Dreams by HighWatcher Part 2 Jenny awoke from a deep sleep. She slowly got up and looked at her clock, it was 11:45. She had been passed out for over an hour. She was still dazed and somewhat remembered what had happened. She thought everything had been a dream. She tried to remember and thought very hard as it was coming back to her. She slowly reached up towards her ears, anxious to see if her wild memories were in fact true. She raised her hand to touch her ears when she noticed her hand. It was a beautiful creamy pale color. Her fingernails were also longer and more detailed. It was coming back to her. She looked down at her shirt to see her new rather large breasts. She was getting excited. Jenny couldn't help but smile with delight, as she was so happy. She was also getting horny again. Her body was on such a high when she felt these feelings. She remembered that warm feeling she felt before, although it wasn't present this time, which lessened the experience. Jenny one again reached for her ears to try and spark those feelings again. Just as she lifted her hand inches away from her ears a sharp pain hit stomach. It wasn't a painful feeling, just a very odd one, something she had never felt before. Another shock ran through her body. She grabbed her sides as these awkward feelings continued. She stood up from her bed and was attempting to make it back to the bathroom when another shock jolted her body. She fell on one knee and was pushing herself up with her right hand when she noticed a small throbbing sensation in her hand. A vein had appeared and was throbbing and with every pulse it would become larger. The feeling began in her left hand as well. She held both hands in front of her and watched them become firmer and more detailed. She then balled up her fist and began shaking her head, trying to deny and overlook this. Then a sharp pain hit Jenny hard in her stomach. She fell on her back as she hit the carpet hard. Her stomach was becoming tight as spasms were making Jenny cry out. It felt like she was flexing her abs as tight as she could as her small waist was having major spasms. The pain began to ease little by little. The warm feeling Jenny had felt before was returning, this time easing the pain as her body was changing. She noticed her abs were rippling against her shirt. She noticed 6 small swelling bulges rise from her once flat stomach. With every breath they would rise and grow outward with tremendous size. Jenny was confused and wondering what was happening to her. She staggered and fell on her table next to her laptop as she looked at the screen. She then remembered some of the lore related to goddesses of power. Not only did they have magical powers mentally, their bodies would often reflect that power. The spell Jenny had summoned was that of Oronrį, a powerful elven amazon. At that point Jenny knew that her body would now reflect this powerful woman's raw strength. Jenny sat upright and lifted up her now tight shirt. Her abs were now as big and toned as if they belonged to a fitness model, and they were continuing to grow. "NO!" Jenny screamed. "Please ... stop" another shock hit her as her body began to alter even more. "Everything was so perfect, I was beautiful ... .Uhhhhh ... .No ... I don't... want ... to change!?" She gathered herself up and made it into the bathroom. She glanced in the mirror and saw her now perfect face displaying fearful and painful expressions. She glanced up and noticed her elvin ears still remained, as they were warm and beginning to pulsate. Jenny lifted up her shirt again. Her abs had now transformed into huge rocks of muscle. She grabbed her stomach and as her hands ran across her warm pulsating abs, the sexual warmth began to take hold again. Her breasts were now swelling again as her nipples grew erect. "No! Please stop! Go back to what I was!! ... .Ahhhhhh. Mmust fight ... these ..urges." Jenny mumbled out with moans as she fights herself and tries to resist touching herself. Her breasts were swelling and pressing tightly against her now small shirt. They were growing harder as well as her pectoral muscles were growing mass. Her once feminine shoulders began to rise and become more circular and bulky. They continued to swell as her feminine body grew more muscular and out of proportion. Her hands were still veiny as those veins had continued up her arm. Her skin was now tighter and thicker. Her arms were now swelling. The vein now covering her once unnoticeable bicep was fueling it as her arms were gaining power. The warmth was now entirely over Jenny as the process was now moving along faster. Jenny was trying to fight these urges poisoning her thoughts, but she could no longer fight it. She began rubbing her new muscles and enjoying all of it. This influenced lust had taken control of her. Her socks were now skin tight as a outline of her toes pressed against them. Her legs were growing wider and wider with slabs of muscle inflating at any open spot. Jenny just ran her hands over her massive thighs as they grew. The sensation was incredible. Her night shorts were now fighting to stay alive as her crotch area grew and grew. Her firm ass was just swelling with power as it grew more and more as a mass of muscle. Her ass was filling up her shorts fast as the ends were riding up her backside before tearing like tissue. Her throbbing vagina was even pressing against the front of the shorts as they became unbearably too small. As the her thighs grew and swell, a large vein pulsing outward on her thigh and ran up her leg ripping the remains of shorts as she now stood bottomless. Her socks were now giving in as her ankles slowly made ripping gaps in the rear while her toes were fighting to get free. Jenny balled up her toes as she was caught in the moment then she released them as they burst through the opening of her socks. Her big toe pulsated outward as the rest throbbed outward and followed while the tops of her socks ripped down the middle. Jenny now stood barefoot as her now very large and feminine muscular feet still stretched against her carpet. Jenny's shoulders were now massive and full of power. They stood tall and firm as they begin to rip and shred her sleeves. As they grew and swelled larger, her neck was growing mass as well. These factors led to her shirt collar becoming very tight as her muscular shoulders and tense neck began to throb intensely and shred the top of her shirt down the sides. Her breasts were now growing more and more. Her nipples very erect now. Signs of small liquid stains were coming from her breasts as she rubbed them. It appeared to be milk coming from them, mainly consuming more every time Jenny had a orgasm. Her breasts were now fighting the front of her shirt, as the now huge round masses appeared to be pushing violently to get free. Her biceps were now swelling with power by the second. As they grew the seams of her sleeves began to give and she pumped her biceps. Jenny began to flex them and with every flex they grew and perked up. Jenny began moaning uncontrollably again. This was unreal, her muscles were so large. She flex her biceps yet again and this time they were beginning to rip her sleeves and they posed upward. This made Jenny very horny. She focused and imagined herself getting larger as she flex as hard as she could. Her biceps grew rapidly as the rock hard slaps of muscle shredded her sleeves instantly. She moaned and purred at watching these marvelous feats of strength. She was fed up with her shirt as she flexed downward as a huge ripping gap spilt down the back of her shirt reveling a sexy tones backside. Jenny then flexed her pecs and as they bounced back and forth forcing themselves outward as her perky firm breasts burst out of her shirt . The shirt saw defeat as it fell to the floor. Jenny now stood completely naked. She felt to good, so free, so powerful. She looked in the mirror and liked what she saw. She masturbated intensely. Jenny moaned with so much ecstasy the foundation of the house began to shake. After having countless orgasms. She felt drained and faded to sleep yet again. Jenny woke up several hours later. She was feeling very drained and tired. She looked down at her body only to see what little muscle mass she had fade and invert itself back into her. She felt very sad as a cloud of depression fell over her. She ran into her bathroom to look in the mirror only to see her prized ears revert back to normal. Her normal body was coming back as even her skin darkened to her normal color. She looked at the floor and found the remains of her clothes and thought of the events that had taken place. She looked at her alarm clock and noticed the time. She had 15 minutes before school started. She quickly threw on some clothes and while doing so she printed out the information on Oronrį she had read the night before to study it over at school. She got dressed, grabbed her papers and quickly headed out her day for a bold new day of school ...