The Bride of Dr. Amastein By Spitfire Sometimes men delve in things they have no business in. They believe that with enough knowledge, they can actually play God. I had been one of those men. I had been experimenting with reviving lab animals after they had been chirogenically frozen. I had achieved great success in this and should have left well enough alone. But my desire to do the impossible, the unthinkable and the unspeakable overpowered my common sense and my moral responsibility. I began to experiment with these animals and switching their body parts, while frozen and then reviving them. I finally decided to advance to my primate subjects. I switched arms, legs even eyes! All of which I achieved successfully! It was then I decided to do the unthinkable, the unspeakable. I was able to successfully decapitate 2 chimpanzees that I had mad from clones, switch their heads and revive them. They were able to function normally, they did however seem to be terribly confused. They were obviously used to being in their other bodies and felt foreign being in another animal's body. I finished my research and logging in my findings that night about 2:45 a.m. I went over to the couch and went to sleep. Just as I was able to fall asleep, I got a phone call from Valley General Hospital informing me that my wife Jennifer was involved in a serious car accident and her injuries were life threatening and they wanted consent to do whatever they had to do to save her. I gave them consent and then got into my car and rushed to the hospital. As I watched the emergency crew move her into intensive care, I feared that she was going to die or the best-case scenario, knew she was never going to be the same. Her spinal cord was severed in 3 places. She had irreparable damage to her lungs, liver and most of her other internal organs. Her legs were both amputated below the knee. Her head trauma wasn't really all that bad, but she was in shock from her numerous other injuries and still unconscious. After 18 hours of surgery, she was placed on life support systems. It was killing me to see her lying there like that. She always told me never to let her live if ever something like this happened to her. She would rather I pull the plug on her. At best if she were to ever regain consciousness, she would be a paraplegic from the neck down, and have to have kidney dialysis and spend the rest of her days in an iron lung. Not much of an existence for her, but I just couldn't bring myself to pull the plug. This is what had led me to make the decision to do the unthinkable. Once her head trauma had healed, I convinced the hospital administrator to allow me to take her back to my home. I assured him that due to my being a physician, she would be able to receive adequate medical care and that I would hire a nurse to help take care of her. He agreed. Once home, I extracted her DNA from a vile of her blood. I immediately took this back to my lab. I had been doing extensive work with DNA, cloning and other research. Using somatic cell nuclear transfer, I transferred genetic material from the nucleus of Jennifer's breast cell nucleus, and thus its genetic material, had been removed. Within 2 weeks of working night and day, I was able to isolate her DNA and sequence her genes. I then started building her chain protein cells needed and place her cells into the embryonic czicher chamber. A few days later I could see her headless embryo growing. At the present rate, it would be several years before I could even do anything with her clone, so I made the decision to speed up the rate of aging and growth. Within a few days later her relative body cell age was that of a 6-year-old girl. I started electrical stimulus on her muscles to develop her body. Without this stimulus, the body would be virtually useless because it certainly wouldn't get any exercised otherwise. According to my calculations the full-grown body at my wife's current age of 28 would take 2 more weeks to develop. With this done I was able to concentrate my efforts on my wife's head. After extensive testing I found that she was gradually loosing brain function. Within 2 weeks she could possibly loose enough to have 10% loss or more. She could possibly loose enough to become a vegetable. That wasn't an option at this point and I decided to do something drastic! Drastic? What am I saying? As if making a headless clone of your wife, then sewing her head onto it wasn't drastic enough? In any case I had to try something to speed up the process. I didn't want to speed up the aging process because it would be too difficult to slow it down after the clone/donor merging process. I didn't want to merge her 28-year-old brain with a 56-year-old version of her clone body. I made a harsh decision to accelerate her growth until her clone was the right size for merging. I went back to the iron lung and prepared my wife. I had acquired a cryogenic chamber from the local sperm bank and decided to suspend her in it temporarily until she was ready for merge. I set up my equipment to sound an alarm to sound when the clone's size was optimum for merge. I had stopped all growth and aging treatments a few days prior so the process would balance out and normal growth and aging would continue. The cloned body was now 14 years old and a few inches shorter than my wife's old body. I went over to my couch to get some sleep before I had to perform the procedure. Then at 2:00 a.m. the alarm went off. The clone was now the exact size of my wife's body. I readied her brain and head for the merge. After 2 days straight of working in 36 degree temperatures keeping her in hypothermia to slow blood flow etc. After a surge of high voltage electricity was passed through her whole body, the merge was complete. My wife's head, neck and for all practical purposes, her soul was now attached to a 14 year old clone of her old body. Now all that was left to do was to wait.wait for signs of life! Within a few days, she started to have REM's. Her brain activity was increasing and she was just on the edge of consciousness. Friday 5:30 a.m., she regained consciousness. She called, "Vladimir, what happened to me? Am I going to be okay?" I jumped up, embraced her and said, "Yes Jennifer, you're going to be just fine!" "What is going on here?" she demanded. "Why do I feel so strange? Am I paralyzed?" They she slowly moved her feet, her arms and sat up very slowly. I smiled in relief seeing that she was able to move in her new body. Then she looked down at her breasts. "What the hell happened to me? Did they cut my tits off?" She tore open her gown and looked for scars. I explained what had transpired. Your old body was damaged beyond repair. I had cloned your old body and merged you into the clone. She got up and looked down at her body. Then she looked at me and began hitting and kicking me. "How could you do this to me! I'm not one of your fucking lab animals! You've turned me into some kind of freak!" She screamed. I explained, "I couldn't live without you and had to keep you alive, so I cloned you and then transferred your head and brain to a headless clone of you. Then I led her over to the table where her limp, lifeless old body lay in the chamber table. "You had numerous injuries, your spinal cord was severed in 3 places. You had irreparable damage to her lungs, liver and most of her other internal organs. Your legs were both amputated below the knee. At best if you were to ever regain consciousness, you would be a paraplegic from the neck down, and have to have kidney dialysis and spend the rest of your days in an iron lung. I couldn't bear for you to live that way and I couldn't bring myself to pull the plug on you! If you hate me, so be it. I did what I felt compelled to do." Jennifer looked at me and then started crying as she looked at her badly mangled body. Suddenly she realized that she wasn't one of my experiments and that I actually only did this to save her life. Then she said, "Vlad, I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but why did you merge me with a 14 year old version of my body?" I explained that due to the fact she was loosing brain activity, I didn't want to take the chance and wait until her cloned body had reached full term. I had to merge her head onto her new body at the first possible chance or risk brain damage. Then she sat back down on the bed, shaking her head and said, "Fourteen, why fourteen! I have the same body as when I was 14? Shit I was a still a virgin then and I was a late bloomer! Do you mean to tell me that I'll have to go through all of that over again! She stood up and said, "My body is 14? She looked at me, as if to compare heights and said, "I was much shorter than this at 14. I mean, sure as an adult I was 5'5" tall, but at 14, I was maybe 4'10" or so! I had a growth spurt at 14 and like I said I was a late bloomer. I finally stopped growing at the age of 17. And I don't remember having this kind of muscle tone and firmness then either! But I'm not complaining. I thought my old body was kind of flabby anyway!" Jennifer was adjusting well to her new body. She began to exercise lightly and even starting to act like her old self. A few days later the scars where I merged her body and head were fading. Within a week they had all but disappeared. It was also becoming very apparent Jenny wasn't joking about her growth spurt at 14. Two few weeks later, I noticed she was the same height as me! She was also starting to fill out! She noticed we were able to see eye to eye now and asked me to measure her. She got up on the scale and I raised the bar to the top of her head. "You're 5'7" tall now Jennifer! You're the same size as I am!" I said. She smiled and said, "Wow, I always dreamed of being taller and now I guess its coming true. That night we made love for the first time since the accident. It was a whole new experience for both of us! For one thing, she was a virgin again! She also felt so firm and her skin was so soft. It also felt strange that she was the same size as me! That was also changing though. I shouldn't have gotten used to it. A few more weeks later she noticed that she was the same height as me in her bare feet and I was wearing shoes. It seemed to turn both of us on. I didn't mind that she was becoming taller and she was certainly enjoying the fact that she had become more aggressive when we made love. A year later. Jennifer was now 6' tall and weighed 170 lbs. She was also becoming stronger. I was starting to become intimidated by the fact she may even be stronger than me! For some reason it was also arousing me! She was not only growing up but she was growing out too. She already was at her adult bust size of 36C. She had grown more than her original growth spurt and because of this I did some research. Upon review of my notes I found that I had mistakenly gave her cloned body 3 times the amount of growth hormones needed. From my calculations, her body was growing at 3 times the rate it was when she was 14. If her previous growth was any indication, she was going to grow another 14"! This would make her final height 7'2" tall and who knows how big her breasts were going to get! Suddenly my heart started beating faster. Within another 2 years my wife would be 17" taller than me, and a hell of a lot stronger! I knew I shouldn't keep these facts from her but I didn't' want to tell her either. I knew she wouldn't be too happy with the fact that she wouldn't quit growing until she was 7'2" tall! I broke the news to her as I was watching her workout on the bench press. She swallowed hard. Then she stood up. She grabbed my collar and pulled me to my feet. Then she looked down at me, smiled and said, "Do you mean to tell me that I'm actually going to get even bigger? You know I always wondered what it would be like to be taller, stronger and bigger than you! Now I guess I don't have to wonder anymore! I hated being such a short girl when I was 14 and fantasized about what it would be like to be bigger and taller than the people that bullied me around. That includes you! Having me cook, clean, wash your clothes and on top of that you expected me to be able to look like a fitness model. This little science experiment of yours has benefited me beyond my wildest dreams! Not only have you given me life, you've given me a new life! I have never felt better.ever! I have never been this strong and if I say I mean look at my long, shapely legs and my tits are the same size as they were before but without any sagging! She was right, her knockers defied gravity! They were so big to just jut out on her chest like that.just one advantage of having a 15 year old body! She looked down and saw how hard I was getting and started playing with her nipples. I could see them getting harder and swelling as she caressed them. I was getting even harder and she rubbed the front of my pants then said, "I see you don't mind how I've been growing either! Do you think you can still handle me when I'm 7'2"?" "I hope so!" I said timidly. She smiled and said, "Oh you better do more than hope! If you need to you'll get some help, you know the little blue pill?" Then she drew a little circle on my chest and led me into the bedroom. She got undressed and lay on the bed. Then I got on top of her. She rolled over and got on top of me. Then she grabbed my hands and held them over my head. At first I didn't try to move and then I decided to see if I could break free from her grip. As much as I tried, I couldn't. This got her very excited. She put me inside her and pumped me until I came. Then she wouldn't stop and I actually screamed the first time I ever had during sex. She let go of my hands and put hands underneath her hair and then pushed it up. She kneeled there with a smile on her face. Then she slid her dripping wet pussy up my body and pinned my arms down with her knees. Her pussy was an inch away from my mouth and nose. "Eat me!" She said in a low sexy voice. I was a little wary of eating her, especially after she had just finished working out and then I came inside of her! She rose up and pushed her pussy on top of my nose and face, suffocating me! She then told me that she'd let me breathe once I started licking! I started licking her until she came all over my face. She pulled her knees off my shoulders and said, "That's my good little husband! Now come into the shower and wash me off." After that moment I knew that life as I knew it was never going to be the same! The next day she decided we would alternate household chores so she would have more time to exercise. I would cook one day and then she would cook the next. I didn't like the trend I was seeing. A year later. As predicted, over the past year Jennifer had grown another 7" taller! At 6'7" tall and 245 lbs. she was definitely an imposing figure! She is a whole foot taller than me and started to realize how much stronger she was becoming. To make matters worse, as her new body was merging with the old, her hormones naturally started to also merge. She was constantly flirting with me and had the sex drive of a rabbit! She wanted sex (not that I was complaining) 3-4 times a day! Then to top it off, her breasts were now 44DD and she knew how to use them. She was very conscious of how tall and extremely sexy she had become. She loved her new body and expressed her gratitude to me nightly! Due to her younger hormones, she also started to act slightly childlike. She never liked to wrestle around before, but she was also starting to love getting me down on the floor and toying with me then finally wrapping her 40" legs around me until I would say, "I give!" She got off on the fact that she was now much bigger than me and could so easily dominate me. She knew she was rapidly becoming the dominant one in the relationship and she was exploiting it! Gradually she had all but ceased doing any household chores and I started cooking dinner every night, then breakfast, until finally I was cooking every meal every day and cleaning the house. Mostly, when she wasn't working out, she sat around the house fixing her hair, painting her nails, listening to music and watching T.V. She started adding to my already long list of tasks and had me waiting on her hand and foot. And giving her full body massages. She had me bath her in the tub and in the shower while she just sat/stood there. Sometimes she takes the soap from me and starts to scrub me. This is a sensuous pleasure I can't even begin to explain! When we make love she rarely lets me on top because she loves to have her breasts sucked and I can't reach her breasts and be inside of her at the same time if I'm on top. She wakes me up all hours of the night for me to either fuck her or eat her pussy. I could be in a deep sleep and she'll wake me up and pull me on top of her. Then she'll shove my head down to her crotch and say, "Eat me, please!" At her size I know better than to refuse her when she says please! A year later. Finally Goddess Jennifer has quit growing! She is now 7'2" tall, has 46" legs, 52GG breasts and weighs 315 lbs. She has all of the firmness of a 16-year-old girl, the muscle tone of a female bodybuilder, the breasts of a porn star, the legs of the tallest amazon and the sex drive of a nymphomaniac! Meanwhile I have lost several pounds and some strength due to my increased workload. I probably sleep around 4 hours a night if that. Jennifer eats off her plate and then scoots her chair over to me and eats off of mine. Alternating bites between her mouth and mine! She told me that it's her way of keeping me from getting too fat now that I don't exercise as much! I think she's just doing it to make me weaker so she can dominate me even more! I live in an amazon fantasy world with her! I miss the days when I could carry her into the bedroom and make love to her. Now all of that is just a memory! Now she carries me into the bedroom when she wants sex. I'll be relaxing in the chair and she'll walk up to me and scoop me up and carry me into the bedroom. She then puts me into sexual positions I would never have imagined at her old size. Her favorite now is when she stands up and spreads her legs. Then she picks me up and shoves me into her. She bends over just enough for me to reach her tits. She holds me there with just one hand and then rams me in and out of her while she rubs her clit with her free hand until she comes. Another one of her favorites is when she bends over in front of me and spreads her legs wide enough for me to reach her standing on a stepstool in back of her. Then she rubs her clit and caresses her breasts while I grab her by the hips and pump her from behind. Other times she will be lying on the couch watching T.V. and take her sweat pants off, spread her legs and clear her throat. I know what she wants and run over to her, bury my face in her pussy and start licking her clit. She grabs the back of my head and grinds me into her until she comes. Most of the time I'll end up with a bloody nose from her grinding me against her pussy so hard! She does this sometimes 4-5 times a day. On top of that there is my morning ritual of eating her pussy when she wakes up and 2-3 times during the course of the night. This is the main reason why a 30-year-old man has to take so much Viagra! If only I could tell the female pharmacist down the road that when she gives me looks for buying it.