Lina's Big Change Prologue: It is the year 3015 A.D., 30 years after the construction of Angelaria, a massive colony orbiting the Earth. One of the residents of this colony, Masuta Daaku Karasu, has created Lina, the first artificial human (AKA Neo-Terran). Lina, who is, technically, 2 years old, has grown to care for Masuta greatly, not just as a friend or her Master, but as a lover. Though Lina may act childish as well as naïve, Masuta has the same feelings. Masuta and Lina do almost everything together, from a trip to the store to going on adventures together. Today, though, is special because it's time for Lina's yearly upgrade, which is, coincidentally, her birthday. Setting: The inside of Masuta's house is shown. He and Lina are seen sitting at the kitchen table, a cake with three candles on it at center of it. Masuta: "Okay, Lina, make a wish and blow out the candles." Lina closes her eyes and blows the candles out. Masuta leans in and kisses her on the cheek. Lina: "Hm, hm. Thanks, Master, it was really nice of you to do this. But, what was it you called these?" Lina points at the box in the chair in front of her. Masuta: "Those are presents, Lina. You see, when people have birthdays, their loved ones or friends give that person a gift." Lina: "But wait, last month when it was your birthday and everybody else gave you a present you told me not to worry about it. Why?" Masuta puts his hand on her cheek. Masuta: "Because, silly girl, you being around is the best gift you can give." Lina stands up, wraps her arms around his neck, and kisses lightly on the lips. Lina: "That's so sweet. Thank you." Masuta: "No problem birthday girl. So, why don't you open your present?" Lina: "'Kay." Lina picks up the present and opens it. She reaches in and pulls out a teddy bear. Lina: "Oh, wow, it's so cute!" Lina puts it on the table and hugs Masuta tightly. Lina: "Thanks a lot, I love it so much!" Masuta: "No problem, birthday girl." Lina steps back. Lina: "So, are we gonna do my upgrade now?" Masuta: "Yeah. Listen, I was working last night on a way to make it so you can store more data, if needed. I made it so that it can be fired from a 'ray gun,' as you could call it." Lina: "'Kay." Masuta goes down into the basement and brings up a ray that looks like a fair booth gun. He sets it on the table and motions for Lina to stand in front of it. Masuta: "Ready, Lina?" Lina: "Ready!" Masuta: "You may feel a slight jolt." Masuta presses the button and a white beam comes out, hitting Lina. Her body glows white for a moment then turns to normal. Lina puts her hand on her forehead. Lina: "Oooh. I feel. funny." Suddenly, Lina seems to shoot up, becoming even taller than she currently is. As this goes on, her arms and legs practically balloon with muscle and her breast increase to giant proportions. Lina looks down and marvels her new body. Lina: "Oh, wow!" Masuta: "W...W-wow..!" Lina flexes, her biceps practically doubling in size. She then looks toward Masuta. Lina: "Whatcha think, Master?" Masuta: "Lina, would you like to. I mean, we've cared for each other for a long time. Listen, let me do this first." Masuta sets the dial on the machine to maximum and fires it. The same light hits Lina, turning her to normal. Masuta: "Now you can control your growth, okay?" Lina: "Thanks. So, what was that you were going to say?" Masuta walks up to her and embraces her. Masuta: "Marry me, Lina." Lina: "Oh, of course!" ----------- 3 Days Later ----------- Setting: Masuta and Lina have just gone on their honey moon. They've returned and are in their room in bed. Lina: "You know, it's been a while since I've gotten big." Masuta: "By all means, do." Lina goes and sits on Masuta's hips, takes his hands, and puts them on her breast. Lina: "Betcha anything you'll love this." Masuta can feel Lina's breast grow as they become larger. He sees that her muscles have increased in size as well. Also, she's gotten taller, almost to the roof. Lina: "So, sweetie, shall we start?" Masuta: "Whatever you want, babe." ---------------THE END---------------