Samantha vs. Jen. by A petite newcomer tries to take on an experienced wrestler in her very first match.   This is part 9 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler "Amanda".  The first story was done in mid May, 2003. This is the Women's Championship Wrestling League.  Tonight's match will be between Samantha and Jen.  Amanda had asked the commissioner for a night off to rest her body.  Amanda had been helping train a new wrester, Samantha.  So the commissioner decided to give Samantha her first match.  This match will be fought in a standard wrestling ring and is scheduled for one fall (either 5 second pin or submission).  The fall can occur inside or outside of the ring.  An official will be present only to determine the fall.  There are no other rules for the match.  The arena is packed with fans awaiting the match. Samantha is the first to come down the ramp toward the ring.  She is a beautiful 19 year-old petite girl, with long blond hair.  She is 5'5" and weighs 119 pounds.  She is wearing pink high-heeled boots, a pink tank top, and pink string bikini panties.  She enters the ring as the crowd cheers.  As Samantha walks around the ring and waves to the crowd, Jen makes her way down the ramp.  The crowd goes crazy, as she is the most popular "heel" in the league.  Jen has blond shoulder length hair.  She is 5'9" and weighs 173 pounds.  She is all muscle (She looks like a smaller version of Chyna).  She has on black high-heeled boots, jean shorts and a black sports bra, which hold her large (DD) breasts perfectly.  Samantha has very big disadvantage in this match.  Jen enters the ring and the ring bell is rung... Samantha runs at Jen and leaps in the air, trying to deliver a hard dropkick.  But Jen was waiting and she knocks down Samantha's boots.  Samantha falls to the mat and Jen quickly grabs her long blond hair.  She forces Samantha to her feet and then drives her fist into her gut.  Samantha bends over and Jen raises her hands and slams them down on Samantha's back, sending her back down to the mat.  Jen grabs her hair again and forces her up.  She then flings Samantha into the corner, back first.  Samantha hits the corner hard.  Just as Samantha raises her head, Jen slams her body into hers.  Samantha's body is crushed against the turnbuckle and she lets out a moan.  Jen backs away just a few feet and throws her body in Samantha's again.  Jen has a 50+ pound advantage on her smaller opponent and is using that added weight and muscle to her advantage.  Jen takes a step back but grabs the ropes.  She then pulls on the ropes and throws her body into Samantha's once again.  Samantha lets out a loud groan.  Just as Jen moves away from Samantha, she takes her knee and drives it right into Samantha's crotch.  Samantha shrieks and drops to her knees and holds her groin.  Jen waits a moment and reaches down and forces Samantha to her feet and then picks her up.  Jen carries her to the center of the ring and bodyslams her down to the mat.  Samantha rolls to her side and holds her back as she moans.  Jen then picks up Samantha again.  She holds her in front of her body as Samantha's cries out pleas for help.  Then Jen lowers herself to one knee and brings Samantha's back crashing down across her other knee.  Samantha lets out a loud groan as her body lies bent over Jen's knee... Jen brings her fists together and starts sending double-fisted punches down into Samantha's mid section.  The punches are knocking the wind out of Samantha as well as driving her back into Jen's knee even harder.  After a dozen punches, Jen shoves Samantha off of her knee.  Samantha lies on the mat and holds her mid section as she let out soft moans.  Jen jumps onto of her and quickly grabs her hands.  Jen holds her hands tight and then raises her leg and positions it between Samantha's legs.  She bends her knee as she pulls her leg back and then drives it down into Samantha's groin.  Samantha screams in pain and Jen drives her knee into Samantha's groin again.  Samantha struggles to free her hands but Jen is far too strong and she cannot get them free to protect her groin.  Jen sends her knee into Samantha's groin 3 more times and then releases her hold.  Samantha buries her hands between her legs as she moans in pain.  Samantha is not doing very good so far and needs to mount a comeback.  Samantha rolls herself onto her stomach as she continues to hold her groin.  Jen now sits down on her back and faces her pink boots.  She grabs her legs and bends them over her knees, placing Samantha in the Boston crab.  Samantha cries out as Jen starts to lean back.  Samantha starts to pound on the mat.  Jen is really applying the pressure and might be going for an early submission.  Samantha is getting to the point of giving up.  Samantha's smaller body won't be able to handle this hold for much longer.  Finally Jen releases the hold and Samantha continues to lie on the mat moaning in pain.  Jen scoops Samantha up and carries her toward the ropes.  She lifts her over the ropes and throws her out of the ring.  Samantha's back lands squarely on the unpadded floor with a thud.  Jen then slips under the ropes and jumps down to the arena floor ready to continue dishing out punishment to the rookie... Samantha starts to push herself up and is on her hands and knees.  Jen moves behind her and pulls her leg back.  She then sends her leg forward, driving the tip of her black boot right into Samantha's pink panties.  Samantha screams and falls back to the floor.  Jen moves toward Samantha's back and raises her boot and drives her heel down into the middle of he back.  Jen raises her boot and slams it down on Samantha's back 3 more times, each time forcing a moan from Samantha.  Jen reaches down and picks Samantha up and carries her toward the corner post.  As they near it, Jen picks up speed and then rams Samantha's back right into the corner pole.  Jen backs up and rams her back into the pole again.  Jen backs up and drives her back into the metal pole once again.  Samantha is hurting and her back won't be able to withstand much more abuse.  Jen slams her back into the pole a fourth time and then drops her.  Samantha hits the floor like a ton of bricks.  Samantha is on her side arching her back.  Her back is really hurting and if she receives any more damage to it she will probably submit.  Jen now grabs the injured Samantha and forces her to stand.  She pushes her against the pole. Jen raises her knee and drives it into Samantha's gut.  Samantha tries to crumple to the floor but Jen is holding her up.  Jen sends her knee into Samantha's gut over, and over, and over.  Samantha is getting very weak.  Her head is drooped forward as her body continues to absorb punishment from Jen.  Jen delivers a total of 20 knees to Samantha's gut and then sends two quick knees into her crotch.  Jen holds Samantha up, not allowing her to fall to the floor.  Jen then grabs the smaller Samantha and lifts her up and places her across her shoulders in a torture rack!  This is a very painful and back breaking hold and Samantha will definitely be forced to submit now... Samantha's body is bent across Jen's strong shoulders and Jen pulls down on her neck and legs, increasing the pain in Samantha's back.  Samantha is moaning in pain as Jen continues to pull down on her neck and leg.  Samantha's face is contorted in pain as she is forced to endure this hold.  Finally the pain is too great and she shrieks, "I give!"  The ring bell is rung and Jen is announced as the winner.  The only problem is Jen has not released the hold.  She keeps the hold even as Samantha cries out her submission a couple more times.  Jen keeps the hold another 20 seconds or so and then drops Samantha to the ground.  Jen walks over to the crowd, probably to give out some high fives to her fans.  Wait...she is coming back with a steel chair.  She raises it up and slams it down on Samantha's already hurt back.  Jen yells, "Not only is this your first match, but it will be your last."  Jen drives the chair down on Samantha's back again.  It looks like Jen is trying to end Samantha's wrestling career before it even gets started.  Samantha now rolls onto her back to protect it from any more hits.  Jen raises the chair and slams the top edge down into Samantha's mid section, knocking the wind out of the beautiful blond.  Jen drives it down into her mid section even harder and then discards the chair.  Jen now grabs Samantha's long hair and forces her to her feet.  Jen grabs her and then flings her head first into the metal crowd divider.  Samantha hits it hard and crumples to the floor.  Jen grabs her and forces her up again and throws her head first into the divider a second time.  Samantha drops to the floor and is not moving.  She is hurt very bad and someone needs to stop this brutality... Jen grabs Samantha and drags her a few feet away from the divider.  She grabs her hair and tries to make Samantha rise to her feet but she is too weak to get up.  Jen gets another idea.  Since Samantha is lying on her stomach, Jen gets down on her back.  She grabs Samantha's arms and pulls them back over her knees, placing her in the inescapable camel clutch!  Samantha is in very big trouble now.  As Jen yanks back, Samantha's head is lifted off the floor and we see a small gash in her forehead.  Samantha's eyes are closed and she is only letting out shallow moans.  Jen grabs a handful of Samantha's hair and leans back further, applying maximum pressure to Samantha's back.  Jen is preoccupied with the hold and doesn't her a commotion in the crowd behind her.  We look over and see someone running toward the ring with a steel's Amanda!  Amanda rushes toward the ring and comes up behind Jen and slams the chair into Jen's back.  Jen immediately releases the hold and Samantha falls lifelessly to the floor.  Amanda slams the chair across Jen's back again.  Amanda then raises the chair and smashes it down on Jen's head.  Jen tumbles to the floor.  Amanda raises the chair and drives the end into Jen's ribs.  Amanda is pumped up and very mad that Jen would try to permanently injure Amanda's trainee.  Jen tries to push herself up but Amanda slams the chair down on her head again.  Jen falls to the floor and lies there in pain.  Amanda now drops the chair and bends down to look at Samantha.  Samantha is not out cold but she is hurt.  Amanda scoops up the smaller girl and starts walking back to the locker room.  Jen shakes the cob webs free and finally gets to her feet.  She looks at the ramp and sees Amanda carrying Samantha toward the locker room.  Jen comes over to our table and before Amanda is out of site, she grabs the microphone and barks, "Amanda you bitch!  You should not have done that.  You want to help out your little trainee?  Well how about this for a match...I will take both of you on in a two versus one handicapped match.  I can beat both of you without any help.  So what do you say?"  Amanda waits on the edge of the ramp for an assistant to bring her a microphone and she responds, "Sure thing.  You don't stand a chance."  Well it looks like the next match has been set... The end. Send comments or suggestions to: