Lord of the Rings: Enter the Dragoness! by Vicki O'Danner and Tyval Part 4 vodar@webtv.net Fantasy; NC-17 for F/F sex As the journey begins Shi Lung and the Ladies of Light undergo their first challenges. As the clouds of war gather, can love survive? And who is the mysterious 15th member? Chapter 4: For 10 days the Ladies of Light rode west from Dracul. Urchin continued her training with Willow, Emitalia, Tara, and Shi herself. The child, now clad in green and brown like a ranger, looked very differant from the half starved waif from just a little over a month previous. Urchin was developing womanly assets as well as feminine muscle. Urchin was showing quite a talent for thowing the otomahawk and could score a bullseye or killing hit on a makeshift target every time. Her skill with the sword was much slower, but Emitalia was very patient. " Defensively, she's doing very well," Emitalia told Shi," She is nimble and extemely hard to hit, it takes close to my best to do so. As for offense, well, she has always been the mouse, it is hard to adjust to being a cat. She'll be okay if we ever see combat and she gets a few Orc kills. We just have to make sure she doesn't get in over her head." The Iron Hills were just off to the west and north now. Beyond them was Mirkwood, familiar territory for the elves. They had travelled swiftly and hard, passing few people. The Ladies of Light then turned south, soon coming to a stretch of woodlands that didn't appear on any of their maps. " I thought I was familiar with this area," Arwen said," Lorelei, this is closer to your home, have you been here before?" " Sorry, I'm afraid I've spent most of my life cooped up in towers reading musty old books," Lorelei grinned, but it was more like a grimace," Some elf I am. We're supposed to be supreme in the woods, but I wouldn't know an oak from an elm without the acorns." Several of the women giggled. It was true. Despite being elves Lorelei, and to a lesser degree Galadriel, were the worst riders and the least used to the rough life of the road. The 2 of them were the first to go to sleep and the last to rise. But being elves they didn't complain. Even Urchin fared better. Used to living in rough conditions and healthier than she had ever been, Urchin was more help around the camp than the wizardly women. " I could take my swan form and fly over it," Serena said," Do a little recon." " That's not nessecary," Galadiel smiled," I know where we are and who lives here. We are in no danger. Come, they are waiting for us." " Sometimes you can be quite annoying grandmother," Arwen laughed. Everyone joined in the laugh. Galadriel then urged her horse forward to the front with Shi Lung. The 2 women nodded and rode slightly ahead, meaning that they wanted to talk in private. " So, you mean to do it?," Galadriel asked. " Yes, before we go any further I want everyone to know where we stand. And what we're fighting for," Shi answered. " This will be a good time I think," Galadriel said," Those that we are about to meet are the finest witnesses we could have." With no more to say on the subject Galadriel and Shi slowed until the others caught up with them. The 2 women were becomming close friends. Cautiously the Ladies of Light entered the forest. A mile into the woods Galadriel signalled for a halt and dismount. " Leave your weapons here, they will not be needed," Galadriel said," There is no need to hobble the horses, they will not stray." The company complied as they strapped their weapons to their horses. Up ahead was a clearing that seemed especially bright. Once they entered the clearing all eyes bugged out, and all mouths dropped open, save Galadriel who smiled. They were surrounded on 3 sides by a wide semi-circle of dozens of Unicorns. Even Arwen had never seen these magnificent creatures in the flesh before. For truly magnificent they were. Each one looked taller, stronger, and more beautiful than the next. The most powerful and beautiful of them all, the Herd Stallion, Ageon, stepped forward and bowed graciously to Galadriel, who returned the bow. ' We bid you welcome Queen of the Elves,' Ageon spoke in the minds of all the women, since his race had no spoken language. " I am queen no longer Lord Ageon," Galadriel said," I have abdicated my position and left my husband." ' The crown matters not milady,' Ageon replied,' All creatures of Middle Earth owe you more than ever they could repay. It was you who saved our race and gave us this beautiful forest. For the love you have shown to all creatures great and small, not just the Unicorns, always shall you be Queen in our hearts.' " I fear that this visit shall imperil you," Galadriel said, again bowing," We have possession of the one ring, and we seek to destroy it or die in the attempt." ' We fear Sauron not milady,' Ageon replied,' We alone, of all creatures of Middle Earth, are immune from Sauron's dark magic. Only through Orcs or other minions can he strike at us. Those we can't outfight we can outrun, those we can't outrun we can outthink. But come, tonight you can rest here. We will protect you. We have prepared a special feast for you. On the morrow we shall bear you to Rohan! It should take us about 3 days to get there.' " But that's almost 800 miles," Krista said amazed," No hor-uh equine could do that." " Um, and another stupid question from the peanut gallery," Tara said," According to every story I've ever heard about Unicorns, they can only stand being around virgins. Um, most of us have never been with a man, but techniclly there isn't a single virgin among us." Tara's question produced a little nervous laughter from many of the other women. If he had been human Ageon would have laughed too. ' As to the first question,' Ageon began,' Unicorns can run 3 times faster than our distant descendants. Oh yes, did you not know that all horses were descended from Unicorns who were magiclly stripped/robbed of their horns. Indeed, the very word 'horse' comes from the term 'horn less'. But I digress. Our bodies process fuel far more efficiently so that we do not tire easily. We can run day and night if we have prepared ourselves for such an effort. We do some minor trading with Lorien and stockpiled some 'lembas'. That should allow us to make this trek with ease.' " It's terrible that someone would steal your horns," Urchin innocently spoke up," Why woud someone do such a mean thing?" ' Your question answers the one posed by your friend,' Ageon continued,' Unicorn horns are very powerful. Many spells and potions can be made from them. Long, long ago, when Galadriel was no older than you child, the Unicorn were hunted for their horns. The atrocities were many. After having their horn removed, most captive Unicorns were crossbred to produce a more domesticated, less intelligent breed to serve as a mere beast of burden. It was Galadriel who saved our race. Already powerful, even by the standards of her own kind, she created this forest for us as a last refuge and taught us how to use the magic of our horns so that we need never again fear evil magic. For that alone we would set aside any phobia. Which is what our aversion to non virgins is.' All eyes looked at Galadriel with even more awe than they normally had. Truly she was the most pure and noble person in all of Middle Earth. ........................ The feast consisted of a light red wine, nuts, berries, and many kinds of exotic edible plants, that satisfied even the carnivorous tastes of Shi, Mara, Willow, and Queen Rena. As the women sat and laid back contented in a circle, Shi stood up and walked into the center and motioned for urchin to join her. " My friends," Shi started," We are at war. A war unlike any other. Everyone must choose sides in this war, there is no neutrality anywhere. All of you have chosen to undertake a dangerous mission, a mission to determine the fate of all who wish to live free. I want all of you to know what we are fighting for. I do take now, in front of all of you, and also witnessed by the Unicorns, Urchin, to be my lawful daughter if she will have me." " I do! I do!," Urchin shouted as she turned and looked at Shi with eyes brimming with tears of joy. " I am fighting, not just for Middle Earth, but for my daughter," Shi continued," This is the last chance. Any of you that wish to turn back from this quest, do so now. You will go with honor for having been a part of this excellent company. For my part, I go with my daughter to the end, even if nothing but death awaits me." With one heart all the women rose and stood beside Shi. There was no longer any doubt, they would all go to the end. Urchin's heart was so full she couldn't stand, but Shi hugged her and gently stroked her hair, kissing her tears away. ............................ It was much later when Urchin woke up. Dawn was still a couple of hours away. Safe in the forest of the Unicorns there was no need to set a guard this night. Urchin sat up, no longer sleepy. Shi was only inches away from her as always. Urchin thought her so beautiful. To formally adopt her as her daughter was so special that Urchin felt her heart as huge lump in her throat. Looking around Urchin saw everyone else was asleep. Then she noticed that Galadriel was missing. Curious, Urchin stood and caught a glimpse of gossamer white off to the left. Urchin was more than a litte in awe of the legendary queen. Even moreso after the tale Ageon had told. Urchin had to admit that she was afraid of her, but yet it was a fear tinged with love. So powerful, and yet so wise. Urchin walked a short distance away from the camp. Galadriel was staring up at the sky, wonder and yet sadness on her face. ' It will soon be over little one,' Galadriel spoke in her mind,' Not today, or next week, perhaps not for many years yet to come, but my time, and the time of the elves is finished.' " I don't understand," Urchin said. " You don't have to little one," Galadriel spoke, a sad smile on her face," You have elf blood, but you are not immortal as I am. I am old, even by the standards of my people, but I feel more alive now than I have in millenia. To think that it must soon end, for good or ill saddens me." " Mistress Galadriel," Urchin started. " Please little Urchin," Galadriel smiled and pecked Urchin on the forehead," I am just Galadriel." " Galadriel," Urchin nervously started again," I am just a little thief, you are a great lady. Everyone knows of your power and kindness. You should have the ring." Urchin took off the necklace with the ring and held it out to Galadriel. Galadriel's hand trembled as she tentavely reached out for it. " You offer it to me freely," Galadriel spoke, her voice tremblng slightly," I cannot deny that my heart has always desired this." Galadriel then seemed to grow taller, her voice deeper as she jerked her hand away. Arms spread wide as light and dark seemd to flash around her. " Instead of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark, but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! As treacherous as the sea! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All will love me and despar!," Galadriel then began returning to normal. The light faded as the effort wore off. " I passed the test. When this is over I shall go into the west and diminish and remain Galadriel," Galadriel sadly said as she had been given ultimate power, and rejected it in favor of love. Urchin hugged her as she somehow knew that Galadriel had fought her own personal war; and won! .......................... Three days later 14 Unicorns left the Ladies of Light at the border of Rohan. Even Shi was exhausted from the non stop ride. ' We must leave you here and return swiftly to our own land.' Ageon's son Avar mind spoke to them,' The Nazgul have been outsmarted and outran, but they were close when we set out. You have perhaps, only a 5 day lead on them. But Rohan is a land of many horses, you should be able to find some and stay ahead of them.' ' I thank you Avar, and your sire,' Galadriel mind spoke with the gallant young Unicorn,' You have made our journey swifter. Know that you have the thanks of all of us.' " Goodbye Avar," Urchin said kissing the Unicorn's muzzle. There were many other tearful farewells between the women and the Unicorn's. Weapon's were then checked as the Unicorns swiftly rode back towards their home. " Okay ladies," Shi called out," I know we're all tired, but we haven't had a single inventory of our weaponry. I need to know who has what so that I can plan what we need to do in a fight." Galadriel was the only one without any kind of weapon. Shi had her trick staff. Arwen had a bow with 20 arrows, a sword, and a dirk. Urchin of course, carried 2 throwing otomahawks and the short sword Shi had gotten her. Tara was a walking arsenal. She had 10 slim daggers on each wrist, 10 on each ankle, 25 regular throwing knives on a belt, and a bandolier of 50 more. Willow also had a bow and 20 arrows, along with 4 of the throwing otomahawks, a hand otomahawk and a small shield. Yasmina carried twin scimitars, with 2 back-up dirks. Emitalia was weighted down as she was the only one mostly in armor. Emitalia carried katana, wakazashi, tanto, and the long odd shaped horse bow. She only carried 10 arrows. Krista wore a chain mail shirt and helmet.She was also weighed down somewhat with spear, morningstar, bow, 20 arrows, shield, and sword. Queen Rena carried a large quiver on her back containing 5 javelins. In her hands were the full sized Zuni shield and the short stabbing Zuni spear. Serena was also armed with a bow, but carried 25 arrows on her back with another 15 on her hip. Serena had a sword on her other hip. Mara travelled light. The jungle girl carried only a large knife on her hip and a slightly smaller one on her ankle. Lorelei also travelled light as she carried only a staff. Kymora was well armed with staff, twin batons, sword, bow, and 15 arrows. They had plenty of food and water at the moment, but all the rest of their equipment would have to be left behind except for blanket each. " Damn, I hate to throw my armor away," Emitlia said," It was a gift from my father. But even I know that I can't travel on foot wearing it." " I'm sorry Emi," Shi said as she started dividing up what few supplies they coud carry," Those of us that aren't carrying as much will have to carry more of the supplies, but the armor has to go. We have to traval light until we can aquire some horses. Oh sure, I could carry everyone and everything in my 'other' form, but we need to keep a low profile." " A dragon definately would draw attention to us, Kymora agreed. " If we can manage it we need to avoid the enemy," Arwen said," Our only hope is in stealth." Emitalia and Krista reluctantly stripped out of their armor. Willow decided that her small wooden shield, good for fighting against flint tipped weapons in Merica, was pretty useless here in the east and discarded it as well. ......................... Three hours of walking later Shi called a halt. They were all tired, except for Arwen. Shi called a halt under a small sparse stand of trees in this tall grass praire. " We need to push on," Arwen said. " No, I think we need a rest," Shi disagreed. Arwen looked at Lorelei, Urchin, and her grandmother. The others were all warriors, a brief rest would be all that most of them needed. " Your'e right," Arwen nodded," I'll stand guard." A few miles away, a raiding party of 50 Uruk Hai found their hidden discarded equipment. They were some of Sauraman's, as the bore the mark of the white hand, and had not been particullarly looking for them. But Emitalia's armor meant wealth, and the Uruk's could smell women. The chance to loot and rape was strong as they followed the obvious trail that the weary women had failed to conceal. ........................... Texas; 1876: There were 20 of them. Comanche. That meant no mercy for surrender. Especially for a woman. But Jenny James was no helpless school marm. Jenny had 8 notches in her custom Schofield Smith & Wesson .45's and had racked up some 30 bandito's and almost that many Indian's in her 24 years of life. Most women couldn't handle a .45, choosing a .32 or .38, but Jenny's father had been a blacksmith and so Jenny's wrist and forearm strength had been honed by long hours helping out in his shop. When 3 pistolero's led by a former klansman killed her father and mother, Jenny had taken matters into her own hands when the local sheriff wanted to rape her and do nothing about the outlaws. Jenny shot the sheriff during the attempted rape, then tracked down and killed all the outlaw gang. Always a tomboy, the experince turned her into a 100% lesbian. Jenny had loved the new Schofield pistol, but hated that the ammo wouldn't interchange with the far more common 'peacemaker' ammunition. A special order with Smith & Wesson modified that. Jenny had never really been formerly charged with killing the sheriff, or anyone else she had killed, always in self defense or defending others, but a woman who used a gun was rare in the west. Jenny had to make a living by bounty hunting, being a town marshall, oand various other means. It had been bounty hunting that had her in her current jam. Johnny 'Spades' was a woman killer and gambler. He had cut up or shot 6 women in 4 differant towns. Jenny was well armed. She carried 2 Schofields on her, a third in her saddlebags along with a 2 shot .38 derringer. She had 24 bullits in her belt, 5 in each pistol, and 100 in a bandolier across her right shoulder. In addition she had 5 boxes of ammo with 50 rounds each, a small box of 20 in .38 for her derringer. A loaded Winchester 73 was in her saddle sheath. Jenny found Johnny 'Spades'. What was left of him after the Comanche were through with him anyway. Jenny mentally kicked herself now for dismounting to see if it had been Johnny. The bullit that killed her horse seemed to come out of nowhere. Jenny was fortunate that there was lots of cover, but she had to make a quick choice, her saddlebags or her rifle. Choosing the extra ammunition Jenny ran for her life as a dozen bullits barely missed her and one got her canteen. Being smart in the ways of the west, Jenny had managed to reach safety and even save some of her water. But after wasting 5 bullits she realized that the Comanche were staying out of pistol range. ' Bastards, probably waiting for me to run out of bullits,' Jenny thought. There wasn't much chance of that, but there was no shade, and only what little food and water she had had left. They could wait her out. One of them could speak English and started shouting out how they were going to rape her anyway so she might as well give up. They could tell she was a woman since she had lost her hat , her long blonde hair flowing as she ran. Jenny had no ntention of shooting herself unless she had to, but that was alwas an option. " Give up little white girl," the young brave called," Being a squaw better than dying!" " Squaw this," Jenny called out as the young brave had foolishly stepped into range. A single bullit right to the heart and it was now 19-1. Still a whole lot more than Jenny wanted to face. Then the air in front of her shimmered and warped. It looked t Jenny as if a hole had appeared ou of thin air as she could see an image of a prairie on the other side. It was like looking into some bizarre painting. But the hole gt bigger until it was big enough for Jenny to squeeze through. Grabbing her saddlebags, figuring that it couldn't get any worse, Jenny leaped into the hole that immediately closed behind her. Jenny didn't know how long the seeming 'fall' lasted. All she knew was that when she again felt solid ground she was face down in grass. there was some kind of fight going on. jenny couldn't really tell what was ging on. Then she heard a scream. A scream of a child. looking up she saw what looked like a monster lifting a huge sword over a teenage girls head. It was a no-brainer. Jenny blew the monsters brains out. ................................ end of Chapter 4 Sorry it's been awhile. My fault not Tyval's. For the record, he did 40% of chapter 1, 50% of chapter 2, 40% of chapter 3, and 50% of this chapter. I hope we can get the next chapter out quicker now that we have the cast all together. And hopefully get to some sex.