Return of the Holy One By G-Man "Desert Scorpion Match" Devonna vs Shaheeda As I was nearing the second tier I felt a definite climate change the first room was cool but not cold this room had a tropical feel to it. When I entered it was like stepping into another world it looked like an oasis; palm trees, desert flowers and miniature pond I even felt a gentle breeze yet there was heat and strangely enough little or no humidity. The floor was covered with astro-turf In the midst of all of this beauty was a woman seated with her back to me she sat in a semi reclining position with her legs extended to one side exposing Junoesque hips and muscular lower leg development that included abundant rhombus formed calves. Her thick wavy raven locks tightly braided into a ponytail that reached her untypical African butt. Her V-shaped back development was a perfect complement to her massive sinewy shoulders. Suddenly from the side of me a familiar voice. "Devonna" I turned to see who it was and to my surprise it was my new sparring buddy Lynette with her arms and hands full. She was carrying a large terry cloth towel a beautiful sheer "I Dream of Jennie-like" pink and white /hot pink garment; please excuse my ignorance but I have no idea what the proper name of the outfit is. Also a beautiful alabaster box with a golden latch on the front. "Listen don’t talk Girlfriend, she insisted. I am going to dry you off then you are to step into these "Jennie Pants" (she was doing so as she talked) and then I will fit these on you", she opened the box after dropping the towel and as I stepping into the garment. What I saw was the most flawless of all jewelry; two white golden scorpions with black diamonds for eyes and white diamonds set at the tips of their claws and their tails. This amazing bit of jewelry was captivating until I realized what they were weapons. Specialized "tit blades" designed by some sick mind to damage women’s mammary, a weapon designed by the sick minds of Simba. I came close to quitting right then and there but I remembered why I was there and I regained my focus. "Remember I told you about the one blade match I saw and that move that was done? She whispered. I nodded. "OK Boo avoid the move then use the move; remember in all things my sister, be like water", with that little Bruce Lee admonition she squeezed my hand and left the room. "Begin" said the mysterious male voice. My opponent stood and turned to face me. She was even more stunning than I first supposed; She looked like a picture of an Ottoman princess. She was tattooed about her massive sinewy arms like a seasoned Marine. Her large almond shaped mahogany colored eyes decorated by thick yet feminine jet brows, high but softly placed cheek bones, a hawked nose perfectly suited to her face and full burgundy lips accented by a strong yet comely cleft chin. It was a shame that I was about to mess all that up but I knew that she was a Simba fighter and if I did not get her first she would get me and with no mercy. Seldom in my life have I ever been incited to competitively "strut my stuff" so to speak, well with the exception of those insecure prepubescent Jr. High days but this woman’s sensuality was challenging to say the least. Girls fighting over boys is just a smoke screen, an excuse or at beast symbolic of our true competitiveness. As she traveled to the center of the room she was silently saying that she was more of a woman than I in every way was. Like she could defeat me, take my man, and look better than me in all my favorite outfits. I know that sounds ridiculous but that’s a little insight into why we women sometimes don’t like each other at first sight. For us competition starts at a glance based on looks and presupposition. Queen Latifah’s character in her now canceled sitcom "Living Single" said If there were no men there would be no wars only peace and fat happy females" I disagree because men or not some one would have to be "Grand Diva" and the fights for that title would probably be "to the death". I met her nose to nose and tit to tit or blade barely touching we had the fighter’s stare down searching for weakness in each other, we found none so the question would be settled in battle. "Fight!" Said the voice; I struck first with a head butt to her beautiful nose, she screamed in agony backed away quickly with tears and blood pouring down her face. Much to my surprise she jumped strait up cocked her legs spun around in the air and delivered a flying side kick to my solarplexous. Having no air left in me I flew backward and was left writhing in pain. I could only think that I had to recover before she did or at least at the same time. I arose to my feet only to find my foe up and ready for the second clash, we circled each other cautiously with a healthy respect for the others ability. Yet I had no idea how agile this woman was; with the speed of a viper she elevated herself wrapped her legs and thighs about my head and slapped my body to the turf so hard that I bounced. I was so startled that I rolled then got to my feet again only to stair at her sweat-drenched physique and bloodied nose coming at me again. Timing is everything when one is fighting an opponent of such skill, subtlety and agility; I knew she figure it was her time to strike so a took a posture of defeat. She immediately took to the air her ample breasts directed at mine lead by those horrible blades. A milli-second after she left the deck I took to he air with greater force for greater elevation directed my blades just in back and to the sides of her sinking the tails of my scorpions into her outer nipples then I inverted myself in the air and envelop my legs about her head in a reverse triangle hold, lastly I sunk my teeth into her abs and then double clawed her groin area just outside her ancillary labium. The more superstitious of my acquaintances think that I have some special mystic power it’s not that it’s more like Magic’s eye-hand coordination, Bruce Lee’s Speed or Babe Zaharius’ strength. It’s God given ability enhanced by practice. I can just slow down action in my head, calculate it’s velocity and anticipate human movement. When facing an opponent of this woman’s caliber distribution of pain is a must in order to create at least momentary confusion. I blocked her air passages breached her flesh and constricted her blood flow from and unlikely spot hence she fell over like a chopped tree with me attached like a giant leach. Now all I could do was wait; for the sound of her muffled cries to subside, for the sight of at least a ¼ liter of blood to spill and for the violent tremoring of her lower half. It seemed like for ever but it was only a moment as I squeezed her head and neck between my thighs gnashed at her flesh and compressed two main arteries that she reacted first by clawing at my thighs and butt to relieve the crushing of her head and the twisting of her mighty mammary. Her clawing then turned to gentle pleading patting of my buttock signaling surrender so I released her rolled of and lay on my back next to her panting as she coughed. Once again my legs have delivered me in combat but they were growing weary and my general condition was weakened and I knew my next opponent like the first two would be fresh. However that was the point of the tower matches wasn’t it; how long could the "Great Devonna" last against the best the Battle Clan had to offer. Lynette appeared again accompanied by two of G-Man’s medical staff who attended to my beaten foe. Lynette attended to me giving me something to wash my mouth out with, water to drink and toweling me off. She whispered, "you have just beaten Sheheeda the "Desert Scorpion" from Afghanistan, I don’t know who is next but I do know it gets worse from here, stay focused’. "Devonna, time for the next trial, to the next tier please" the mans voice spoke again. So I headed for the stairs. To be continued.... By G-Man