I Love Making New Friends Pt. 2 by Valerie Less pain, even more pleasure I . . . I never . . . ever . . . remember ever feeling so good. It is only as another ripple of pleasure flows through me and I stretch out my body to try and make it last, that I am brought back to reality. I look up to see those beautiful 40d's, full and majestic above me and I realize that Kelly is still sitting on me. "Enjoyed that, didn't you?" she purrs as she leans over me again. With breasts and golden locks hanging down in front of me, I am lost for a response. Obviously enjoying her dominate position, she rises up slightly, arches her back smiles, and continues, "I can see why you've become so good at fighting. With winning cums great rewards." Using my silence as a cue to continue, she starts to lightly and slowly slap the outside of my breasts, first one, then the other. As she begins to speed up, I can feel pleasure welling up inside me again. Just when I think that she is going to take me over the edge, she suddenly stops, sitting back with her hands on her hips. Annoyed at being denied, I fling a right at her belly. I remember just in time she is not a true fighter, and pull the punch so that it only hits with half power. It is still enough to stun her slightly. She responds in anger by clasping her hands together and driving them down into my midsection. I let the blow sink into my abs and let out a long, load groan. "Now, now. I thought we had established who's running things. From where I sit, I'm the one in charge." To emphasize the point, she chops down on my gut again. Getting the response she wants, she then dismounts to kneel beside me. "Roll over onto your side", she orders. I obey, rolling away from her over onto my right side, wondering what she has in store for me next. I feel another thrill of pleasure as her right hand slides under my hair and cup my face and turn it up toward her. I look up into her haunting brown eyes eagerly awaiting her next move. Her left hand starts on my left shoulder and works its way down to gently clasp my hand. She pulls it up to place it on her neck to let me pull her down so she can kiss me. I shiver with delight as her left hand returns to my side and slowly caresses my side all the way down to my hip, across the junction of my shorts and then to my belly. I eagerly pull her head down and we press our lips together. Very quickly our tongues are intertwining. I can't believe how delicious she tastes. Her fingers begin dancing and tapping all over my belly and tracing around my belly button. Kelly varies her kisses by gently biting my upper lip and teasing it with her tongue and then doing the same with the lower lip. She then uses her teeth and lips to pull and tease my tongue. Kelly's left hand continues up my midsection and is now travelling back and forth between my breasts, now so full with pleasure that they ache. She uses the long nails on her fingers to lightly dig into my breast flesh and flick and tease my rock hard nipples. The hardest part of the experience is when she goes from one breast to the other. Knowing the power she has over me, she moves her hand very slowly. I feel my body squirm as if it is being pulled by my breasts trying to make contact with her hand. As if tied into my pleasure center, just as I begin to climax again, Kelly stops and pulls back away from me. I groan in frustration. Ignoring my protests, she moves up around above my head. She grabs my shoulders and moves me onto my back. Up on her knees, she then leans over me and cups a breast with each hand from the bottom, gently stroking and massaging them. She then begins kissing and licking my breasts, again slowly going from one to the other, and using her tongue to play with my nipples. Her lips and tongue brush my nipples up and down. She also takes her tongue and pushes my nipples into my breasts, sometimes letting them come back up slowly, sometimes letting them spring back up. While my own breasts are being lovingly worked on, my head is under Kelly's magnificent breasts. Since my hands are free, I reach up and pull down on her back. She goes down flat on her stomach so that her breasts are completely covering my face. I then place my hands on the outside of her breasts and press in so that the firm full flesh of her mounds is covering my mouth and nose. The scent of her skin quickly fills my head and my arousal begins to peak again. I begin moving my head back and forth as if I'm trying to escape. Between my movements and her the licking and kissing my breasts, faint moans arise deep in Kelly's throat. I press her breasts in harder on my face. As the air is cut off to my lungs, I feel my body begin to shudder. A wave of passion overwhelmes me and . . . and . . . I roll over and stre-e-etch with utter delight. As I brush my hair from my face, I realize it is wet. Rubbing some on my finger, I taste and smile. She had cum and gone, as I am now alone in the room. I go to the locker room, get changed and head out to the van to see Andrea and find out how the taping went. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door to see Kelly sitting there looking at the small moniter. She turns, sees me, and purrs, "Cum in. Andrea thought I should see ending. I've been waiting so that we could watch it together." Hesitantly, not knowing how much she's been told, I enter the van and sit down beside her. We look up at the small screen to see Kelly climbing onto my face. She takes my hands and brings them up to her breasts. As she massages her breasts with my hands, she rocks back and forth, grinding her pussy into my face. I feel her shudder beside me as she watches herself rub and grind to a long, moaning climax. Kelly turns off video as she pulls back her hair with her left hand. She turns to me and extends her right hand. "Hi. I'm Kelly." "Uh, I'm Valerie", I stammer as I gently shake her hand. "Look, I'm sorry about all this. I was just so taken by you when I...first . . . um . . . I - "Oh, don't worry about it", she responds smiling. It was an... interesting experience." "Friends, then?" I ask. "Maybe more", she replies moving toward me.