A Session with Gia Gia had been on the Chicago wrestling scene for about six months when I got curious. She seemed small from her published stats and looked great but not especially muscular or cut. I enjoy semi-competitive or competitive sessions, and I wondered whether someone this size and shape was right for my preferences. But the reviews I was reading kept speaking of her endurance, determination and deceptive strength. I decided I had to find out. I'm 46 years old, 5'6", 156", a regular exerciser with about four years of session experience. My email inquiry about a semi-competitive session wasn't returned for a couple days, but Gia's reply was very apologetic about her busy schedule and she was willing to accommodate my request for a session at a time that was very convenient for me (but not very convenient for her) in short order. When I arrived at the appointed hour, Gia offered a friendly greeting. (I won't comment on the wrestling setting as Gia said she would be moving a few days after our session.) When it was time to begin, she appeared in a thong bikini I thought I recognized from pictures I'd seen. She looked solid but not ripped and no more visibly muscular that many women you might encounter on a summer walk. I've seen some different published weights for Gia and didn't ask, but 5'3" and 120 pounds looked pretty close on this morning. Right after first contact, I realized that this was a deceptively powerful woman. She was hard to bring down and harder to keep there. After a long struggle, I managed to execute a rather sloppy grapevine pin with Gia's arms held over her head. For the duration of the session, all further pin attempts were fruitless; she was able to power or spin out of each of them. Gia and I quickly settled into a fast-paced session; she demonstrated good knowledge of holds and had no problems trading them. We exchanged submissions during the session, me succeeding with a headlock (I think I caught a lip piercing in the wrong spot) and body scissors and Gia with a reverse face sit and a body scissors/jaw lock combo. (My jaw provided a remembrance of the session for several days afterwards.) The pace of our session kept the repartee to a minimum, and I'm not particularly into that sort of thing, but a few of her comments made believe that she would be happy to put a man in his place verbally if he enjoyed that sort of thing. Gia's determination was compelling. She absolutely refused to concede without a prolonged struggle to both escape and endure the hold. This was also true when we arm wrestled. I managed victories with both hands, but only thanks to my substantial weight advantage and after a long battle. Gia's endurance was her most striking quality. I sweated through two shirts during the session and took advantage of a sweaty head to escape from more than one head scissors. I didn't see her sweat or breathe hard for the entirety of the session. She was just as strong in the last minute of our session as the first, and finished the session with a shoulder lock/body scissors combination that was painful and memorable. I thought with my weight advantage I might wear her down, but it simply didn't happen, and I don't think another hour would have made any difference. I thought Gia was an outstanding wrestler; flexible, quick, agile, motivated and in impeccable shape. She can generate scissors power equal to or exceeding that of women I've wrestled who outweigh her by tens of pounds. Our dealings were pleasant and professional. As I said in a brief initial posting on Tom Nine's board, Gia made me recall a quote of Jack Nicholson's about a young Jessica Lange. "She's like a cross between a fawn and a Buick." Gia certainly can generate combustion power with all cylinders. Highly recommended.