Catfight Club at the Catholic College By Pygmalion A coed vs. a Nun     Sister Nancy is a nun and mother superior at the Catholic College I attend.  Let me just tell you she's perfect.  Well except one flaw, and that is twin sister snitches Marla & Darla.  They are students as well, but more devout, and with Sister Nancy as their role model they are going to be nuns someday.     These twins tell on everybody about everything especially me.  Fortunately Sister Nancy is strict but fair.  There have been a couple of minor incidents where they've told on someone and all Sister Nancy would say is,     "You're telling me this because...."     Waiting for them to respond.  They only would look at each other and drop their heads and walk away.  There are 3 standing rules in the girls dorm hall:   1.  Lights out at 11 and in bed at 11:30 except on weekends then those curfews extend an hour.    2. No boys allowed in our dorm rooms.    These 2 rules and the 3rd which I will get to in a moment are rules that Sister Nancy isn't flexible on at all.  The 2nd rule doesn't bother me at all because I don't like boys anyway.  I'm into women especially Sister Nancy.     Sister Nancy is 42 years old but doesn't look a day older than 32.  She has a creamy soft complexion.  She is real tall in charge and poised at all times.     Well there is this one exception when I had her alone in her office.  What happen was I was just messing around in the campus garden when I came across this little brown snake.  Not being a girly girl I picked it up and took it to her office for authorization to keep him as my new pet.  That is the 3rd rule: No pets allowed without authorization.     When I showed Sister Nancy my little brown friend the well poised authoritative mother superior came unglued.  Her blue eyes got as big as softballs and she went as far as standing up on her desk.     "Trina!  You get that little creature away from me!"     She yelled out shaking nervously.  She started motioning with her hands for me to leave.  I never imagined anything could phase her let alone make her get all worked up in a tizzy.  I have to admit that is when I fell in love with the woman.  Nun outfit and all.     Truthfully I don't think that incident would've had the same effect on me if it weren't for her reaction as well as the facade she hides under.  I mean don't get me wrong I like herjust like she is, but there is something gorgeous about a poised woman losing her cool every now and then.     "Can I keep him?"     "No!  You go and put that back where you found it!"     I admired her even more for trying to keep some manner of authority about her.  The little brown critter start showing his tongue.     "Aw.  Look Sister Nancy.  I think he wants to give you a kiss."     I stepped closer to her desk and extended the snake up toward her.  She backed away and squealed.     "TRINA!  I MEAN IT!"     " I'll tell you what.  I'll take him away only if you let me keep him."     "Okay! Whatever it takes.  Just get him out of here."     She was almost in tears.  Authoritative yet submissive.  Now I was head over heels.  I just wonder what she looks like under that nun outfit?     I proceded to leave her office.  Once I got to the doorway I paused and gave her one last look.  She didn't see me she was climbing down from her desk.     "OH NO! Sister Nancy.  He got away."      Her mouth dropped open and she hopped up and stood on her desk.  With her hands folded together she looked around nervously.  I dug into one of my skirt's pocket and pulled it out.  To hold up for her to see.     "Wow.  That was a close one Sister Nancy."      I gave her a wink.      "SHUU!"      She ordered pushing me out the door with her hand gesture while still standing on her desk.  I walked away snickering like a mischievious imp.  I didn't keep the snake nor had any intention to.  I just got a hunch and thought I would try something.  It worked out better than I thought.  I never told anybody about that incident until now.            I didn't write you just to tell you that part.  I got together with 15 other girls in my dorm hall that share some of the same interest.  Reptiles, Sister Nancy, and wrestling are amongst them.  After seeing the movie "Fight Club" I made a vow to organize something like that when I went to college.     Only ours would be a wrestling club.  We wrestled only in our under garments on some placemates one of are wrestlers received authorization to use down in the basement.  She was authorized so that she could practice on her gymnastics on her own.  Most of the matches weren't too competitive they would usually end in a minor love fest.     So there we were one Friday not at 1 a.m.  When it all got broken up.  Sister Nancy had been informed of our activities and I guess you can figure out who told.  I knew right away it wasn't one of us 16 because we have an agreement.  Whatever happens in the basement stays in the basement.     Anyway Sister Nancy showed up not looking her usual self this particular night.  She was all primmed up and made up, and boy does she wear her make up well.  I always thought nuns weren't allowed to wear make-up.     She was also sporting a fluorscent green bathrobe.  Most definitely her twin snitches accompanied her.  She ordered us all back to our rooms.  All the girls except me made a beeline for the door.     "Wait!"    I called out with my arms folded standing my ground.     "Miss Trina.  Are you defying my authority?"      Sister Nancy asked sternly.     "Yes.  This is our time.  This is what we do on Friday nights."     "Well not anymore.  Back to your rooms.  That includes you missy!"     Sister Nancy looked over her shoulder while giving the order then back at me with a glare that would melt steel.  Well at least shatter granite.     "Why don't you join us?"     I invited.  I am pretty certain that all the girls would be in an uproar over that one.  Sister Nancy had now clue she had just walked into a den of viprous lesbians and bi's.     "Hah!  You girls would be out of your league."     "Maybe so, but what do you say?  You and I right now."     She gave me a "get real" look and the other girls looked baffled.  Surprisingly Marla and Darla encouraged her.  I guess because Sister Nancy towers over me.  I'm only 5'5" and 106lbs. and often told I look like Tara Reid.  I'm not sure who Sister Nancy looks like but I've heard one the girls compare her to some former Cnn News anchor, but I can't remember her name.     "Go ahead Sister Nancy kick her butt."     Sister Nancy stood stoiclly with her hand on her hip letting out a sigh.      " There will be no butt kicking tonight."     She informed us.  At this time I was getting tooworked up to let her just walk out of here without me having seen what the perfectly groomed brunette looked like under her bathrobe.  I stepped toward her as if I were going to leave but curiousity got the better of me, and I flipped the bathrobe up.  Much to my dismay I didn't get to see anything because she quickly pulled it down.  She grabbed me by the wrist with a grip as strong as a steel vice.     "That's it young lady.  You're coming with me."     Like heck I was.  I used a move that I study from the movie "Under Siege 2".  Once I was loosened from her grip I grabbed a hold of the silk belt that held her bathrobe closed and by her wrist.  Turning my body sideways into hers I flipped her head over heels.      She yelled out before crashing down to the mat on her rump.  Somehow I held the belt in my hand.  I left nothing to chance so for the time being I tossed it aside and went on the attack.  I drove a knee into her back.  With one hand I hammerlocked her arm and the other I used to grab a handful of that perfectly groomed hair and gave it a tug.     "AWWWW!  Trina you better let go of my hair and release me."      She responded through gritted teeth.     "I don't think you're in position to make any demands right now."     I informed her.  She slowy tried to stand up.  Once she made it to one knee I tugged harder on her hair and wrenched up on the hammerlock and leaned my body into hers for extra leverage.  She sighed in both pain in frustration.  Despite being trapped in this hold after a few minutes she made another attempt to stand up.     Due to her great height over mine I didn't want her to stand up because I would lose leverage on the hold.  I stold on one of her ankles.  Realizing that she wouldn't be able to go anywhere she arched her torso while yelling out in pain to relieveome of the pressure from the trap I had her in.  When she arched forward her bathrobe spread wide open.     "Gee whiz look at those abs!"      One girl shouted.     "Abs my ass! Check out those boobs!"     Another girl retorted.     "Oh my gosh!  Sister Nancy is shaven!"     That was it for me.  I decided I needed to see what the others were talking about.  I let go of her hair and the hammerlock hold as well as stepped off her ankle and proceeded to completely disrobe her.  She was able to make it to her feet but I already had thrown the bathrobe aside so I gave her incredible ass a good smack.     She let out a gasp and spun around.  Much to my dismay she had one arm drapped over her breast as best as she could cover them.   the other hand buried her treasure below.  I did get a good look at her well toned arms and shoulders as well as her perfectly sculpted abs.     She definetly has a heavenly body that match her angelic face.  Quite formidable looking too.  Perhaps if she weren't so modest she could kick my butt.     "Where's my bathrobe?"     " I threw it over there somewhere."     She looked over in the direction I pointed to.  She started walkingf toward it.  That is when I punched her in the midsection.  I liked it so much I did it a 2nd and 3rd time.  The 3rd one made a smacking noise.  The only thing she did in defense was back away.     I punched her a 4th and 5th time.  The 5th one was even quiter and she not only backed away but let out a wince.  The 6th was a quieter thud.  The 7th made no sound at all, but Sister Nancy did when air escaped her mouth.  Her midsection provided my fist a softer landing each time and now I think I was beggining to knock the wind out of her.       The 8th punch to her middle made her double over and my fist sank into her flesh up to the wrist.  I straightened her back upright with an uppercutt to her chin.  Out of natural reflexes she began to rub it exposing those magnificent pieces of work that were her boobs.  They were huge too.  Bigger than my head.     Those big round thingies with the pink nipples were to just too much to resist.  Resisting them would be like a carnivore passing up on a Grade A piece of prime rib.  I just had to punch each one with straight jab.     My fist sank right in.  Sister Nancy's eyes got real big and she took a couple of steps backward after yelling out in pain after each punch.  She moved her hand away from her pussy to cover her boobs.     It was shaven allright.  With pink lips that matched her nipples.  Something odd about it though.  It wasn't tight at all.  It looks like somebody has gone deep sea diving in her ocean on a few occassions.     I reached out and grab me a handful.  She squealed and jumped up in the air.  When she landed she pulled my hand away and covered it again.     Never in all her years at the college has a student ever challenged her authority let alone strip her and get fresh with her like I was.  I think the situation was beginning to make her nervous because her body shuddered and her bottom lip stammerred.  I reached around her and pinched her on the ass.     Shejumped backward and hooted in a high pitch squeal.    This time she uncovered her ripe breast and covered her ass cheek.  She had the same reaction as the previous except this time she uncovered her pussy and put her hand on her other ass cheek.     I took the opprotunity to assault her breast.  This time with a right hook into one. It smacked the other one and the jiggled a bit.  Sister Nancy winced with her eyes shut while biting down on her bottom lip.     She removed her hand from her ass and covered her boobs as best she could with her arm once again drapped over them.  Once again a grab a handful of her pussy while wearing a mischievous smile on my face.  She let out an Uh sound.     I once again reached around & pinched her on the ass.  Just as the same pattern before she hooted and covered her ass cheek with one hand leaving her breast exposed.  This time I didn't grab the other ass cheek or punch her in the breast but only lifted up on them.     She let out an oh and covered them again with her arm removing her hand from her pussy.  I noticed a pattern that was developing so I sped things up.  Pinch as she hoots and grabs it.  Exposing breast.  I poke them she lets out an uh, and drapes an arm over them.     I grab her pussy.  She oh's and covers it.  Exposing her ass, so I pinch it.  We start the cycle all over again.     Ass,breast,pussy, Ass breast pussy.  Hoot, uh, oh,  Over and over.  it got so faced it began to look like a warped version of the macrena.  I even began to hum the theme.     My peers were snickering like mischievious imps.  Marla and Darla asked me to stop and after a few pinches and hummed verses accompanied with the noise that came from Sister Nancy they begged Sister Nancy to kick my butt.  I guess they didn't want to admit it but their beloved supershero had fallen victim to her own modesty.     This went on quite awhile until I grabbed Sister Nancy's pussy one more time.  Her arms dropped at her side.  Her body glistened in perspiration.  Her hair was all wet and matted.     I felt some moisture and just had to take a look.  My goodness a creamy substance.  I jumped back with eyes as big as half dollars.  Sister Nancy by now was breathing so heavy and fast that she sounded like she was hyperventilating.     I turned my attention to our audience and licked her sexual fluid from my fingers.     "I hate to tell you this twinkies but I think your parragon of virtue loves this treatment."     They gave Sister Nancy a say it ain't so look.  Without responding to them Sister Nancy dropped to her knees, pulled my panties down and went to work eating me out.  Sadly though it didn't take long for me to climax.     I couldn't help myself.  She was just so great at it.  Like an old pro or something.     Granted with lips like hers I'm not surprised at her sucking ability, but the thing she knows how to do with her tongue is the real kicker.  My peers couldn't contain themselves any longer they just started in on each other.     While we were having our little lesbian love fest Marla & Darla managed to slip out.  In fact they never told on us.  From what I hear they dropped out of catholic college and became protestants.     As far as Sister Nancy and I.  Well I'll just leave you hanging on that note.  I am curious though if I could've really taken her in a fight.  With her size and build it would be quite the feat.     Well I hope you enjoyed Trina's little antecdote.  I must admit I'm a bit rusty.  Giving my over a year hiatous and all.  Sorry it took so long to write this. Pygmalion