Amanda vs. Gretchen in a cage match. by A cage match where blood spills as Amanda tries to get revenge against Gretchen.   This is part 4 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler "Amanda".  The first story was done in mid May, 2003. This is the Women's Championship Wrestling League.  Tonight's match between Amanda and Gretchen will be a cage match.  The standard wrestling ring will still be used, but around the outside of the ring there will be a 20 foot high steel cage.  There is 7-8 feet of floor space between the ring and the cage to allow for brawling outside the ring.  The cage does have a ceiling with only one opening.  The gaps in the side of cage are fairly large, allowing the wrestlers to climb out without much difficulty.  The only way to win the match is to be the first wrestler to reach the arena floor.  The cage door will be locked so the only way out is through the top of the cage.  There will be no other rules for this fight.  The arena is packed with fans awaiting this exciting rematch between Amanda and Gretchen. The commissioner had previously set up a match between these two "faces", and it went over very well.  Gretchen won the match and ended up stripping Amanda of all her clothes and stole her high-heeled boots.  Since that match, Gretchen has really gained a lot of new fans (including some of Amanda's) and has been on a winning streak.  Gretchen is now the #1 contender for the title.  Amanda is desperate for a win since she has not won a match yet.  Amanda is mad at Gretchen for stealing some of her fan support and also wants to get revenge for her humiliating loss in the last match.  This will be Amanda's first match since she lost to Gretchen.  The winner of the match will be the #1 contender. Amanda is the first to come down the ramp toward the cage and receives fairly loud cheers.  She is 5'9" and 141 lb. with long brown hair.  She is wearing a tight white t-shirt and blue string bikini panties.  Amanda is looking very sexy as she enters the cage and climbs the stairs to the ring.  Next, Gretchen heads down the ramp and the crowd lets out a deafening roar.  Gretchen is 5'9" and 132 lb.  She has long blond hair.  She is wearing a red, white and blue bikini and Amanda's white high-heeled boots.  The boots really highlight Gretchen's wrestling attire and make her look absolutely gorgeous.  Gretchen enters the cage and the cage door is locked be her.  Gretchen climbs the steps and enters the ring.  She walks around the ring and plays to the crowd... As Gretchen turns her back on Amanda, Amanda rushes her and wraps her arms around Gretchen's waist.  Amanda tightens the bear hug and Gretchen reaches down and tries to pry Amanda's hands off.  Amanda's grip is too tight and Gretchen cannot get free.  Amanda keeps squeezing Gretchen's mid section, trying to take all the air out of her.  Gretchen is losing air and knows she needs to turn the tide.  Gretchen raises her boot and then stomps back on Amanda's bare foot.  Amanda cries out in pain and releases her hold on Gretchen.  Amanda drops to one knee and places her hand on her injured foot. Gretchen takes a step forward and then raises her leg and spins around, kicking Amanda right in the side of her head.  Amanda drops to the mat with a thud.  That was a perfect round-house kick that could have knocked Amanda out.  Amanda moans in pain as she moves her hand to the side of her head.  Gretchen reaches down and grabs Amanda by the legs and drags her to the edge of the ring.  Gretchen slides under the ropes and then yanks Amanda out of the ring.  Amanda crashes to the floor below.  Gretchen grabs a handful of Amanda's hair and yanks her to her feet.  She grabs Amanda's arm with her free hand and whips Amanda back first into the cage.  As Amanda hits the cage wall, Gretchen moves in and delivers a hard kick to Amanda's unprotected mid section with her boot.  Amanda falls to her knees holding her gut... Gretchen grabs Amanda by the hair again and pulls her to her feet.  She takes Amanda and whips her back first into another section of the cage wall.  As Amanda's back hits, Gretchen pulls her leg back and drives her boot right between Amanda's spread legs.  Amanda lets out a loud groan as she falls to her knees.  She buries her hands between her legs and falls forward with her forehead resting on the floor.  Gretchen raises her elbow and drives it down into the middle of Amanda's back, knocking her flat on the floor.  Gretchen jumps down on Amanda's back and grabs her arms and places Amanda in the camel clutch.  Although submissions cannot win the match, this move will severely weaken Amanda.  Amanda moans in pain as Gretchen yanks her high off the floor.  Gretchen grabs a fistful of Amanda's long hair and pulls back.  Amanda lets out a long groan.  She knows that there is no escape.  With Amanda trapped in this back breaking hold, Gretchen turns toward the nearby crowd and starts blowing kisses to her fans.  She knows she can keep this hold as long as she wants.  Gretchen keeps up this torture for over 1 minute now.  Gretchen finally decides to release Amanda from the hold and drops Amanda to the floor.  Gretchen stands up and looks down as Amanda grabs her sore back with her hand... Gretchen could make a move to get out of the cage right now if she wanted, but it looks like she is going to work Amanda over a little more before she leaves.  She grabs Amanda by the hair and forces her up.  She leads Amanda towards the ring post and then throws her so her right shoulder hits the steel post.  Before Amanda can fall, Gretchen grabs her and pulls her back.  She then shoves Amanda's right shoulder into the steel post again, but harder.  Amanda collapses to her hands and knees.  That was a smart move by Gretchen, trying to take out Amanda's shoulder so it would be harder for her to climb out of the cage.  Amanda is on her hands and knees and brings her left hand up and holds her shoulder.  Gretchen moves behind Amanda and pulls her leg back and drives her boot right between Amanda's legs.  Amanda lets out a moan and falls onto her side and holds her aching groin.  Gretchen looks down at the hurting Amanda.  She now scoops Amanda up and rolls her into the ring.  Gretchen enters the ring and pulls Amanda a little ways from the corner. With Amanda lying on her back, Gretchen then goes back to the corner and starts to climb the ropes.  She gets to the top and looks down at Amanda.  Gretchen then leaps off the corner and flies in the air towards Amanda.  Just as Gretchen is about to land on her, Amanda raises her knees and Gretchen's mid section lands squarely on Amanda's bent legs.  As Gretchen hits, all the air exits her lungs and she topples to the mat with the wind knocked out of her... Amanda knows she must take advantage of the situation.  She crawls over to Gretchen who is still trying to suck in air.  Amanda raises her fist and slams it down into Gretchen's bikini bottoms.  Gretchen has some air in her lungs and lets out a soft cry and covers her groin.  Amanda rolls Gretchen to the edge of the ring and shoves her out.  Amanda slides out after her.  Gretchen is lying face down on the floor and Amanda drops her knee on Gretchen's back three times.  Amanda now grabs Gretchen by the hair and forces her up.  She leads her toward the ring steps and then pushes her into them.  Gretchen lands against the steps and crumples to the floor.  Amanda goes over and picks Gretchen up.  She lifts her up high and then drops her back first right on the sharp edge of the metal steps.  Gretchen shrieks as she hits and tumbles to the floor.  As Gretchen moves her hand to her sore back, we see a red scrape across her sexy back that has started to bleed.  Amanda grabs Gretchen's long blond hair and forces her to her feet.  She brings Gretchen over to the corner of the cage and forces her face against the cage wall.  She begins to rake Gretchen's face on the steel cage.  After a good 10 seconds Amanda releases her And Gretchen drops to her knees.  Amanda stops for a moment to catch her breathe.  Gretchen reaches her hand up to her cheek and she feels blood.  Amanda has drawn blood a second time and Gretchen is enraged...  After a quick breather, Amanda reaches her hand down and grabs Gretchen's hair again.  As she tries to force Gretchen up, Gretchen turns and launches a perfect punch right into the unsuspecting Amanda's groin.  Amanda howls as Gretchen's knuckles hit her pubic bone and she falls to her knees in pain.  Gretchen stands up and moves back behind Amanda.  She pivots Amanda so she is facing the cage and only about 1 foot away from the cage wall.  Amanda is still preoccupied with the pain in her groin to notice.  Gretchen backs up and then runs toward Amanda.  As she nears, Gretchen leaps in the air and gives Amanda a drop kick, connecting with the middle of Amanda's back.  As Gretchen hits, Amanda's upper body flies forward and her forehead slams against the cage wall.  Amanda falls on her side moaning in pain.  We can see that the cage has cut into her forehead and blood begins to trickle out.  Gretchen stands up and shouts at Amanda, "So, you want this type of match, huh?  Well I hope you are ready to lose more blood because that is what is going to happen."  Gretchen grabs Amanda and forces her to her feet.  As Amanda is forced up, the crowd gets a good view of the nasty cut on her forehead.  The crowd cheers.  Gretchen grabs both of Amanda's arms behind her back and holds them with just her left arm as she grabs Amanda's hair with her right.  Gretchen pulls Amanda's head back and then brings it foreword, slamming Amanda's forehead into the steel cage.  Gretchen pulls her head back and once again slams Amanda's head into the cage wall.  Amanda's legs start to wobble as a new cut forms on her forehead and blood starts to trickle out.  Gretchen drives her head into the cage a third time with such force that the cage shakes.  As Gretchen pulls her back Amanda's legs start to give out, but not before Gretchen slams her forehead into the cage a fourth time.  Gretchen releases her and Amanda falls to her knees with her arms hanging limply at her sides.  Her body leans foreword, resting against the cage wall as more blood flows out of her wounds... Gretchen then grabs Amanda's hair and slams her head into the cage a fifth time.  Gretchen still has a hold on Amanda's hair and she kneels behind her.  She then yanks back hard on Amanda's hair and pulls Amanda backwards across her knee.  She gets Amanda so the middle of her back is resting on her outstretched knee.  The blood from Amanda's forehead begins to run into her beautiful brown hair.  Gretchen brings her hands together and raises them above her head and then drives a double fisted punch down into Amanda's mid section.  Gretchen then sends 5 more hard punches into the same spot as Amanda softly moans.  Gretchen now pushes Amanda off her knee to the floor.  As Gretchen stands up the crowd starts to chant, "Skin to win!  Skin to win!  Skin to win!"  This is what the crowd chanted the last time Gretchen beat Amanda.  Gretchen looks to the crowd and yells, "You want to see some skin?"  The crowd roars "Yes!"  Gretchen plays to the crowd a little more and then goes back to Amanda who is still lying on her back.  Gretchen reaches down and pulls off Amanda's tight, white t-shirt.  She uses the shirt to wipe the blood from her check and throws it aside.  Gretchen then moves down to Amanda's white bra.  She unhooks the front clasp and pulls it back, revealing Amanda's perky breasts.  Gretchen then slides the bra straps down Amanda's shoulders and off of her body.  Gretchen then yells to the crowd, "So how is that?"  The crowd picks up the "skin to win" chant again.  I guess they want to see Amanda naked, just like the last time... Gretchen reaches down and grabs a handful of Amanda's hair and tries to force Amanda to get up.  Amanda is moving very slow.  She must either be trying to buy some time to get her strength back or she is just too weak.  The way Amanda looks, I would guess she is too weak to get up.  After a good thirty seconds, Gretchen finally has Amanda on her feet.  She turns Amanda toward the crowd and then stands behind Amanda.  Amanda's eyes are closed as she stands there with her arms hanging limply at her sides.  Gretchen shouts, "So who wants to see me remove these pretty blue panties???"  The crowd lets out a roar.  Gretchen grabs Amanda's hands behind her back with no resistance by Amanda.  She holds both of Amanda's hands in her left as she reaches down with her right hand to Amanda's panties.  Gretchen is trying to pull down her panties using just one hand but it is not going too smoothly.  Since Amanda is offering absolutely no resistance, she releases Amanda's arms and grabs her panties with both hands.  She slowly slides them off of Amanda's hips and starts to pull them down.  As Gretchen slides them past Amanda's bush, the cheering crowd gets louder.  Gretchen is smiling and bends down as she continues to slide the blue silk panties down Amanda's smooth thighs.  Just as Gretchen gets the panties down to Amanda's knees, Amanda opens her eyes and bends her right arm and drives her elbow back into Gretchen's head.  Gretchen releases the panties and they slide down Amanda's legs and rest on her feet as Gretchen drops to her knees and holds her head.  Amanda quickly reaches down and pulls up her panties and the crowd lets out a chorus of "boos".  Amanda turns to Gretchen and grabs her hair and yanks backwards, sending Gretchen to the floor.  The back of Gretchen's head hits the floor hard and she lies there stunned... Amanda reaches down and grabs her t-shirt and wipes the blood off of her forehead.  She discards the t-shirt and looks down at Gretchen.  She knows she has to do some major damage to Gretchen with using minimal effort on her own part.  Gretchen is starting to move and Amanda moves near her legs and kicks them apart.  She stands between Gretchen's legs and raises her knee.  She then drops her knee down on Gretchen's crotch.  Gretchen screams and pushes Amanda's knee off her hurt groin.  Gretchen rolls to her side as Amanda kneels next to Gretchen's legs.  Amanda reaches out and grabs the zipper on Gretchen's boot and unzips it.  She yanks off that boot and then unzips the other boot and takes that off too.  It looks like Amanda is taking her boots back.  Amanda grabs the boots and moves out of kicking distance of Gretchen.  She sits on the floor and takes a couple deep breaths.  The she grabs one boot and puts it on her leg.  Amanda does not see that Gretchen has made it to her knees and is crawling toward her.  As she is about to zip it up, Gretchen comes up behind her and uses Amanda's bra and wraps it around her throat.  Amanda is caught off guard and struggles to get her hands between the bra and her throat.  But Gretchen has the bra tight against her throat.  All Amanda can do is gasp as she claws at her own bra that Gretchen is using to choke her.  Amanda starts kicking her legs and the boot that was partially on her leg slides off.  Gretchen pulls the bra tighter and says, "Those boots are mine, bitch.  You lost them to me and I intend to keep them."  Gretchen is pulling very hard on the bra and might make Amanda pass out... Finally Gretchen releases her hold on the bra and Amanda falls to her side as she unwraps the bra from her throat.  Gretchen stands up and picks up both boots.  After freeing her throat, Amanda pushes herself up so she is sitting on her knees.  Gretchen takes the boots and swings them hitting Amanda in the back.  Amanda arches her back from the hit.  Gretchen drops one of the boots and grabs a firm hold of the other near the heal.  She raises the boot above her head.  As Amanda lifts her head to look for Gretchen, Gretchen brings the boot down and plants the heel right on Amanda's forehead.  Amanda immediately falls onto her back and we see her forehead has started to bleed again.  Gretchen raises the boot again.  Amanda moves her arms to block her head but Gretchen has different plans.  She drops to her knees and drives the heel of the boot deep into Amanda's crotch.  Amanda screams as Gretchen digs the thick heel into her blue panties.  Amanda moves her hands down and grabs the boot, trying to lift it off her crotch.  Gretchen continues her assault with the boot.  After 10 seconds, Amanda is finally able to pull the boot away and both girls lose their grip on the boot and it slides across the floor.  Amanda lowers her hands to her throbbing groin... Gretchen then stands up and reaches down, grabbing a handful of Amanda's long hair.  She pulls Amanda to her feet using her hair.  She then brings Amanda toward the crowd and throws her head first into the cage wall.  Amanda bounces off the wall and falls to the floor on her back.  More blood is coming out of the wound on her forehead.  Amanda is in bad shape.  Another few slams into the cage, and Gretchen should have this match wrapped up.  Gretchen plays to the crowd a bit more and then grabs Amanda's hair and yanks the topless beauty to her feet again.  With a handful of Amanda's hair in one hand, she uses her free hand and points to a couple other sections of the cage wall and says, "Where should I throw her next?"  The crowd is screaming, each section wanting Gretchen to throw Amanda towards them.  As Gretchen is trying to decide where to throw Amanda, Amanda sends her elbow back into Gretchen's mid section. The hit didn't have much power behind it but it caught Gretchen totally off guard.  Amanda sends another elbow back into Gretchen's gut, forcing her to release her hair.  Amanda sends her elbow into Gretchen's mid section two more times.  Amanda turns around and sends a hard jab into Gretchen's crotch.  Gretchen screams and before she can cover herself, Amanda sends another punch to the same spot.  Gretchen drops to her knees and holds her groin.  Amanda grabs Gretchen by the hair and forces her to her feet.  She bends Gretchen forward and puts Gretchen in a headlock.  Amanda then starts to run with Gretchen locked under her arm.  After five feet Amanda drops down to the floor, bulldogging Gretchen's head down into the thinly padded floor.  Amanda gets up and looks down at Gretchen, who is not moving.  Amanda goes back and grabs the white boots.  She sits down and puts them on her legs.  She stands up and moves over to the cage wall.  She looks back at Gretchen who is beginning to push herself up.  Amanda grabs the cage wall and begins to climb up.  Amanda is still very weak and she is moving very slowly up the cage wall.  Gretchen gets to her feet and sees that Amanda is almost half way up the 20 foot cage wall.  Gretchen rushes the cage wall and begins to climb.  Gretchen is still fairly fresh and within a few seconds is within reach of Amanda's foot.  She grabs Amanda's boot, not allowing her to climb further... Gretchen tries to pull her down but Amanda's grip is too tight.  She decides to release the hold on her boot and continues to climbs up.  Amanda starts to climb too but in only 2 seconds, Gretchen is even with Amanda.  Gretchen is on Amanda's right side and she reaches out with her left hand and grabs Amanda's long hair.  She pulls back and then brings Amanda's forehead into the cage wall.  You can see Amanda's body lose strength after just that one hit.  Amanda's forehead has taken a pounding so far and continues to bleed.  Gretchen knows Amanda is very weak and that one more hit might make Amanda lose her grip.  Gretchen pulls Amanda's hair back again.  Amanda uses all her remaining strength and tightens her arms, not allowing Gretchen to slam her head again.  Gretchen releases her hair and moves her hand to Amanda's back just below the shoulders.  She plants her nails into Amanda's back and then rakes them down Amanda's bare back all the way to her panty line.  Amanda lets out a loud shriek and moves her right hand to her back.  Amanda has only one hand on the cage now and is very vulnerable.  Gretchen's nails were very sharp and blood is trickling out of a couple spots.  The crowd is on their feet cheering the wild action that is taking place about 12 feet above the arena floor.  With Amanda only holding onto the cage with one hand, Gretchen sees the opportunity to attack.  She grabs Amanda's hair again and pulls her head away from the cage.  Amanda swings sideways as her right foot now slips off the cage.  Amanda's only grip on the cage is with her left hand and left foot.  Amanda is basically facing Gretchen and as Gretchen is about to slam her head back into the cage wall, Amanda raises her right boot and launches a desperation kick.  It connects with Gretchen's upper thigh.  Gretchen was definitely not expecting that and her left leg slips off the cage and Gretchen starts losing her grip.  She releases her hold on Amanda's hair in an attempt to grab the cage but it is too late...Gretchen falls off the cage wall and falls 12 feet down and lands on her back on the floor.  Amanda also begins to lose her grip but just as her left leg slips off the wall she brings her right hand forward and latches onto the cage with her feet dangling down.  She reestablishes her foot hold on the cage wall and looks down at Gretchen.  Gretchen is lying on her back moaning in pain.  The crowd is still going crazy over the action they just witnessed... Amanda makes her climb toward the opening in the ceiling above her.  She is going slowly but Gretchen is no longer a threat.  She is just trying to make sure she doesn't slip and get injured from falling the way Gretchen did.  Amanda makes it through the opening and starts her descent to the floor.  Amanda reaches the floor and the ring bell is rung.  Amanda is announced as the winner!  She has won her first match and is also the #1 contender.  Amanda falls to her knees in exhaustion.  Amanda has blood trickling down her face from the wounds on her head.  Medical personnel rush to the cage.  One person tends to Amanda and they help Amanda back to the dressing room to give her some stitches.  A couple others rush into the cage after the door is unlocked and they carry Gretchen away on a stretcher to an awaiting ambulance.  Her injuries are not career threatening but she will be out of wrestling for a while.  Amanda's next match will be against Jen for the championship. The end. 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