The Grady Bunch - A Femdom Father's Day Story by Femavenger - Here's the story/ of a man named Grady/ and three lovely but deceptively dominant girls.   Mike Grady led what on the surface seemed to be an idyllic life. He was a successful architect with three sons from a previous marriage. His second wife, Carol, by amazing coincidence, had three daughters of her own, blonde like herself, exactly the same ages as Mike's boys. They lived in a typical middle-class suburban American town in a split level house with their live in maid Alice and their dog Foxy. (note: "Cousin Oliver" had by this time vanished as mysteriously as he had appeared in the Grady household in the first place.) But as is often the case, circumstances aren't always as they initially appear.   For one thing, despite their outward bravado, the boys were wimps. The girls were embarrassed that all of their classmates knew that the dorks were their step-brothers. And they weren't too crazy about their step-father either. Although he provided them with a good income, the girls had little use for him beyond that. He was as square as his boys, and they thought that he favored them. The girls were growing. Marcia, the oldest, was now a high school senior and had just turned 18. She and her sisters, Jan and Cindy, presented themselves as innocent waifs, but they were strong-willed girls who always wanted to get their way.   One weekend,  the Grady boys, Greg, Peter and Bobby, were on a boy scout camping trip. Carol was away visiting her sister, and Marcia and spent were spending Friday night at a sleepover party at a friend's house. Alice had the weekend off, leaving only Mike and Cindy in the house.   As the day went on, little Cindy had become increasingly annoyed with her step-father. She had wanted him to take her to the mall to shop, but he was too busy drawing up blueprints to drive her. She had wanted to order pizza for dinner, which her mom would  have done. But Mike, in his typical sanctimonious style, lectured her on her poor eating habits. "A nice big salad is much healthier!" Cindy gave her trademark angry pout, which along with her blonde pigtails and childish lisp accentuated her tender years. "One day you'll thank me for this! Mike said, noticing Cindy's annoyance. That just irritated her even more.   After dinner, Cindy wanted to watch MTV on television. "Sorry, Cindy." Mike said officiously. "There's a National Geographic special on. 'The Turtles of the Galapagos'. It'll do you good to educate yourself on nature!"   Cindy had just finished a week of school and was in no mood for any more "education". It was Friday night and she wanted to dance to the videos, and to watch the hot guys on them. Her hormones were kicking in. That's the kind of "nature" that she was interested in exploring, not  Ecuadorian turtles. "That'th  not fair!" muttered Cindy with a pout. Her lisp was even more pronounced when she was angry. "You're always so bothy, and you let Gweg, Peter and Bobby  get their way all the time too!"   Mike wasn't used to being talked back to like that. From the time he married Cindy's mother, he had laid down the law - he made all the decisions. "That's not true!" he huffed. "I'm fair to everyone! Now be quiet and sit down. The Show is starting, so learn something!"   Cindy glared at her step-father and then walked away. "Thkrew thith!" she said. "I'm going to my room and put on my own muthic!"   Mike's face reddened. "Come back here, young lady!" he thundered. But little Cindy defiantly stormed towards her room. Not wanting to be shown up, he followed her into her room. As soon as Cindy turned on her radio, Mike pulled out the plug and picked it up. "Just for that," rasped Mike, his face turning a deep red, "You are grounded for the rest of the weekend, without your radio!"   Cindy was furious. She was sure that if her mother was there, she would convince Mike not to be so severe. But she was on her own. She felt so helpless. And angry. Suddenly, without thinking, she lunged towards Mike. "Gimme my fuckin radio!" she yelled. With surprising ease, she snatched the radio right out of Mike's hands.   Dropping the radio on the bed, Cindy put her hand over her mouth, realizing that she had just used one of those "bad words" that wasn't permitted in the house. Mike's face got even redder! "Where did you get such a foul mouth?" he thundered as he removed his belt and doubled it up. " I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap! And now you will be grounded for a month! Your mother is too lenient with you. You need to get some respect beaten into you! Now bend over the bed. You're going to get what you have deserved for a long time - a good spanking!"   Cindy tried to run out of the room but Mike grabbed her and dragged her back. "Now get over the bed, backside up!"   In childish anger, Cindy lisped "thith ith't FAIR!" On the word "fair", she stomped her foot down, hard.   "OWWWWWWWWWW!" screamed Mike in surprised Agony. Cindy was equally surprised as she realized that she had stomped on his foot!" Mike grabbed at his foot while hopping around on his good foot.   Sensing an unexpected advantage, Cindy stomped again, this time deliberately, on Mike's other foot, and was rewarded with another bloodcurdling scream. A tingling of excitement went through Cindy. Without thinking her actions through, she kicked out with one of her mary-jane shod feet at his left shin, bringing another agonized groan from her step-father. A kick to the right shin brought him to his knees.   Cindy remembered something from a self-defense class that the girls in her school had all taken. She swung her leg back, and then powerfully forward, between Mike's legs, her shoe crashing solidly into his balls!   Mike's groan was lower than his earlier screams, but more wretched with pain. He looked up with anger at his step-daughter and tried to lunge at her again. This time, her shoe met the pit of his stomach, he fell back down to the floor like a rock.   Cindy's heart pounded audibly as she watched Mike on the floor. She couldn't believe it. She was kicking the shit out of her step-father! She had first hurt him by accident, and then on purpose. This was fun! and easy!   Taking a few seconds to recoup, Mike slowly crawled back and with obvious pain got shakily to his feet. Slowly and deliberately, Cindy stepped towards him. She kicked his right shin again. Instinctively his hand went down to protect it, albeit too late. She faked a kick to his stomach, and his other hand went up to shield the blow that never came. Cindy's fake left Mike's balls vulnerable to another kick, after which he dropped back down like a sack of potatoes.   "Y'You BITCH!" Mike stammered furiously as he got back to his feet. But he didn't stand a chance. Cindy was proving to be too much for him. Mixing fake kicks with real ones, she kept putting her step-father on the ground. He was hopelessly uncoordinated, while she found that she could easily make her father react to her fakes, allowing her to get clean kicks all over his body until he was curled up like a ball.   Cindy had never really fought before, and was surprised at how easily she was able to defeat Mike. Sensing that she couldn't afford to lose her momentum, she grabbed Mike's belt from the floor - the belt that he was going to whip her backside with. Now, with Mike in the fetal position, terrified of continued attacks from Cindy's feet, she quickly tied his ankles together with his belt. She used the other end of the belt to tie his wrists together, and just like that, she had him  bound into a hogtied ball on the floor!   "You were going to thpank me, weren't you, Daddy!" lisped Cindy with pride. "But now I'm gonna thpank YOU!"   Cindy removed one of her mary-janes and repeatedly and methodically spanked her step-father's ass. Mike couldn't believe the predicament he was in. Cindy packed a wallop into her spanks. At first, Mike was able to brace himself and keep from making any noise. But the relentless spanks with the sole of Cindy's shoe became more and more painful. After a minute, Cindy heard Mike grunt after especially severe blows. In a while, the grunts had grown to groans, and then louder moans. But that wasn't enough for Cindy. She wanted to make him CRY! And in less than five minutes, he was crying uncontrollably!   Hehehe! giggled Cindy. "I made you cwy wike a baby, Daddy!" This goaded Mike into struggling against his bonds. But it was to no avail. Cindy's knots were too strong for mike. whimpering, his bucking turned into frustrated wriggling.   With delight, Cindy realized that she now could watch whatever she wanted on TV! Skipping over to the remote, she put on the MTV that her Mike had previously refused to let her watch. Now, he had no say in the matter!   "You thaid that you were going to watch my mouth out with thoap for thaying a bad word, daddy! But then you called me a bitch! That'th a bad word too, Daddy! She skipped into the kitchen and returned with a bar of soap. Grabbing the belt that bound her father, she roughly propped him up into a sitting position against the living room couch, and then swiftly wedged a large bar of soap into his mouth!   In his helpless position, Mike could do nothing but watch his step-daughter dance to the beat of the MTV music for the next couple of hours. In pain and shame he bit down on the soap, causing pieces to break up, form suds in his mouth, and eventually slide down his throat. Every so often, Cindy pushed the bar further into his mouth as his salivary glands involuntarily moisturized the soap. "That'th what you get for calling me a bitch, Daddy!" Cindy taunted. You get your mouth washed out with soap! You tried to thpank ME, but instead I thpanked YOU, until you CWIED!"   This time, Mike cried not because of Cindy's spanking, but because he had humiliated her to tears with her juvenile gloating. She should have done this a long time ago!   After a few hours of dancing, to the loud MTV beat, as her step-father was made to helplessly watch and listen, Cindy went to bed, leaving Mike hogtied on the floor until she woke up in the morning.   Mike spent a fitful night bound up on the floor, He was in one of his rare moments of sleep when he sensed his binds being loosened, as Cindy undid the knots on the belt. She stretched her leg over her step-father's prone body and softly but firmly pressed the toe of her shoe on his adams apple, limiting his air supply, causing him to awaken in a fit of coughing and desperate gasps for air. She giggled at his struggles. "From now on, Daddy, you're my thwave. You will do evwything i tell you to do. And your firtht order ith, MAKE MY BWEAKFATHT, DADDY!"   What was she talking about? a confused Mike asked himself. "Thwave"? what's that? Then he suddenly realized. In her childish, lisping manner, she had said SLAVE! His youngest step-daughter was declaring  that he was her slave, and she was ordering him to make breakfast!   By this time, Mike's newly liberated limbs were loosening up as the blood circulation was flowing through them more easily. Cindy stood smiling proudly, her hands arrogantly on her hips. Out of the corner of her eyes she took quick glances at her father, pretending not to notice the fact that he had slowly gotten to his feet. She expected that he might try to rebel once he was freed, but she had enough confidence in herself from her success the night before, and instinctively she knew that if she beat his rebellion down, decisively, he would be so cowed that he wouldn't try to fight her again. Her step-father truly WOULD be her slave!   Mike took a deep breath and then suddenly ran towards Cindy, as if he was going to tackle her. But Cindy pivoted around to face him, and slammed a fist into his nose. This stopped her stunned step-father in his tracks. His legs spread out to try to steady himself, leaving his crotch an open target. A second later, Cindy's foot had thudded into his balls and dropped him to his knees again.   Both fighters were so concentrated on each other that neither one heard Jan open the door, home from her sleep-away party. Marcia had slipped off to see her boyfriend Tom, but more about her later. Jan quietly closed the door and stood silently in the corner of the room, trying to stay out of sight as she watched, open-mouthed in surprise, at what was going on in the room.   Cindy  was now openly taunting Mike, bouncing on the balls of her feet, fists in front of her, motioning for him to get up. As he stood, she started mixing combinations of punches and kicks. Poor Mike didn't know how to respond. He clumsily put his arms in front of him to defend himself, causing Cindy to laugh in his face. She faked a knee to his balls, causing him to bend forward slightly and move to cover his balls with his hands. Cindy then went after her actual target, landing a left uppercut to his side, followed by a sharp kick to his right ankle and a hard right jab into his solar plexus. Mike doubled over towards her on his feet. When his moaning face was inches above her waist, she slammed her knee into his chin, sending him reeling backwards, crashing to the floor.   "Well, Daddy," Cindy chided, "Do you admit that you are my thwave yet?"   Mike looked up at Cindy from the floor. He could barely believe what she had put him through for the past twelve hours. But he couldn't deny how easily she had demolished, punished and humiliated him at every turn. Still, he tried to resist submitting her slave. But  Cindy was having none of it. She jumped in the air, landing with a thud, a leg landing on either side of him. "Anthwer me, Daddy!" she demanded.   That thud was what finally shattered Mikes psyche. "OK, YES, YES, I'M YOU'RE SLAVE, CINDY! I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE! JUST PLEASE, PLEASE STOP HURTING ME, I BEG OF YOU!"   Cindy found the sense of power that went through her at that moment indescribable. But she had enough sense, and killer instinct, to know that if she was going to stop hurting him physically, she would have to keep up the pressure mentally. She grinned down victoriously at Mike. "Good boy, Daddy!" she purred. "Now get off your ath and make my bweakfatht! Pancaketh and bacon, and coffee too!"   "B-But Cindy, You're too young to drink coff-" Mike's protestations were cut off by a kick to Mike's left knee, causing him to howl in new pain. "Sorry, Cindy!" he gasped as he hopped into the kitchen. "Pancakes and bacon and coffee! As fast as I can!"   Grinning from ear to ear, Cindy sat down at the dining room table. Jan rushed over to him. "Cindy!" she exclaimed. "What were you doing to Daddy?"   "I beat Daddy up, Jan!" Cindy proudly crowed. "It was tho eathy! He can't fight! You could do it too!"   Cindy then proceeded to excitedly recount to her sister what had happened, step by step, starting with the evening before, and up to the point where Jan had walked in. Jan was proud of her sister, but wanted to get in on the action himself!   "I have an idea!" said Jan. "This is how I want to do it!" Cindy listened excitedly. She was delighted to have her sister join in the fun of tormenting their step-father, who had made their lives miserable (from their standpoint) from the moment he married their mother. Aside from the money and the big house, of course. Cindy happily agreed to the plan. Jan slipped back out of the house for the time being.   After breakfast (she made him pour the coffee and then stand at the table like a butler), Cindy made Mike clean the dishes and then ordered him to take her to the mall, which he had refused to do the day before. Aside from putting everything on his credit card, she told Mike that from now on, he would increase her allowance from five dollars to one hundred dollars a week. In addition, Mike would be Cindy's chauffeur, driving her wherever she wanted.   With Cindy sitting in the back seat, Mike pulled into the driveway at the house and was stunned by what he saw. Jan had her head and one of her hands outside of her window. She was smoking a cigarette! It was obvious to Mike that she was trying to keep the smell of the smoke from entering the house. In actual fact, though Jan wanted him to think that, she really wanted Mike to see her, and then angrily react to what he saw. It was part of her plan.   By this time, Mike had recovered somewhat from Cindy's physical onslaught, although the psychological humiliation was fresh and relentless. Some of his energy was back, and when he saw Jan smoking, he became furious. His mind now focused away from Cindy and on to his middle step-daughter. She deserved to be punished. And he figured that he wouldn't have the same problems with Jan as he had with Cindy. In anger, he stormed up to her room and flung open the door.   Jan, a few years older than Cindy, was taller than her little sister. She had always been cute, but now she had shed all of her baby fat and and her legs were growing long, making her slimmer and even more attractive than she had been. She had long, willowy blonde hair and wore glasses, which along with her high lilting voice increased her vulnerable and innocent appearance. Her body was filling out in all the right places. She may not have had Marcia's natural beauty, but she was certainly turning in to a very nice looking young lady. Contrasting with her innocent looks, however, was the cigarette that she was holding as she turned around to face him.   P-Pput that thing out!" stammered Mike, still stunned that Jan had apparently started smoking. But instead of being surprised and ashamed at being "caught",  Jan smiled directly at her step-father, locked eyes with him, defiantly took a long drag and started walking towards him.   "Y'You know that your mother wouldn't approve of your smoking, Jan!" Mike said in a shaky voice, already sounding defensive.   Jan stopped in front of Mike and blew a stream of smoke into his face. He started to cough, but Jan surprised and distracted him by reaching around and gripping the back of his neck with her free hand.  "But you're not going to say a word to Mommy about this, ARE you, Daddy?"   Before Mike could respond, Jan jumped up, and using her grip on his neck for support, swung her long legs up around his midsection. Locking her ankles, she suddenly snapped her legs into a scissor hold, her firm thighs banging into his stomach and his back, robbing him of his breath and sending a sudden jolt of pain through his body. He collapsed on the ground,  Jan safely landing on his lap, her legs still entwined around his torso. Safely for Jan, that is. Her ass landed so solidly on his crotch that she distinctly felt each of his balls squash between her hard glutes and the hardwood floor!   As Mike squealed in new agony, Jan repositioned her legs around his flanks, squeezing  his sides towards the middle of his body as they faced each other on the floor. She waved her cigarette in front of his face. "If you want to stop me, just take it away from me, Daddy!" she taunted. Desperately, Mike tried to make a few grabs for it. But each time, a  seemingly effortless jolt from Jan's legs stopped him in his tracks.   At this point, Cindy entered the room with a camera, as previously planned with Jan. With her long, strong legs, she positioned him over her as she lay on her back. "Make sure not to get my legs in the pictures, Cindy. Just our upper bodies, so it looks as if he's attacking me!"  Of course, nothing further could be the case. After Cindy clicked off a couple of pictures, Jan slammed Mike to the floor before returning him to the position above her. She squeezed his sides, and made him make a facial expression that  the pictures Cindy took looked  like a menacing scowl. In actual fact, the expression was one of agony as Jan was putting the hurt on his body. This time she released him after she slammed him back down, allowing him to attempt to get away before pursuing him and getting him into several more scissor holds and slams.   After they were done, Jan and Cindy let Mike take a shower and a nap to recover a little from their onslaught. As he was sleeping, Marcia came home. Jan and Cindy rushed over to her and excitedly bragged about what each of them had done to their step-father. "I'll bet you can make him your slave too!" Jan assured Marcia, as Cindy nodded heartily in agreement.   Marcia was the most naturally beautiful of the three attractive sisters. She had the blonde, blue-eyed good looks that you would expect from the school's head cheerleader. Her fresh smile gave her an innocent image, but now, her cruel, more devious side was about to come out.   "I know EXACTLY what I want to do!" Marcia proclaimed. "Tom and I were going to do it in the back seat of  his car tonight" she said, referring to her star football player boyfriend, but now I think we're going to do it right in this house, in front of Daddy, and he won't be able to do anything about it!"   Jan and Cindy listened in astonishment as Marcia revealed some facts to them, and explained her plan to them.   When Mike woke up, Cindy ordered him to make dinner for the girls. He made the only thing he knew how, a tuna casserole. "You're going to have to take some cooking lessons, Daddy!" chided Jan. Not knowing how much the girls may have told Marcia about what had happened, Mike kept as low a profile as possible, staying quietly in the kitchen as the casserole baked.   Mike came out from the kitchen and served dinner to the girls before taking some for himself and sitting down. Jan winked at Marcia. "So, Marcia, are you going to the movies tonight with Tom?" she asked.   "No Jan, that would be too much of a waste of time". answered Marcia, as if it were innocent, off-handed conversation. "Tom is coming straight over here so we can fuck!"   Mike was only partially paying attention to the conversation until this point. But now he looked, startled, at Marcia. "WW-What d-did you s-say?" he trembled, not fully believing what he had just heard.   "I said Tom is coming over here and we are going to fuck. As in fucking each other's brains out, Daddy! By the way, since you have a bigger bed and since Mom's away, we're gonna use YOUR bed and bedroom tonight. You can stay in my room tonight. Just remember to wash both sets of sheets tomorrow, Daddy!   Mike was furious. "HOW DARE YOU!" he shouted, his voice much shakier than he would have liked. "You can't have sex with your boyfriend here. You're just a child!"   "I'm 18 years old now, Daddy, and so is Tom!" Marcia answered smugly. "We are adults in the eyes of the law, so that argument won't work!"   W-what would your mother say?" Mike lamely responded.   This was the opening Marcia was waiting for. "What do you think Mommy would say about THIS, Daddy?" she asked menacingly, Then she pulled out some photos and other materials and handed them to Mike.   Mike took one look at what Marcia had given him, and his face went aghast. As he kept looking through the papers, his face got whiter and whiter.   The three sisters grinned at each other in triumph. Marcia had already clued Jan and Cindy in to the contents of what Mike was now looking at. Pictures, and other evidence, of Mike engaging in homosexual acts, with motel records to back it up! Marcia had become suspicious of Mike's movements, and for a few months had been spying on him! She had plenty of evidence that Mike Brady, "Family Man", head of a six-child household, was actually gay!   What do you think Mommy would think if she knew that her hubby was really a cocksucking faggot, Daddy?"   Mike was in absolute shock, but tried to bluff his way out of it. "S-So what? Lots of people are gay, more than you think! It's not as bad as you're making it out to be!"   Marcia chuckled. "Who do you think you're kidding, Daddy? We're barely out of the 1970's right now. Maybe in twenty or thirty years people will be more enlightened about these things. But as for now, it's still a major social stigma. Besides, what do you think Mom would think about this. Would she be so understanding?"   Mike looked angrily at Marcia. She was blackmailing him! But he knew that she had the goods on him, and she was as precient about the future as she was accurate about the present - acceptance of his sexual orientation, as unfair as they might have been, was still a long way off.   Still, Mike tried to put up some bravado. "Kiss my ass!" he said as he started to stalk out of the room.   "Girls", purred Marcia to her sisters, "I think that Daddy needs a little attitude adjustment!"   Mike made it only out to the living room before Jan brought him down with a flying scissors tackle. By the time Marcia entered the room, Jan had Mike oh his knees, his head poking out between her legs, her thighs squeezing his heck, his face turning beet red as he gagged in pain. Cindy strutted in front of them and started smacking his face, hard, both backhanded and forehanded.   "Can't I pop him one, pleathe, Marcia?" lisped Cindy, waving a fist. "I'd LOVE to give Daddy a black eye!"   Marcia chuckled. "I admire your enthusiasm, Cindy. And one day soon you will be able to do that. But I don't want to mark him up too much, until we find out if Mom is ok with all of this. Right now I want you to just slap him around for another few minutes for giving me his backtalk!   Mike was sobbing when Cindy started slapping. Jan was about to release him from her thigh hold when Marcia stopped him. "Remember what he said, Jan, he said i should kiss his ass!" She turned to Mike. "Well, daddy, I don't think I will. Instead, YOU are going to kiss MY ass!"   Jan positioned Mike's head at more of an upturned angle as Marcia flipped her skirt up. After a couple of vicious jolts, Mike started slobbering kisses all over her ass.    The only thing that saved Mike was the ringing of the doorbell. "That must be Tom!" squealed Marcia. "Daddy, go answer the door and make Tom feel at home!"   Wearily, Mike got to his feet as Jan released him from her hold, He didn't want to follow Marcia's orders, but he it was better than having to endure Jan's pain-giving thighs. Tom entered, amused at Mike's beleaguered appearance.   Marcia rushed up to Tom, pushing Mike aside in the process. Kissing her boyfriend passionately, she caressed his crotch through his pants. "Mmmmmm, I can feel that YOU'RE ready, big boy!" she purred sexily. Tom nodded and chuckled in lustful agreement.   Marcia took Tom's hand and led him towards her parent's bedroom. "Come up with us, Daddy!" she barked at Mike. Turning to Tom, she said "Daddy is being very nice! He wants you to feel comfortable fucking his step-daughter in his house, so he is generously letting us use his bedroom tonight!" Motioning for her father to follow them in, she sat down with Tom on her bed, while he stood before them.   "Drop your pants and shorts, Daddy!" Marcia commanded. In confusion, but not wanting to disobey, Mike complied. While he was doing this, Marcia unbuckled Tom's belt. He wasn't wearing underwear, so his big cock sprung out of his jeans. Marcia laughed as she looked from one appendage to the other. "Look at that, Daddy! I'll bet five of your little breakfast links could fit into Tom's cock!" she purred as her gentle caresses caused Tom's member to grow even more. "Tom might be less than half your age, Daddy, but he's about ten times more of a man than you!" Marcia enjoyed the look of hurt and despair on Mike's face. "She waved Tom's cock at him, like a huge, mocking finger. "I know you would love some of this, but it's all mine!" Marcia gloated. "Eat your heart out, Daddy! And watch us fuck!"   Much to his misery, Mike stood and silently watched as the teenaged (but legally adult) Tom sexually satisfy his teenaged (but legally adult) stepdaughter better than he had ever satisfied anyone in his life. After they were done, Marcia had another job for him. He had proved himself so proficient with his tongue and mouth while kissing her ass before, she now had him use his mouth to clean her out after Tom was finished! "I would make you get Tom hard yourself, but you would probably like that too much, and I sure don't want you to enjoy this!" So Marcia got Tom aroused by herself, and the fucking and cleaning process repeated itself several times.   Before Mike was allowed to leave the room, he had to agree to become Marcia's slave, and to increase her weekly allowance to two hundred dollars!   The next morning, Mike was made to take Tom and the girls for Brunch. He was only allowed water, coffee and oatmeal, so he would have the strength to thoroughly clean the house and wash his bed sheets before Carol got back from her visit and the boys returned from their camping trip.   As Mike was vacuuming, the girls planned their strategy. They had decided that as fun as subjugating Mike would be, they would have to do it behind Mom's back, and they each wanted a personal slave all their own. Conveniently, the three girls had three step-brothers! All of the girls now had the confidence that they could do it, so they decided that their project that week would be for Cindy to subjugate Bobby, Jan to take care of Peter, and Marcia to enslave Greg!   Each girl went about their task in their own way. Cindy, the youngest girl and the most immature, took her usual approach, the direct approach, simply beating and kicking the shit out of Bobby. It's ironic that her immaturity caused her to be more physically brutal than her sisters. She had girl's pigtails and a girl's lisp, but she also had a little girl's petulance and anger. She wasn't as sophisticated or refined as her older sisters, and the end result of this "innocence" was that her punishment was more vicious. All she knew was that she was successful in beating up Bobby's father. She was quicker then him and able to get past his defenses very easily, and he was an adult! Bobby was only a few months older than her.   Cindy started beating up Bobby on Sunday night, when she cornered him alone in his room. She continued her onslaught at every possible moment on Monday, including at school, in front of their classmates.    By Tuesday, Bobby had tearfully agreed to become Cindy's slave.   On Monday, after school, the other girls made sure that the coast would be clear, and that Jan and Peter would be the only ones home. Jan softly knocked on Peter's door and entered the room.   What Peter saw was his wet dream come true. He had dreamed of screwing his step-sister ever since their parents got married, and now she was wearing nothing but  a swimsuit as she sauntered over to him. "Ok, Peter," she cooed seductively, "I know you've wanted this for a long time!"  She then lay down on his bed, her inviting legs splayed open.   Peter couldn't believe his good luck. His Jan had only looked at him with disgust in the past! Maybe he was growing on her! Happily, he started taking his clothes off, and only had his underwear and socks on when he climbed on top of her, and started to caress and kiss her.   Jan softly sucked Peter's lower lip into his mouth, and suddenly clamped her teeth hard around it. As he gasped his first moan of pain, Jan locked ankles and squeezed for all she was worth. His moans became an agonized scream, which Jan absorbed into her body by sucking the scream from her mouth to his. She loosened her scissor hold just a bit, and disengaged her mouth from his. "You must be really stupid to have thought that I would EVER be attracted to a wimp like you!" she sneered. Peter struggled to get out from Jan's legs, but she put on a hard squeeze, peppered with even harder intermittent jolts. She kept up her punishment for another hour, until she heard her mother come in the house. She quietly released him from her hold. The next day at school, she was bragging to her friends about what she had done. They didn't believe it, so after class, she started after him. Jan's friends laughed in surprise when he started running away in obvious fear of his step-sister, and they cheered with delight when she outran him and then scissored him with her powerful legs.   By Tuesday evening, Peter had agreed to become Jan's slave.   On Monday afternoon, Marcia called Greg into her room. Her approach, as usual, didn't rely on the physical as much as her sisters. She simply showed Greg the same pictures and documents that she had used to blackmail his father.   Greg looked horrified at what he saw, but, Marcia noted, he didn't look all that surprised. He must have had some suspicions, if not direct knowledge, of  Mike's sexual leanings.   "How would you like it if the whole school knew that your father was a cocksucking faggot?" she asked him. "How about his co-workers? Or the rest of your wimpy family? or our neighbors?"   Greg was a wimp deep down to begin with, and he capitulated almost immediately. Marcia had enjoyed the way Mike had first kissed her ass and then cleaned her out after Tom shagged her, but she decided that Greg's role would be to satisfy her with his mouth when Tom wasn't around to satisfy her with is cock. Greg's first session of orally servicing Marcia's pussy and ass to climax started minutes after she had confronted him with the incriminating documents.   And by Monday Evening, Greg had agreed to become Marcia's slave.   On Thursday afternoon, in celebration of their victories, the three girls were punishing their slaves all together, in the girl's bedroom. They thought that they were alone, not realizing that Alice had just come back from the supermarket with the dinner grocery items. The housekeeper was shocked when she walked in on Cindy sitting astride Bobby, slapping his face, Jan scissoring Peter into painful submission, and Marcia reading a teen magazine as she sat on Greg's face. He was lying on his back underneath Marcia, his tongue busily working at her pussy.   The girls froze for a moment, then relaxed when they saw the middle-aged woman start grinning from ear to ear. "Well, I see you girls have found out the best way to deal with those nasty brothers of yours" The girls all laughed in agreement and relief.   While remaining on top of their brothers, the girls then told Alice the whole story, starting with what they had each done to Mike first. All through their accounts, Alice nodded in support.   "I'm glad that you approve, Alice!" murmured Marcia. I just wish I knew for sure if Mommy would approve of this. If we could only get her involved with this, we wouldn't have to do it behind her back!   Alice's smile widened as she chuckled. "I think that I might be able to arrange something. In fact I'm pretty sure of it. Let me take care of it. Just don't make any plans for Saturday night or Sunday!"   On Saturday, Carol was supposedly visiting her sister again. Since the next day was Father's Day, Carol had promised to come back early, in time for a special Father's day dinner. As ordered, Mike entered the living room, crawling on his knees, and saw each of his step-daughers on top of each of his sons. It was that same moment that both father and his sons was confronted with the fact that they were all in the same position - namely as slaves to either one or all of the girls.   And then, to make matters worse, a smiling Alice burst into the room. "Okay boys, here's your project for the day!" She handed each of them a frilly feminine apron. "I'm going to teach you embroidery! You're going to sew your names right into your new aprons!" The Grady males didn't even look that surprised that Alice was in on the "secret". They were now clinging to the hope that somehow, Alice wouldn't find out. Reluctantly, they each embroidered their names onto their apron.   That evening, with Alice out of the house, the girls once again had their fun with their brothers. Marcia had fun with Tom and both of her slaves - Greg moistening her pussy before Tom entered. and Mike cleaning her out afterward.   The next morning, after another brunch, Mike and the girls returned home. Some father's day this is going to be! thought Mike bitterly. But as gloomy as his thoughts were, he had no idea how humiliating it was going to get.   At noon, the door opened and in came both Carol and Alice. And in between them - a big, brawny arm around the waist of each of them, with a big smile on his face, was Alice's boyfriend - Sam the Butcher!   Mike stared uncomprehendingly at the trio as Alice spoke. "I could see that Mrs. Grady needed a real man, and I'm not the jealous type, so I offered to share Sam with your wife, Mr. Grady! chirped Alice. "The three of us have been together the last few weekends, when you thought your wife was with her sister! But now, we don't have to keep it a secret any longer!"   Mike Grady looked more hopeless than ever, having lost total control of his house. "I won't stand for it!" he declared. I want a divorce!"   The women all laughed as Carol walked up to her husband and gently stroked his cheek. "Poor Mike!" she cooed. "My poor silly husband wants a divorce? With the pictures and documents that Marcia has? with the incriminating photos that my poor daughter Jan has of you molesting her? You would be out on the street without a penny! No judge would let you keep custody of even your own sons! I would get control of them - and I would make sure that their mistresses, my daughters, would make them suffer even more than they are suffering now!   "And from what I hear," continued Carol, "if you anger my dear sweet little Cindy, she can just rear back and beat the crap out of you!" Cindy beamed with gloating, girlish pride.   Mike wordlessly conceded defeat by lowering his head and turning away. The women, and Sam, all had a good laugh.   "From now on, Mike, you are my cuckold hubby!" said Carol. "You will help me get ready for Sam and any other lovers that I may take! You will assure them that you approve of it and that you will help with every aspect of our love making, before, during and after, that you are ordered!"   "Ahem, Mrs. Grady, don't forget about me!" intejected Alice. "I don't want to be left out of the fun!"   Carol chuckled. "Of course you won't, Alice!" she assured her. "Mike," she said, turning back to her husband, "From now on, when you aren't at work, or acting as a slave to Marcia, Jan, Cindy or me, you will spend your time assisting Alice with whatever work she has for you! In other words, you will be the housekeeper's maid! Or to put it another way, you are now Alice's slave!"   The girls cheered Alice as she broke into a self-satisfied grin. Mike has always treated her in a brusque manner. Now he would spend the rest of his life paying for that!   Alice then supervised the four Grady males, instructing them on how to make the Father's Day meal. As Carol and Sam were having fun upstairs, Greg, Peter and Bobby were spending Father's day helping their father make dinner for his housekeeper, his wife and their lover!   When dinner was ready and Sam and the Grady women were seated at the table, Alice marched Mike and his boys out of the kitchen. The women laughed at their frilly, personalized, embroidered aprons.   "Tell your guests what you are serving, boys!" commanded Alice to the four males.   Showing how well they had been trained, the four males miserably curtsied, holding on to their aprons as they did so. Then, in unison, they said; "Pork chops and applesauce!"   The girls laughed uproriously, and the boys squirmed in shame. Obviously some kind of inside joke, Sam the Butcher figured. But he didn't think much about it. His mind was on the threesome that would follow dinner up in Carol's bedroom.   From that day, nothing was ever the same in the Grady house. Namely, the females were on top, lording it over the males. Even Sam and Tom were only used as sexual tools, to provide pleasure to the women and humiliation to the Grady boys.   It was nearly two decades before the phrase would become common parlance, but as of that Father's Day, years ago, "girl power" had taken hold in the Grady household.                                                              THE END