BRICKHARD! PART 3 WILMA BRICKHARD faced down her husband as her double-muscled body bulged with might."Rest in peace,dear,"she said. FRED BRICKHARD fought back his fear of her,summoning every ounce of strength. "OH YEAH??" he thundered."WELL,WOMAN, I,M STILL MAN IN THIS HOUSE!" He flexed his mighty biceps,each one still quaking with power.Then he attacked! Once again his fist was a guided missile,this time in the form of a deadly right cross.It zoomed toward WILMA'S face on a mission of destruction------only to be stopped by WILMA'S hand.She caught FRED'S fist in her palm,easily absorbing the force of a blow that could have shattered granite. WILMA then began to squeeze FRED'S fist.The bones started to crack and break.FRED yelped like a whipped puppy.With her other hand,WILMA plunged a dynamite-packed fist into his mid-section,bending him forward in agonizing pain.FRED'S insides crumbled with a snap,crackle,and pop.Worse,he began to vomit.WILMA HAD MADE HIM SPIT UP HIS SPINACH! "AWWW,"she said in mock sympathy."Too bad,hon." WILMA then sent her weakened husband flying upward with a brutal uppercut.She had knocked him out of his loincloth.FRED slammed into the roof of the cave,then seconds later,crashed back into the floor. FRED was now naked and helpless.WILMA grabbed his exposed penis,a huge sausage that normally she would enjoy playing with.This time she had a different use in mind.Gripping hard,producing a cry from FRED,she yanked! WILMA used FRED'S cock like a handle,flinging him over her head.She started spinning him like a lasso at top speed! Suddenly,she slammed him back into the floor HARD!The cave shook violently. FRED moaned in pain.But WILMA showed no mercy.She kicked him in the balls,shooting him several feet away,crying like a baby.He landed back in the living room with a bone-crunching crash. He lay bleeding and half-dead,but WILMA wasn't done with him yet!She followed him from the kitchen and snatched him up by the hair. She pulled him to his feet-then let go and stood in the front of him,hands on her hips. "Just to be fair,"she said."I'm gonna let you have one free shot.'Cause it's last one you're gonna get.Gimme your best one." His legs weak,his body in pain,his limp dick sore,FRED tried his best to summon up some inner reserve of strength.With everything he had,he produced a powerful right cross.Even in his weakened condition,it was a blow that could have knocked out a horse.It connected solid with WILMA'S jaw! SHE DIDN'T FEEL A THING! FRED'S hand was now totally broken. WILMA simply smiled."Nice try,sonny-boy." FRED sobbed."M-mama." WILMA responded with a pummeling left jab that mashed in FRED'S face.He spit out two teeth and a pint of blood.He made a pathetic attempt to throw a left of his own.WILMA grabbed his arm and broke it in two across her rock-hard shoulder.IT SNAPPED LIKE A TWIG! FRED'S screams thundered throughout the cave.WILMA drove a tree-thick knee into his balls,producing higher-pitched screams.She grabbed him by his hair again and swung him like a bat into the cave wall.Not letting go,she drove him into the floor-then flung him again into a wall-then tossed him into the air.When he came back down she executed a perfect leaping karate kick to his kidneys,making them squish with yet MORE internal bleeding. FRED hit the floor with a thud. Shaking with weakness and fear,his jaw and nose broken,his left arm useless,wheezing from a collapsed lung,spitting up blood, raising his broken right hand,he pleaded to his conquering wife. "M-M-mercy,"he begged. WILMA looked down at her crushed foe for a moment,inspecting the damage she had done. "Alright,"she said."Stand up." With what little strength he had left,FRED slowly managed to get to his feet.He stood before WILMA on wobbly legs,his head bowed in defeat. WILMA raised his chin with her finger. "I'll show mercy,"she said. THEN SHE RAMMED A CRUSHING FIST AGAIN INTO HIS STOMACH-FOLLOWED BY YET ANOTHER BONE-SHATTERING UPPERCUT! She then continued to destroy her whipped husband with more lefts-and-rights to his gut. TEN-TWENTY-THIRTY-FORTY-----TWO HUNDRED RAPID BODY-KILLING BLOWS! FRED'S arms sagged limp at his sides.He had no strength left.WILMA began to work on his face.ONCE AGAIN LAUNCHING A SEEK-AND-DESTROY MISSION OF MURDEROUS LEFTS-AND-RIGHTS! AGAIN-AND AGAIN-ONE HUNDRED-TWO HUNDRED-THREE HUNDRED-UP TO ONE THOUSAND BLOWS OF HAMMERING DEATH!FRED'S face was a disaster area.Swollen with bruises-BOTH eyes blackened and shut.Blood streaming from his broken nose and torn lips.HIS JAW BROKEN TWICE! WILMA halted her attack and watched the floor soak with FRED'S blood. FRED was about to succumb to his beating.He thought his wife was going to show mercy.He slightly raised his head,barely able to speak. "w-w-wha?---" WILMA understood his confusion. "I said I'd show mercy,'she began to explain."THAT'S WHY I LET YOU OFF EASY." FRED was suddenly even more frightened.He understood what she meant. "That's right,"WILMA continued."If I had kept at it with ALL my strength,YOU'D BE FUCKIN' DEAD!" FRED sobbed-AND PISSED BLOOD! WILMA balled-up and kissed her right fist."Now,like I promised,FREDDY--I'M SENDIN' YOU TO TH' FUCKIN' HOSPITAL!" With lightning speed,WILMA connected with an explosive uppercut she brought up from the floor.There was the mixed sound of thunder and dynamite as another section of FRED'S skull shattered!The titanic force of the blow propelled him through the roof of the cave , creating a primitive sun-roof. FRED'S half-dead body flew over 500 miles, finally landing with a thunderous crash in the emergency room of the nearby local hospital. After examining his broken body,the doctors placed him in the INTENSIVE CARE WARD. FRED was STILL in intensive care after SIX MONTHS.His heavily-bandaged once herculean body not recovering all that rapidly from WILMA'S fist-beating. WILMA fixed the cave good as new.Put it back together by herself-hauling,smashing,and shaping massive rocks and trees with her iron fists and amazonion strength.She filled the kitchen with plenty of meat from wild animals she killed with her bare hands. She visits FRED every week.His battered body still-bandaged and bedridden.She always brings a can of spinach that she feeds to him. "W-Why?"FRED asked feebly one day. "To preserve your health,"answered WILMA."You would die from the beating I gave you without this to renew your strength and build your muscle." FRED gulped a mouthful of spinach and attempted to flex his muscles.His biceps started to bulge with power-then DEFLATED-meekly returning to normal size.FRED almost sobbed. WILMA smiled proudly."Sorry,sweetie.You're STILL way too-whipped for it to take full effect.Maybe-in a year or two-you'll get your full strength back.THEN we can have a REMATCH!" THE END.