Christina vs. Evelyn - The Brutal Rematch By Christina, my wife, will seek revenge as she meets Ruth's sister Evelyn in the boxing ring. I apologize for my sabbatical from writing. I have received a number of e- mails urging me to continue the story. Reader input is always appreciated. I have requests to do other stories which I will do, time permitting. I hope you have read the previous four episodes to follow the story. Evelyn had soundly beaten my wife, Christina, in a no holds barred fight. Christina was in pain for a couple of weeks but as the pain wore off, Christina began thinking of revenge. I said to let it go but she thought that she needed to avenge her honor. The ladies began negotiations, through William for a rematch. William was ecstatic, as their first match had been brutal, making it extremely entertaining for his guests. Evelyn agreed to a boxing match but with the following stipulations. The fight would be unlimited number of rounds ending with one lady being knocked out. Only the ring doctor can stop the fight. Gloves would be 8- ozs. Both ladies would wear a leather bra and thong. The bra was a platform holding the breast from sagging with a thin leather strap looping over each breast to hold it in place. The result was fully exposed tits that would make easy targets. Christina claimed that her tit absorb more of the punch when it couldn't move making it much more painful. The thongs were barely sufficient to cover each lady's genitals. Evelyn would fight in black and my wife, Christina, would wear white. The husbands would sit at ringside, close enough to hear every punch his wife took. William in his wisdom had arranged security to keep either husband from interfering in the fight. Christina and I knew that this would be brutal fight. We had agreed that William was a man of integrity and had accepted him as the referee even though Evelyn was his sister and law. I was having some second thoughts about our decision that I hadn't shared with Christina. All of us, including Christina found fighting to be erotic. William had a fetish about seeing Christina large tits take a beating. I just prayed that the fight wouldn't get out of hand and that Christina wouldn't be injured. William, who was every bit the showman, introduced the ladies. "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight our main event will be a fight of limitless rounds to a knockout. In fact both ladies boast that their opponent will be carried from this ring. In the red corner, from Minneapolis, standing 5' 7", weighing 140 pounds with vital statistics of 38dd-30-30, wearing a white thong, I give you Christina Wickstrom." A loud round of applause and whistles as my wife removes her robe revealing her scantily clad body. William, "Christina's opponent in the blue corner, from Boston, standing 5' 4", weighing 158 pounds with vital statistics of 42d-36-40, wearing a black thong, I give you my sister in law, the biker babe, Evelyn Hrabchuk. Evelyn receives a thunderous applause, whistles, and catcalls as she exposes her firm well-tanned body. One thing I haven't mentioned yet is that Evelyn is a lefty so Christina is fighting in uncharted waters. She did some sparring with a lefty in preparation for this fight but Evelyn will be her first left- handed opponent. William, as the referee, calls the ladies to the center of the ring for last minute instructions. I'm aroused at the site of my magnificent Scandinavian warrior with her ample breasts appear very firm with her nipples sticking straight out like two bullets. The brief white thong accents her long legs and well-rounded buttocks and is barely able to contain her bulging womanhood. Evelyn is also a stunning site with her full well tanned breasts testing the strength of her leather bra and her rosebud like nipples standing rock hard. She has a heart shaped tattoo on her left butt cheek and her shaven womanhood is desperately trying to escape the confines of her thong. Both ladies are placing their gorgeous bodies in jeopardy, as each plans to show that she is the superior woman. Christina takes her mouthpiece from Ursula as she nervously dances in the corner waiting for the bell to begin the fight. She is just above me and looks down with a smile and a wink, as if to say, I'm fine. The bell finally sounds and the fight is on. Round 1 Both ladies come out of their corners aggressively. They exchange a few jabs, then Christina scores with a firm right that staggers Evelyn. The guests are up on their feet as they sense that Evelyn could be in trouble. Some are looking for Christina to score a quick knockout. Evelyn is tough and she comes back with a hard left to my wife's right tit that causes Christina groan. I'm so close that not only can I hear the groans but also I can smell my wife's perfume. She quickly retaliates with a firm right between Evelyn's substantial breasts. Evelyn emits a muffled scream as she grabs onto Christina to tie her up. William forces the ladies apart, calling for them to box. The ladies circle each other trading punches, nothing really damaging until Evelyn threads a left hook through my wife's guard to score on her right tit. Christina gasps as that one hurt. She grabs hold of Evelyn to halt the action. William separates the ladies and they exchange a few harmless punches before the bell ends the round. Both ladies are breathing heavy and perspiring as the bell ends the first round. An active first round with Evelyn being staggered and Christina's tits tasting a couple of power punches. My wife's hair is wet and tousled as I look up at her and I notice that Ursula is holding the ice pack on Christina's right tit as she gives her instructions. Round 2 They ladies approach each other and quickly begin to mix it up, trading heavy punches. Evelyn's quick left hook flattens Christina's right tit again. That one hurt my wife and she's in trouble. She lunges towards Evelyn in an attempt to tie her up but runs into another vicious left hook that lands flush her jaw. Christina is dropped onto her shapely bum. The guests, especially Evelyn's supporters move to the edge of the ring where my wife is stricken on the canvas. She shakes her head to try and clear the cobwebs. William sends Evelyn to a neutral corner and begins to count. She rolls onto her hands and knees, then struggles to her feet. Her eyes are glassy. William cleans her gloves quickly, then calls for the ladies to box. Evelyn rushes in to try and score a quick knockout. Christina takes a couple of breast punches as she protects her chin, but she effectively holds and clinches preventing Evelyn from getting another clean shot at her jaw. By the end of the round, Christina seems to have recovered from the knock down. Definitely Evelyn's round and a bit of a surprise to see Christina knocked down first. Did we underestimate Evelyn's power? Ursula quickly goes to work on Christina who has sacrificed her tits this round to save herself from being knocked out. Christina has a swelling over her right eye and Evelyn has a small mouse under her left eye. My wife's eyes still appear a little glassy, lingering effects of the knock down. She does give me a smile. Round 3 I think Christina still looks a little shaky as the round begins. Evelyn drives her to the corner with a couple of lefts to her already aching tits. My wife tries to cover up but Evelyn is relentless in her quest. Christina is staggered again by a left, but clinches to tie Evelyn up. The guests are again up on their feet as my wife is in peril. "No holding", calls William as he pulls the ladies apart. Evelyn gets careless as she walks in and Christina scores with a firm right that lands flush on her left eye. Evelyn has some trouble seeing and Christina takes the advantage by working on her tits. Evelyn cries out as my wife scores with a combination. Evelyn is tough though and strikes back with a left to the top of my wife's thong, catching a totally unprepared Christina. The air rushes from my wife's lung and she is frozen motionless as Evelyn throws another left at her unprotected jaw. Christina tucks her chin in and the punch glances off her right eyebrow. Blood flies into the air as my wife's eyebrow is split open. Evelyn attacks a confused Christina but is not able to put her away before the round ends. The cut on my wife's eyebrow isn't serious but the blood getting into her eye impairs her vision. Christina is gasping for breath now. Evelyn is also breathing heavy; her left eye is badly swollen and could cause problems in later rounds. Ursula is urging Christina to use her right more and go for the knockout. Round 4 The bleeding from Christina's eyebrow is stopped. Evelyn will be targeting the eye. The ladies approach each other exchanging jabs. Christina drills a low left into Evelyn's thong, causing her hands to drop, then my wife follows with a straight right hand, dropping Evelyn onto her ample bum just in front of us. I'm ecstatic. William sends Christina to a neutral corner and begins the count. Evelyn makes it to her feet by 7 but looks a little groggy. Her corner complains to William that the punch was low. He waves Christina in, telling her to keep the punches up. Christina moves in quickly in an attempt to end the fight but Evelyn is still in this fight and wobbles Christina with a short left uppercut. The ladies wrap their arms around each other, falling into the corner above me. Evelyn jabs her thumb into Christina's pussy. My wife squeals out and the two ladies wrestle along the ropes until William can pull them apart. William calls time out, then tells the ladies that he doesn't want anymore wrestling or holding. Christina complains about the thumb. William says, ok you're even, now let's keep this fight clean. William calls for the ladies to box. The ladies exchange punches and the cut on my wife's eyebrow. The round ends and Evelyn has successfully survived the knock down. I watch Christina walk towards me to her corner. I can now see little wisps of auburn pubic hair outlining the crotch of her white leather thong. My wife and Evelyn are both splattered with the blood from Christina's eyebrow. Christina was able to knock Evelyn down but couldn't put her away and then was rocked with a left by Evelyn. Little new damage this round. Both ladies were fouled. Evelyn's left eye is almost swollen shut and the cut on my wife's right eyebrow opened up a little. Round 5 The ladies now walk out to meet each other. Evelyn opens the round with a firm left hook into Christina's right eye, opening the gash and spraying blood onto the guests. Christina clinches in an attempt to buy time to regroup. Evelyn pulls free and scores with a quick left/right to my wife's unprotected tits. Christina squeals out in anguish, again attempting to tie up Evelyn, but takes a left under the chin and crashes backwards to the corner. Evelyn charges the corner with lefts and rights. The guests crowd the ring for a better look at my ill-fated wife. Blood flies again from my wife's eyebrow, and then her right nipple is sliced open by a brutal left uppercut. Evelyn doubles Christina over with a low right that was well down on the pubic area then knocks her between the ropes with a left. William pulls Evelyn from the corner. My wife is caught between the ropes on the opposite side of the ring dangling headfirst from the ring. Some of the guest lift her down and slide her back into the ring. Christina struggles to her feet glassy eyed. William gives a slow 8 count, then cleans her gloves and asks if she can continue. She nods yes. Evelyn moves in trying to set up her big left hook that will put my wife out long enough to see her carried from the ring. Christina fights back out of instinct hanging on until the round ends. Christina's eyes are still glassy as she comes to her corner. My wife's pussy is noticeably swollen after Evelyn's low punch and her thong can't contain her labia. There is now a puffy auburn haired pussy lip displayed on each side of my wife's thong. The cut on her eyebrow is now an inch long and the one under her right nipple about half an inch long. I tell Ursula that Christina has had enough. William motions for the doctor to check Christina, he does and confirms that the fight can continue. William also asks Christina if she wants to continue and she says "yes". Mean while across the ring, Evelyn is getting a much-needed rest. Evelyn hasn't been cut but her left eye is swollen shut, her tits are swollen, and her nipples are abraded. Her thong is now also unable to contain her swollen womanhood. Round 6 Evelyn moves out confidently to meet Christina. My wife, fighting out of instinct, staggers Evelyn with a quick right to her chin. Evelyn is momentarily caught off guard but shakes off the punch and retaliates with a brutal left hook that rips open the painful cut on my wife's right nipple spraying more blood on the guests. Christina screams out in agony and latches onto Evelyn to tie her up. William pulls the ladies apart. Christina misses with a right and Evelyn connects with a firm right to the middle of my wife's thong. Christina's eyes glass over and I can tell immediately that this is the end. Evelyn follows with an overhand left that dumps my wife unceremoniously on her elegant bum. Christina courageously struggles to get up and just beats the 10 count. William cleans her gloves, motions for the ladies to box and tells Evelyn to be quick. Christina is in a daze as Evelyn forces her into the corner just above me. Evelyn, with an evil grin, asks me if my wife has had enough. I nod slowly. She looks at Christina and says, "tell the people good nite." Evelyn sends a left hook, then a right both landing on Christina's jaw. My wife is unconscious in the corner above me but Evelyn makes certain with a brutal left uppercut that lifts Christina's beautiful body off the floor. My wife's crashes to the canvas spread-eagled on her back. She's out cold. William officially counts her out. Evelyn gets a couple of quick victory pictures with her foot between my wife's swollen and bloody tits. I need to describe the ghastly picture in the ring. I'm powerless to help as I'm prevented from entering the ring. Christina is out flat on her back, her right eye swollen, blood trickling from a gash in her eyebrow, blood oozing from a gash under her right nipple. My wife's gorgeous 38dd tits are bruised and swollen, the crotch of her thong has all but disappeared between her swollen pussy lips. Is it any wonder that William's guests love his matches but let me tell you that it's pure hell on the husband of the loser? Ursula and the doctor go to work to revive Christina while William removes her bra and thong. A tradition when Williams is the referee, the loser always leaves the ring naked. It takes what seems like an eternity before she opens her eyes. They tell me that it was about 5 minutes. Ursula and the doctor help Christina up and to her corner. Ursula sponges the blood from Christina and wraps her robe around her to keep her warm. The loser, if conscious, must remain in the ring for the announcement of the winner. William, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a decisive winner. At 1:37 of the 6th round, Evelyn Hrabchuk became your winner with a devastating left uppercut that rendered Mrs. Wickstrom unconsciousness for a full 5 minutes. Let's have a big round of applause for the winner." William waits for the applause to end, "I think the Christina would like to leave the ring and apply ice to her bruises. Let's show her our appreciation for making this an entertaining fight and hope she'll consider another match against Evelyn". My wife receives a loud applause as she exits the ring with the help of Ursula and Ruth. I make my way through the guests to the dressing room. Christina is naked on the trainer's table with ice on her face, breasts and pussy. I kiss her lightly but she's still really confused. The doctor says that she'll be ok and that he'll suture the two cuts a bit later. Ursula tells me not to worry and to get a drink, and she'll join me after she attends to Christina. Ursula joined me for a drink. We talk a little before deciding that we should move Christina to our room. We transferred Christina onto a gurney and took her up to our room via the elevator. This castle does have some modern conveniences, actual many. We repack Christina in ice to reduce the swelling and let her sleep. We open a bottle of white wine, sit by the fire and discuss what we will wear to the banquet the next evening. Next: The Medieval Banquet. Comments and ideas to