My "Boring" But True Life Adventures - Part II By Donna Continuing My So Called Life When I posted the first installment of this "memoir" I ended by asking whether people wanted to read more of the life and times of Donna - normal female who is/was a bodybuilder. I don't have 20 inch arms, I can't pick up cars, I've never strangled someone with my thighs - in short, I've just lived a pretty normal life with some muscles. I noticed that several of you guys, and Diana (is Diana really a woman or just a pseudonym for the guys that run this website?) commenting that I should continue. So I will. It cracks me up that people are interested in what I've done, but if you'll read it, I'll write it. Senior Year I left off with the end of my junior year and the cleaning up of my act. Although as I'll explain later, I've gotten back to and actually exceeded the size (with much better definition) that I had in my junior year "football player" stage, I never again acted as anti-social and anti- everything as I did that year. You see, I was messed up and I messed myself up. I didn't have soccer and I was angry and distraught. But I didn't know how to deal with my loss. But with the proper counseling that my mom insisted that I get and with a long look at the mirror, I decided that I would never again deliberately look the part of the angry young woman. I mean, looking back at it, I was pretty scary for a while. I had fights. I acted like a bully. I was this big, nasty beast of a bitch and I lived to be a bad ass. But by the time I went back to school for my senior year, I was pretty much back to being good old Donna. I still had a relatively muscular physique, but you would never have picked me out as being the campus strong woman. I did some maintenance lifting, but I was afraid to get too serious for fear of what I might become. One night in mid-October, I was at a party off- campus when I bumped into my old trainer/lover Mike. We chatted for a while and he commented that he missed seeing me in the gym. He said I had made the quickest, fastest gains of any woman that he ever trained and he thought I should get back into the gym and see what I could do with myself. He even said that he would train me for free - no money or sex required. I even believed him - about the money part! That night, back at my off-campus apartment, I did a body assessment. You know, the old stand nude in front of the mirror and check out everything. Mike was right. Although, I had lost much of my size, I was still in pretty decent shape. The more I thought about it, the more I missed having muscles. Especially the ones that you can show off without even trying - arms, calves, abs. And it was true that I missed the rush that I would get from lifting heavy in the gym. But on the other hand, I didn't miss the personality that I would get when I took things too far like I did the previous spring. After a long night's thought, I decided to take Mike up on his offer, but with my conditions. I told him the next day that he could train me, but that I wanted to enjoy my last year of college. I wanted to party and drink and dance and hit on guys and generally live the life of a college senior. I didn't want to become the bitch that I was the past couple of times that I lifted seriously to get big. I also told him, that under no circumstances was I going to get involved with him sexually because I knew that that would only lead to trouble. With those conditions, I finally began a long term sustainable bodybuilding program. Those first weeks of seriously being back in the gym, Mike told me about muscle memory. He pushed me to get my lifts back to where they were previously. He encouraged me to visualize the body I wanted. Then he gave me a homework assignment one night. He said I needed to go to the magazine rack and check out the bodybuilding mags and report back to him which body I wanted to create for myself. After working out that night, I spent an hour at the campus' well-stocked newsstand. I looked at 4 or 5 bodybuilding magazines and even bought a couple. Finally, I noticed one body that I thought should be my model - Ericca Kern. She was tall, blonde, muscular, sexy and completely womanly. Mike was ecstatic. He thought I would choose Ericca or maybe Melissa Coates. Mike said that now that we had the target in front of me we could work towards the goal. Suddenly, back and shoulder exercises became the focus of my workouts. Mike said that to achieve the "Ericca look" I needed to expand my shoulder width so that they would set off my waist. He found a picture of Ericca shot from the back (you've seen it, its all over the internet) without any clothes on that showed the back that he wanted for me. To be truthful, I wanted it for myself. And pretty soon, I felt like I was getting it. Again I grew quickly. By mid-March, Mike thought that I should consider a contest. I was back to about 140 pounds, my arms were pumped up and my legs were the best they had ever been. But still I didn't think I was ready to enter a bodybuilding contest, but he thought that having the goal in front of me would be helpful to my progress. I think he also was worried that graduation was coming and that I was likely to move away to attend grad school. Therefore, he wanted to see his "prize" pupil in action at least once. So we picked a local show that was scheduled for late July in another part of our state - sorry no real contest or place names so that I can remain anonymous. He also signed me up for a bigger regional show the following weekend in case I did well and I wanted to step in class. I insisted on the late summer date for the show because I wasn't ready to interrupt my social life to diet during the last semester of college. Speaking of my social life, things were great. I liked the way I looked, I was reconciled to not having soccer, I had lots of friends that I hung out with and then I met Claudia. Claudia was a girl I met at the gym one day in January when she asked Mike to train her too. We quickly became training partners. Claudia was shorter than me, about 5'3", with long dark hair and was an ex-gymnast. She also had the best body at the school gym. She was totally hard bodied. While I was muscular but still fairly soft, Claudia was rock hard. In fact, a few years later she entered and did quite well in a number of fitness shows - with her gymnastics background and hard body she was a natural. One night in late February, after a great workout, Claudia asked me if I wanted to go out partying with her. I agreed and we each went to our apartments to get changed. We agreed to meet at a dance club in town that attracted some students but mostly locals from the area. The club was a bit more sophisticated than the usual beer parties and bars that we went to on campus. I put on a nice skirt with a long sleeved sweater and saw that Claudia was wearing a short dress with a jacket on. The two of us had a few drinks and then hit the dance floor. We attracted some attention and had a few dances with some guys. Then all of a sudden Claudia took off her jacket to show that she was wearing just her sleeveless dress. She started doing some flexes while she was dancing and soon got me to take off my sweater - don't get too excited, I was wearing a sleeveless top underneath! Then I started to do the same type of dances and it was so cool. This was the first time that I ever did anything like this, flexing my arms in public. Well we certainly attracted a crowd. I noticed that one or two of the guys who were hitting on us earlier shied away, but plenty of others tried to jump in and dance or party with us. When the place was ready to close, Claudia said that we were invited to party with 3 guys who were hitting on us. We all agreed to go to one of the guys' place. When we got there, this guy asked me to take my sweater off again. I did. Then he asked me to flex for him. I did and he started rubbing me and grabbing my arms. The other two guys were hanging out with Claudia and she was doing the same thing with them. Soon the 5th wheel left and it was just the 4 of us. Claudia grabbed me to join her in the bathroom. She proposed a strip tease. I guess I was drunk enough to go along with her. So the two of us came out of the bathroom and started dancing and stripping. Then Claudia started to undress one of the guys and then the other. Pretty soon we were all down to just our underwear - I had never done anything like this before, but she seemed to be in her element. Well, to make a long anecdote short, we paired up and went to separate rooms. My guy was totally into my muscles. Although we didn't actually do it, he came all over himself just from being able to touch me. Before that the only guys who were interested in my muscles were guys that lifted themselves like Mike or the football players. Most of the guys that I went out with didn't make a big deal about them. In fact, I think that the guy that night was the first guy I had messed around with that I could out lift or who's ass I could kick. I found out later that I was with my first schmoo!! After a while, Claudia knocked on our door and said she was leaving so I got up and left with her. The two of us compared notes. She was shocked that this guy was my first muscle lover. She told me that she had been able to find guys who wanted to play around with her muscles ever since her days on the gymnastics team. She also said that the two of together would make a great team. The tallish blonde and the shorter dark haired one would be an unstoppable combination. I told her that I had had a great time and that I hoped we'd be able to go out together again soon. Claudia and I had a number of adventures with guys. Once spring rolled around, she convinced me to be a show off. I think I wore sleeveless tops and shorts just about every day once the weather turned warm. As I started to get leaner and more defined as my training intensified, I started to notice the stares that I was receiving. As opposed to the past year when I was stronger and heavier but much less defined and much less fashion conscious, these stares were usually approving. In fact, I started to get more attention than I bargained for. All of a sudden I was being hit on by lots of guys - so was Claudia. She especially loved the attention - she called herself the Black Widow. She said that the guys hitting on us were like the male spiders who lived to mate with the Black Widow knowing that death at her hands was sure to follow. While she (and I) had no plans to kill the guys who were trying to mate with us, we both knew that they had no chance of establishing a long term relationship with us either. Me especially since I was accepted to a major business school in the northeast and would be starting there in September. I'm sorry if I'm not providing enough specifics about my life, but I will end this part with one final anecdote. The weekend after final exams ended, Claudia and I (along with hundreds of our fellow students) rented a house on the North Carolina Outer Banks. One day the two of us left the beach and went for a workout at a gym that allowed day guests. While we were working out we met a couple of guys from another school who doing the same thing. These guys were hot! We quickly struck up a conversation and they invited us to a house party that night about 15 miles from where we were staying in the town of Duck. I wore a pair of shorts and a sleeveless top and Claudia put on this micro dress that she got at one of the beach shops that afternoon. When we got to the house there were about 25 girls and only about 4 or 5 guys. It seems that our friends from the afternoon and their buddies invited only girls to their party. I wanted to leave, but Claudia said we should stay A few minutes later a couple of the other girls there started making comments about us - our muscles to be more precise. Rather than ignoring these girls or shying away which is what I would done, Claudia took up the challenge. She said "what's a matter? You don't like these?" And then she flexed her biceps. She called over to me and I joined in. "Or what about these?" I said. The two of us then had a pose down. The guys were loving it. So were a couple of the other girls, one or two of whom joined in (even though they had little if any muscle to speak of). Looking back on it they were probably goofing on us, but at the time we were happy they joined us. After about 5 minutes, the guys from the gym took off their shirts and joined us. Pretty soon, Claudia and I had paired up with these guys. Later on, on my way to the bathroom, I bumped into the girl that was originally making the nasty comments. I made a remark like, "looks like these guys want real women" and went into the bathroom. When I got out of the bathroom, the same bitch was there and threw a beer at me. Then she started saying all kinds of things like "steroid head", "butch" etc. My top was soaking wet and I was pissed. I said something back to the little bitch. Some other girl said "watch out. Those steroids are going kick in and she's going to try to kill you." I was boiling. I was just about ready to slug the chick when the guys showed up and told the beer thrower and her friends to leave their house. I was so ready to pummel that scrawny little bitch, but I didn't. A year earlier and we would have been brawling. That night, I had the best sex of my life with Brian. The two of us started a semi-long distance romance that lasted for the rest of the summer and then was on again off again for a few years afterwards. Brian always told people that asked that we met when he came to rescue me.. I always responded by saying he came to the rescue of the little bitch that I was going to kill. A week later I graduated, with honors. Under the graduation gown I was wearing a sleeveless dress that I bought for my graduation party. I was tan, hard and ready to move away from my little campus. I'll stop here so that I can get this posted on the web site. The next part, if people want to hear it, will be about my first 2 contests and my first year in B school.