THE CANNONS PART TWO by IRONMACK. The bell rang. Determination returned to JOHN'S face as he charged forward. This time MARY CANNON calmly approached the center of the ring. JOHN tried to take her head off with one of his atomic-powered rights,but missed as MARY ducked out of the way.He tried following up with a left,which MARY also easily evaded. JOHN tried again and again to cave in MARY'S face.A right.A left. A right.A left. But each blow missed their target as MARY moved like lightning. JOHN raised another right----but was stopped hard when MARY drove an incredibly powerful left hook into his mid-section.He doubled over, pain shooting through his gut down into his nuts.He tried to move away,but the shock to his nerves slowed him down. MARY hammered a right hand of her own like a guided missile into his face. A left jab mashed in his nose,producing a gusher of blood.An overhand right came down like a wrecking ball,driving his head down between his knees.An uppercut from the floor shattered his jaw,sending him flying into the air, crashing into the basement ceiling,then return- ing to the canvas. MARY stopped JOHN'S downward flight with a piledriving blow again to his stomach.He froze in mid-air,yelped like a girl and farted,then slammed face down into the canvas.A trail of blood oozed from his nose as he staggered to his feet. MARY rested against the ropes,gathering her strength while waiting for JOHN to rise. JOHN finally made it all the way up----just in time to collide with another torpedo-like blow to the face from MARY. Instantly,his right eye was blackened. Another flesh-ripping blow followed and his left eye was blackened. JOHN tried to connect with a right cross,but MARY blocked it easily.Before he could make any follow-up move,MARY buried a hard driv- ing fist into his kidneys.JOHN'S arms dropped from the shocking impact.He squealed like a whipped dog just as MARY hammered his jaw with another bone-crushing blow. She danced away from him while he attempted to raise his fists.Seeing how slow and weak he now was,she charged in fast and used another uppercut from the floor to send JOHN flying off his feet back into the ropes.JOHN stretched the ropes like rubber bands,then rebounded back into the ring. MARY held her right arm straight in front of her and met JOHN'S face head-on with her fist. She followed up with a left hook to his ribs,cracking them instantly.A right cross shot him back against the ropes. JOHN hung there helplessly while MARY used his face for a punching bag like he had done to her in the first round.She hammered away mer- cilessly,soaking the ring with streams of JOHN'S blood. JOHN was finally rescued when the bell rang. MARY danced back to her corner without look- ing back. JOHN fell to one knee----then slowly pulled himself along the ropes to his corner,trailing blood on the canvas floor. MARY CANNON giggled like a schoolgirl as she clicked her heels before sitting down on her stool. BILLIE was overjoyed.She began rubbing MARY'S shoulders. "Good goin',Momma",she exclaimed."You gave Daddy a GOOD ass-whippin'.Keep it up.He's hurt.He's weak.Keep th' pressure on.GRIND HIM INTO DOG MEAT!" JIMMY CANNON was horrified at the sight of his beaten and now-weakened father. JOHN CANNON looed like he'd been hit by a truck.Both eyes blackened.One of them swelled shut.His jaw swollen.His nose broken and bleeding. He finally made it to his stool and dropped back against the ropes. "DAD!"cried JIMMY."W-Wha happened?" "T-That bitch",groaned JOHN in pain."Forgot how good she was.She hits like a freight train. I-I'm in trouble." "Don't worry.I got just the trick to turn things around." JIMMY produced fom the floor next to the ring a pair of boxing gloves,black just like the ones JOHN was already wearing.He stood in front of his dad,blocking the view from the opposite corner so his mother and sister couldn't see. He removed JOHN'S original gloves and replaced them with the new ones. "These are special gloves".he said to his dad. "For emergencies like this.They're weighted with iron.Your punches will have TWICE the BLOCKBUSTER BOMBING POWER they already have." Confidence returned to JOHN'S face. "Good boy,JIMMY",he said. Both JOHN and MARY rose to teir. Both fired-up with determination and power. The bell rang and husband and wife,both iron- muscled and fueled with fury,once again charged into battle. END OF PART TWO.