Same Ol' Crap by Pygmalion     Character Profiles:     Sheridan Westmore:  30 yrs.  5'9" 155 pounds Blonde hair  (Patterned after the character Sheridan from the soap opera "Passions" physical alterations apply)  Hair length it was a couple of months ago.  Damn! why did she have to go and cut her hair?  Personal Trainer is her occupation.  Dress Apparel:  Pink tank top cut above the abs.  Matching pink shorts and shoes. Purpose for fighting:  Came out of the gym and saw some skinny bitch sitting on her car.  Also stressful day at the gym.  Some guy named Pygmalion went to the gym and kicked ass on all the muscle heads and f****d all the women on his way out.       Joani Appleseed:  18 years of age give or take a year or two that's up to you.  5'4" 84lbs.  (Patterned after Fiona Apple.  Not much alteration in the physical department.  Well Joani might actually weigh 50 pounds more than Fiona.  That's sarcasm at its finest.      Occupation:  Hoodlum  Dress apparel:  Blue tank top jeans and tennis shoes.  How ordinary.     Purpose for fighting:  Acting on a dare from some rich older girls that she's trying to get in good with.  They are watching from across the parking lot.  They also live in Sheridan's neighborhood.  A little jealousy perhaps or maybe its something else.         "Get off my car!"     Sheridan yells at Joani.     "What if I don't?"      Joani asks.     "If you don't you're going to get a beating."     Joani just remains in place looking rather bored at Sheridan.     "A beating?  By who? You?"     Sheridan looks surprised at the brazen girl.     "Look, I've had a stressful day and I really would hate to, but if I have to I will."     "Well do it then because I'm bored."     "Given you one last chance."      "Shut your yap already."      Sheridan became indignant and tossed her gym bag aside.  She approached Joani with the intention of yanking her off the car, swatting her and kicking her on the ass and sending Joani on her way.  Instead she got kicked in the chin and elbowed in a boob after Joani lunged from the front bumper at Sheridan.     Joani is quite skinny and narrow and sports a pointy elbow, so the elbow to the boob knocked Sheridan back a couple of steps.  Sheridan placed a hand over the elbowed boob and put the other hand up as if to ask Joani to stop.  Joani doesn't read hand signals and she went to work on Sheridan with her fists making contact to each of the much bigger blonde's jaws.     Sheridan's head jarred back and forth while her hair whipped around and fell in front of her face.  Joani took a step back and kicked Sheridan in the other boob.  Instinctively but foolishly Sheridan covered that one too with her other hand.  Joani had her pick of open targets and settled on punching Sheridan in the mouth.     Sheridan couldn't believe how fast and agressive her tiny foe was.  She really didn't expect this at all, but of course she didn't expect to see anybody sitting on the hood of her car neither.  She considered fighting back when Joani jumped up and front kicked her in the chin.     The impact was surprisingly powerful from the 84 pounder and it sent the big breasted statuesque 155 pounder sprawling backward.  Sheridan's arms flailed through the air and she studdered stepped around to maintain her balance.  That much she was successful at.     She wasn't able to even lift her arms up before Joani went on the attack again.   Joani slammed fist after fist into Sheridan's chin, jaws, each eye as well as each side of her pretty face.  The only thing Sheridan retaliated with was jarring of her head every which way depending on the punch.  Her arms just flung around loosely as well as her hair whipped around.  She let out sighs, winces, groans and even wimpers of pain.     The busty and impressive physiqued blonde didn't even throw a single punch nor made a verbal threat during the onslaught of punches from her shorter, pathetically skinny looking trailer park foe.  By now a small crowd of about 6 people had gathered.  Watching this unbelievable onslaught none of them interfered.     4 of them were from the gym that Sheridan worked at & were having a hard time believing what they were seeing.  Granted none of them had ever seen nor even heard of Sheridan fighting, but certainly this little petty foe was going to be in trouble any second now.  The girls from Sheridan's neighborhood hadn't joined the crowd but they did move in closer so the could catch a glimpse of what was going on.  They just exchanged glances and shrugs of disbelief.     Joani continued her attack this time by pummeling Sheridan's impressive abs into mush with her fists.  After the fifth punch sank right in Sheridan doubled over coughing and grimacing.  Joani knocked  the bigger 30 year old down to one knee with a roundhouse kick to the jaw.     The statuesque big breasted 155 pound blonde was dazed and confused.  She couldn't get over not only how quick and agressive her skinny and narrow opponent was, but also how hard the little girl that she could probably bench press could punch.  Joani figured she had Sheridan fit to be stripped.     The skinny teen grabbed 2 handfuls of the statuesque personal trainer's tossled hair and drove a knee into her mouth.  Sheridan's lips busted and bled.  Joani kept of Sheridan's hair with one hand and used the other to pull down Sheridan's pink tank top by the shoulder straps.     Sheridan was actually too beat to try and physically stop Joani, so she resorted to petty begging.  She didn't like the idea of being topless in public.     "Please don't I'm not wearing a bra."     "All the more reason."     Joani had Sheridan's tank top down around her waist in a matter of seconds.  Realizing some of her coworkers were not only watching but trying to encourage her Sheridan thought better about screaming out.  She was terrified but didn't want to show it, but at the sametime she didn't know how to fight back, nor if she even had any resolve to.     She didn't get a chance to fight back because Joani knocked her down flat on her back with a kick ot the jaw.  Her boobs bounced and flopped around upon impact of her body hitting the concrete.  Joani leaped in the air and landed her rump down on Sheridan's mid-section.     A gust of oxygen escaped Sheridan's o shaped bloodied lips.  While Joani straddled her beleagured foe she began bouncing up and down on Sheridan's middle.  Sheridan's friends from the gym were still trying to shout encouragement.  What a bunch of dumb muscle and fitness heads.     The girls from Sheridan's neighborhood realized their neighborhood shero was defeated by some skinny trailer trash of all people.  They stood with their arms folded and their mouths wide opened with surprise.  They looked at each other again and shrugged.     What were they to do now?  The upperclassed 20 something year old girls didn't think the poor white trailer park trash teen would go through with the dare.  Not only go through with it but be so good at it.  They'd known and looked up to Sheridan for years.     Sheridan is not only theirs but also their mothers's personal trainer.  They figured she would be the baddest woman they could think of, but here was their suburban shero fallen and now being shamed by some scrawny teen from the otherside of the tracks.  Joani had started torturing Sheridan's amply enodwed breast.     The flat chested twig grabbed each of Sheridan's titty nipples and clapped them together while bouncing up and down on Sheridan's mid-section.  She came up with a cheer to honor this particular occassion.     "Ta-ta's! Ta-ta's! Rah! Rah! Rah! Yeeeeaaaa Ta-ta's!      Bigger than my head & more comfy than a bed.  Push them up!  Pull them down! Slap them all around!  Making this big blonde bimbo frown!"        Joani repeated that a couple of times.  She clapped the breast together at the beginning of the cheer then pushed up, pulled down, and finally slapped them around.  Sheridan's colleagues only stood in shock no longer shouting encouragement.  Sheridan could no longer contain herself and she started crying.     One of Sheridan's fitness colleagues couldn't stand anymore.  The 6' 200lb. big breasted version of Cynthia Bridges jerked Joani off her friend and sent the 84 pounder sailing into the crowd.  A couple of guys caught her and were nearly knocked over from the force at which...  Crud I haven't named her yet.  Anyway this woman hurled the 84 pounder with just one hand.      She eyed Joani daring her to make a move.  Taking into consideration how easily the woman tossed her Joani threw her hands up in resignation.     "I'll pass."     Joani said as she walked away from the crowd.  The 4 20 somethings from Sheridan's neighborhood had intended for Joani to get her ass stomped, but now they had a dilemna.  Later that evening they conspired on how to handle their unwanted situation, and what to do about their newly unwanted friend that would now be hanging out with them.     Joani on the other hand had a good time telling her catfight occult group back at the ol' trailer park about the fight.     "Do you think you're ready to take me on yet?"     A 22 year old blonde and high priestess of the occult named Ariel O'neal asked.     "No."     Joani replied so humbly.     "Okay.  That as well done.  You've infiltrated the elite of this area.  Though you were unable to retrieve any trophies this time.  I'm most certain you'll have plenty of opprotunities to collect trophies in the future.  Now tell me about this blonde that hurled you."     Joani didn't really have much to tell.  Since she didn't even know the woman's name but she did have intention on finding it out.  There you have it same ol crap. Sincerely,  Pygmalion