Lisa's Fitness Programme For Women by Lady Luck Hello girls and welcome to Lisa's fitness programme, devised and designed to help tone those muscles and keep the body supple and in good shape, whilst also offering a huge amount of fun and entertainment. Before beginning the programme, you will need to acquire the services of a male, although his will be purely a passive role, a pair of hand-cuffs, ankle cuffs and a blindfold. Now you position the male in the centre of an adequately sized room - a living room is perfect as long as the furniture is well out of the way. Cuff the male's hands and ankles so that movement and resistance is minimal and then slip the blindfold over his eyes. You will also need a noose made out of a piece of leather strapping or strong rope. Put on some nice background music, to taste, and you're ready to begin. So it's leotards on girls, and off we go: The first exercise requires you to position yourself directly behind the male, leaving a distance of about 3 feet. Move your right foot one pace to the right and then your left foot one pace forward and then swing your hips and thrust your right foot round, connecting solidly with the male's balls and then swing back to the start position. Repeat the exercise with the left foot, moving one pace to your left and then moving your right foot one pace forward and then swing those hips again, connecting solidly with your left foot into the male genitalia. Lisa suggests 3 sets that will really work those hips and aid flexibility, and you'll find it's great fun as the male begins to emit a high pitched shrieking sound with each swing of the hips. Super fun girls! The second exercise is knee lifts, which will help to strengthen the thighs, in addition to working the bottom (or posterior if you're posh). For this you should position yourself in front of the male and bend him over so that his head lowers and his chin is roughly parallel to your hips. Then you simply thrust your knees up alternately and in rapid fashion so that the knee slams into his jaw. Listen to the wonderful jarring sound as his jaw whips back and his teeth grind together. Lisa recommends 2 sets of 10 lifts with an interval of 30 seconds. The third exercise works the abdominals and you need to position the male close to a wall, leaving only a small gap. Assume a handstand position and as your legs rise and reach his neck, cross them and grip his neck, pushing your feet firmly against the wall. Then you simply pull yourself up and try to touch your knees with your elbows, ensuring that the male is immobile throughout the exercise, otherwise you may slip and injure your back. So be really careful with this one girls, but it is well worth it and really does work those stomach muscles. Sets of 10 to begin with and then progressing at your own speed. Now the next exercise requires the male to be positioned on all fours and this one works the calf muscles predominantly. Place your right foot on the male's back and then raise your left foot off the floor until your right knee locks straight and then lower your left foot to the floor and then repeat the exercise. If you can manage to kick the male in the face with your trail foot you can have a lot more fun with this exercise. Twenty rapid thrusts with each leg will prove rather strenuous, but Lisa says it will be well worth the effort. Finally, take the noose and slip it round the male's neck, keeping him on all fours, and tighten it. Sit on his back and lean backwards as far as you can, keeping the noose taut in your hands. Feel your back muscles stretching and really feel that tension melt away as you roll your shoulders. Don't worry if you hear a crack at this point girls, it will just be the male's neck snapping. Now this happens sometimes but there's no need to panic because this is the last of the exercises and so you don't need him anymore. Simply dispose of him and find a replacement for next time. Don't forget to warm down properly to prevent muscle stiffness, and then take a nice hot bath or shower and relax with a long, cool drink. Lisa has produced a video to accompany this excercise programme and this is available through the normal channels. Good Luck. Stay Fit. Happy Exercising. Bye For Now Lady Luck