Riding Fantasy 2

#2003 Par Nodoma (pxn774@hotmail.com)


Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute this story in any form provided copyright and content remain unaltered.


The mirror again -- this time, showing a dead-on shot instead of my profile. Not that it makes that much difference. My back is still bare. In fact, the only thing of note is the chair my feet are resting on.


I've heard it called a hard pushup ' where the feet are higher than the rest of the body. This was actually news to me; it's the way I've always done it, since it seemed a little too easy doing pushups the normal way. One look at my arms and you'll understand why it's not exactly difficult to do the "hard" pushups either.


Of course, that had to change when she entered my life. They certainly are a challenge now.


I see her coming up behind me and smile wryly. Her underwear doesn't get much use indoors.


Looking straight ahead into the mirror, I am afforded a full view as she stands over my head, then kneels and slowly sits herself onto the base of my neck, her long legs folding under my arms to either side of me. When we first tried this, she actually sat with her legs in a full split out to the side, saying she wanted as much weight on my neck as possible. It was a terrible shock to find that I couldn't lift her like that, and I was tremendously worried about angering her (after all, what does that say about her weight?) Thankfully, she was not angry at all, and oddly enough, there was a note of satisfaction in her voice as she suggested the current arrangement. I was only too happy to oblige, and to this day I wonder what was going through her mind.


As always, there is a pause before we begin. The mirror gives a perfect view of her on me, my head between her thighs, and she absolutely adores this. Since there was very little physical stimulation at this point, I was curious what turned her on about it. She smiled and said that in the mirror, she could only see my head, and it looked small compared to her legs on either side, and her body on top of it. It made her feel powerful, and that's what turned her on.


I begin to push up, and the physical stimulation comes roaring in as the inertia resists, pushing her crotch down against my neck and shoulders. The first one is tricky, but I always win this sensual tug-of-war, and the sensation actually diminishes slightly as her weight surrenders and rides with mine to the top. I stop there for a few seconds before beginning the descent.

Sometimes when I start downwards, my neck will shift slightly, giving her a small taste of what lies ahead. The momentum builds as I lower toward the floor, and it's delightfully ironic that the height of her pleasure comes at the bottom of the cycle. As I change direction from down to up, our combined weight forces her crotch down on my rising shoulders, stimulating her intensely. My shoulders and head sometimes shake with the effort to raise us both, and that stimulates her even more.


As you might guess, this is very difficult, even given my formidable upper body strength. At first, I could only do three before giving out. Now I can do twenty. Fortunately, it doesn't take that long. At about the fifth pushup, I can hear her moan at the bottom, and this makes the short rest at the top enjoyable for both of us, as I can recuperate while she enjoys the lingering sensations from the change in direction.


Usually, she will orgasm around twelve pushups. Unfortunately, there are times when it takes more, and I simply can't continue. I always try to collapse on my arms to avoid squashing her legs, but I still feel bad. I once suggested that she remain kneeling above me and just enjoy my neck in her crotch at the top, since I can do 200 pushups without her weight, but she vetoed that quickly, saying that a large part of the fun was the fact she was sitting on me. Given how fast she does climax doing this, I guess I can't argue.


At seven, as my shoulders start to feel the first signs of burn, I look in the mirror and concentrate on her face, the half-lidded eyes and the thrown-back head indicating that my pain has definitely gained.


Eight and her body actually crouches forward over my head, her dark hair spilling over her thighs and back into my field of vision. I can feel twitching around my head. Wow, this one's going to be fast!


Nine. She grabs my forehead and yanks it up and back against her crotch. This makes it really hard to concentrate on what I'm doing, but I've learned never to complain when a woman is this close.


Ten. Bingo. It starts right after the bottom, and when I reach the top she leans back again, still holding my head tightly to her crotch. This time I don't go down and just stay at the top until I feel her thighs relax and loosen their grip on my head. I slowly lower myself until I'm resting on my chest. She finally lets go of my head and leans forward while her orgasm dissipates.


A few minutes later, she rises. As usual, I roll on to my back to rest, but she isn't standing there. The surprise comes when she covers my face with hers and favors me with a very deep kiss. It is the most difficult thing we do together, but it's also the most rewarding.