So that's how the other half lives     Hopefully you readers don't find this too boring.  Cindy is going to be talking about a video she made with her Ex- Kayley recently.  Don't be looking for this video anywhere on the internet because just like Cindy its fictional.     Humor yourself though and pretend I didn't just tell you all of that.       I received word recently that I was going to make a video with an ex of mine.  I was hestitant at first until I read the script.  I thought how odd it would be for me to be an abused lesbian lover of some college professor played by Kayley.      Now in case you don't remember almost a year ago I met Kayley and we boxed twice and I beat her both times.  I'll admit the second time was a mauling.  I broke her nose and when she told me she wanted to break up with me right after the doctors had reset her nose I took it upon myself to break it again.     I do feel bad about that.  I wasn't sure what to expect once Kayley and I got together for this video shoot.  I work in the video wasn't fake but more less an acting job.  Sort of like pro wrestling.     I was surprised to be received so well by her.  She embraced me and even joked about the script.  Truthfully she looks as good as ever.  She must have a brilliant plastic surgeon because her nose doesn't look any different than it did before I broke it.     My character in the video is suppose to be timid, so that would require a good acting job by me.  When that 5'11" solid and voloptous 180 pound striking blonde stood over 5'3" 101 pound me truthfully I didn't find it too hard to act timid.  Even though I can whip Kayley there is just something intimidating about a woman that towers over me to the point where the crown of my head reaches her chin.     The setting of the video was in the bedroom of course and we were all decked out in lingerie, and no shows.  Kayley looked fabulous in her light purple two piece completed by matching stockings latched to her lacy under pants.  As for my character she's just decked out in a basic run of the mill white bra and panties.     We were disagreeing or our characters rather were disagreeing about rather or not my character should drop out of college, because the college forbids professor student romances of any kind.  Truthfully Kayley's character is an overbearing control freak that wants to keep my character under her thumb.  Truthfully watching Kayley conduct herself in a brash manner was a bit of a turn on.     Now the whole story isn't a fight.  Its like a short 60 minute Hollywood movie some where in between an A list and B list film.  The acting quality and picture quality is better than a B but less than an A.  It starts out with my character being fully clothed sitting in a college classroom setting rehashing some scenes of abuse in her mind while she narrates about herself and her relationship.     Then it cuts to Kayley's character.  Showing her like she's lecturing a class until her eyes fall upon me.  Then she begans her narration.  I like her last line.     "Who does that little snip think she is defying me.  I tell her to drop out of college yet her she is.  She's going to find out that I'm the dominate female in our relationship tonight.  Just as I should be.     I'm smarter, older, bigger, stronger, and just as sexy.  What can I say I rule."         I think Kayley enjoyed the first part of the video.  The scenes of her slapping my character around and even going as far as taking me over her lap and giving me a spanking.  Wisely she didn't get carried away and handled herself like a true professional.  Me personally.  I liked the scenes of us making up after a dispute.  Well more of a lopsided dispute.     I think with this video Travis is really pushing the envelope and I'm sure women groups and lesbian groups will be calling for his head on a platter.  God forbid a little reality of abusive women or better yet abusive lesbian women gets displayed.  Because you know us women would never do such a thing to our significant other be they male or female.  Please note the sarcasm in my tone.     The next scene is Kayley putting on a front and acting like miss etiquette at a party with her colleagues.  A party where my character gets put on display like a trophy.     "This is my number one student and protege.  She has a real good future ahead of her."     I smile in humility.     That's how she'd introduce me to various colleagues of her's.  I guess it would be natural for our character's to be able to pull of such a front because no one has a clue about our relationship.  The next scene is me leaving the party because I have to turn in for the night before curfew.     Of course there is absolutely no intention of me returning to my dorm.       YAWN!  Excuse me for interrupting Cindy but please just get to the fight scene.          Anyway we're standing in her bedroom, but not really Kayley's bedroom just some scene set up at the video studio.  Our argument gets heated and she slaps me across the face.  Now bear in mind I'm not playing me so I'm going to tell this from my character's perspective.  I grab my face and stuck my bottom lip out.  Kayley starts paint brush slapping me.     "What you gonna cry now.  Aw poor little baby.  Gonna cry.  Gonna cry."     I turn away and try to leave.  She grabs my arm and I scream out.  She jerks me around before picking me up and heave tossing me onto the bed.      "For once in your life you little pansy get up and fight."     She goads me.     "I don't want to fight.  I wanna go home."     I scoot off the bed and try to leave but she grabs me again and jerks me around before scoop bodyslamming me to the bed.  I slide up to the head of the bed and sit in a ball.  My arms weren't wrapped around my knees but my knees were up to my chest.  Kayley climbs onto the foot of the bed and slowly crawls toward me in a stalking fashion.     The camera angles were good.  They got good shots of Kayley's body and even a nice cleavage shot.  Oscar worthy if you ask me.  On the other hand maybe not.     "You gonna drop out of school?"     "You're really runining the mood."     She chuckled at my response and grabbed one of my ankles.  Something happened.  I guess out of natural reflex I kicked her in a boob and then in the chin.  Harder than I thought I could ever kick anyone.      After getting kicked in the boob she grabbed the kicked area and yelled out.  After getting kicked in the chin she fell off the bed and landed on the floor flat on her rump.  It wouldn't take long for her to rise to her feet.  She stood at the foot of the bed and told me that I was going to pay for that.     She lunged at me.  I rolled out of the way and off the bed.  She landed face down on the bed.  I thought about actually running out of there and escaping but decided it was time to make a stand.     I leaped on top of her.  I wrapped an arm around her throat.  Though she was a bit surprised she rolled over on top of me.  My little body was trapped between her big solid body and the bed.  She used both hands to pry my arm loose from around her neck.      She gave my arm a real hard tug and then a twist.  I yelled out and did the only thing I could think to do and that was punch her in the back of the neck.  I didn't have a good angle and the punches were in vain.  The next thing she did I couldn't believe it.  She actually bit my arm.     Since she was kind enough to let go off my arm after she bit it I grabbed it and rubbed the bitten area.  She was now standing up on the floor.  She started goading me to get off the bed and fight her.  I should've known better but instead of protesting I stood up of the bed as well.     I knew protesting would be out of the question, and besides I was tired of her abuse.  I made a punch for her face but she swatted it away.  I threw another one.  Instead of swatting it away she grabbed my wrist and twisted my arm.  I grabbed my arm once she let go and she slapped me in the face.     She wasn't satisfied with that so she punched me in the gut.  From there she started doing her usual physical domination of me.  Shoving me around, heave tossing me this way and that, applying various submission holds and trying to get me to drop out of college.  For some strange reason despite being over matched I wouldn't give in.     Excuse me for butting in but everyone we have another visitor.  Kayley has come here to put her two cents in.  Now I'm going to take a break and let her read so she can see where she needs to pick up.  Also Kayley get into character.         Kayley:  An ugly picture has been painted about me.  Well let me just say that I'm not abusive I'm just in charge.  I'll say one thing for Cindy she was right about one thing she wouldn't give in.  I was becoming a little frustrated and I shoved her into a bookcase that's by the door in my bedroom.      Books came tumbling down but fortunately the whole shelf didn't fall on Cindy.  I stalked over to her and grabbed her by the hair.     Cindy:  Pow!  I smashed the thickest book I could find right upside her head.     Kayley:  I was stunned and staggered around.  She was on her fit and reared back to clock me again, but I kicked her in the stomach.  I couldn't attack right away because I was still a bit staggered from gettin waffled with the book.      Cindy:  Seeing an opprotunity to attack I returned Kayley's kick to my stomach with one to hers.  She bent over and that's when I decided that bra of hers must come off.       Kayley:  I couldn't believe her audacity to actually strip me topless.  When a woman gets stripped she'll react one of two ways.  She'll panic or become agressive.  Now I'm a dominant female, so I became agressive and stripped Cindy of her bra.  I thought for sure she would panic, but instead the little twit pulled my undies down.      So I gave her a full frontal wedgie.       Cindy:  That did hurt having my undies slicing into my pussy, but instead of allowing it to bother me I let it make me more aggressive.  I kicked Kayley in the crotch.       Kayley:  Did that ever hurt.  I didn't know that a woman could get hurt getting kicked there, but Cindy's kick must have landed just right.  I yelled out.  Then that little pip squeak mistaked my boobs for tetherballs and she started smacking them around.       CIndy:  It was actually fun.         Kayley:  I reached out and put her in a headlock.  I thought I could subdue her little head in the powerful grip of my arms.  She started punching me in the stomach and over to the sides.       Cindy:  Kayley just wouldn't let go.  So I punched her in the kidney.       Kayley:  The kidney punch was effective and knocked a bit of wind out of me.  Enough for me to loosen my grip.       Cindy:  I moved my head up and sunk my teeth into some soft titflesh.       Kayley:  Cannibal.  That really hurt.  I decided a striking offensive would be in demand.  I brought down an elbow followed by another into her back.       Cindy:  As big and powerful as Kayley is I'm surprised those elbow smashes didn't knock me down, but they did make me stop biting her.       Kayley:  The elbow smashes didn't have the full impact because I was actually wearing down.  Whereas my pesky opponent looked like she could go all night.  I put a hammerlock hold on her because I figured that would at least control her.  She tried walking away but I had her arm wrenched up and pinned against her back.         Cindy:  I did manage to make it over to the dresser.  On this dresser sat a vase.  I picked it up and busted it over Kayley's head.       Kayley:  That hurt worse than the book.  I actually not only released the hold but spun around in a 180.       Cindy:  That's when I jumped on her back.  That too was fun.        Kayley:  At first I was dazed then panicked.  I saw blood on my hands.  Fortunately I wasn't gashed but I was scratched up pretty deep.        CIndy:  It was great this big mayer took me for quite the ride.  Scampering around trying to get me off her back.       Kayley:  I did the only thing I knew to do.  Introduce her face to the back of my head.  I then grabbed her by the hair and flipped her over.  The scrawny runt landed on the bed.  I was still a bit dazed and my vision was blurred.  I didn't see her land on the bed so I assumed she was standing up so I took a blind swipe at the air.       Cindy:  That's when I knew Kayley was in trouble.  I hopped up off the bed and socked her in the jaw.       Kayley:  The punch wasn't staggering nor was it even jarring, but annoying.  I took another blind swipe at the air.       Cindy:  I realized Kayley was half out on her feet, so I socked her in the jaw again.       Kayley:  The punch actually jilted me, but oddly it also made me see and I threw a punch at her.       CIndy:  This woman must have been out of it because her punch came slow and I easily ducked under it and popped her in the gut.       Kayley:  That punch knocked the wind out of me.  I dropped my arms.  I was now scared because I realized I had nothing left in my tank and it took what I had left to stay on my feet.  There was no way I was going to let this puny co-ed put me to the ground with her fist.       Cindy:  For good measure I plopped another fist right into her mid-section.  Emphasis on the word plopped because my fist sank right in.  Kayley was still standing tall and wouldn't be dropped down.        Kayley:  I was mustering enough strength for one last punch.  I reared back.....       Cindy:  But I literally beat her to the punch.  This time she staggered around.  I watched her because I felt myself wearing down a bit plus I was hoping she'd fall down.  She didn't so this time when I pelted her in the gut she hunched over.  I clamped one hand down on her shoulder for leverage.  I leaped up in the air for one final sock to her jaw.  We both collapsed and I fell on top of her.  She was naked and defeated.      In other words she was out cold.  I've snuggled with the stalwart woman a few times so I just rested my head on her bosom and took a nap.       Kayley:  They didn't film the whole nap by the way.  They just let the screen go dark and showed 30 minutes later.  That's when I finally came to.  When I came around Cindy was standing over me and offered me a hand to help me up.  She had a wet cloth in her hand to nurse my head wound that I received from the vase.       Cindy:  We both sat on the edge of her bed talking while I nursed her wound.  I told her I was staying in college, and that our relationship needed some changes.  I told her that I was the dominant female now.       Kayley:  When she told me that it all dawned on me what had just happened.  I actually lost to this diminutive girl.  A rematch would be in demand.  That's how the video ended with me saying that in a narrative. (Kayley stepping out of character)     Let me just say that was pretty much how I felt after Cindy beat me in that first boxing match.  Would you believe that little doll is actually stronger than me.  I mean you can see us Pygmalion.       Pygmalion:  No I wouldn't believe it just by looking at the two of you.  I mean you're all decked out in a white tank top with white shorts.  What are you going to a tennis match or something?       Kayley: (Chuckle)  No.       Pygmalion:  Cindy's wearing a sleevless half shirt with no neckline so you can't see her chest but you can see how much smaller her arms are than Kayley's       CIndy:  That's because there's nothing to see in the chest.  I'm only a 34b.  Kayley's a 44DD.         Kayley:  This little doll can beat me in arm wrestling.  We once had a bucket and filled it up with water and held it straight out in front of us to see who could hold on the longest.  She one that too.         Pygmalion:  So is that why you broke up with her because you were tired of her beating you at everything.       CIndy:  NO!  SHe broke up with me because this traitor is a bi-sexual.       Pygmalion:  COme on ladies don't start fighting with each other.  The two of you just made a good video.       Kayley:  We're not fighting.        CIndy:  No we're not and I'm sorry for calling you a traitor.  (They kiss and Pygmalion's jaw hits the floor.)     Anyway You say I'm stronger than you, faster than you, but you're a powerhouse, smarter, and sexier than me.       Kayley:  (Blushing)  Oh please stop with the sexier.  You're a doll.  What man or woman wouldn't rather have you than me?       Pygmalion:  (Clears Throat)  Over here.  No offense Cindy.       CIndy:  None taken.  I perfectly understand.  Just look at Kayley.  She's got those nice broad thick shoulders.  By woman standards I mean.  Rounded firm biceps, and those humongous breast.  Not to mention how long, thick, and solid her legs are.       Kayley:  I think my legs could use a little shape.       Cindy:  DOn't kid yourself they look fine just the way they are.        Pygmalion:  I don't know about you ladies but I'm getting hot.  What do you say about a threesome.       Kayley:  Sure.      Cindy:  No way.      Pygmalion:  Aw come on Cindy.  Be a sport.  Try something new, and just think you can be the traitor.      Cindy:  So tell me something Pygmalion.  Would you be a traitor?      Pygmalion:  UH like no and stuff.  UH HUH HUH.      Cindy:  Then you should be able to perfectly understand where I'm coming from.  I'm going now.       Pygmalion:  Okay.  So what do you say Kayley you and I?      Kayley:  (Chuckles)  That's a hoot.  What up Cindy I'm going to go with you.       PYgmalion:  OUCH!   Rejected again.  Oh well hope you all enjoyed the show til next time.   Pygmalion as well as Kayley and Cindy