”. It was getting louder and more frenzied on each successive chant. I suddenly remembered the rules of the match – the loser would be the one needing assistance from the ring at the end. At the moment both of us could leave the ring unaided. I started to feel panic. Lady Caroline had obviously been watching my reactions intently and before I knew it she had lifted me up and put me in a full nelson – with her behind me and her hands locked firmly behind my head so that there was no escape. Again she paraded me around to the frenzied crowd to show that I was her helpless prey. My trunks were still halfway down my leg and my now limp penis was on full display to the audience. I kicked and struggled as hard as I could but to no avail. She was holding me up against her powerful, luscious body so that my toes only just touched the canvas and so I was dangling uselessly there. “Lights out! Lights out! Lights out!” the crowd continued chanting and I was now nervous and scared. What would be her finishing move? I soon found out. She turned me around to face the red corner and my heart sank. I am ashamed to say that I pissed myself slightly at what I saw next. For there stepping through the ropes was the huge, brutal female boxer I had seen earlier – Lady Emma. She was still wearing her slightly grubby and blood spattered tight white sports bra and black boxing boots – but now she had changed from her boxers shorts to scarlet red Adidas briefs that showed even more of her thick muscular legs and meaty thighs. Her gloves were small, black and tight like those worn by extreme fighters rather than the usual bigger boxing ones. She was hitting one fist in to another – she meant business. She looked mean and angry as she approached my helpless, dangling figure. I bucked as hard as I could this way and that to try and break from Lady Caroline’s hold but it was no good. Now Lady Emma stood in front of me, her big right fist pulled back ready to unleash the full force in to my body. “I caught you watching my fight earlier on. You were told to stay in your changing room until you were called. You disobeyed so now you must pay” she said sternly. And with that she turned to face the crowd, raising both arms in a front biceps pose to remind me of her huge power and superiority. She was both playing to the cheering and whooping crowd and prolonging my agony like I had seen her do to the other poor guy earlier on. After a few moments she dropped her pose, turned to me and then whaaam – I felt her big right fist slam in to my stomach. It hurt so much and I felt sick – I just wanted to double over and collapse to the canvas but of course I couldn’t - Lady Caroline just held me up in front of this huge female wrecking machine for more of the same. I was in agony and felt like I wanted to throw up. Then whaaaam again – this time she aimed lower and straight in to my balls. The pain was utterly indescribable and tears welled up in my eyes. I was still conscious but now wishing I wasn’t. Again I was just held there standing in front of this brutal female powerhouse, her huge muscles glistening with sweat under the intense ring lights. Powerless to escape I just had to take this punishment until the point of no return. Lady Emma let me recover for a few moments, all the time watching the expression on my face – waiting cruelly for me to show more signs of life before her final, killer blow. Finally I saw her big right hand draw back again and then whaaaaammm. All I can remember is a big, blurry black leather fist coming straight at my face. Nothing else. Lights out.