A club fighter details her dismantling
of a cocky tough guy.
As soon
as you climbed into the ring to challenge me, I knew what you wanted.
You figured you could prove how tough you were by beating a woman in the
ring and then getting to play with her chest as a boobie prize, so to speak.
That's what I love about challenge night at the "Queen's Dungeon", the
underground women's fight club where I'm one of the star attractions.
6 feet and 200 well muscled pounds, you were at the upper limit of male
challengers that I was allowed to fight. Weight class/divisions were
one of the few rules that the club had. Those who ran the club knew
that their customers loved nothing better than seeing a beautiful, sexy
woman, such as myself, wipe the mat with muscle heads like you. So,
when you climbed into the ring, staring at my breasts, I knew I had another
opportunity to give the crowd their money's worth.
most twits that I face, you came up to me flexing your muscles, actually
believing that you could intimidate me. Muscles or not, my martial
arts training has taught me all the places where I can inflict pain and
control you for as long as I want before knocking you out.
my", I said in mock fear. "Look at how big you are. What am
I going to do with you?"
only issue, bitch, is what I'm going to do with you when I'm finished."
at hearing your bravado, I urged you on saying, "Don't wait all day, lover"
and stuck my chest out even more toward you.
all that overconfidence you were showing, it was not a surprise when you
threw a looping right at my head. It was easy to avoid. I also
easily ducked your left. Seeing you confused and annoyed, I came
a bit closer and smiled.
that the best you can do? I thought I'd get more from a super built
man like you." With a snarl you lunged at me, but I easily stepped
aside as you continued on to the ropes. Once there, you braced yourself
then turned around. Before you could even think of your next move,
my right leg shot up and in a lightning double move, my foot connected
with your left shoulder, then the top of your head.
surprise and shock on your face at my speed and strength let me know just
how much fun I was about to have. Knocking you down so easily made
you much less sure of yourself. You moved along the ropes to the
right to keep your distance and then started to circle around to your right.
I waited until you put your hands up and took a fighter's stance.
I put my arms out and signaled for you to come closer. As you cautiously
approached, let my hands fall down to my side and waited.
that the first blows may have been lucky shots, you slowly came forward
into range. When nothing happened you threw a tentative left jab
at my head. When I failed to react, you came a little closer to try
again. Just as you started to throw another left jab, I stooped down
and drove two thundering uppercuts, left-right, into your bellybutton.
You bent over with a load grunt, your arms wrapped around your midsection.
My spinning back kick with my right leg caught you on the right shoulder
and knocked you to the ground on your left side. Stunned, you forgot
all about protecting yourself as you began to get up. I walked over
and kicked you right in the middle of your chest with my right foot, flipping
you onto your back.
in pain, you slowly rolled over onto your stomach and crawled to the ropes.
I waited until you were upright and then with both hands started driving
short rapid punches into your kidneys. Your body stiffened in pain
and when you slumped forward against the ropes, I stopped. With my
right leg, I swept both your feet and you crashed to the mat on your right
side. I waited patiently while you slowly got on all fours and pulled
yourself along the lower ropes toward the corner. You slowly got
to your feet and turned as quickly as you could to see where I was.
I walked
slowly toward you as you straightened up trying to figure out what to do
next. You threw a looping right hand that I easily blocked with my
left and drove my own right up into your solar plexus. The air rushed
out of your lungs as you doubled over. My left knee came up twice
into the chest and knocked you back into the corner against the ringpost.
Your arms flailed back over the top ropes. As your knees buckled,
you tightly grabbed the ropes on either side of you to prevent yourself
from falling to the mat. Seeing you in that position was like an
invitation that I could not refuse.
I moved
in and began to work over your midsection with both hands. Your solar
plexus, abs, bellybutton, liver, ribs and obliques were all used as targets.
I threw jabs, hooks and uppercuts as punches and spears. With your
back against the ringpost, you had to absorb all that punishment without
allowing your body to give with any of the blows. When you would
start to bend forward, a forearm or knee to the chest would straighten
you up. Blow after blow with speed and great force reigned in on
your body. Your rock-hard abs began to soften under my relentless
assault causing the pain to spread deeper into your body as the blows penetrated.
your facial expression went from intense pain to slack-jawed agony, I sent
a kick to each side causing you to bend one way and then the other.
A kick to your abs brought one hand down to try and protect your midsection.
I reached up, grabbed the other, spun and flipped you over my back onto
the map. Spread-eagled on your back, you were completely defenceless
as I jumped into the air and executed an elbow drop right on your bellybutton.
Your body jack-knifed as you let out a loud, long groan of pain.
Before you collapsed back onto the mat, I slipped my left leg under your
back and dropped my right leg across your gut, crossed my ankles and started
to squeeze.
a super body hasn't done you much good", I teased. "I thought it
would take a lot longer to get to this point, but I guess you're not the
man of steel you thought you were."
only moaning and groaning as a reply, I continued to squeeze and increase
the pressure, my long, thick, firm thighs glistening with sweat.
Seeing that your struggles were becoming less, I eased off slightly.
When a bit of relief came into your face, I suddenly tightened the scissors
to a greater level than I had before. I continued to play with you
that way for several minutes until you were semiconscious, then released
the scissors altogether.
I reached
down and grabbed you by the hair and pulled you to your feet. I turned
your back towards the ropes and pushed you into them. As you bounced
back to me, I drove my left fist into your guts. You grunted and
fell to the mat. I repeated the move, this time punching you with
my right fist. The next three times, I gave you a backhanded chop
to the chest as you came stumbling off the ropes, knocking you down each
time. The final time, I kicked you in the solar plexus, then watched
you sink to the mat in a daze. I used my feet to roll you over onto
your back, then jumped up into the air and came down ass first right on
your gut.
I figured it was time to give you what you really wanted. I crawled
over your bruised and battered body until my breasts were over your face.
I then lowered my full mounds over your face until your mouth and nose
were completely covered. As your feeble mind suddenly realized it
was being starved for oxygen, your body began to wiggle and squirm underneath
mine. I could also feel your face moving back and forth between my
breasts as you desparately tried to get air. Your movements, especially
of your face against my boobs, sent waves of electricity through my body.
I was very disappointed, when after only a few minutes of struggle, those
movements ceased. I raised myself up slightly and watched as the
referee raised your hand three times and each time let it fall to the mat.
After it fell the third time, I reluctantly sat up so my hand could be
raised in victory.
I sat
back on the abs that I took so much pleasure in pounding and looked down
at your unconscious form. I smiled as I quickly review all the the
action in my mind, especially the ending. It would be nice though,
if I could find a man with a bit more staying power.