Emma's Avenger Ladies Take On The Biker Boys by Emma Peel The Avenger Ladies were like a breath of fresh air as far as the women of the local towns were concerned. Their reputation quickly spread far and wide and the girls became a feared fighting unit. The women felt safer and the men became nervous and backed down whenever the girls were in the vicinity. The Biker Boys were different. Until the Avenger Ladies had burst on the scene, they were the toughest gang around and they didn't take too kindly to having their noses pushed out. The girls had a reputation as a tough gang, tougher than any male gang and the Biker Boys couldn't accept this. The girls had to be taught a lesson. It shouldn't be too difficult. They were just a bunch of girls. They couldn't be as tough as their reputation suggested! The Biker Boys rode into town one Saturday evening in search of The Avenger Ladies to set the record straight. They stopped at the end of the street and revved up their machines to draw attention. "Come out Avengers!" shouted the leader Zak, "we need to talk." They continued revving their engines and shouting, "Come on girls, where are you!" "Here we are!" shouted Hazel at last, "and who are you?" "We're The Biker Boys," said Zak, as the girls came into view and walked towards them. "I'm Zak and this my gang, Josh, Jake, Ratzo and Moshy, and we're the toughest gang in the business and we just want you to know so that you don't get any fancy ideas about being the best." "I'm Hazel," said Hazel, "and this is Margot, Carole, Moira and Liz, and we're Emma's Avenger Ladies, and don't tell me you've ridden all this way just to tell us that you're tougher than we are." "Yeah that's right doll," said Jake, "we're the toughest around." Are you going to prove it?" asked Moira. "Hey we don't want to fight you," said Josh, "we'd hammer you and anyway we'd much rather fuck you than fight you," he grinned. The other Biker Boys laughed. "Well we're not in the fucking mood," retorted Carole, "so I guess you'd better fight us, hadn't you?" "You're kidding aren't you?" asked Zak. "Emma's Avengers don't kid around," said Hazel, "so how do you want to play this. A free for all punch up or individual matches?" "Well if you're really serious about getting your pretty faces beaten up, let's go for individual matches," said Zak, "but you'll be sorry girls." "Can we have your bikes when we've beaten you?" asked Moira. "Hey sweetie, if you win you can take anything you like." "Right then," said Hazel, "Liz fights first and then Carole, Moira, Margot and I'll go last." "Moshy, you take the first tart, then Ratzo, Josh, Jake and then I'll take this babe," said Zak, pointing at Hazel. "Should be home for supper eh boys?" he said with a wink to his mates. "Come on Liz," whispered Moira, "kick his fucking head in." "Yeah let's show these arrogant fuckers that Emma's Avengers are the best," said Carole. Liz stepped forward and stood face to face with Moshy and kicked him in the balls. "You fucking bitch!" he yelled. "If you want to fight dirty then you asked for it," he screamed as he tried a reciprocal kick between Moira's legs. She grabbed his foot and flipped him backwards through the air and onto his back. He got to his feet and swung a punch at her but she blocked it and slammed her right fist into his stomach. He was winded and Liz knew that she had him and pulled his face down onto her rising knee. Blood spurted from his nose as Liz spun round on one leg and sent a karate kick crashing to the side of his head. He hit the ground and was out. Liz raised her hand and received high fives from the other girls. "Want to concede now?" asked Moira, as Carole got ready to take on Ratzo, "No way!" said Zak, "she was just fucking lucky. Show no fucking mercy Ratzo. Fucking kill her if you want!" Ratzo was nervous. He'd just seen his mate destroyed by a girl. He threw a tentative punch, which barely brushed Carole's cheek. That said it all as far as Carole was concerned. Liz had already done the hard work. She'd broken them already by knocking out Moshy. Carole went straight for the jugular and with a perfect judo throw put him on his back. As he struggled to his feet she repeated the exercise, and he was on his back again. "Fight you fucking wimp!" shouted Zak, "she's only a fucking girl, hit the bitch!" Carole flashed Zak a look of disdain and then buried her fist into Ratzo's face and knocked him backwards. A left hook and then a final right hook ended the contest. She knocked him out and he crashed to the ground. Another round of high fives for Emma's Avenger Ladies saluted another victory for the girls. "OK stud, it's your turn now," said Moira mockingly as she pointed her finger at Josh, "your head's going so far up your arse you'll be eating shit for a week!" Josh again displayed signs of nerves from The Biker Boys. The girls definitely held the upper hand and Moira made the most of it. She flew through the air and drop kicked him in the face and then dived on top of him and slammed her knee into his balls. He tried to force himself up and butt her on the nose. She moved her head to the left and avoided his action and then smashed her elbow into his nose instead. "Too slow," she mocked, and then made further contact with her other elbow which, this time, broke his nose. He was finished and Moira became the third lady victor to play high fives. Margot was up next but Jake didn't seem too keen to fight. Three Biker Boys already lay beaten and he didn't want to be a fourth. He turned and ran. "You fucking coward!" bellowed Zak, "you fucking coward! You're out of my gang! Right I'll take all you bitches on!" "Oh no!" said Hazel, "you fight against me." Zaz stormed up to Hazel in a rage. He couldn't take in what was happening. His Biker Boys were getting the beating of their lives from Emma's Avenger Ladies. Zak swung a punch at Hazel but it was the punch of a disoriented and beaten man and it failed to connect. Hazel punched him in the general direction of Margot who, having not had the opportunity to fight, punched him back again. So Hazel punched him back to Margot. "Over to you Hazel," laughed Margot as she punched him back a second time, and Hazel knocked him out with a right hook. "Grab their bikes!" shouted Moira, and Emma's Avenger Ladies roared off into the night leaving The Biker Boys (minus Jake) lying in the street. "Biker Boys make more noise when they play with dinky toys Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la We're the best, we're the cream Avenger Ladies reign supreme Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la" They sang as they roared away in victorious fashion. EMMA PEEL