Squeezers a fictional story from India by Buster King It was long since I had seen my aunt and uncle. They stay only 400 miles away from us, but urban life and high school, followed by university education kept me away from them. After about 7 years of their marriage that I visited, I was about to meet them again. In the meanwhile I was conjuring whatever I briefly remembered from their marriage ceremony. I was about 15y old that time. She was tall for a woman (about 5' 8") and thick- boned with fat on her making her look fairly big with 14.5 inch flabby arms. My uncle was also fat enough to exceed her size. I tried and failed to remember much more as I looked forward to the vacation visit. As the train pulled in, my heart leaped to see their faces alongwith their 5y old son. My uncle had not changed a whole lot from what I remembered. But the aunt looked a little different and I could not make it out why it was the case. After a few rounds of hugs and half-spoken sentences, we reached home in their car. My uncle was an insurance officer and worked about 12-15 hrs a day. He was away most of the day with work and related visits. His schedule was arduous to say the least. My aunt took care of her son very strictly and the house by herself. The kid was in kindergarten and away from home for 8 hrs a day anyway. She sits down for afternoon soaps in the TV after lunch and watched Tv till evening. She took care of shopping and me also and politely but firmly refused all help. One regular feature was her shopping every alternate day for a couple of hrs in the afternoon. One day she was preparing rice batter for Indian pancakes on the grinder. Though a tumbling model, it had stone laid in for the grinding and was fairly heavy. I usually help my mother wash it at home but with some difficulty. I was waiting for my aunt to finish with it so that I can help but must have fallen asleep. When I was awake, she was away on her shopping day. The grinder was clean as clean could be. I was a little surprised. I asked about this to my aunt when she came back and she said "I am not a flower stalek. I can help myself!!!" She was wearing a half-sleeved Indian blouse that only half-covered her delts and a saree (an eight-yard-long cloth that is tied around the hips and drapes across the breasts to the shoulder). The way she was wearing it show-cased her body to me for the first time that I noticed it a little closer. Her trapezii were thicker and bigger than my university lifters!! She did not have very thick but very well defined forearms, wrists, and biceps that begged attention. Her abs were dancing to the tune of the soap's title song. She noticed my eyes going all over her and said "Yes, you're thinking right. I am not a fat lady anymore, though I do not let my old impression wear down among others". I said "Well, prove it to me then". She then said "I accept your challenge" and offered her right hand for a handshake to acknowledge it. I took her hand and then it happened. I do not remember how long I screamed or when she left my hand down!!!! Her curvy but firm fingers had squeezed my hand so hard I was afraid I had a fracture!! And I had a hand that was very tolerant to pain; even many strongmen in my university failed to squeeze my hand well enough to hurt me. She then said, "Ow what happened kiddo?? This weak lady hurts you??" Before I knew what was coming next she held my trapezii in her two hands in a nerve hold, thumbs in front and four fingers behind and gave a "leetle" squeeze, atleast according to her. I screamed to the skies, and heard the scream almost deafening myself!! I never had felt such pain before ever!!! Not even when I was beaten badly before my triumph over a vicious streetfighter at my hometown. She then said "O my dearie! That was only a twentieth of my strength!!" I was positively scared. Was it not for such a young age with an active heart, I might have died of a heart attack from terror!!! She said "Ok strong man. flex for me will ya??" I had not the guts to refuse her and slowly flexed my biceps for her. I had about 13 in. thick arms very vascular, and hence was third in my class in armwrestling. Of course the first two guys were huge hulks about twice my size and were powerful enough to beat me down. Even then I wore them out with my stamina many a time. Again she squeezed my biceps to pulp and had me screaming in seconds!!! I could not take it anymore. I said "I give, I give!!" "Oh, not so soon baby!!!" she said, and then said "I challenge you back, buddy. You have 5 chances to hurt me and make me scream. 2 more than I took for you. You even win one and I am your WEAK SLAVE!!!! BUt you loose and then I decide what I do with you, OK??" I could not believe what was happening. I badly, very badly wanted to run away from fear. I suddenly made a dash to the door but she grasped my leg calves in her hands in a flash. I could not move a millimeter as she suddenly put her thumb at the back of the thigh-calf joint and found a nerve. Pain again made me scream and paralysed me for a moment!!! She quickly released the hold and said, "No tricks young man!! Even your uncle does not bother me this much!!! How do you even dare!!??" I resigned to my fate and said "Well, give me 10 mins to recover and I shall be ready". She thought it fair and was sitting with me for 10 mins, after which I was a little better but my arms were very sore. I said "But you have to co-operate with whatever I ask". She said "Most certainly I will!" I asked her to sit straight. I then used my thumb and loaded my body weight on it to use a modified version of a nerve hold on her traps that I knew was very effective. Immediately my thumb started hurting!! I was shocked. I then stiffened it a little then it was better. Her traps bent a little but she was smiling as never before. I gave up after 2 mins. Next I asked her to extend her arm and found the nerve at the joint of the forearm and biceps. I squeezed her very hard this time.Nothing doing!!! She was smiling as if I was tickling her!!! I lost again. I tried the hand shake this time but this was worser than day dreaming!!! Her bones were so hard that my palm was hurting. Every moment my brain was whirling more and more. I was amazed at such unknown strength. I then suddenly tried to pinch her arm but to no avail again. There was no loose skin nor fat on her arm!! I could not even grasp anything that would trap within the thumb and forefinger. I had not many more options. Her strength and tolerance befuddled me. She was mocking at me "Noodle man, you have noodle bi's and arms that will not even massage me" I was also upset and angry at loosing to her. I then thought of a trump card that I had reserved. That the best have submitted to in no time!! I said "CAN I use a pencil on you??" She readily acquisced. I asked her to extend her left hand forward and picked her middle and ring fingers. I put the pencil in between her fingers and pushed it all the way to the base of the fingers. I closed them and then started applying pressure suddenly on the outside just adjacent to the base on both sides of her fingers. I then saw her jaw close a little tighter. I knew then that I had hopes and went on and on; I saw her eyes widen a little but by that time my arms were shaking!! I was terrified!!! What was this woman made of!!! Is she even a biological specimen or what?? Afetr one more persistent minute, I gave up as my spent fingers gave way automatically. She then said "That was a very good last shot lad, how did you come across that??" I had a language teacher, very petite, but made all guys at the University scream if they upset her in her class with this technique. Even if petite, she had hard fingers and a lot of strength. I mentioned this and she said "Well, learnt from a woman, huh?" "you know what, lad? I want to punish you after which you shall never challenge me again. But before that you have any wishes?" I certainly did and asked to feel all her muscles. She said "Thats all??" and started flexing her biceps. Slowly but surely her blouse extended, with slight sound of snapping threads. Suddenly her arm exploded and her delts tore the blouse revealing a soft-skinned but iron-muscled bronze-colored arm. I felt the arm and was in third heaven. Her arms felt like metal pipes, that hard!!! She then said "Time for your punishment" and then picked up the pencil!! I was horror-stricken. What I could not even tolerate from a petite woman, can I tolerate from this amazon? She again read my thoughts and said "yes, you almost won. Only my superior tolerance as a mother saved me, but I will never spare you!!" In no time the pencil was in my fingers and the squeeze sent truckolads of pain. I screamed forever until I fainted from the pain!!!!