Let's get 'em girls! by Emma Peel It was a strange day in some ways. The sun was shining, the sky was essentially blue, with just one or two fluffy clouds up above and it was really rather pleasant. Not a typical English day, but one that you therefore made the most of. I'd just finished rehearsing in the television studios at W.A.S (Women Are Superior) where I was playing a fist fighting, judo throwing heroine in a crime series and so I'd spent practically the entire working morning throwing men from one side of the studio to the other and occasionally throwing right and left hooks here and there, which was most enjoyable. The only problem with a television series is that members of the public sometimes believe that you ARE the character you portray and expect you to behave that way all the time and perform all the skills off screen that you demonstrate so adroitly and expertly on screen. This can sometimes lead to difficulties, and so it was this particular day. I'd left the studio at about 2 o'clock and, as it was such a lovely afternoon, I decided to go for a walk in the local Country Park, with its wildlife, babbling brooks, shrubs, greenery and all things nature. However, in my haste to leave the studio to take advantage of the balmy weather, I'd neglected to change into my "normal" clothes which was incredibly remiss of me, and I walked out still wearing my black Crimplene jump-suit which I wore exclusively for my fight scenes in "The Avenger Lady". As I ventured into the denser woodland of the Country Park, I noticed a gang of six men, in their mid 20's I guess, trying to catch and torment the squirrels which were scurrying around, "Hey what are you doing?" I shouted, "leave them alone. They're supposed to be able to run free in the wild". "Well look who it is," one shouted, "it's Emma Peel, The Avenger Lady. Leave the squirrels boys, we've found ourselves some better prey. I've seen you handle yourself when you're only up against one man," he said, "but what are you like against six of us?" he sneered. "Now don't be silly," I said, "Emma Peel is just the character I play. It's tongue-in-cheek escapism." "Don't give me all that bullshit," he replied aggressively, "you've made us men look like wimps who can't even fight a woman. Well the six of us are going to prove that we can!" "Six men against one woman," I said, feeling rather nervous but trying not to let it show, "do you think that's going to prove anything apart from the fact that you're really cowards?" At that moment they walked towards me and formed a circle around me. It would be a gross understatement to say that I felt rather intimidated at that point, and I really feared the worst possible outcome. Oh I might be able to kick one or two of them in the balls, but I was so heavily outnumbered. And then I heard it - an angelic voice of salvation. "Let's get 'em girls!" it sang out, and suddenly five young ladies between the ages of 18 and 22 and all wearing Emma Peel fighting suits, seemed to spring out of nowhere and began to slug it out with these imbeciles. I later learned the girls' names: Hazel, Margot, Carole, Moira and Liz. Hazel grabbed the first man by his lapels and threw him to the ground with a neat judo throw. She dragged him up, kicked him in the balls and then kneed him in the face. Margot had already dropped her opponent with a scintillating right hook and now had her legs locked firmly round his neck. Carole, Moira and Liz had each grabbed a man and were easily getting the better of them and, feeling encouraged by this, I hit the last one with an Emma Peel special punch before kicking him hard in the balls. To my surprise and absolute delight I hasten to add, I then knocked him out with a right hook to his jaw. The girls were fantastic. I'd never seen such a wonderful display of fighting from a group of women up against male aggressors - karate kicks, punches, judo throws, everything I used myself in The Avenger Lady. Liz punched her opponent so hard that I swear she broke his jaw and Carole just threw her opponent from one tree to another and back again at least three times, before finishing him off with the sweetest of left hooks. Moira just laughed at the man she was fighting as he tried some absolutely pathetic attempts to punch her. Eventually she just showed him how it was done and knocked him out with a straight right. The men were beaten. The girls had easily overpowered them and with the one that I had managed to punch out, all six of them lay there - flat out, spark out, knocked out. "Girls you were wonderful," I enthused. "Oh no, you're the one who's wonderful Emma," Hazel said, "You're our heroine. We love watching you on tv and we all want to be like Emma Peel," she continued. "Yes you're our inspiration," said Carole, "We just love the way you deal with men and show them that we're better than they are." "Well, we've always known that, haven't we?" I smiled. "Can we have your autograph!? they shouted in unison. EMMA PEEL