Schoolgirl Assassins. Story. 9. "At The Rear Gate" by ANTMAN One guard was strolling about at the rear gate of the Chateau. Being at the rear of the house, no one ever came or went near herit led to a footpath into the woods, and it was on the edge of these woods, that two of Miss Bond's girls were watching him. Helen a dark blonde and her friend Ellie, a taller blonde with an angelic face whispered their plan together. Helen, her cute face in distress, emerged from the thicket, and bursting into tears, stumbled toward the gate.                                                                 The guard tirned at the sound of sobbing and saw a young girl, obviously upset, and dressed in gym clothes. He noticed her shapely tanned legs from under her short, pleated grey skirt, accentuated by her white ankle socks and trainers, before her crying drew his eyes back to her face.                                                                    She had an elfin face, with a cute button nose, and his heart filled with tenderness to her. He had always been a sucker for tears. As she reached him, he stood his gun against the wall, and bent down to her. "Oh Sir,"she heaved her young breasts in deep convulsions, "I've lost the road, and my friends.....Our school bus...." another wail stopped her. "There, there " he replied, patting her on the shoulder of her white airtex top. He glanced over his shoulder, no one was about. "I'll take you back to the road" he said, and was rewarded by a dazzling smile through her tear streaked face, that completely disarmed any reservations he had about leaving his post.                They entered the wood, and skirted round a pond when Ellie suddenly appeared. "Oh there you are Helen, we've been so worried" she remonstrated. "Thank You sir". Ellie addressed the man and he noticed the stunningly beautiful face of the seventeen year old with the long straight hair glinting in the sunlight and wished he were twenty yearsyounger.                                                                                                               As they reached her, Ellie suddenly viciously chopped the edge of her hand across the man's throat, and as he staggered gagging, Helen took him by his shirt front, swayed her lithe body round, and threw him over her hip. He landed with force on the hard ground, driving the breath from him. The two girls then pounced on him. Ellie's short grey skirt flew up as she dropped both knees into his stomach. His cry or pain was a hoarse croak out of his crushed windpipe. Ellie then straddled his stomach, and grabbing his flailing feet, under her armpits leaned him into a folding body press. His breathing was now restricted by her folding of him, and he tried to roll her off him. Ellie, with a small smile, spread her knees wider and pulled his legs futher down, she knew she had him. His hips were off the floor and he could get no leverage.                As he reached up with a snarl of rage for her face, Helen dropped down behind his head, and captured his wrists with her strong fingers. She pulled his arms straight over his head, then  crossed her shins and caught his throat between her feet. The right one hooking under his chin, and the left one pressing on the nape of his neck, she lay back straightening his arms and closing his windpipe.                               The man then knew real fear. He was caught in the deadly grips of these two innocents, and the one whose tears had so moved him was now giggling as he desperately fought for breath. He couldn't move and he gazed into the beautiful but cold face of Ellie as she watched his suffering through clear blue eyes.                     Within five minutes, it was clear to all that the man was losing the fight. Ellie's folding press had completely closed his diaphragm, and even without the pressure of Helen's small but deadly feet on his windpipe, his brain was being starved of oxygen. He weakened fast, and Helen glanced toward the pool..."Let's give him a dip"she said. Both girls released their holds,stood up, and grasping an arm each, pulled the weakly kicking man toward the pond. As they rolled him over and dumped his face into the water he desperately tried to push himself out of it. Helen dropped down and straddled his back. Coiling her arms round his in a full nelson, she locked her hands behind his head, and forced his face back into the water. Ellie watched as Helen gripped his body between her shapely tanned thighs as he jerked helplessly, and smiled as she saw his life giving oxygen bubble up to the surface. "Ride him girl" she said and Helen turned her lovely smile to her. Helen was surprised how easy it was to hold him and in a couple of minutes she released her hold on his lifeless body.                                  The two girls then continued toward the edge of the wood, then suddenly stopped frozen in their tracks. Ahead of them, another guard lounged against a tree, smoking, his rifle propped on the trunk. "This one's mine" whispered Ellie, and Helen smiled her assent. Ellie slipped off her trainers, and silently climbed the tree behind the man. She worked her way along an overhanging branch, then as the man leaned foreward to stamp out his cigarette, Ellie grasped the branch tight in her hands and dropped her long legsdown.                                                                                                     The guard suddenly felt two soft thighs slide round his neck and he gasped in surprise and then pleasure as the white socked feet suddenly locked and the silky thighs moulded themselves gently around his thick neck muscles. "What the" he exclaimed reaching up to grasp the warm flesh. He noticed Helen standing demurely near and as she flashed a smile at him and waved her hand, so realisation hit him. The Killer Schoolgirls he thought in fear and groaned"No " as the warm soft thighs around his neck suddenly turned to pillars of steel as Ellie tightened her scissors. Her thigh muscles bulged and her grey pleated skirt rode high as she moaned in pleasure and thrust her hips foreward, adding extra pressure to hi Carteroid arteries. He tried to cry out, but his voice was paralised by the strength of her legs, and weakness flooded over him as her deadly grip took effect.Ellie grunted in satisfaction as she watched his clawing fingers slide helplessly over her strong legs trying to prise them loose..she had him helpless and shuddered as the orgasm hit. It always happened when she had a man locked between her legs. The man tried to reach his rifle but Helen grabbed it first and tut tutted, shaking her head at the man's agonised expression. Ellie's orgasm added more power to her lovely legs and the man could not resist the extra attack on his clouding senses. His hands slid off her deadly limbs and he hung unconscious between her killer thighs. Ellie unlocked her ankles and the man dropped like a rag doll at Helen's feet. Ellie dropped down as well and said"I think he wants to join his friend". Helen nodded her approval and the girls dragged the man over to the pond, where they sat on his back and head until the bubbles ceased and he joined his other friend floating face down on the water. The girls stood, smoothed down their short skirts over their bronzed thighs, straightened their blouses, then when Ellie had put her trainers back on, they opened the rear gate.         THE END