CK - Chapter One by Anon She was breathing hard but steady as she strode past the five-mile mark. Reaching over she twisted the dial and slowed the momentum of the treadmill until it came to a stop. A grin pulled up a corner of her mouth as she stepped off. "Not bad for a 42 year old!" In reality, she was as fit as most girls half her age. "Well, maybe a 30 year old." She giggled at her own brashness. She'd been doing her exercise routine for almost an hour now with only a light slick of perspiration to show for it. It was an aerobic program that had been designed especially for her. What her trainer called a total body workout. But now she came to what she liked to think of as the dessert of her exercise regimen. The little add-on that she enjoyed so very much. She grabbed the hand towel that hung over the treadmill handles and wiped the moisture from her face and neck as she walked across the room. The wall of the gym in her 12th floor apartment was solid glass and looked out over the shimmering, glittering nighttime panorama of New York. No matter how many times she saw it, she never failed to feel the flush of success that it brought to her. Tonight was one of the rarest times of the year - she was actually alone. In the life of a television news celebrity there were very few moments that you could actually call your own, and she savored every one. A whole week was almost unheard of! Yet, here she was. Not only was she alone for the night, but she also had the good fortune to have a week of blissful solitude stretching out in front of her. The kids were gone for their annual winter vacation with the in-laws and would be calling every other day to fill her in on their adventures. The housekeeper was in Venezuela for two weeks, probably bragging about her muy importante responsibility of caring for Katie and the kids. And everyone at the station had promised on their lives not to disturb her during her well deserved break; barring an unscheduled meteor crash in Paris. Since this was quite unlikely to occur, she relished this rare moment of privacy as she padded barefoot across the tiled floor of her home gym. Katie smirked as she stopped in front of the custom metal rack holding her collection of various sized dumbbell sets. Only the best for her. There were ten sets of polished chrome weights lined up starting with a dainty five pounds all the way to what her personal trainer referred to as an "excessive" fifty pounds. Gayle would frown each time Katie hefted this load of weight. She could hear her whiney voice even now. "Com'on, Katie, you know you have a tendency to get kind of bulky. Use something lighter and go for the definition. It's so much more feminine." But Katie insisted, and since she paid the bills, she got her way. "Kind of bulky. Hmmph!" Katie had told Gayle about a month ago that she wanted to back off awhile from her exercise program. Probably until the spring. If only Gayle knew the real reason why Katie ditched her. Katie grabbed the two fifty pound dumb bells and dropped them with a heavy thud onto the thick mat that protected the floor in the weight area. She took the wrench that hung from the peg and sat down cross-legged on the mat. She hummed as she worked intently and loosened the safety bolts from the collars at each end of the iron shaft. She slid the weight disks off the bar and piled them up. Altogether there were four 10-pound iron disks and two 5- pound disks. Actually, including the bar, the set-up was closer to 55 pounds. But who counted? Next came the collars from the other 50-pound barbell. Katie left the weights in place and then grabbed two of the 10-pound disks from her pile on the mat and slid them on the end of the bar. She pushed the collar until it was tight against the disks and then grabbed the wrench and tightened the safety bolt. She did the same on the other end of the bar. She grinned to herself. Ninety pounds! Now that was more like it. Katie eased herself up and sat sideways on the bench. She reached down between her legs and brought her hand up under short bar. Then she squeezed her fingers tightly around the roughened metal. Taking a deep breath she concentrated as she lifted the barbell a few inches off the floor. Closing her eyes she savored how the heavy weight pulled down on her arm. She smiled as she slowly began to curl the heavy mass of iron up from the floor. Her thick bicep muscle lurched hard. When the barbell reached her knees, she held it steady for a few moments and felt the hot burn in her arm. Then she slowly and deliberately brought it up to shoulder height and held it again. As she slowly lowered the heavy weight back down she could feel the big triceps muscle at the back of her arm twist and swell with power. The loaded bar slowly came up again slowly went back down. Katie savored the delicious heat that lingered behind. Soon the heavy weights were clanking against each other in a fast steady rhythm as Katie relentlessly powered the bar up and down. "Nineteen...twenty...twenty four...unnnh...twenty five!" Now for the next arm. When she was through she could barely unclench her fingers to let the weight bang to the floor. Sweat rolled from her forehead and soaked the front of her tee shirt. Katie stood and walked over to the other wall that was almost solid mirror. Her arms were still numb as she stood in front of the glass and raised them up to shoulder height. Making a fist she lifted her forearms up toward the ceiling. A bashful grin spread across her lips as a big set of twin biceps popped into view. The irony wasn't lost on her that she was wearing a pink Power Puff Girls tee shirt. Katie pulled her forearms down toward her shoulders and watched as her already huge biceps bulged even more under her soft feminine skin. Her thick, swollen triceps were almost as big as her biceps. With a final tug inward of her wrists, the tightly stretched skin of her arms looked ready to burst. She could see every detail of her big solid muscles. "Finally!" At times it was just so frustrating. It took a lot of weight for Katie to build the massive, bulging muscles that she was now admiring. Her genetics worked against her. It seemed like other girls could get a nicely rounded bicep without even looking at a barbell. Just a couple of weeks before one of the girls at Katie's health club had whined about it. "Oh, look at this, Katie! It's so gross! I look like a boy with this big muscle." It wasn't even all that big. But the girl had skinny arms and so her bicep stood out prominently. Katie smiled politely and told the girl that it looked just fine. Inside she was moaning to herself. Her own arms were easily triple the size, but because of the thick layer of stubborn fat, her muscles just weren't that noticeable. Her arms looked like, well, like she had big arms. It was something that had plagued her since childhood. Ever since she was a little girl her arms had always been too big for her size. She still remembered with humiliation the time she wore a cute little sundress to school in 5th grade. Out on the playground during lunch two girls had come up to her and started to tease her about how fat her arms were. Katie was mortified, and ever since she had been self-conscious about her arms. Katie remembered the first time she had lifted weights. It was back in college when she was a cheerleader. She was 20 at the time and with the almost constant drills after classes she had developed a firm, shapely body that caught a lot of attention, especially when she was out on the field in her snug sweater and short pleated skirt. But even with the rest of her body at its peak, Katie was still sensitive about the size of her arms. Katie wore long sleeves most of the time in college and was thankful that the cheerleader uniforms covered her arms too. But as she got more physically fit she became determined to do something about her arms too. She felt closest to Sarah, another girl on the squad, and one day after practice while they were changing in the locker room, Katie finally got up the courage and asked Sarah if she could talk to her about something personal. There were only the two of them in the locker room. Sarah smiled and told Katie that she was good at keeping secrets. At first Katie found it difficult to talk, but finally she took a deep breath and poured out her worries. Sarah listened quietly while Katie told her about her humiliation as a little girl, and how even now she just couldn't seem to make any headway in slimming down her arms. When Katie was all done Sarah put an arm around her shoulder and told Katie that she was glad that she had confided in her. Then, standing up, Sarah smiled and said that she wanted to tell Katie something that might make her feel better. She started to slowly roll up the sleeve of her sweater, and explained to Katie that it would help if she also showed her something too. As Sarah worked on getting her sleeve up she explained to Katie that when she was a young girl, she also had big arms. "The other kids used to call me 'sausage arms,' because of how round and thick my arms were. I was just mortified, Katie. I mean, my arms weren't that fat. They were just kind of, big." Sarah told Katie that she was in the 5th grade when she finally discovered that big arms weren't all bad. One day while she was playing alone in the basement she started to thumb through one of the muscle magazines that her brother had left behind with his weights when he went off to college. Sarah was totally shocked when she came across a full color layout of a woman bodybuilder. Up to then she had no idea that a girl could have muscles. And did this girl ever have muscles! Her biceps were enormous! Even bigger than some of the men in the magazine. "Katie, I knew right then and there that I wanted muscles just like that!" Sarah told how she read the instruction booklet that came with the weight set and she started out with a couple ten pound iron disks on each end of the curling bar. She was so excited by the pictures in her brother's magazine that by the end of the first week she was up to loading the bar with 50 pounds of weights. It was lucky for her that both her parents worked, so Sarah could do her daily lifting before they got home. Sarah had finished rolling up her sleeve as she talked. She straightened out her arm and grabbed the bunched up material with her other hand and tugged it up and over her shoulder. With a big smile she started to slowly bend her arm at the elbow and curl her forearm in. Almost instantly a massive bicep ballooned up from under Sarah's smooth skin. Katie's mouth fell open in shock and surprise. Sarah grinned with delight over Katie's obvious astonishment. "Nice, huh?" Katie's eyes were wide as she slowly nodded her head. Sarah laughed as she flexed her bicep a more few times, pumping it up to the size of a regulation softball. "I couldn't believe how fast my muscles grew, Katie. They just seemed to pop right up! I guess it was because my arms were big to begin with. It only took a couple of weeks before my biceps were really noticeable. "I thought it was so cool to have muscles. I lifted more and more until I was easily curling 100 pounds. And my arms just kept getting bigger and bigger. I had to be careful what I wore. No sweaters with tight sleeves and things like that. I didn't want anyone to notice what was going on with me. Katie was still awestruck as she mumbled, "The 5th grade?" "Unreal, huh? By the time I reached the 6th grade I was absolutely huge. I almost freaked the first time I measured my biceps. I mean, here I was, only 12, and I had these big huge 13 inch biceps!" Katie was still mesmerized. "Thirteen inches? Oh, my, goodness..." "Oh, yeah. Solid as a rock, too. All the rest of me looked like a 12 year old should. I was only about 4'10", and maybe 90 pounds at the most. I was afraid my parents were going to start to notice so I tried not to lift so much. But it was hard not too. I mean I liked how big my muscles were. "Oh, Katie, I've never told anyone this before, but sometimes I'd go and watch the boys play football just so I could gloat. My arms were way bigger than all the boys on the teams. Even bigger than their coach's." Sarah flexed again and looked over at her massive bulging bicep. "You know, Katie, I may not be bigger than the football players here at college, but at 14 inches you can bet that I'm darn close to being as big!" Katie had to agree. "Gosh, Sarah, you must be awfully strong!" Sarah twisted her wrist and made her thick bicep jump. "I was strong back then, too. I was easily curling my own weight." Sarah pumped her arm again. "Yeah, I was one monster girl." Almost under her breath Sarah added, "And at least one guy found out the hard way." Katie was still staring at Sarah's incredible bicep as she heard the whispered words. "What do you mean? Did something happen? Tell me!" Sarah looked back at Katie. "I've never told this to anyone. Can you keep a secret, Katie?" The corner of Sarah's mouth had pulled up in a little mischievous grin and Katie could see a gleam in her eyes. "Sure, Sarah. We're friends. I won't tell." "Well... I shouldn't, but okay. Here goes. I beat up a guy." Katie's eyes widened even more. "Wow! You beat up a boy? Really? Did you get into trouble?" Sarah's grin had spread to a lopsided smirk. "Not a boy. A guy. You know, a man." Katie was stunned. "B...b...but... A man? What... How? You were just a little girl!" You could see that Sarah was enjoying Katie's consternation. She squeezed up her bicep again. "Girl, yes. Little, no. Not with 13 inch guns!" "Com'on! Tell me the rest. What happened?" "I was walking home from the library. It was getting dark. This guy started to follow me. He caught up to me near an alley. He grabbed me from behind by the shoulders and tried to push me into it. He made me stumble and drop my books all over the ground. "It was weird, Katie. All I could think of was the trouble I was going to get into for messing up my library books. I got real mad. He started to come at me. I punched him. "I'd never hit anyone before in my life. My fist just went into his stomach and it was like all his air exploded out of him. He grabbed his stomach and doubled over. Now he was down to my size. So I punched him in the head. "Oh, Katie, it was just so unreal! I actually knocked him to the ground! I knocked him down! Bam! With my fist! He tried to get up but I punched his head again. Bam! Then I jumped on top of him. He tried to wrestle me off but I grabbed his wrists and pulled his arms down to his sides. Then I pinned him with my knees. I started punching his face. Hard. "I could hear his nose break. Blood went all over the place. I started to freak out. He was crying. Oh, Katie, I got so scared! I just couldn't stop. I kept hitting him as hard as I could until he didn't make any more noise. Then I got up and grabbed my books and ran all the way home. I snuck in the house and changed right away. My clothes were all messed up. I hid them until I could do the wash the next day when no one was around." Katie's breath was shallow. "Did you ever hear....?" "No. Nothing. And I never saw him again. So what do you think? Not bad for a girl with fat arms, huh? Want me to show you how to pump up those arms of yours too?" Sarah showed Katie how to lift weights properly, starting with dumbbells and moving on to barbells. Katie's arms felt a little sore after her first session, but she soon learned how to pace herself so that she got a good workout without straining herself. She was a lot stronger than she had realized, and in just a week Katie was lifting 50 pounds with ease. Sarah remarked that she could already notice a real difference in the shape of Katie's arms. Katie noticed it too. Katie was pleasantly surprised at how fast and easily she continued to put on muscle. By the end of one month her biceps were distinctly bigger. So were her triceps. No more flabby flesh hanging down for her! She worked out with Sarah most of the way through college, but lost track of her after they graduated. **************************** Chapter 2?