Schoolgirl Assassins. Story 14. by ANTMAN Just Desserts      Stepping out of the lift, on the first floor of the Chateau, on which were the canteen and kitchen for the staff, the eight teenage girls crept silently to the door and peered through the door windows. Inside were six guards. They had finished their meal, for plates with the remains were on the dining table together with cups and half empty pitchers of water, and half full glasses.      The girls withdrew round the corner to discuss their plans. Helen was to stay near the door, in case any man managed to escape the girl's deadly intentions. Helen, the tall lithe girl with shortish dark blonde hair, opened her grey eyes wide.."Just let them try", she whispered. Portia spoke to the four girls, still dressed in their school gym clothes.."Strip out of those, being dressed only in these", she gestured to her black silk bra and bikini briefs," will give us an added advantage to strip away their defences. They won't be able to resist us, till it's too late". She smiled, and the four dressed schoolgirls nodded knowingly, and stripping off their white sports tops, their short grey pleated gym skirts and their white ankle socks and trainers, the girls once more rounded the corner, and collected near the door.      In the canteen, four of the men were stood in a group, talking together; one was gazing out of the window, and another was sprawled on a large sofa. They all turned to look at the door as it was pushed opened to see who was entering . They stood with mouths wide opened in surprise and eyes staring unbelievingly at the eight young shapely girls who swayed into the room, and the men stood paralised, as the girls split up, and glided up to their selected choices. The men swallowed hoarsely and licked suddenly dry lips at the sight of such lovely visions . Helen stood and leaned against the door, folding her arms under her shapely breasts. She noticed the gun rack near her on the wall, with rifles in it, and nodded to herself..she would guard both the door and the weapon rack. She looked back into the room...The girls had closed with their chosen victims, who stood as if paralised by the stunning view of the young girls.      Soft feminine lips closed on dry male ones, tongues teasing and probing opposite tongues; long shapely soft arms coiled round strong thick necks; full heaving breasts pressed into hard muscled chests; gyrating hips rubbed against quickly hardening men's groins, and soft moans mingled with gutteral deep gasps.      On the sofa, two girls had sat down next to the guard, pulling him down with them, as he tried to rise. They had turned towards him, and pinning an arm each under their bodies, they coiled a shapely leg around each of his, and using their hands were turning his shocked face to each of them in turn, planting soft sensuous kisses on his lips, as he squirmed.      As the men succumed to the young girl's charms, and their reeling brains and shaking bodies were totally disorientated, the girls suddenly changed their tactics. At a given nod from Persia, the girls attacked.      Necks were chopped by the hard edges of schoolgirls' soft hands; balls were crushed by hard smooth knees; breath was driven out by stiffened finger jabs under the ribs; and shapely bronzed legs swept men's legs from under them. By the door, Helen smiled and chuckled as the girls dropped upon their victims, and before they could recover, the young teens applied their deadly killer locks on the unfortunate men. On the sofa, the man had slipped down under the relentless pressure of the seductive girls and was now lying on his back, being kissed by one of his young tormentors while the other rubbed his hardened penis, while he writhed helplessly beneath them.      Helen watched with a grim smile as the girls coiled their shapely tanned bodies around their opponents mercilessly, and the men's groans and gasps filled the air mingled with the soft grunts and moans of the young girls as they applied pressure and felt the pleasure of the moment.      Sylvia, the strongly built seventeen year blue eyed blonde, had pulled the back of her victim''s haed against her crotch, and had folded her powerful legs around his neck, in her favourite figure four scissors...his windpipe was already closed.      Rosa, eighteen and of Spanish parentage, had straddled her guard, and grapevining his legs with her tanned ones, had his face smothered in her ample breasts.      Cassie, the tall slender seventeen year old blonde, had her man down on his face. She was lying on his back, long legs spread wide for balance and her arms locked round his cneck in a stranglehold.      Persia, the Middle Eastern girl whose dark eyes and hair drew admiring glances everywhere she went, had her victim in a side headlock on the floor, one of his arms scissored uselessly between her brown thighs, and her freehand and ample breast were smothering him.      Emmaline, a statuesque six foot redhead. and Ellie seventeen and stunningly beautiful withlong blonde hair, were the girls on the sofa with the seduced man. Emmaline had now moved up to pin the man's shoulders with her knees and looking smilingly down on him, had closed her long strong fingers round his throat. Ellie now straddling his stomach continued to slowly stroke his groin, keeping him erect and shuddering.      Charlotte, tall and grey eyed with long dark brown hair had tried to take her guard in her favourite sleeper/strangle hold, but the man had managed to get an arm up between her forearm and his throat, before she locked the hold. The man was strong, and before she could coil her long legs around him, he forced her arm off his neck, and jabbing an elbow into her stomach, momentarily winded her enough to roll off her and staggered towards the door.      Helen, seeing the man lurching towards her, smiled at him and shook her pretty head at his panic stricken eyes. For a split second his mind was torn between escape and revenge..and the gun case. That was his undoing. As he poised Helen strode up and her knee sickenly crunched into his groin. he doubled up in agony and the slim schoolgirl calmly took his ears in her fingers, and whispered "You're not going anywhere". She raised her smooth knee sharply once more, straight under his chin, and the dazed and pain wracked man tottered backwards...straight into the waiting arms of Charlotte, who closed her sleeper hold around his neck, and with a despairing "No" from the man, she pulled him to the floor with her, and scissored her long legs around his waist, locking his body to hers.      Helen leant backl against the wall and sighed contentedly...she had seen some action. Suddenly, the door opened, and a man dressed as a cook entered, with an empty tray. he strode two steps into the room, and then stopped and stared in shock at the sight of the men on the floor being overwhelmed by young girls, dressed only in their underwear, their young strong tanned bodies holding the writhing thrashing men helpless in their deadly holds. As he stood amazed, the tray dropped from his nerveless fingers, and then Helen was behind him.      The edges of her little hands suddenly struck down hard on the sides of his neck, and in a flash of light in his brain, his knees buckled and he sank to his knees with a groan. Helen's fingers suddenly coiled round his neck and she sank her thumbs into the carteroid nerves under his ears. She growled in pleasure deep in her throat, as she pushed hard on the pressure points. The man gasped in agony and a wave of weakness flooded over him as the blood to his brain stopped. Another wave of weakness and his fingers desperately, but weakly tried to force her wrists off him. With an agonised groan, he was pulled down by the lithe girl till the back of his head rested on her smooth kneeling thighs. She adjusted her grip, so her thumbs were still bearing down on the pressure points , and the mans agonised eyes were staring up into her upside down lovely face, as she chuckled "Goodbye" His groan of agony subsided as her deadly grip finised his life.      Helen looked up from her prey, to the other death struggles in the room.....Sylvia's victim, was in the last stages of his desperate struggle with the young girl's legs. His eyes bulged and his tongue protruded as her shapely calf  strangled him, till with a final spasm, Helen heard his death rattle and saw the shudder of the young girl as her orgasm subsided.....Rosa had her man securly pinned under her strong body. Her legs had held his totally locked in her grapevine and her shapely arms, coiled round his neck had pulled his face into the smothering charms of her full breasts. She had listened to his desperate screams subside into sobs, felt with relish his heaving body weaken under her , and moaned in pleasure at his desperate clawings of her beautiful body with his desperate he lay still.....Cassie's man had struggled to his knees. but hed been pinned their by the weight of the girl on his back, as her stranglehold took effect. Then as he weakened, her small feet pushed his knees back and with astrangled choke he collapsed onto his stomach. The nubile girl tightened her slim arms and concluded her strangulation of the man. Persia, her lovely long black locks falling over his face, had used her lovely soft hand and full breast bursting out of her satin bra to smother her man, and his body had soon succomed to the girls beautiful body.....Charlotte's victim had put up a desperate struggle, but he couldnt loose her strong legs and as her sleeper took effect and he weakened, the girl had shifted her grip slightly to a stranglehold and soon finished him. The man on the sofa had been overwhelmed by the strong fingers of Emmaline clamped round his throat, and with Ellie keeping his body in a state of high sexual tension, his twitching body could not resist the strong redhead. As he died she looked up and said.."The men had their meal, and have had their just desserts"...The deadly teenagers all laughed.                                               THE END